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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1582378 No.1582378 [Reply] [Original]

Good day, esteemed gentlemen.

I have hypothesized that energy and matter are the same thing.
As in matter is just energy which exceeds the speed of light and interacts with multiple instances of the higgs field as it goes back through time, thereby giving it significant mass and becoming matter.

The speed of light is merely the upper limit of velocity that can be achieved while still remaining energy rather than matter.

As for the problem with it changing position as matter moves around, I think perhaps it works by energy going faster than the speed of light interacting with peaks and grooves in the higgs field and that everything is esentially being created from end to beginning from our perspective.
That time moves in one "direction" while matter and energy actually moves in the opposite "direction".
Like one of those old music boxes where the pins on the cylinder are the particles interacting with peaks in the higgs field and the teeth of the steel comb is one "section" of time.
Infinitely more complex ofcourse but that's just to give you an idea what I'm getting at.

Perhaps time as we understand it is actually standing still and the energy flowing backwards through the medium of "time" is percieved by us as progressing through time.
And along the way it reacts with a constantly changing or "fluid" higgs field which creates notes of matter if you will.
Creating the symphony that we know as life.

What do you think?
Silly, I know but it's still a fun thing to consider.

>> No.1582394

>The speed of light is merely the upper limit of velocity that can be achieved while still remaining energy rather than matter.

Yeah, but youre saying energy becomes matter when it exceeds the speed of light. But thats kind of backwards, because matter is the thing that cant exceed the speed of light, and "energy" which I think you are referring to photons always goes the speed of light. I dont even know what Im trying to argue against anymore.

I like this kind of conversation, but nothing you said clicked in my brain.

>> No.1582398
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An actual interesting concept on sci?
>My face

>> No.1582427


>> No.1582433

Not science unless you can prove it through an experiment. Otherwise I can say fairies push everything around, but we can't see them.

>> No.1582439 [DELETED] 

Well, no I'm not talking about photons but actual energy.

In theory if it goes faster than the speed of light it moves "backwards" through time thereby interacting with the same point in the higgs field on multiple occasions.

However the hypothesized "fluidity" of the higgs field would keep the matter from building up infinitely as it would at certain times be high in concentration in one place and a while later be low in concentration in the same spot.
Like a puddle of some sort of viscuous liquid with ripples going through it's surface all over the place.
There would be high points and low points.

>> No.1582435

Lay of the drugs

>> No.1582444


Well, no I'm not talking about photons but actual energy.

In theory if it goes faster than the speed of light it moves "backwards" through time thereby interacting with the same point in the higgs field on multiple occasions.

However the hypothesized "fluidity" of the higgs field would keep the matter from building up infinitely as it would at certain times be high in concentration in one place and a while later be low in concentration in the same spot.
Like a puddle of some sort of viscuous liquid with ripples going through it's surface all over the place.
There would be high points and low points.

>> No.1582446

I suppose experiments just spring up in labs out of nowhere then?
Imagination is quite important when it comes to discovering new things.

>> No.1582459
File: 7 KB, 190x265, Yes quite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, quite.

>> No.1582460

>Exceeding the speed of light

There's your problem

>> No.1582461

And before people get on me about it being ridiculous, I'm not staing it as fact.
If you think it's idiotic and not worth considering then don't or alternatively try disproving it.
If you think it's an interesting concept that bears even a tiny shred of merit then great.. try proving it.
As it stands now I do not have the resources to neither prove or disprove my claims through experimentation.
All I can do is think about it along with many other interesting ideas.

>> No.1582462

You don't need experiment, you just need enough math thoroughly explain this theory. If you can mathematically describe the fairies, and they are consistent with established theory, then it would be fine.

>> No.1582476

Define 'energy' for me.

>> No.1582481

That's part of the point.
We don't know what energy is yet.
That's what made me think about this in the first place.

>> No.1582485
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>My face when intriguing discussion about scientific ideas on /sci/

>> No.1582490

>We don't know what energy is yet.

We dont know what energy is in the same sense we dont know what matter is. Or in other words, we know full well what both are but there is a certain extent to which we have to just say it exists.

>> No.1582507

The difference being what exactly?
How does energy become matter?
Sure if you burn a bit of wood it becomes energy and some matter but how about the other way around?
That's what I'm talking about here. I'm not trying to define exactly what energy is.

I appreaciate your input though.

>> No.1582509

Energy can't move faster than light
Energy is invariant through time
You have no idea what the higgs field is.

>> No.1582547

>Energy can't move faster than light

How do you know that? Are you 100% sure about that? Have you personally performed experiments dealing with the subject and documented that it is impossible?

>Energy is invariant through time

Same as above. Show me some documentation on this.

>You have no idea what the higgs field is.

True. But does anyone really? This is a hypothesis just like the higgs field.
An Idea. That is all.

I want people to disprove my idea but atleast show me some proof of why it can't be possible rather than just saying it isn't.
Disproving ideas also advances science so I'm all for it.
Just please.. think about it before you say it can't be true. Consider it.
People used to say the earth was flat.. and some unfortunately still do. Don't be one of them.

>> No.1582578
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>> No.1582579

OP, give up. You're a pseudo-intellectual making up your own convoluted 'theories' with the mental caliber of a child.

>> No.1582585

Atleast I'm keeping an open mind and trying to think out of the box.
What about you?

>> No.1582588

Wheres your theory then? Faggot.

>> No.1582599
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>> No.1582600

Stringing together phrases you hear on Morgan Freeman's Through The Wormhole in ways that seem freaky isn't actually how scientific theories are formed.

Buy a physics text, read it, understand the terms you are using and the laws that describe their interaction. Then come up with a new theory.

>> No.1582603



>> No.1582609

You have to know what the box is before you can think outside it.

>> No.1582617

and I helped!

>> No.1582623
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>> No.1582636

I actually have never seen that show. Is it any good?

Also, I am trying. I read up on it whenever I get the chance and I watch lectures and things like that, trying to gain knowledge and perhaps some experience by doing thought problems.

I hardly think that warrants childish insults and immediate rejection.
Just because I don't have a masters degree in physics and what have you doesn't mean that everything I say has to be complete bullshit.
It's a hypothesis. Just something to think about.
And a proper man of science wouldn't dismiss new ideas as nonchalantly as people here seem to.

>> No.1582649
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yes, we would.

>> No.1582680 [DELETED] 

Thomas Junyszek

>> No.1582692
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>> No.1582701

I don't know who that is...

Thank you for that.

>> No.1582728
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>> No.1582753
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>My face when someone steals this idea or comes up with a similar one and proves it in 20+ years

I don't care if the idea makes sense or not, atleast it's not the standard religious spam and shit we normally see here.

>> No.1582757
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ITT You all mad

>> No.1582792

>I have hypothesized that energy and matter are the same thing.

Stopped reading here. This is really old news. I would assume that with all the circle-jerking that goes on in /sci/, they would have read up on this by now.

>> No.1582841

>NIgga stopped reading too early, missed the point

>> No.1582856

Okay, let me try to explain some of the reasons why what you are saying makes no sense. First of all, things do not move backwards in time if they were to somehow go faster than light. The correct statement is that if something were to travel faster than light in one reference frame, it moves backwards in time in some other reference frame. This is because of relativity of simultaneity; whether the time of departure comes before the time of arrival depends on your frame of reference. But in either frame, the departure and arrival points are very far from each other in space, so the particle wouldn't be meeting past copies of itself. And if something did go straight back in time without moving, it would see multiple copies of itself, not multiple copies of the Higgs field.

>> No.1582859
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>mfw aether/ego/nas came up with this idea two-weeks ago and spammed it here everyday, and then you finally understand his point then post it like it was your own idea


>> No.1582906
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>Your face when you are aether\ego\nas and you are here to take credit for others ideas.

>> No.1582921

>The speed of light is merely the upper limit of velocity that can be achieved while still remaining energy rather than matter.

wow, that's a cool concept

>> No.1582915

Aether is Ego?

Explains the trolling.

>> No.1582927
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>> No.1582943
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>> No.1582958

O.. I c.

What would happen if a
"Super-Massive White Hole"
Collided with a
"Super-Massive Black Hole"

>> No.1582967

Super massive grey hole bro

>> No.1582970

the black hole would rape the white hole, and their kids would eventually go to jail.

>> No.1582985

Current theroy, "Time Light" possible at the same time. - Hawkins.

My theory, "Time Gravity(Love)" possible at the same time. Creating "Energy" in the process.

Super massive time-hole
Super massive gravity-hole

fak yeh, greatest scientist ever

>> No.1583002
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What the fuck does this have to do with anything?

>> No.1583013
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What the fuck?
I go to take a shower and everything turns to shit.
I am disappointed in you, /sci/.

>> No.1583014

Wave Lengths - Gravity - Light - mass - energy - another Wave Lenth.

>> No.1583023

Cool theory bro, but wheres the math to support it?

>> No.1583042

Well. It works, now I know how existence occured, I can focus on living life, saving the starving kids around the world and building a better civilization.. while you faggots spend years of your life trying to prove it.

>> No.1583058
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bascially this
k, now we know how life came about, let's save nature so we last longer

>> No.1583077
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This thread contains a couple of open minded individuals trying to explain the intricate nature of out of the box thinking to a bunch of close minded fools don't realize that scientists have not yet discovered everything and that textbooks are constantly being updated aswell as theories to account for new discoveries.
Woefully unaware that while they may be adept at solving mathematical problems born of other peoples visions they lack the imagination to make grand contributions to their scientific field and are merely cogs in a machine powered by the ideas of great, open minded thinkers.

What a sad day this is...

>> No.1583084
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What the fuck are you on about this time, ego?

>> No.1583120

I never claimed it wasn't science, did I?
I think you're one of those NPD kids, maybe you should look clearly at yourself and your attitude as your glibness pays you no credit -- either way, you're still a fucking cunt who believes that 'hard-work' should be more respected than 'correct-work'; doesn't work like that I'm afraid, look at the pyramids for example, wtf?

>> No.1583338
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No I don't, silly boy.
Merely that an open mind and imagination is just as important if not more so, than working out the problems in the theories.
Ofcourse that is important aswell but without the open mindedness there wouldn't be many scientific problems to work with as we would all be mindless slaves to various religions and fighting wars all over the globe because the other religions are wrong and therefore must be evil- Oh wait.

>> No.1583361
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And also, This >>1583077 was not directed at you personally but the thread as a whole.
Someone seems alittle self-absorbed.

>> No.1583368
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Best thread on /sci/ all week.

>> No.1583386

The textbooks get updated by people who go through and LEARN all the existing science first.

Throwing around sciency words that you don't understand is /sci/ence, not science. And it is gay and useless.

>> No.1583428


the problems in a certain science have to be resolved to such a point that the unresolved one are so apparently unsolvable from within the paradigm for a new paradigm which is able to solve those problems to be accepted by a scientific community.

more of sci needs to read Kuhn. it takes both kinds of science, revolutionary and normal to progress our understanding of the world

>> No.1583441

Well said.

If you want to revolutionize science, you have to apply imagination to a thorough and detailed understanding of the available facts. You can't just apply imagination to herp derp.

>> No.1583454

i once thought of something very similar to this before as well. I will worry about looking into it more once i have a greater understanding of the universe. we dont have math or observation to back it up so thats that. it's suprissing how many people have the same idea as onesself, so maybe this idea isnt so amazing.

>> No.1583584

The slight connection of OP's discourse with reality is this: A quantum wave has a phase velocity, and that phase velocity = c^2/v, where v is the group velocity, or particle velocity. So a massless particle has a phase velocity and group velocity of c, whereas a massive particle has a phase velocity greater than c. The smaller the velocity of the particle, the greater above c is its the phase velocity of its wave, as the group velocity goes further below c.

There's probably some insight into the difference between energy and matter to be gleaned in that.


Of course, that doesn't mean that matter is moving backward through time. However, according to Feynman, antiparticles ARE moving backwards through time.


>> No.1583609
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Metal plates release discrete quantized photonelectrons when electromagnetic light above a certain frequency f is shone onto the plate.

>> No.1583630

Nice theory, but what's wrong with it is that thing about energy faster than speed of light, energy doesn't have speed it isn't matter that's moving through space, the only thing that resemble moving energy is particles that carry with them energy like as been mentioned before photons and these particles move through space.

>> No.1583642


>> energy doesnt have a speed.

>> Implying discrete wavepackets of light do not travel at c

>> No.1583682

I still hadn't study this particular topic so if I'm wrong I'll be happy if you correct me, but I said energy doesn't have speed and as for as I know light wave are photons and the photons themselves have speed as I implied before.

>> No.1583710


They're still just energy. Vibrations in the electromagnetic field.

>> No.1583731

Energy is carried by particles. If those particles are massless, their speed is c. If those particles are massive, their speed is <c.

>> No.1583736

Well not just energy, currently the photons support the Wave–particle duality model

>> No.1585045
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This insterests me.
Please discuss it further. Lol

>> No.1585074


>> No.1585102

Tardyons < c
Photons = c
Tachyons > c

>> No.1585250
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>My face when TARDyons are slow