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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15843005 No.15843005 [Reply] [Original]

Was this real and true or proven to be fake and gay?

>> No.15843012

>the state of this board

>> No.15843046

Yes, Emoto found very unusual results.
water has peciliar properties.
In another test he found that giving tap water to a buddhist priest and having him bless it changed the crystal structure of the ice.

There's a new zealand woman who thinks at water and then freezes it to get weird pictures.

At some point in the future I intend to devote seriuos time digging into the weird water phenomena topic.

>> No.15843050

>>15843005 (OP)
>the state of this board

>> No.15843051

Don't waste your time

>> No.15843060

It appears this thread belongs on >>>/x/, which is another board dedicated to Paranormal phenomena. This is not Science, nor is it Math. For future reference, when thinking about posting a thread to this board, consider the following:

Is my topic about Science?
Is my topic about Mathematics?
Is my topic about Science & Mathematics?
Is my topic about Science or Mathematics?

If none of the above apply to your topic, you may need to find another board to post your topic. Otherwise, this thread is off-topic and extremely low quality. Here at >>>/sci/, we pride ourselves on cultivating a hard-working, intellectually rich and prosperous community of different systems of belief and approaches to furthering the general knowledge of mankind as a conscious species. We believe in freewill and qualia, and we have experiences that help us define and discover the next realm of cutting-edge Science & Mathematics.

If your thread topic is not in line with the ideals we so fervently uphold on this board, it's necessary to consider posting it elsewhere.

Thank you.

>> No.15843063

I feel like talking to you would be a massive waste of time

>> No.15843068

Why are you scared of experiments on water?

>> No.15843072

Based water memory noticer

Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier also did research on this topic.

>> No.15843085

>This is not Science, nor is it Math
Why would you go to /x/ to ask if there is any scientific basis to Emoto's "discoveries." Obviously he claims they are scientific observations, not paranormal ones.
If you can change your biology via epigenetics then perhaps thoughts can be measurable. Out bodies are made of water. Our thoughts change how we feel. Our thoughts change how others feel. Scowling at someone will make them feel differently than a look of admiration. What if this could be applied to water in a measurable way? Emoto claims so. You can scientifically refute him, but your post does not.

>> No.15843089

Gerald Pollacks 4th phase water research seems relevant.

>> No.15843095

I feel like you talking to water would be better for this board since it means you cannot comment nonsense during that time. Go on, do it and report back on >>>/x/.

>> No.15843102

>Out bodies are made of water.
No they're not.

>Our thoughts change how we feel.
Thank you for conceding substance dualism. Physicalism/materialism does not hold.

>Scowling at someone will make them feel differently than a look of admiration.

>What if this could be applied to water in a measurable way?
Water is not sentient.

>Why would you go to /x/ to ask if there is any scientific basis to Emoto's "discoveries."
Because the topic is paranormal woo.

>> No.15843107

Who was the guy that found ice freezing in peculiar shapes on a butcher shop's glass window? He thought the shapes were somehow being affected by the heart and other organs displayed there

>> No.15843160

>No they're not.
OK, but without water our bodies could not exist
>Physicalism/materialism does not hold.
no shit
>Water is not sentient.
no shit, so what would the implications be if our thoughts alone influence water at the molecular level? Or I could act like a faggot like you and say
any retard could realize that, that doesn't make it a rule

>> No.15843177

>OK, but without water our bodies could not exist
Retard conclusion. Without carbon our bodies could not exist. Without hydrogen our bodies could not exist. Without oxygen our bodies could not exist. Without nitrogen our bodies could not exist. Without the amine group our bodies could not exist. Without the carboxylic acid group our bodies could not exist. Without amino acids our bodies could not exist. Without nucleotides our bodies could not exist. Without hydrogen bonding our bodies could not exist. What is your fucking point?

>no shit
Nice concession.

>no shit
Nice concession, I accept.

>what would the implications be if our thoughts alone influence water at the molecular level
The implications would be paranormal. You have not discussed any viable theoretical framework by which the mental plane directly influences the physical without the brain as a mind-body receptor. We can do this with other systems that have this mind-body receptor, but we cannot do this with systems (like water) that do not have a mind-body receptor. Otherwise, by what phenomenon do you believe the mental affects the physical?

>any retard could realize that, that doesn't make it a rule
That's not proof. Also not an argument. Scowl at an autistic retard. Scowl at someone who is blind. Scowl at someone from a culture so far removed from your own that the expression is meaningless to them. Fucking idiot.

Just go ahead and die.

>> No.15843182
File: 60 KB, 1000x871, 1699074727200483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm meant to be is much much worse

>> No.15843185
File: 105 KB, 227x600, Sopdu_as_a_man.webp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my poo

>> No.15843188
File: 31 KB, 641x530, 1698231012094403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Sopdu is actually a great character and so may be the blacks if we can measure our ways and ascend passed primal era tech which is the reason for this stillbirth.

>> No.15843195

Everyone has this star character in their race. The whites have one. It's the guys voice in the Bible. It's spoken like a true fairy tale. The blacks have one too. He's more meta obsessed and in sync. If we can re imagine the situation, even to have a imaginary earth where things are perfect. There's no reason all races cannot benefit each other socially, creatively and technically.

>> No.15843201

You're a retard for even entertaining this.

>> No.15843206

Why? remote viewing experiments have repeatedly demonstrated the power of the mind to interact with matter independently.

>> No.15843209

Go back to >>>/x/

>> No.15843227

remote viewing has better replicability than asprin, pretty much anyone can do it.
Why do you consider it not relevant to /sci/?

>> No.15843229

Remote viewing does not work. go back to /x/, retard.

>> No.15843287

You are literally denying reality at this point given the amount of evidence.

>> No.15843290

>vibrations.... effect water molecules?

>> No.15843735

>This is not Science
It is if someone replicates the experiment. Stop treating science like a list of things you're allowed to take seriously. It's just a process of figuring out how much we know about something, which can be applied to woo just as much as anything else.

>> No.15843768

How do snowflakes learn Japanese?