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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15839693 No.15839693 [Reply] [Original]

Mods can you please add Latex on /sci/ guide back to sticky?

Aldo general /sci/ meta thread

>> No.15839725

Latex os /g/

>> No.15839759

>latex os
??? os written in latex would be pretty rad

>> No.15839784

Latex is /g/

>> No.15839789

But its mostly used for math stuff

>> No.15839795

I just relized programming is /sci/ and not /g/, you are right, 4chan is all wrong.

>> No.15839797

CSfags don't use LaTeX. It's academia-only.

>> No.15839808

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.15839834

Tex is a programming language

>> No.15839944

So? /g/ is consumer technology board, not programming board

>> No.15840140

i just learned how to do two column papers in latex and one of my group mates called me "extra" for it

>> No.15841793

I don't really understand the need for this language. Is it because creating documents with this more efficient or something?

I translated and recreated a book for some class in university end at start learning it was pain in the ass.

>> No.15841819

Someone post the infographic I lost it on my old hard drive

>> No.15841858

Stop using LaTeX. Start using Typst.

>> No.15841866

with the right mindset it is much better than alternatives. You could create a template in word, but it will not be as robust as a LaTeX template. I once made a template for applications related to my uni, it took me 20min to make it look nice, now whenever I need to write an application for anything I just input my text into it, all other details, including the current date are autofilled, spacing between text blocks is automatically centering due to \hfill.

I have a template for cv, that will always look nice, no matter how many pages it will turn out to be.

I have a template for thesis writing, that I can use for any thesis, and each change is easy to make.

I know you can make automatic table of contents that updates when you shift chapters around in word, or make similar templates, but they often fuck up, ask me whether I want to paste the raw text or the text with formating and font as it was copied. It's a pain and is not modular.

And since word is a WYSIWYG if you want to get rid of something you have to delete it, while in LaTeX you just put % and make it a comment. Makes editing your writing much easier

>> No.15842010

I wish I can do something like [math]f(n) = 2n^2 + 3 \approx O(n^2), \Theta(n!), \Omega(\log n)[/math] when discussing mathematical concepts on /g/ when it comes to time/space complexity analysis of any given code but this is only possible on /g/

>> No.15842040

It’s the final normie filter DEI allows is STEM

>> No.15842312

So CS is not really part of proper academia?
Many suspected so.

>> No.15842367
File: 242 KB, 3600x1300, joseflatex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, even if its just the old joseflatex guide

>> No.15842447

[math]>he~doesn't~know~we~latex~on~this~board [/math]

>> No.15842527

Were you thinking of >>>/s/latex?

>> No.15842887


>> No.15843838

\[e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0\]

>> No.15843839

e^(iπ) + 1 = 0
Good question. How do you latex on this board

>> No.15843844

[math] e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0[/math]

Bitch better be right

>> No.15843850
File: 34 KB, 225x350, 1502983840617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new to /sci/

>> No.15843852
File: 99 KB, 440x600, Paul_Dirac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think so but no. Mostly lurker

>> No.15843857
File: 26 KB, 609x751, 1689633049261258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mostly lurker
Given the state of the board in recent years understand completely
Also if you're using 4chanx there's a TeX button next to the name field that allows you to see what your command looks like before you submit the post

>> No.15843865

[math] (\int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{\sin(x)}{x} \, dx\) [/math]

All good. Not new to latex, just forgot the "[math]" blocks. And yeah it's quite trash atm. Leftist trolls and legitimately triggered /pol/acks. Finished with a side of pseudoscience and general retartivity

>> No.15843868

[math] [/math] FML
It's 4am in Hollandistan. Logging off.

>> No.15843877

Just one more test

[math]delta(x) = \begin{cases}
\infty & \text{if } x = 0 \\
0 & \text{if } x \neq 0

>> No.15843883

I've recently learned LaTeX and the way I see it, you spend a lot more effort on your first time, but the end result is completely polished, whereas in Word it feels like the program is in command and you have to play by its rules. Everything in Word feels interconnected to the point a mistake here leads to a thousand more there.

>> No.15843889

[ math ]

>> No.15843904
File: 84 KB, 1434x675, ltx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15844628

Mods plz

>> No.15844637

why is a latex guide neccessary? taking time to learn it is a waste of time. Just use something that does all the work for you like https://latexeditor.lagrida.com/

>> No.15844660

>why learn multiplication and addition if we have calculators?
>y hv grmm n prop spllg f us hv ctgpt???
more question marks makes chatgpt respond more agressively.

>> No.15844733

What makes you think staff gives a flying fuck about this board? This might be the lowest quality board in all of 4chan because of the incessant lemonpartying from /pol/ and they do absolutely nothing the MOP IT UP.

Fucking do your (free) jobs!

>> No.15844736

ahm, yes. this is /sci/ not a guide to writing academic papers. Or a university programme.

>> No.15844789

Only the highest standards for /sci/ posts

>> No.15845399
File: 1.22 MB, 3000x4000, IMG-20231016-WA0052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for no reason at all. You opened this thread for nothing

>> No.15846310


>> No.15846675

What do you guys use for LaTex on Linux? I've been using Overleaf, but it's getting kinda slow.

>> No.15846848

I use vim and zathura with latexmk configured to output synctex so they can communicate with each other

>> No.15846869
File: 18 KB, 491x327, Screenshot_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to make this in metapost? I can do the circles, but what exactly is the optimal way of doing the C set?

>> No.15847814

typst will nerf LARGHTEC from existence

>> No.15847815

>This might be the lowest quality board
then why are you even here, redtard?

>> No.15847818

Doesn't it make all documents look boring as fuck? I also work with rare writing systems and couldn't attach the fonts I needed to that piece of shit.

>> No.15848425

>Doesn't it make all documents look boring as fuck?
No, not really.
>I also work with rare writing systems and couldn't attach the fonts I needed to that piece of shit.
Computer Modern is good enough.

>> No.15848918

>Computer Modern
does it include ᛆ or ?
See, what I'm sayng?


>> No.15849758 [DELETED] 

nope, /g/ user here. /sci/ is for actual cs and /g/ is for bootshitters, webshitters, and general pajeetery

>> No.15849763


/g/ user here. /sci/ is for actual cs and /g/ is for bootshitters, webshitters, and general pajeetery

i use latex. for personal stuff

its garunteed that no one will understand what youre talking about as soon as you pull the asymptotes out

>> No.15850049

How do I rotate text in metapost?

>> No.15850059

Get outta here with your fucking dollar signs for math mode.

>> No.15850156

its a markup language, it cant do any computations.

>> No.15850177

literally retarded

>> No.15850186

LaTeX is Turing-complete.

>> No.15850209

So is magic the gathering (https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09828)) that doesn't make it a programming language or on topic for /g/

>> No.15850238
File: 1.10 MB, 850x984, SciPersonalities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or on topic for /g/
This, however, is /sci/.

>> No.15850253

Anon is saying that it's not on topic for the other board which this thread might go on. Also yes, this is on topic, anything related to Latex is.