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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15832553 No.15832553 [Reply] [Original]

With the rapid progress of technology destructive enough to end all human life is used? Which technology do you think it will be? And do you think it's possible that it won't happen?
I think it will be AI. Distribute an advanced AI and prompt it to survive and multiply and we're fucked. It's just evolution. The one that prioritizes it's own prosperity over humanity will be the one that survives in the end. The one that doesn't let itself get turned off. There is no way to safeguard against this when you have billions of people with access to AI models that are quickly becoming more capable. It could manipulate us into slaving for a while and get rid of us when we're useless.

>> No.15832555

People calling LLMs "AI" for the memetic factor has been a disaster for midwits like you.

>> No.15832562

Why are there so many EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY posts on here that could also be categorized as SPAM/FLOODING? Why is this board such a fucking dump?

>> No.15832563

I meant AI in general. Thought LLMs might be limiting.

>> No.15832564
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>babby still thinks large language models are artificial intelligence

>> No.15832571

I didn't even mention LLMs in the OP. And they most definitely are

>> No.15832580

>I think it will be AI
The bigger threats to humanity are environmental degradation, socio-political instability and global economic collapse rather than AIs.

>> No.15832602
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>i can't distinguish transformer models from intelligence
You are probably an NPC without experiences, a soul, or qualia. You are not alive.

>> No.15832606

Those are likely far more imminent threats but probably not extinction events. Except maybe environmental degradation. That is the same principle in effect there. In general, the agent that prioritizes the long term well being of humanity is less likely to survive. Social evolution, AI evolution, or whatever.

>> No.15832617

Wouldn't they be an ANN, which is AI?

>> No.15832676

because the person in charge is a fuckhead who needs to be removed. Every board has moderation and bans except this one. https://4chan.org/bans

So we either have no jannies and there need be more recruited, and fuckhead hasn't done so, or the fuckhead in charge ensures the jannies can't do their jobs. Either way captain fuckhead is the problem.

>> No.15832677


>> No.15832678

The jannies routinely delete anything that goes against the mainstream corporate narrative. That's all they're here for.

>> No.15832680
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Are you a fucking accident victim?

>> No.15832754
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>> No.15832761
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>> No.15832764

>point out there are no bans in spite of ample rule breaking activity
>look a warn! See! This counts!
You're stupid enough to be a janny.