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File: 56 KB, 330x270, hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1583940 No.1583940 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that Hawking would have made even greater contributions to science if he wasn't crippled than he has in the state he is now in? Would he be regarded as an even greater genius (Einstein tier) or would nobody care about him because being the weird robot guy is the main reason he is famous in the first place?

>> No.1583947

Isn't he famous for writing popsci, a few interesting books, and discovering some kind of radiation?

>> No.1583952

What is really lolsome is that when its concluded that the lorentz invariance doesn't work at all scales; all his work will be for nothing.

>> No.1583954

no, but he would have licked your mother pussy more frequently.

>> No.1583970

He has Cerebral Palsy for the record. He is a real human interest story. He's disabled, and well bodied people are lazy as fuck and doing nothing. He did a few books, and got his name on Hawking Radiation

>> No.1583987
File: 20 KB, 280x390, SNN01TV1P_280_1035417a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has recently been discovered that Hawking's machine was misinterpreting his movements. What he has been saying all the time was "Please kill me" over and over again. Instead the machine said random shit about physics that doesn't make any sense.

>> No.1583992

He'd be less notable if he were not crippled. Still notable, especially since people seem to dig black holes.

>> No.1583998

We know that, but can he make flip flop a new fashion rule for women in their mid-forties and rappers?
I don't think so!

>> No.1584009

I think he'd be making greater contributions to science if he would stop predicting the end of the world like a psycho faggot

>> No.1584032


>> No.1584039


muscular dystrophy =/= cerebral palsy

>> No.1584040

but, he was studying physics before he became cripples

>> No.1584051

>born in kent
>speaks in an american accent

>> No.1584085


lawl ALS != muscular dystrophy

No doubt he'd be less notable as a healthy person, but I wonder if his focus is partly due to his disease. I mean maybe he'd rather be out playing frisbee and fucking shemales all day, instead he's sat inside most of his life reading books and thinking about shit.

>> No.1584102


>> No.1584116


wait no, it's ALS.

>> No.1584119
File: 3 KB, 209x215, ,,,,,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying ALS is not a neuromuscular disorder

>implying neuromuscular disorders don't fall under the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy

>implying I don't have a rare form of muscular dystrophy myself

Your other point is valid though.

>> No.1584144


Oh well in that case...

ALS ⊆ muscular dystrophy


>> No.1584148

he proves you don't need to be perfect to be a good person. I think he wasn't born with it, I reckon the government did it cause he

>broke the rules

>> No.1584206

I remember watching a few documentaries on his life. They mentioned that he wasn't even serious about his degree before the disease started. He only started to get serious when his disease started to take full effect and he still wanted to contribute to the world.

>> No.1584208

I don't aways resort to ad hominem, but when I do, it's because Aether's being a massive tool.

>> No.1584286

>ad hominem

I learned this word a few weeks ago on a science forum, and suddenly in the past few weeks it's appeared everywhere, and lots of people are using it.

>word virus

>> No.1584387

nonsense. Why would he need to study physics if his body was totally fine?

>> No.1584428

Commonly called by creationists

>> No.1584475

I think he still would be a brilliant physicist.

>> No.1584497

no famous for explaining that + blackholes + other crap

>> No.1584538

ad hominem is latin
realized by latin scholars

shit's fucking old

>> No.1584557

You actually just start noticing it more.

>> No.1584616

Ok. That still explains the word virus doesn't it. Because it is now imprinted in my mind.

>> No.1584629

look up 'fallacies'

creationists tend to fuck up and use every fallacy
it's fun to point out to them which fallacy they're using

>> No.1584674


Look up "false assumptions"
Atheists tend to make "false assumptions" often.
Especially when talking about creation.
They also seem to skip major parts of life to create further "false assumptions",

Like the fact they have a front and a back, 2 opposite sides and a top and bottom. Or how they can look/move forwards and backwards, up or down and left or right - they tend to claim "troll" another "false assumption" when addressed with this point.

Once asked, "what type of universe are we in?" they usually make the "false assumption" of "a strange one" rather than the obvious "cubic" one. Seeing as the earth is round and not flat, I find this interesting. Perhaps it's through education that Atheists develop some kind of dodgey input, where they see life as a bunch of equations and words, rather than the true image.

>> No.1584733

i'm not talking about athiests i'm talking about people who don't use reason
anyone who doesn't look at evidence to come to concluisons is stupid
anyone who uses a book to prove something simply because the book says it's true is stupid

saying we live in a strange universe isn't implying we don't live in 3d, nor is it implying we live in a universe which has expanded in the shape of a cube

flat universe

>> No.1584750
File: 67 KB, 300x321, putinseriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please stop responding to this faggot

>> No.1584879

As if the evidence is in books, rather than through observing. You're so fucking poisoned, you're beyond help. You think this is reality because you accept it as so, when really it's a false illusion.

Explain to me how the universe was created, before the big bang you don't know, you have huge theories which are basically long lists of words. You seem the believe that to understand the universe you have to become educated in science, when really, you just need to observe life, and notice the similarities.

I know, without previous education, that defined "time" and defined "attraction" created the universe. It's a fact to me, as that's exactly how we create babies. We use time, and love, to breed. It's also how we eat, we use time, and use food which we are attracted to, to eat..

>> No.1584906

>really it's a false illusion
>before the big bang

have any idea of how stupid that sounds