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15843488 No.15843488 [Reply] [Original]

If ADHD is a fake, made up condition, then what explains the reactions that I and others diagnosed with it have to Adderall and other stimulants? I've never been able to relate with normies who say they used addy for an all nighter studying binge or to help them with a test because it's never had that stereotypical energizing effect on me. Even with a relatively large dose (50mg) I've never gotten that feeling of being "high", it just calms me down and stops my mind from racing so I can actually focus on a task. That sounds like the opposite of what a stimulant should do to a normal person. I don't take Adderall to abuse it and get high like some meth head, I take it because it actually lets me function. The only explanation I can think of is that the dopamine receptors in ADHD people are genuinely fucked for whatever reason and medication is the best way to actually treat the condition.

>> No.15843508

Your brain chemistry is fucked up and stimulants have an apparent reversed effect. People only think ADHD is fake because it's overdiagnosed by quacks who want to profit off of pill sales and students who want legal meth pretend to have it so they can stay awake and study longer.

>> No.15843631

The latter is the one the really gets me. I've had actual factual ADHD my entire life, and now in uni when I hear my classmates that do fine in class and always turn in their work on time claim to have ADHD I want to tear their throat out. You don't fucking have ADHD, you have a cellphone addiction. Fuck sake.

>> No.15843637

>The only explanation I can think of is that the dopamine receptors in ADHD people are genuinely fucked
This is not proven
No psychiatric condition as a proven biologic mechanism
from time to time there's a bunch of shit articles and theories get publicized by the media
>oh ADHD is something to do with dopamine
>oh ADHD is something genetic
>oh ADHD is because your mom took drugs
>oh ADHD is something to do with your brain architecture
>oh ADHD is the number of neuron connections pathology
none of these are proven and they really contradict eachother

IRL 0 (zero) people in the world get diagnosed with ADHD based on any objective factors.

as for your particular circumstance, i cant speak to it for certain. But I am guessing some people feel 'off' when not taking adderal because they are experiencing withdrawals when not on it but instead of realizing it's WD they think it's some underlying disease. And when they take the drug again they feel normal again.

I'll be honest my biggest gripe with ADHD is the premise of
>oh you have this very concrete specific brain condition and the treatment is literally this here METH that german chemists invented in the 19th century
maybe im just a retard, but that sounds absurd to me, like someone is trying to make money off of selling meth

>> No.15843659

>This is not proven
>No psychiatric condition as a proven biologic mechanism
t. retard lol
We're talking about people who fall asleep when you give them caffeine as if it was a CNS depressant. If you haven't experienced it yourself you can sit down and stay out of it.

>> No.15843670

ADHDtard from above. I can attest to the dopamine and genetic factors. Me and brother both have ADHD we inherited from our dad, who likely inherited it from his mom. The dopamine thing is mainly connected to the impulsivity you see in people who actually have ADHD. It also relates to the prevalence of addiction in those with ADHD. Nearly every member of my family with confirmed ADHD has had some sort of addiction (alchohol, shopping/hoarding, eating, nicotine, etc).
As for the withdrawal, I can't speak for every person with ADHD but I definitely displayed a lot of the symptoms before I ever started on medication. My dad only started medication during college and before that he displayed textbook ADHD symptoms to the point where he had to transfer schools multiple times. He stopped taking medication a few years ago due to health problems and his attention span and impulsivity have gotten noticeably worse.
And the most damning evidence of it all: I'm typing this instead of doing the thing I started up my PC to do.

>> No.15843702
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follow the link, find the trials on pubmed

gl with your meth problem

>> No.15843707

>But I am guessing some people feel 'off' when not taking adderal because they are experiencing withdrawals when not on it but instead of realizing it's WD they think it's some underlying disease. And when they take the drug again they feel normal again.
Except that's how I felt when I took my first pill of addy, when I had zero tolerance or experience with the drug. I was expecting to get a jolt of energy and stay up all night based on what I had read about it before, but I actually ended up feeling tired and going to sleep earlier than usual.

>> No.15844429

I definitely have ADHD but stimulants dont make me tired. They don't make me super jittery either. But other than that I have every symptom, even memory problems. What gives?

>> No.15844436 [DELETED] 

One of my services will be to make weapons and allow you the gift vision so it's personally made, but you won't be able to literally make it. I'll also do weapons rooms which correlates with my home building service.

>> No.15844492

>The only explanation I can think of is that the dopamine receptors in ADHD people are genuinely fucked for whatever reason and medication is the best way to actually treat the condition.
The antecedent doesn't support the consequent. Your dopamine receptors being fucked doesn't justify using stimmies until the end of time, because your dopamine receptors aren't static. If you change the availability of dopamine in your system, your system's receptivity to dopamine will adjust in response.
t. actually-fucked dopamine receptors haver, it's called tardive dyskinesia

>> No.15844547

Literally anyone will perform better on adhd medication, regardless if diagnosed or not.

>> No.15844554 [DELETED] 

I am like this mad scientist you wanna ally with for he knows how to create any tech from all eras.

>> No.15844556
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People who claim that ADHD isn't real are either trolls or complete retards.

>> No.15844559

Not true. My girlfriend recently tried some of mine (extremely low dose) and just felt nervous and irritated.

>> No.15844566

It's true, she demonstrated marked improvement in her blowjob skills after you went to sleep.

>> No.15844568 [DELETED] 

Tech is kind of gay actually, especially when created by conventional methods such as mind computing. Gay in the way all tech has this sort of gayness that only requires knowledge if you understand the gay factor of tech. Given I have knowledge, then it would only take adjusting my gayness. It would take 1 years with a hyper intelligent mind(above super intelligent; has a certain effect) in such a position as this to develop this gayness to be able to create any tech with knowledge. I've been in this position for 15 years. Ive been hyper for 5 of those and I have imagined and reimagined all knowledge. If you don't believe I am this mad scientist, it's a severe underestimation.

>> No.15844575 [DELETED] 

You don't know you're right and we're on level ground.

>> No.15844669

>muh adhd
It's just a cope for low iq behavior.

>> No.15844681

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a consistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. It's important to clarify that ADHD is not related to IQ. In fact, individuals with ADHD have a wide range of intellectual abilities, and many are of average or above-average intelligence.

To attribute ADHD to "low IQ behavior" is to misunderstand the complexity of both ADHD and intelligence. IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is a measure of a person's ability to reason and solve problems and is supposed to be independent of emotional, social, and attentional challenges.

The symptoms of ADHD, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, are not indicative of a person's intelligence level. They are, however, indicative of a person's executive functioning, which includes the ability to focus, hold, and work with information in mind, filter distractions, and switch gears. In many cases, people with ADHD are as intelligent as their peers but may require accommodations to help manage their symptoms.

It's crucial to approach this topic with empathy and understanding rather than perpetuating stigma with misinformation. Education on mental health and neurodevelopmental conditions is vital to fostering an inclusive and supportive community for all individuals.

>> No.15844684

Cool LLM hallucination.

>> No.15844710
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>That sounds like the opposite of what a stimulant should do to a normal person.
No that's exactly what a stimulant does, if you do anything stronger like molly/meth the effect is much more pronounced

>> No.15846173

>ADHD is a fake
> the opposite of what a stimulant should do to a normal person
Even if it is fake it doesn't mean you are a normal person.

>> No.15846177 [DELETED] 

MDMA is also has raw hallucinogenic effects. The difference between speed and MDMA is this. MDMA is technically more mind centric of a rush, more powerful than speed and thus power is what branches over into mind. Speed is more a bodily rush and has little to no hallucinogenic effects. That's why sometimes you can dream on the spot while awake on MDMA, and you just want sex on speed.

>> No.15846183 [DELETED] 

Mind ends up ruining the desire for sex on MDMA. But on speed you want sex for many hours. Days even.

>> No.15846185 [DELETED] 
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It is that.

>> No.15846195 [DELETED] 

I am completely pleased with my speed experience. I have no need to do it again. It passed on through me. All those all day soft dick wanks with additional pleasure sense. They paid off what can I say. I would do it again though.

>> No.15846200 [DELETED] 

It restrains you in such the perfect wanking sesh.

>> No.15846206 [DELETED] 

But polite niggas such as yourselves may only have a 5 minuter on speed, too dirty for ones as humble as yourselves.

>> No.15846208

its a real condition caused by viral modification of the brain

>> No.15846444

>dopamine receptors in ADHD people are genuinely fucked

no, its normal but its different

the thing is, humans are biologically different from each other, there are several different sub species for example

>> No.15846731

bro i feel you, Senpai.
Amphetamine, coffee, blue meth, crack cocaine... it makes me 'calm' not 'hyped up' like normies.
It's because of ADHD. It is NOT because of improved focus and performance for a while after dosing, improved mood/euphoria for a while after dosing, the tolerance I have from taking it for months/years, and now the addiction and dependency where if I now need a dose or two to be productive and happy.

>> No.15847741

>people who fall asleep when you give them caffeine
shit maybe i really do have adhd (been suspecting it for a few weeks now)

>> No.15848364

i dont give a fuck about arguing about the existence of adhd but i have it and i fucking hate it. if i didn't have to take a pill to function normally for 12 hours i wouldnt. i try so hard in my studies and i still fall behind because of my memory problems and distraction. i'm going to get a ton of points docked from my grade in one of my classes because i was tardy 5 times, all of which because i forgot something and had to go back for it. if god is real he hates me. i hate being disabled

>> No.15848381

I've done both speed and molly bro, I was just responding to OP's dumbfoundedness on stimulants making you more focused and fixated on shit

>> No.15848459

Because it's not fake

>> No.15848492

speed and molly are drugs.
When I take the adderall MEDICATION that my trusted authority figure DOCTOR prescribes me for ADHD I can relax and focus and really get into what I am studying. It makes me calm and feel GOOD. I've been taking it for two months now, and I can FINALLY focus and study and write papers and long paragraphs with randomly capitalized words. This one time I went to my grandma's house last weekend, and I forgot to bring my prescription. I felt pretty ANXIOUS WITHOUT IT and was relieved to be back home Sunday and take it Monday morning.

>> No.15848818

you are so brave

>> No.15848911

It's supposed to be a disorder with childhood onset, and children are essentially just little microbe distribution centers. I could believe this theory, especially given how Adenovirus 36 has a direct link to obesity and Epstein Barr leads to a gorillian future problems.
I take it you were never blessed with the med shortages. You should really do drug holidays a few times a month to keep from developing dependence

>> No.15849265

I took the ten adderalls in 1 day again bros...

>> No.15849270

>They don't make me super jittery either
You need to take like 50mg of IR adderall to get jitters

>> No.15849272

i agree!

>> No.15849273

That's what really disappointed me about Meth, I expected to tweak and be floating, but it literally just felt like adderall except it fucks your sleep schedule because it lasts so long

>> No.15849355
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Literally the only difference I experienced between them is that Meth dilates your pupils on relatively low doses. I'm assuming due to its slightly higher serotonin-receptor affinity and, most likely, due to its much higher potency compared to Amphetamine. If you take 10mg of Meth, you will instantly notice how much brighter everything is, meanwhile this effect isn't noticeable till 40+mg of Adderall. The differences in perceived scariness and stereotypes among the public with these two drugs is merely a result of Amphetamine being borderline impossible to find on the streets in the States, while Meth can be made at Walmart. If 90% of Adderall users could simply walk up to any homeless person and purchase a gram of Amphetamine powder for $10, instead of only ever having a 30 day supply of filler laced powder that prevents routes of uptake similar to Meth, there would be Amphetamine fiends stripping copper across the country to fund their 4 day porn binges. Which they have all across Europe, a place that doesn't allow amphetamines to be used to treat adhd and uniquely doesn't have a meth problem. Crazy, it's almost like they have the exact same route of action, with the only notable differences in their biological activity being duration and Meth's far superior ability to pass the blood brain barrier due to an added methyl group.
The truth is, they are nearly identical in effect and toxicity, given an equivalent dosage, similar contaminant profiles, and route of administration. This is common knowledge to drug abusers, most Meth heads abuse Adderall and they themselves claim the highs are indistinguishable: To all the retarded midwits with Adderall addictions coping by spreading made up wikipedia horseshit about "direct neurotoxicity, please define direct neurotoxicity. I used to live with an Amphetamine addict, he turned into a kleptomaniac borderline-sociopath after just a year of his addiction starting... where have I heard that before?

>> No.15849453
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I don't care about ADHD, I care about the fact that nobody and nothing can explain my inability to concentrate on problems and I don't have ADHD or symptoms of ADHD aside from an inability to concentrate (and often to remember things)

If I'm ostensibly healthy and motivated and I can't concentrate then my existence is anecdotal evidence against the legitimacy of the idea that neurotypicals can concentrate on anything they choose to concentrate on. Personal experience is a personally objective measure of subjective phenomena

ADHDtards can gargle my balls, they get actual privileges for a condition which is objectively still better than everything I have ever experienced. And I am left with no excuses as a result of the belief that psychiatry is a comprehensive science

>> No.15849541

Are you actually healthy, then?

>> No.15849545

Is ADHD just low impulse control? Sometimes my mind races and I feel like I need to do 100 things except for the task at hand, but if I sit there long enough and put all of my energy and thought into said task, then I can usually push through.

>> No.15849548

Is ADHD just low impulse control? Sometimes my mind races and I feel like I need to do 100 things except for the task at hand, but if I sit there long enough and put all of my energy and thought into said task, then I can usually push through. Is this what people with ADHD experience, except instead of pushing through, they allow their mind to wander and become distracted?

>> No.15849626

Here's a decade long Meth and Adderall addict stating exactly what I said, just in a round about way and with a little added nuance on how ingestion methods affect addiction potential. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS8VjdF86vE
They make Adderall in a way that renders insulffation, injection, and smoking as non-viable or dampened routes of administration. Pure Amphetamine salts can be insufflated, injected, and smoked just like Meth. The most common way to take street Amphetamine is insulffation with injection coming after. The only reason smoking, probably the worst in terms of addiction formation, hasn't caught on is because the only people in the world that take Amphetamine are US University students with Adderall and Austrian junkies that have a firmly ingrained abuse culture going all the way back to the literal discovery of the compound.
The US itself had a 30 year Amphetamine epidemic, long before the Meth epidemic, then the war on drugs took place and made the only viable non-commercial synthesis infeasible for all but the random Amsterdam chemist governed by no such restrictions. The only you don't hear people associating the two more, despite the near identical potential for horrible outcomes, is due to amazing marketing and the fact most research on Amphetamine toxicity and abuse potential halted once it essentially vanished from the black and pharmaceutical markets. Until it was reintroduced as a treatment for ADHD, with the massive Pharmaceutical corporations preferring to fund research that made their basically lifetime cash cows look better, and not just a prettied up form of speed for children. For every 1 study on Amphetamine, not related to ADHD treatment, there is 50 on Meth. To the point where there are hundreds of articles on whether random supplements attenuate meth neuro-toxicity.

>> No.15849633

Except for chronic headaches which make things worse

>> No.15849710

Meth neuro-toxicity is primarily a result of numerous cascading events following disruptions within the dopamine transport system at relatively high doses and dopamine related oxidative stress. To believe that Amphetamine, whose main side effect is a release of large amounts of dopamine just like Meth's, would somehow stop binding to receptors once a critical dopamine threshold was met unlike Meth is beyond fucking retarded. There are other factors that moderate the severity of this toxicity, but the vast majority of them are also shared by both substances, and any that aren't are relatively minor compared to the literal direct destruction of the entire brains reward, motor control, and cognition structures.
These posts are a warning to all who use Adderall to treat ADHD. Your 15-20mg XR may seem like a relatively safe and socially acceptable tool, but you are merely being shielded of the knowledge of it's true nature by a blanket of personal brain abnormalities, greed, and your own ignorance. This protection lies within a small range of a handful of mgs, once you step out, there is genuinely no going back. Sounds overly dramatic, but you truly have no idea how Satanic (the best describe it) these substances are if abused. If ADHD isn't just some made up horseshit and you have it, it will likely only take 1 or 2 small Inklings of the euphoria that lies just outside the safety net. You aren't some strong willed pure soul that would never stoop to the level of those sick junkies, you literally have to take a fucking pill designed for 8 year olds to sit still in class to function. The moment that pill goes from helping you to complete the tasks you don't want to do, to helping you enjoy the tasks you already like doing more, you are fucked.
Do not increase your dose if it stops working suddenly, take a week or two break
Do not take more than one daily dose in 24hrs
Lower your dose if you feel any unwarranted euphoria (easier said than done)

>> No.15849713
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>speed and molly are drugs
What the fuck do you think adderall is, retard, you don't have ADHD, you have downs

>> No.15849730

>it's overdiagnosed by quacks
This is the problem mainly.

>> No.15849908

so, if coffee makes me shake and act like a maniac and I can't fall asleep on it, hours later, I don't have ADHD?

>> No.15849924

Pretty much. But you might develop an anxiety disorder if your body overreacts that much to stimulants.

>> No.15849933

I don't take any stimulants anymore, or are you saying I'm predisposed to it because of my reactions?

>> No.15849935


>> No.15849941

I meant if you drank caffeine regularly despite the symptoms.