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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 640x480, raep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1582231 No.1582231 [Reply] [Original]


Read that shit, /sci/. Evidence suggests that life without oxygen is entirely possible.
"The water in the brine lake does not mix with the water above and so ran out of oxygen long ago. Instead, the toxic gas hydrogen sulphide oozes from the black mud. It's the last place you would expect to find animals. But that's exactly what has been discovered: the first animals, as far as we know, that can grow and reproduce without a whiff of oxygen."

Pic unrelated.

>> No.1582234

You do know plants life off carbon dioxide not oxygen right?

>> No.1582240

>Somebody that doesn't understand the kerbs cycle

>> No.1582244

means krebs?

>> No.1582245

Plants need both you moron.

Also, this is an animal discovered that doesn't need oxygen.

I know the word has lost all meaning here on 4chan, but damn I can't wait till these pretentious summerfags gtfo.

>> No.1582246



>> No.1582247


>> No.1582249

I'm sure there are a multitude of ways that life could exist. Probably not without carbon or silicon, but beyond that it's open

>> No.1582250

Well that's pretty obvious.
What'd you expect? We need it so ofcourse any other lifeform in the universe MUST need it too?

>> No.1582256

>life without oxygen is entirely possible

this is awesome. And maybe oxygen will be poisonous to them.
Like, imagine there are bacterias like that, and you use water enriched with oxygen to kill them.
It sounds almost like science fiction.

>> No.1582257


OP here, no of course I didn't think that but it helps that someone has actually found an example of it, you see?

>> No.1582267

No shit! The first bacteria that evolved on earth when there was no oxygen. They produced it as a byproduct of their motabolism and wiped themselves out when it reached toxic levels.

>> No.1582273

single celled life that lives without oxygen isn't anything new at all, but apparently this is more complex.

>> No.1582275

You don't think there is something called "anaerobic metabolism" for no reason did you? Are you 10 OP--this shit should be known since the 6th grade.

>> No.1582282

ITT people don't know the difference between bacteria and animals.

>> No.1582288


Alright, alright maybe it should be "complex life is entirely possible without oxygen"?

Either way, it's pretty cool. I wonder how "hydrogen-powered" animals would look like. Also, their habitat would have to be full of the necessary ingredients to produce the hydrogen since oxygen is 10 times more efficient.

>> No.1582296


I'm just reporting this shit. Of course, I know about anaerobic metabolism. But this is the first time an animal that lives entirely on anaerobic metabolism has been discovered. I'm sorry, I tried to start a thread about science.

>> No.1582320

Relax, /sci/ now is nothing but *pretentious* pricks trying to sound smarter than everyone else, they will use any chance they get to try and demean you.

>> No.1582333


Nah man, it's just that you claim that "life is possible without oxygen" but this is a well known fact. What you should've said is "complex organisms (animals) that live without oxygen have been found!" or something along those lines--it gets to the point and highlights the importance of the news.

Thanks for the link anyway.

>> No.1582359

He was quiting the article, and explaining what it was about asshat.

>> No.1582358

>I tried to start a thread about science.

then be more scientific.

You said :
>Evidence suggests that life without oxygen is entirely possible.

You do realize how retarded that statement is?
If you'd said
>first complex organism living without oxygen

you would have spared us a lot of pains.

>> No.1582372


Well, I'm sorry for not clarifying what I meant. I agree, it sounds pretty sensationalist, too. But still, if that article caused you a lot of pains, I'm very sorry for doing so. 3 pages isn't that much though and you could have just ignored it when you started reading it.

>> No.1582383

OP is a faggot

He doesn't know about the first single cells didn't require oxygen at all and only produced it as a bi product of their metabolisms.

>> No.1582384 [DELETED] 

Goddamnit I hate it when report on a discovery that's several years old. They discovered these little bastards back in the 1970s.

>> No.1582389

Goddamnit I hate it when they report on a discovery that's several years old. They discovered these little bastards back in the 1970s.

>> No.1582400


Not according to the article. But to be honest, some unsourced claim from a /sci/duck as opposed to some established scientific magazine seems at odds with me.

>> No.1582428

>Not according to the article
The article doesn't even say when they were discovered.


>> No.1582438
File: 45 KB, 600x480, whattt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same person that made this picture?

If so; lol.

>> No.1582449
File: 119 KB, 600x502, cowboy with icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, but I got it from a thread on /v/ or /toy/, I think. Don't remember really but they're fucking hilarious. They originated from 2chan.

>> No.1582450


I do apologize for that slight mistake. I meant the other article that does talk about the creatures directly:
And 2009-2010 doesn't look like it happened 30 years ago to me:

>> No.1582457

So has anyone got a picture of these animals/plants? The one in the article frankly looks fake...

>> No.1582469
File: 15 KB, 300x347, Loricifera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So has anyone got a picture of these animals/plants?
They're considered true animals, not plants or bacteria.


>> No.1582677
File: 49 B, 1x1, _destroyah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1583055

Bumping this so that one other person sees that the thread already exists.

>> No.1583074

How do you get to space without oxygen?

>> No.1583553
File: 84 KB, 473x594, cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
