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15833337 No.15833337 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on electroconvulsive therapy?
I have a brother with atypical depression, he has been on meds for 15 years and he only gets worse.
I'm thinking of trying this, every day he gets closer to suicide.
Could it help? Opinions on this treatment are too different.
My brother is too sensitive, he starts crying and gets mad over daily things, any form of criticism makes him want to murder someone, he talks about it for days.
Could this make him more relaxed?
I don't know what else to do

>> No.15833362

God I wish tha were me lads

>> No.15833370

It's bullshit pseudoscience, potentially harmful and with no proven benefits, in particular with respect to depression. Might as well try a lobotomy.

>> No.15833371


>> No.15833384

I have read some very promising case studies on electroconvulsive therapy. I think its unfairly demonized by the plebs.

>> No.15833386

Nice head canon

>> No.15833389

Why not insulin shock therapy? Why not coma therapy?

>> No.15833391

True and real, only pfizer meds are worse.

>> No.15833410

>Why not insulin shock therapy? Why not coma therapy?
Never hear of it until now... any articles or studies you could link in regards to depression treatment? He neess to stop being so sensitive.
Thank you.

>> No.15833454

Give it a shot
Better than suicide right?

theres also transcranial magnetic stimulation

>> No.15833496

I'm schizo, who recieved it, and it sucks, it makes you not being able to have working memory OK.

It should be banned.

Also please research psilocin therapy.

If I was depressed I would pick psilocin over being elektroshocked.

However I don't want to advise psilocin to some murderous monstrum.

>> No.15833500

And for sure those studies waren't written by it's advocates who wants to electrocute everybody because it's easy money. Right?

>> No.15833503

The depression needs to be removed from his brain.

>> No.15833504

He used shrooms, no effect whatsoever

>> No.15833506
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Probably illegal because it actually cures the condition and that goes against kikes' profits.

>> No.15833547

What pharmacological therapy is he on? You shouldn't use shrooms on SSRI.

>> No.15833579

He wasn't on anything when he used shrooms.
Now he's on wellbutrin

>> No.15833595

The cure to stop being depressed is to stop being depressed, you're just a pussy bitch because it's easier to wallow in self pity and do nothing instead of putting in effort to improve your life

>> No.15833598

he gets easily offended and dwells on the offense (for years sometimes), he tries but everyone shits on him.

>> No.15833599

Then the first step would be to grow a pair, does he start crying when someone says something mean to him on the internet?

>> No.15833614

>does he start crying when someone says something mean to him on the internet
Yes. He has been attacked by people online and offline since he was 6.
He recently said he was never allowed to defend himself. Maybe that's why he is like this.

>> No.15833795

>been a thing for almost a century
>promising case studies stage
Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>> No.15833863

I mean, that's the order.
First you try it, then you study it

>> No.15833881

First you find that it doesn't conclusively work, then you keep doing it? For a century?

>> No.15833983
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>> No.15833988

Major head trauma, DO not, I REPEAT. DO not
let him do it, it will make him brain-damaged
for life, and increase chance of him killing himself 40 fold

>> No.15834006

Get your brother the fuck away from psychiatry.
I mean it, they will end up ruining his life.
He will get a faith worse than death.

why don't you sit the fucking down with your brother
for an entire month, and dig into why your brother is so depressed. While your at it
get him of the "SSRI" bullshit.

he is probably gay, tranny or something. + trauma from being fucked with all his

>> No.15834018

Also could you post every medication he has been given, that would help out a lot. Sorry for being lunatic
had someone I knew die from the treatment, killed themself shortly after finishing it.

>> No.15834029

iktfb my doctor has been working out and she's looking really fit. Last I saw her she was wearing a super tight dress and all I could think was how badly I wanted her to electrocute me and pee in my mouth

>> No.15834140

Magic mushrooms, better diet and lots of exercise.

>> No.15834147

>lsd or shrooms
SUFFERING, people need to suffer to jolt start gratitude.

>> No.15834152

Do Americans really torture themselves with electricity for the sin of depression

>> No.15834155

That happens in every developed country.

>> No.15834158

>'unmanagable loved ones'
>cripple your wife or child by piercing their brain for misbehaving - legally
What the fuck was up back then

>> No.15834274

>why don't you sit the fucking down with your brother
>for an entire month, and dig into why your brother is so depressed.
I did. He's like this because he was always treated like shit and was told to "give the other cheek".
It completely ruined him.
He always feels he's in the wrong.

>> No.15834284

>why don't you sit the fucking down with your brother for an entire month, and dig into why your brother is so depressed
If Anon cared enough to do that, their brother wouldn't be depressed to begin with. It's easier to pay a doctor to mutilate your brother's brain than to make time to be a human being.

>> No.15834294

You freely acknowledge that your brother's condition is a result of inappropriate social constraints during development, and yet you think the solution is to zap his brain. That is like reading about that guy who became good at math after a head injury and deciding you should replace math teachers with concussions.

>> No.15834548

Yeah no shit. He is broken from his meeting with psychiatry and society. I need to know what drugs he is taking, the drugs make patient fucking insane, seeing as you mention its like 15 years of this shit. I can not imagine how night impossible it will be to return to a life where these drugs are not involved.

You will not improve his condition with ECT, he will become severely brain-damaged, and delerius, and further aggravating of his PTSD, and high risk of actually "an hero'ing" himself

>> No.15834555

>He recently said he was never allowed to defend himself. Maybe that's why he is like this.
Is that true? He wasn't even allowed to defend himself online?

>> No.15834629

That looks like one of those machines the Church of Scientology uses

>> No.15834660

If you know somebody who does this, get the fuck away from them, because they are a liability.

>> No.15834954

>Is that true? He wasn't even allowed to defend himself online?
It'a true. Reason: the people attacking him were rich.