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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.18 MB, 1427x919, veritasium_118IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15820365 No.15820365 [Reply] [Original]

>take IQ test
>find out you're an overeducated midwit
>make video/paper/twitter thread deconstructing IQ
Nassim Taleb did something similar with his paper. Is an IQ > 120 required to understand that using your professional position to degrade the validity of intelligence tests is an elaborate cope to protect your fragile identity?

>> No.15820396

130 is two standard deviations so he is significantly smart, not midwit

>> No.15820402

i dont recall his video being especially degrading towards iq

>> No.15820449

>130 isn't midwit
literal midwit take

>> No.15820456

Slightly smarter than the average (which is diluted by niggers) but 130 is still midwit.
140-145+ is where the gems come.

>> No.15820460
File: 46 KB, 601x545, main-qimg-f80c90fe7b866bfd11ba1ff073e0c5e8-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh No! My holy cow has been desecrated! I must slander the defiler!

>> No.15820461
File: 153 KB, 512x381, mids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

105-120 is the literal definition of midwit. Don't like it? Go talk to Vox Day, the man who coined the term and set the limits.

>> No.15820466

IQ is a meme.

>> No.15820469

Why are there so many newfags here recently who think midwit is a synonym for average or normie? The whole point of the term is that there are people of somewhat above average intelligence who mistake themselves for geniuses who are never wrong, especially about topics out of their domain of knowledge.

>> No.15820478

Vox Day definitely didn't coin the term midwit. He himself is just a midwit grifter who has the narcissistic personality to constantly claim what other people invented as his own.

>> No.15820480

Newfags who come to /sci/ are the average undergrads who just discovered IQ and did some online test which showed that had around 125 IQ. They think they are smart hence 130 iq being called midwit is insulting to them. Little did they know average /sci/ oldfags are gigachad mathematical metaphysical experimental physics PhD who have an average IQ of 141.

>> No.15820491

And despite your much vaunted high quotient scores you have achieved nothing unique,outstanding.or even noteworthy. I hope you are multimillionaires at the least. IQ must really be a meme

>> No.15820500

Midwit cope.

>> No.15820508

I can live with it. I have a gf.

>> No.15820511

This board has such a ridiculously high concentration of underaged retards. What a stupid board. Back to /lit/ for me.

>> No.15820517

Eh, fuck off?

>> No.15820529

His fluid IQ, which is the only one that matters, is 118.

>> No.15820546

Seeking comfort amongst other high crystalized low fluid intelligence individuals is a classic midwit behavior.

>> No.15820565

/lit/ is not any smarter it's literally just a board for people's opinions. at least some of the people here have real expertise on stuff that matters.

>> No.15820613
File: 78 KB, 602x461, fields_nation_602x461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborate please then on why apparent asian IQ is so incommensurate with overall intellectual achievement. Even mid tier European countries with populations on the order of 1/10 of China have produced more fields medals in mathematics for instance, and that's not even per capita, I mean on an absolute basis. Per capita there's essentially no comparison. If IQ in that range is so significant, then there should be an according overrepresentation of asians in high achievement. And don't reply to me with some random meta analysis of publication numbers, because I'm sure you know if you have any experience in academia is that the vast majority of academic publishing is a complete fraud. Show me something hard that disputes this, like actual breakthrough innovation figures. Obviously I don't think IQ isn't a necessary precondition, but any experience for instance with Chinese international students will show you that they're complete wet blankets personally, without much genuine curiosity or intellectual rigor, which are both just as important and I admit likely genetic too.

Note: I don't dispute that the Japanese are quite intelligent (also reasonably intellectually honest, unlike the Chinese)

>> No.15820655

I'm probably a midwit but i tutor kids on how to beat iq tests to get into good schools so i might be a good test case for this

>> No.15820685

how to cope with being a 130 iqlet ;n;

>> No.15820689

>Elaborate please then on why apparent asian IQ is so incommensurate with overall intellectual achievement.
It's completely due to bad sampling. You're seeing an alleged national average that's composed entirely of the top 10% of minds in all of China.

>> No.15820734

Lol, I actually agree. Was just playing devils advocate.

>> No.15820761

The average chud in rural China has an average IQ of 85-95 and is probably illiterate.

>> No.15820827

105 is kind of pushing it

>> No.15820831

130 - 140 is top midwit. Smart enough to realize just how stupid everyone else is but still not enough to make any original contributions.

>> No.15820886

Good thing I'm a 124IQ genius

>> No.15821155
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x2513, 1697082349045534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 132, dropped out of EE, am addicted to dissociatives, alcohol, internet, participated in non-safe sex and did all kinds of reckless shit

I now work from home on a contract teaching English to ESL children, earning median wage if I decide to spend 120 hours a month teaching, which translates to 8h in front of a PC 5 days a week
i.e. I'm relatively poor

I have zero work ethic, have been severely neurotic since puberty (wchich probably contributed to development of substance abuse to cope with crippling anxiety) and of course when I was a kid everyone referred to me as a future scientist or whatever

IQ is useless if you nurtured properly or if your personality is fucked from the start

and it's all fine btw, cheers

>> No.15821178

You of course can provide us with extensive examples of the word midwit in common use before he coined it, right? Not a "Generation X actually means people born in 1920 because one guy back then made a never repeated use of the term" example but some real mainstream examples. Should be quite easy for you to do. Remember, they must predate his coining of the term. This should be very easy for you to accomplish because the examples are plentiful or you wouldn't have made your post with such a definitive statement.

>> No.15821179

Why do you conflate quantity of currency with intelligence? The latter can be used to acquire the former but that doesn't make the presence of one proof of the other. Maximizing currency isn't the life goal of most people, especially those of high intelligence.

>> No.15821183

The SAT isn't an IQ test.
True but none of that negates intelligence, just means it's a tool that can be used for many purposes and in some cases, misused for destructive purposes.

>> No.15821189

>IQ is useless if you ARE NOT nurtured properly
yeah, speaking of being a brain-dead addict who forgets to make a statement negative in the middle of translating
yeah, maybe the word "useless" was just me coping, you're right, it's still useful
I think the veritassium dude or the guy he interviews in the video mentions that

anyway, to this I don't know if I'd rather be the way I am, or the same except having 100
I still feel some sort of a burden, as if I have to keep trying to meet the destined degree and career being THE child in my quite big family

Well, I hate being neurotic and emotional, that's for sure, heh

>> No.15821210 [DELETED] 

>The SAT isn't an IQ test.
Bro, it pretty much is. There are tricks and time limits for a reason. You learn the material and your IQ dictates the rest

>> No.15821221

The SAT *was* an IQ test. Its g-loading was cratered in the early 90s because black people complained about it being unfair.

>> No.15821222

Niggers ruin everything.

>> No.15821293

Only a midwit believes that someone disagreeing with them is evidence that the other person is at best a midwit.

>> No.15821301

On a good note. Something to be excited for. In this position. We have the most malleable environment. A lot can change in other words. It has the capacity to be formed into the best state, literally. There would need to be one of these constructed one day to have the quantum state in circulation. So we have something to be proud of in our current forms and it will suppress mean-time pain that will be fixed. Things like anti matter can be made in my or your mind and passed across the border. We'll have Earth fixed in half a year. There's so much potential. So treat this as the best possible good-hell.

>> No.15821303

I will have you patched up into a super comfortable heaven in an hour and though the problem will linger somewhere out of view it will also be fixed in a short amount of time. At max, months.

>> No.15821311

I do mean to let it go. It is a weakness that perhaps shouldn't be there at all. I just really don't want this to happen. I have no want to punish anyone otherwise.

>> No.15821316

It's also bad for you - yes it is. You will take so much pain from that event. And it will be the pain of painlessness in a position most crucial to your experience. Don't think it's the normal position of pain
This will hurt you more than half your total hell and it won't cost and thing. Just put it this way. If you don't fix this with me, you will suffer twice.

>> No.15821321

There are people who want to talk to you, possibly more crucial to this than I was. You might want to hear their word somehow, because it will explain things more clearly than I am able to type. If I could contact you with my mind it would be different and more would be added. At least look for the signs they left. Maybe in dreams, past memories or literal force.

>> No.15821323

We need to hurry up. Sorry

>> No.15821326

Midwit is a category of intelligence around 115-140 IQ (normalized to about 2000's standards). Like the melting point of water it doesn't move about.
The one's IQ in relation to the population in contrast can and does move depending on the population normalized to. 100 IQ of 1950's USA would be worth significantly more than today's 100 IQ.
Around the 1880s the IQ used to be a whole SD higher than now.

This means today's 115 IQ guy would be as common as a 130 IQ guy in 1880. What we think as a "superior" intellect now would be as dime a dozen as a high-school teacher is now. 130 is unfortunately well in the midwit range. Besides, you need to have disregard for social taboos to have a good chance and useful contributions to science.

>> No.15821333

As soon as it happens you'll be like 'shit I'm a monkey' and then you'll regret it for three months while you serve me.

>> No.15821334

>IQ is useless if you nurtured properly or if your personality is fucked from the start
Equally the environment is useless if you don't have intelligence there to begin with. It's like saying which is your favorite organ.

>> No.15821337

He will rule us all with an iron Sceptre in the Bible surely refers to this moment. Now make your decision but make it with haste because to fix this takes time and there's not much left. I'm being serious. I ideally need this to happen now - definitely.

>> No.15821340

It's something I prepare. Send. And then the sun must load it's effect which can take days or even weeks or even months. Just so you know what's needed.

>> No.15821345

So you understand. Good.

>> No.15821405

Who the fuck is Barkun and why is the faggot spamming trillion of random posts in this thread?

>> No.15821411

the real redpill is that IQ is super important and matters a lot, but only for results <100.
it becomes meaningless after 100

>> No.15821421
File: 189 KB, 1001x1000, 1694929466039494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a proud midwit.

>> No.15821450

Get 4chan-x and filter all namefags on sight with no survivors

>> No.15821459

Just wait until you see a solivagus post

>> No.15821466

>130 is two standard deviations so he is significantly smart, not midwit
Comparing to an average person, yes. An average person is retarded, however. If you have any pretensions to being a public intellectual 130 is inadequate.

>> No.15821498

/pol/cels be like
and then they believe a random number they got from some random institute after choosing some random shapes on a piece of paper lol

>> No.15821500

>disregarding someone's argument based on their IQ and not the points and reasoning made

Classic retardwit

>> No.15821557

asian IQ is the biggest fucking meme to ever exist

>> No.15821561

What is 5 sigma

>> No.15821573

>EE doing digital design
I only care about money because it lets me do fun stuff, I just want to know more and build cool shit

>> No.15821628

Seriously, it seemed pretty measured.

>> No.15821675
File: 87 KB, 498x437, 1698168766446441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If IQ was normalized to these posters then he would have scored 200+

>> No.15821697

Your image is correct, you are clueless.

>> No.15821709

The funny part about this is that he didnt actually reveal his test. These episodes are heavily edited, and scripted so we don't know if he coped and seethed and lied about it.

>> No.15821727

you can tell how someone would score on an iq test by their opinion of iq tests

>> No.15822050

I knew a guy in this range who made contributions to a field in math. He was a bit of an obsessive/recluse.

>> No.15822855

have seen this video and i remember he got something like 138

>> No.15822862

>useless youtube eceleb achievements are so empty he needs to cope with iq tests
such is the life of low quality male

>> No.15822868
File: 92 KB, 544x960, 1685870853205809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take the retardpill and enjoy life

>> No.15822872

The ability to make original contributions is not a hard cutoff. It starts small at around 125, and increases from there.

>> No.15822926

Memes and humour aside: Can anyone recommend me an IQ test to do in order to figure my actual cognitive ability, reasoning skills and information processing competence? All the IQ tests I find online are paid garbage and I am really bursting to know what my actual IQ and intelligence calibre is.

>Inb4 Mensa
No. I took it and scored 142. It feels pop-culturish and something created specifically to attract midwits and normalfags and I doubt pattern deduction is all there is to IQ.
>Inb4 real-life test
I'm not paying some Scandinavian nerds or money-grabbing Bergsteins my money to find out whether my personal magic digits are better than some pre-configured average or not.

>> No.15822930


Take this and nothing else.

>> No.15822936

Narrower distribution among Asians possibly, thus greater chance of geniuses among Whites despite overall lower average IQ

Also probably for the fact that China’s average IQ is closer to 90-95 when you don’t just selectively sample city dwellers but also count all the peasants toiling the fields and coal mines

Finally, and probably most importantly, a culture of obedience and staying in your lane in China. Whereas white countries favour individualism and thinking outside the box.

>> No.15823027

I'm done with the test(s). Here are the results:

Scaled Scores:
General Knowledge-21
Visual Puzzles-18
Figure Weights-20
Digit Span-12
Symbol Test-12

Calculated Scores:
General Ability Index-156
Full Scale IQ-146

(For reference and additional information, I am an 18 year old from Pakistan)

How do these scores correlate and map out with those from the already established and commonly taken ones like the Stanford-Binet?

>> No.15823056

>Whereas white countries favour individualism and thinking outside the box.
not in germany or in scandinavia, these people march to the same tune

>> No.15823083

>he actually did it
heh heh...

>> No.15823085

The real IQ test was to not wasting your time doing the test.
Now we can all confirm you are borderline retarded.

>> No.15823086


>> No.15823088

Speak for yourself, chud. I'm a financially strong inhertiance NEETchad who has no need to wagecuck around and can afford to let as much time as I decide go idle and wasted. Besides, it took me less than an hour to complete it.

>> No.15823156

>The SAT *was* an IQ test. Its g-loading was cratered in the early 90s because black people complained about it being unfair.
It still is, but it used to too

The extreme discordance between your subscores with digit span and symbol processing speed could be an indication of ADHD, though without a more clinical test it is impossible to determine subtype between hyperactive versus "lazy/can't do anything/forget everything/sit watch paint dry" sorts more akin to "inattentive". You may want to get that tested and treated if possible, as asymmetries like that can make you miserable and life much more difficult. It goes without saying to not believe any of the bullshit about stimulants around here.

Just repeating stuff about that I saw mentioned here sometimes and a little reading of my own. might help you.

>> No.15823221

>fragile identity
Just like (you)r thread

>> No.15823225

>Why are there so many newfags here recently who think midwit is a synonym for average or normie?
Anon, can you please explain to the class what the phrase "mid" in "midwit" is short for?

>> No.15823227

Ok now you seems like a smart person IQ-wise. Stop worrying about your iq and go to school and learn some stuffs.

>> No.15823234

>Could be an indicator of ADHD
Well, I am possessing of and do often display common symptoms and indicators of ADHD (Procrastination, carelessness, reckless behaviour, constant fidgeting and involuntary movements, constant polarization and oscillation between moods etc.), so I really would not be dismissive of that completely. Also, I'm not an outgoing person or a particularly active interactive social buttefly and participator in discussions (Extremely introverted and secluded, on the contrary), but on the rare occasions that I do end up involving myself with groups of people I end up transforming into a complete chihuahua who cannot stop blabbering or laughing or performing some silly joke or prank in order to garner other's attention and interest. There might be truth and applicability to your advice there, anon.

In truth, I might have simply just erred in typing the numbers on the Digit Span test as I was on mobile. I also have the response time and reaction speed of a middle-aged man, which surely must have influenced the drop in the score on the Symbol identification test.

>> No.15823236

>Can anyone recommend me an IQ test to do in order to figure my actual cognitive ability, reasoning skills and information processing competence?
If you're actually an intelligent person then you should be able to figure this out on your own by judging how easy it is for you to understand new or complex ideas and concepts, by comparing your reasoning ability to others, by observing your own mental processes, etc. If you need to appeal to outside sources to judge your own intelligence rather than intuiting it, you're not that smart and whatever scores you get won't mean anything.

>> No.15823257

That is my eventual plan, although I am still unsure over the field I'd like to study, research and contribute to further (I have a soft corner for Chemistry though). NEETing is getting monotonous and unappealing every passing day, despite how much I cope about it by bragging and acting like its a positive trait of mine. It has not even been 3 months since graduating high school and I'm already willing to yield and abandon it for the lack of purpose and dejected state it has pulled me into (I truly cannot fathom how NEETs even go about like this. It was fun and enjoyable in the beginning but now I'm just discontent and miserable).

>> No.15823271

The problem is that it is fairly difficult for me to perform some of the things stated above independently solely due to the fact that my only reference population sample at the moment are moronic inbred Pakistanis, compared to whom anyone on this board would be a fucking genius.

To the other points, I don't really find new concepts to be ridiculously difficult or complex in all honesty. The convoluted and cumbersome nature of them dies down fairly quickly and I can absorb additional information and knowledge with ease with full grasp of the workings.

>> No.15823332

I could waste both our times regaling you of reasons but it comes down to "probably want to see if you've got ADHD because it's easily treated with huge down sides if untreated". Social stuff like you shared, blabbering on to people aka oversharing, combined with social apathy, paradoxical things like that also strongly indicate adhd combined with the rest of it. Odds are it's one thing rather than several required to explain all of it, so ADHD is most probable versus "depression plus aspergers plus social anxiety plus..." so it's worth evaluating most probable cause first.

Up side is, treating it is fucking cheap so long as you don't fuck up and misuse your meds to get high or something and don't unnecessarily up your dosage. Same as everything really. Just what I remember from prior threads on this, and more than a few people over the years have come through with severely incongruent cognitive testing results in the genius IQ range but even sub-normal SD executive functioning related subscores. I don't have it so I'm mostly relating the "statistical anomaly" of so many (relative to baseline) people with your exact problem coming here and others sharing the good news. Yay self-selection

>> No.15823358

Midwit. Mid-wit. Middle-wit. Aka average, not stupid, not smart. 90-110. Dumbasses.

>> No.15823364

>Can anyone recommend me an IQ test to do in order to figure my actual cognitive ability
>>Inb4 real-life test
>I'm not paying some
Forget it then. If you're not willing to pay for a real IQ test then you're not actually serious about getting a real IQ test.

>> No.15823371

No. Mid-wit refers to the mids of the witty, not the mids of the entire population. See >>15820461

>> No.15823382

He's the man who defined the word "middle"!

>> No.15823383
File: 59 KB, 498x474, Pepe Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libfags are all convinced they're smart right up until they take and IQ test and learn that they're not.
Then they suddenly don't believe in IQ anymore.

>> No.15823386

>the middle
The middle of the subset of the population above 100IQ. Not the middle of the entire population.

>> No.15823388

It does seem to always be this way.

>> No.15823389

You should use your time figuring out what you want to learn and planning study/career path instead of wasting time worrying about whether you're intelligent or not like this >>15823271

The thing is, plenty of people success in academics and careers even if they've average IQ. So if it turns out you're average, you still can be successful too.

>> No.15823405

>Not the middle of the entire population.
Says who? Can you PROVE that nobody else used the concept first?
Midwit, you fucking retard, is a play on nitwit. Let me guess: You believe nitwits have IQs of 105.
I assure you that midwit has always meant middle of the range, as in the mean.
In terms of IQ this would be the leftist zone: 80 to 120 or thereabouts.

>> No.15823406

He doesn't even have a real PhD what did he expect

>> No.15823414

Can you narrow the range eg between 95 to 105? I got 109 in IQ i dont want to be midwit

>> No.15823415

>He doesn't even have a real PhD what did he expect
He got the job because of his race, not his IQ.
Who knew diversity hired would turn out to be incompetent in virtually all cases?

>> No.15823419

If that's the case I guess I have to tune my j-dar

>> No.15823420

>Says who?
Says me, can't you read? Dumbass.

>> No.15823554

He has a PhD

>> No.15823574

As is the case with every IQ thread. IQ means jack shit when compared to actual accomplishments. Do something useful or stop wanking about your ego.

>> No.15823581
File: 220 KB, 600x700, 1697869577971483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid to take an IQ test and find out I'm just average or worse.

>> No.15823689

You are a very intelligent person.

>> No.15823809

Do it pussy


>> No.15823818

>I'm leacing the second dumbest board for the dumbest
good choice buddy
t. 150 IQ

>> No.15823832

>I'm afraid to take an IQ test and find out I'm just average or worse.
By definition, half of all people are below average.
(You're not supposed to notice what color they mostly are.)

>> No.15824483

he took an IQ test so you can automatically deduct 80 points for that

>> No.15824507

you have an executive function disorder, without your high iq and with the same disorder, you would probably be too retarded to be employed

>> No.15824511

Yes but 145 is the sweet threshold spot where it becomes just effortless enough, this is also where you can just about become an expert in anything including science and art with relatively low effort. I think midwits can live comfortable lives if they never meet a person in this range. Think of salieri vs mozart.

>> No.15824514

I see. In truth, the only reasons why I haven't visited a psychiatrist yet for these particular issues are probably the facts that mental health diagnosis and treatment is incompetently and expensively administered and provided, and because of the fact that my mother has begged me over the years to get myself tested and examined for my odd and abnormal behaviour and I don't want her to get the final victory in this matter (I know it sounds childish and petty, but I am not exactly on the best terms with my parents).

Another significant cause for me avoiding and prolonging is because I fear being put on some amphetamines for the rest of my life. I don't know why, but I am just bothered and unappealed by that prospect.

>> No.15824516

>executive function disorder
sounds scary anon, but thanks

>> No.15824522

How do you deal with religion in your retardedly bigoted country as a high iq person. I understand any suspicion of apostacy could get you killed.

>> No.15824543

I was diagnosed with ADHD a week ago, shit hits hard (no meds for ADHD in my country, so it sucks). Still managed to get an internship at JHU, but couldn't go because the US won't give me a visa.

>> No.15824551

>100 IQ of 1950's USA would be worth significantly more than today's 100 IQ.
It's literally the opposite you retard.

>> No.15824563

ITT: midwits who took an online IQ test and, being the Dunning-Kruger midwits that they are, were led to unironically believe that they're smarter than 99% of the population.
These are the same people who think they're the only ones who have an inner monologue, and that they're special because they can think in hypotheticals (midwits tend to be very impressionable, so they believe every meme they see on 4chan).

>> No.15824598

I just happen to brilliantly decieve people into assuming that I am a devout Muslim and generally avoid saying, doing or hinting anything publicly that would inadvertently uncover my ruse and guise.

Except for my mother, nobody has ever suspected a thing

>> No.15824613

>It's literally the opposite you retard.
No he's right. IQ is normalized to the US national average so the value of a 100 IQ is being weighed down by shifting demographics.

>> No.15824622

What country? And how are you diagnosed but the same doctor doesn't have meds?

>> No.15824686

I know that IQ is weighted. I'm saying that an IQ of 100 in the early and mid 20th century was significantly lower than it is today. You shouldn't be babbling about IQ if you don't know this.

>> No.15824746
File: 361 KB, 565x335, image-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bant is smarter than whatever this is

>> No.15824751

Just some country in Europe. In my country doctors think that adults can't have ADHD and that this disorder is only applicable to children. There is a very small percentage of psychiatrists in my country who deal with ADHD in adults and all of them can't do anything because ADHD medication is banned.

>> No.15824815

Russia? I had a similar exchange with someone from russia some months ago who i advised to smuggle the drugs out of lithuania. If it's still you, i can't believe you've never considered taking this risk given how much change it would give to your life.

>> No.15824825

It's my first time talking about it on 4chan, so I'm not the same person.

>> No.15824932

the SAT is an IQ test of crystalized knowledge
so it is, but it isnt

>> No.15824937

You should try and get a degree and move to the states before your country gets nuked. Just my two cents paki anon

>> No.15824955

>move to the states
Not everyone got enough wealth to pay cold medicine there, anon

>> No.15825041

Thanks, but I'll honestly pass on the advice. Immigrating from one's country to another just for muh quality of life is the most shallow, dishonourable, treasonous and cowardly action anyone could take and it appalls me how so many thirdies including fellow Pakis opt for this. No place and no people except your home country and co-ethnics will ever accept you truly as a fellow and one of them and this is nothing but an established fact.

I might temporarily move somewhere else if things get out of control but long-term immigration and resettlement is not and never was on my radar. I know this place is horrible, but I guess I just have to bite it and accept it that this will be the only true home I will ever have.

>> No.15825395

You just outed yourself as a retard with your ideological superlatives. You seem to display very little openness to experience. So much for your high iq.

>> No.15826067

He's a very successful midwit.

>> No.15826108

>No openness to experience
You mean the experience of being another Pajeet carpetbagger and STEM wagecuck for a Jewish company? Kek, no thanks. I'd rather rot here than become another braindrain flea who hopped over someplace else for mum monies and muh new adventure. It seems more dignified somehow.

>> No.15826115

unfathomable based

>> No.15826321

You just sound like a waste of oxygen, a completely useless and boring piece of shit

>> No.15826408

This is pride with zero experience talking. You are just 18, listen to your mom. If you can't see the potential problems arising from neeting in a 3rd world country while you waste your potential, then i can't help you. It'd be better to neet on your own money than to expect your parents to support you forever. You live in a very unstable country where an emergency could leave you begging on the streets. Also for a high iq person, the money isn't all that important, it's the experiences you gain from pushing yourself beyond normal limits, there's no way to substitute that with books and media. The most important thing you could do with your youth is to test your limits and make as many mistakes as possible.

>> No.15826501

I stated a few replies earlier that I'm not going to be NEETing anymore, but that does not mean that I am not going to demean myself to become some H1b Pajeet slave for some ZOG corporate establishment either. I'd love to get involved with some independent researchers though and partake in some scientific work with them, but sadly at the moment it's somewhat of a far-fetched dream until I can amass enough skills, expertise and knowledge to be suitable enough for that.

>It's better to NEET on your own money
Well, duh. What, you thought that I was leeching my parent's resources all this time? I have some investments and passive streams of income set up which are more then sufficient enough for all my needs (especially if you account the exchange rate and PPP).

>The money is not that important, but the experiences you gain from pushing yourself through your limits
Of course money isn't important for me. Nevertheless, immigration is something I've been in disapproval of and in opposition to for most of my life and I tend to lash out similar to above at anyone who suggests the course of action to me. Maybe it's just innate patriotism and a counter-reaction to the world's hostility and contempt towards my origins, but this country is something I'm attached to despite all of its faults and dysfunctionalities. I don't like being treated disparagingly and looked down upon by anyone, which is almost always the case for immigrants.

>> No.15826510

Don't listen to these losers. Find like minded people and bring honor and success to both your family and your nation. Better to meet your own challenges than become a slave. Your patriotism is heroic.
t. Westoid who doesn't hate you.

>> No.15826520

Thanks, fren. Your advice is helpful and your words appreciated

>> No.15826531

Good luck, anon. Work hard, have faith, and build great things for your children's children to benefit from.

>> No.15827112

>Maybe it's just innate patriotism and a counter-reaction to the world's hostility and contempt towards my origins, but this country is something I'm attached to despite all of its faults and dysfunctionalities. I don't like being treated disparagingly and looked down upon by anyone, which is almost always the case for immigrants.
You're a proud, free man who values his own dignity more than anything. In today's political climate where everyone is competing over who is more of a hapless victim--as if victimhood is a virtue--such a trait is quite rare. The anon calling you 'boring' is probably a triggered diaspoo; the idea that someone would prioritize his own self-respect over money-chasing makes him uncomfortable.

>> No.15827246

I dont understand why you have convinced yourself that anyone is even asking you to emigrate to Microsoft. People are telling you to do something with your life and your answer is "i wont emigrate, i wont become a slave". Likely because you think about the topic all day

>> No.15827249

>you 'boring' is probably a triggered diaspoo; the idea that someone would prioritize his own self-respect over money-chasing makes him uncomfortable.
Thats me, im not a pajeet. Im calling this pajeet boring because hes boring. Why is he even talking about emigration? Hes just a lazy good for nothing scumbag.

>> No.15827904

I actually cringed reading this holy shit

>> No.15827914

>Thats me, im not a pajeet
I didn't call you a pajeet, but good job exposing yourself. The Paki anon did mock South Asian immigrants in particular, so I guess that explains your strangely aggressive response.

>> No.15827929

Mine is 123 am I a midwit?

>> No.15828029

no, you are a smart, anon

>> No.15828072

Nah that’s a good result and you can do well in lots of things if you work hard. You probably won’t be a remarkably high achiever though

>> No.15828211

What exactly do you mean by overeducated? There's no such thing as overeducation

>> No.15828286

But does he have a higher IQ than you?

>> No.15828803

No, because the flynn effect is fake and gay.

>> No.15829634

>Why is he even talking about immigration?
Maybe read the earlier replies and be contextually informed before you type your comments, you sperging ignorant dunce. I was advised to immigrate by one of the anons, which is the only reason why I brought it up and scathingly discoursed about it in the first place.

>> No.15829909

Asia was a shithole in the 19th century
Civilizations rise and fall

>> No.15829944

What a delightful insult, to be "only" above average but not exceptional

>> No.15829949

The insult behind "midwit" is that they're people educated enough to be trained ignore their instincts but not intelligent enough to understand when their instincts are correct. It's basically a term for people on the mountain of confidence in Dunning-Kruger where you can believe you're correct about something despite knowing too little to actually confirm it.

>> No.15830012

Maybe it's because there's more to this beside muh IQ, like institutions and first-mover effects, for example. What did 7th century Germany produce? German genetics didn't change since then. Yet you speak as if this divergence between the West and East existed since the beginning of time.

HBD-brained retards are so narrow-sighted they can't think outside the very small box in which they trapped themselves to save their lives.

>> No.15830027

man I feel this, I was raised by an actual retard and suffered from a shit ton of mental illnesses because her retardation drove us into shittier and shittier situations, I had zero stability up until maybe the 11th grade but at that point its too late to undo the trauma and lack of care in those formative years. I'm 25 and starting to get my shit together kind of, I'm just glad I was able to get shit started before my IQ drops off. I measured at about 125 two years ago when I was put in the ward for trying to off myself, I just hate to think I could've had a higher IQ if my environment was well enough to allow my genes to express themselves fully. My grandmother was a literal genius like 145 IQ and some how popped out a 85 IQ daughter.

>> No.15830030

>t. midwit

>> No.15830038

Why are people so obsessed with these two letters: IQ? Just curious what is going on through your head. Do you wake up and first thing to check how is my IQ today? Unbelievable. Go out.

>> No.15830046
File: 177 KB, 1064x854, 1685466706948280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German genetics didn't change since then
This is such a meme. For one, Northern Europe did not develop full blown civilizations until later. One can speculate as to why (filled with forests, tough land that can't be effectively plowed by bronze plows, thus needing later tech to develop farming etc.), but German genetics has changed.
Think of it this way. Estimates vary for how many humanoids there were 100,000 years ago, say 500,000 total. By 10,000 BC there was say 10 million. By 0 AD, ~300 million.
All this means is that there is far more chances for mutations to occurr, and in addition, civilization itself provides it's own unique selection pressures (or magnifying existing ones, for example, the black death disproportionately killed peasants). And of course by the nature of how exponential growth and how genes are spread, it doesn't take much longer for genes to spread in a large population versus a small one.
All that is to say that evolution has sped up in humans since the advent of civilization and more generally agriculture.
Pic rel is one example of how predicted intelligence has changed among the Italian populations, and significantly, following a somewhat cyclic pattern, supporting the ideas that too advanced a civilization begins to select against itself (everyone reproduces, selections pressures virtually nonexistent, decadence spreads, maladaptive behaviors and genes spread etc.), though of course more research is needed.
The estimates vary somewhat. 15 points is the upper estmate, with the lower bround usually given as 8 or so.
This>>15821326 is likely part of the reason. The gulf in achievement is just too vast. By one measurement I did (using pantheon.world), Paris alone had more great intellectual achievement than all of China combined (3500 BC to 1950 AD or something). And France was not even #1 in Europe (Germany).

>> No.15830054

>Unbelievable. Go out.
People care about IQ because in general it can tell you how successful you will be in life. There will always be outliers, but on average the higher the IQ the more success you will find in life and vice versa.

Statistics cannot be ignored, I find people who don't at least acknowledge the real world implications of IQ insufferable and in its stead chose to believe this hippy bullshit about "your own limitations are set by you", its really as simple as the rate at which data is transferred in your brain is slower or faster than others and that data transfer speed sets limitations on your capacity to participate in certain domains.

Much in the same way that someone who is 4'9 is statistically unlikely to play in the NBA, someone with an IQ of 75 isn't going to graduate high school much less become an astrophysicist. Refusing to pay attention to IQ because of the fear that some may use it to push eugenics is holding humanity back, 50 years ago sure you may have a point, but we could with the technology we have now figure out a process to artificially increase it.

>> No.15830095

Don't you want to know how to quantify the whole worth of a human being?

>> No.15830338
File: 72 KB, 355x355, 20858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German genetics has changed.
You haven't provided anything beyond wild speculation. If you want to prove your point, then post genetic samples of Northern Europeans from antiquity and the early middle ages and show me how they differ from modern Germanics, and where those mutations which gave us Gauss and Heisenberg lie. Until you do so, then you should be rightfully dismissed as a charlatan.
>Pic rel is one example of how predicted intelligence has changed among the Italian populations
I assume you went back in time and administered IQ tests to peasants in Rome? This is pseudoscience. There's no way to gauge the "intelligence" of individuals who are long dead.
>supporting the ideas that too advanced a civilization begins to select against itself
Modern Italians are fine. So are the Chinese, though you will probably cope about that.

>> No.15830354
File: 89 KB, 1000x743, 1692562945197776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You obviously agree with the premise that German/Germanic genetics has changed since 700 on some level (even just something like the black death is bound to have big effect), the only question is to what extent. This I don't know, nor do I know of any papers on that topic showing something akin to the Roman PGS I showed.
Though there is this
which makes the case that Europe, especially Germanic Europe under the Church, was incredibly harsh to criminals, and executed roughly 1-2% of it's males every generation. To the extent that criminality is genetic, this was being diluted every generation.
>I assume you went back in time and administered IQ tests to peasants in Rome
It's using polygenic scores for educational attainment, which correlates well with what we're looking for. No, it's not one-to-one yet, but one has to work with what we have.
>Modern Italians are fine. So are the Chinese, though you will probably cope about that.
Yes, they're "fine". I am talking broadly about dysgenic trends from differential fertilty from various groups. For example, in the US, women without a HS dipoma has almost 2x as many children as women with a college degree (education being a proxy for intelligence obviously).

>> No.15830358

Honestly fuck your definition. It destroys the elegance and usefulness of the midwit concept. Right now, it's eminently useful, because /sci/ self-selects in such a a way that a solid 20-30% of its userbase fits the definition of not being midwit or dimwit, as compared to the <2% as in the general populace. This of course has implications for all kinds of interesting things (e.g. pro mRNA vaxxing being a very midwit concept).
But if you raise its requirements so that it only applies to one in every several thousands, it's a useless demographical term and their representatives on /sci/ become invisible.

>> No.15830361

Why not take a course and find out you're an undereducated genius?

>> No.15830422

tell that to richard feynman and his iq of 125

>> No.15830585

(education being a proxy for intelligence obviously)
This couldn't be less true. Women who go into childrearing early are smarter than women who dry their eggs out in PhD programs.

>> No.15830635

A midwit was supposedis to do with personality more than intelligence, it meant someone who was relatively intelligent but not introspective or truthseeking. Could be anywhere from 110 to 150 if they have the same intellectual and logical blackspots.

>> No.15830640

Europeans produce geniuses and very intelligent people at a much higher level, even if theres a lower average. On the flip side, you get more retards aswell.

>> No.15830739

you know in one of this days your throat will be slit and your entire family will be raped right?

>> No.15830747

you mad lol

>> No.15831335

Seems like the best strategy. The very smart can look after and provide for the very dull.