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15806164 No.15806164 [Reply] [Original]

*powers humanity well into the 23rd century*
>muh nukeular
>muh solur
>muh batturreez
>muh hydrogene
Won't power planes, ships, excavators, construction equipment, farming equipment. Don't bother showing me niche or experimental examples that won't scale.
>muh bio deezul
Troll-physics-tier of retardation. We don't have enough farmland.
>muh carbon capture synthetic deezul
Good luck catching carbon at the same rate we output it.

>> No.15806685

>We don't have enough farmland.
not yet, but as the concentration of co2 in the atmosphere increases, agricultural productivity does too. i ran the numbers on converting to ethanol power and it turns out you need about 8-12 iowa's worth of farmland at 400ppm co2.
of course ethanol would still be a step down from gas because of ehtanol's lower energy density.
plus i prefer the idea of using the farm productivity bonus to buy us a better diet rather than to destroy the oil and gas industries.

>> No.15806693 [DELETED] 

An American nigger typed this post

>> No.15806694

> 8-12 iowa's worth of farmland
kek. reminds me of how americans measure small areas in football fields

>> No.15806697

1 Iowa is a measure of productivity rather than area

>> No.15806910 [DELETED] 

Theres 2000 trillion tons of oil, gas and coal

>> No.15806918

Solar is the only way forward, in combination with massive reductions in population.

>> No.15806963

With cheap nuclear energy you could make all the energy carriers you want out of readily available substances.

>> No.15806968
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I.. kneel......

>> No.15807006

Most of your post is wrong. You should try learning about a topic before you make a shit thread about it.

>> No.15807758 [DELETED] 

That would be a better use of farmland than exporting excess production to feed africa would be

>> No.15807764

>enslaves humanity further to industrial society

>> No.15807769

>>muh nukeular
>Won't power planes, ships
Doesn't the USS Gerald Ford have a nuclear generator on board?

>> No.15807771 [DELETED] 

civilian uses of nuclear power aren't permitted, only ZOG may use it

>> No.15807806

just create an alternative fuel, it only needs to be
>higly flammable
>not polluting
>not too expensive
toyota is experimenting with ammonia and it seems to be working well. If car makers invested 1 meager billion each (pocket change) into a common R&D project on it, we would be done in a few years. Too bad the oil jews are preventing this to happen.

>> No.15807816

Once engineers figure out a way to mass-produce graphene/graphyne for cheap most current energy sources will quickly become obsolete

>> No.15807832

Synthetic fuels are a waste of energy. You can never get out more than you put in and if you already have it you get more out of using that energy to power electric vehicles which have higher efficiency than ICEs. The MagIC engine is the only synthetic fuel I could see being adopted and electricity still does it better, and it looks like the project has been abandoned.


>> No.15808161

That is absurd.

>> No.15808350 [DELETED] 

>in combination with massive reductions in population.
when you are going to kys? the sooner the better. i seriously hope you're not going to just hang around and pointlessly create toxic co2 when you could be helping mother earth by dying immediately

>> No.15809586 [DELETED] 

The people who are endlessly complaining about overpopulation are never willing to do the right thing and contribute to a solution to the problem they're alway moaning about.

>> No.15809590

And with massive population reduction you mean exterminate all the kikes, niggers, and socialists.

>> No.15809659

>Oil company shill thread n°678431963268
Getting boring

>> No.15810160 [DELETED] 

sure, everyone who doesn't share your absurd belief that the world is coming to an end in *two weeks* because of global warming is all part of a big secret conspiracy to post their opinions on the tajikistani scrimshaw bulletin board

>> No.15810201 [DELETED] 

>when you are going to kys?
Isn't it a lot better to kill millions before suicide?

>> No.15810218

A lot of societal issues would be solved if we just forget Africa exists. Don't interact with its people or land, draw every map with water instead of a continent, and just erase it from public consciousness.
I honestly see no drawbacks.

>> No.15810219

>Don't bother showing me niche or experimental examples that won't scale.
Don't prove me wrong by showing counterexamples that are already in production and for sale

hydrogen is cringe, I give you that

>> No.15810221

or you just don't get to reproduce
keep it up, you're doing a great job

>> No.15810224 [DELETED] 

pointlessly reinventing the wheel when we already have an excelling long term solution to the issue of powering vehicles is cringe.
find something worthwhile to do. if you can't find something worthwhile to do thats because you're too dumb to think one up and thats why pointlessly reinventing the wheel is cringe.

>> No.15810225

I'm going to have 8 White kids just to spite people like you.

>> No.15810228

It's a finite resource, isn't that kind of a problem?

I mean sure everything is great, the party can continue as long as the crude oil flows, but what will we do when it's all gone?

>> No.15810231

Yeah, problem is you haven't had sex, so how do you expect to have kids?

>> No.15810234


>> No.15810262

Blah blah blah blah

>> No.15810269 [DELETED] 

Theres enough coal, oil and gas for another 100.000 years

>> No.15810821 [DELETED] 

you know what else is cringe? Arguing for oil on behalf of Arabs. Europe is held hostage by Aramco and the like.

>> No.15810918
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>he doesn't measure in Bathtubs, Football Fields, and Statues of Liberty.

>> No.15810950
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>Europe is held hostage by
Svante Thunberg (Greta's father, he runs all her social media)

A bunch of nomadic desert dwellers who don't even understand how to pump their own oil and were living in the Iron Age until the 1940s don't have the brains to prevent Europe from developing their own natural resources.

>> No.15811002
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gas burns to co2 and water so it's infinitly better than your stinky oil

>> No.15811751 [DELETED] 

Methane is unquestionably abiotic, its found on planets with no life. Oil is probably abiotic as well, same goes for coal

>> No.15811754

Oil is abiotic and infinite.

>> No.15811874 [DELETED] 

>A bunch of nomadic desert dwellers
All humans are nomads, its common in the modern world for people to move around. And just because gulf arabs used to be poor it doesnt mean they are stupid or dont have brainz. The same arabs a bit north up baghdad created great civilizations, its just not possible further south without water to sustain a large population

>> No.15811907

ships and planes are one thing, but with the increased efficiency of solar and the development of solid state batteries it should be feasible to power construction/farming/other heavy equipment with solar

>> No.15811912 [DELETED] 

>two more weeks for solid state batteries

>> No.15813107 [DELETED] 

>airplanes & shipping powered with batteries.
I like the idea because of how stupid it is, but the globalists would never shoot themselves in the foot like that. same reason trucking and rail will probably continue to run on diesel forever

>> No.15813127

You might be surprised. The current crop of world leaders is the last generation that began this enterprise with the grift in mind. The next generation to come into power will be true believers. They don't know that the whole scheme is made up so they'll hamstring globalism by actually enacting the plans their predecessors only pretended to want.

>> No.15813549

Do you have proof that it replenishes fast enough
If oil is abiotic but replenishes on order of millenia or even centuries it’s not really important, is it?

>> No.15814028

>Do you have proof that it replenishes fast enough
Based on the amount that the large Middle Eastern wells are refilling today, rates of replenishment could theoretically satisfy our essential needs (i.e. plastics, steel, shipping fuels) in perpetuity. You would need to reduce the amount of cheap Chinese garbage being made to be safe, but that's a small price to pay really.

>> No.15814610
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Do you understand that oil isn't found in huge underground caves? It's found in porous rock. If I pump out most of the oil from a plot of land and stop pumping because it's more profitable to spend the labor somewhere else, the oil that's left with slowly percolate through that porous rock and some will end up in the depleted wells that have been drilled out. Aquifers work exactly the same way.

The wells are drinking the milkshake. That does not mean the milkshake is infinite or being continuously replenished.

>> No.15814628

honestly I was hoping we would start using more explosives fuels by now. if gasoline was actually all nitro-methane or just nitrated somehow vehicles would get much better fuel economy and modern engines with their forced induction can literally handle more combustion forces

>> No.15814629


The best carbon capture is plants.

>> No.15814630

>being continuously replenished.
empirically this has to be a thing though because time doesnt stop and there is a lot of dead plant and animal matter underneath us

>> No.15814636

That's not the way it works. Fossil fuels were formed under conditions that no longer exists. Specifically, decomposers of that period were not as effective as they are today. We get one milkshake.

>> No.15814684

>Fossil fuels were formed under conditions that no longer exists.
This is objectively untrue. Scientists in Sweden proved beyond any doubt that oil is abiotic and produced under the conditions of the deep Earth with no influence from plant matter. Oil exists beneath ancient metamorphic rocks that predate life by hundreds of millions of years.

>> No.15814759

Lol no. I even know the paper you're talking about. It was entirely speculative and made tons of assumptions. Usually when you talk about proving something you back it with evidence.

>> No.15814903 [DELETED] 

>It was entirely speculative
You obviously don't know what I'm talking about, because they drilled a well borehole down past the ancient granite bedrock and found crude oil.

>> No.15814914 [DELETED] 

The milkshake weighs 2000 trillion tons, if you believe the official theory of how oil came into being (via photosynthesis). It just states that a massive CO2 atmosphere was turned into free oxygen and carbon via plants and algae. Do the math

>> No.15815012

>We get one milkshake.
empirically false, there must be a layer of milkshake and a layer of proto-milkshake, life never left earth so there is always new (old) biological matter being converted into volatiles

>> No.15815037

Nope. The milkshake is only what's economically recoverable. The Earth will never run out of oil. Only the humans will because it will take more energy to get it then we'll get from burning it.

>> No.15815038


The world can support trillion humans and 1 megawatt hour of power allocation for each humans per day. No need to reduce population, all we need is to increase AND optimize energy production.

>> No.15815039

Nonsense. Even if there were it took millions of years for the first milkshake to form and we drank it in a couple centuries. The timescales are not compatible.

>> No.15815125

even if we drank all of it too fast, the process making didnt stop, we could cease for 5 years and there would be tons more of milkshale to drink (that was a typo but I am leaving it lol)

>> No.15815193

>yes goy, keep spending billions of your tax dollars doing the bidding of israel so you can keep getting cheap oil instead of using that money to build reactors that will give your country true independence
I hate oil tards so much

>> No.15815223

just wait for nuclear fusion to save the day

>> No.15815443

America doesn't buy any oil from the middle east. It's a net oil exporter.

>> No.15815491


>> No.15815530

So everyone who isn't a mutt or an Arab should revolt against the dependence on oil?

>> No.15816275 [DELETED] 
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that was only during the trump years, the current administration shut down domestic production in order to drive the price of gas up

>> No.15816347

US oil production is 13 million barrels, consumption at least 20
>middle east
It makes no difference. The oil market is global, when oil is loaded on a ship it can go anywhere

>> No.15816353 [DELETED] 

> oil production
> consistent
> measurable
> finite

You forgot to put ' this year ' fagpot

>> No.15816385

someone explain what the legitimate problems with nuclear are. The only things I think I understand are
>mining resources damages environment
>equipment failure can cause catastrophic disasters
>waste is impossible to dispose of currently
But the actual energy produced per unit of input is far greater than anything else we have. Is this right?

>> No.15816484

it's fucking expensive, that's the main reason why it sucks

>> No.15816540

Uranium mining is the least impactful mining that's done for energy related needs.
All modern reactors are designed with physics-based emergency systems that make catastrophic failure impossible. Alternative designs like molten tin or molten salt make the reactors even safer still.
Waste can be re-used inside of breeder reactors that generate even more power, about 100x, and the waste reduction is also about 100x. The waste that comes out of breeders is easily managed by dry-cask storage on site at the reactor.

>> No.15816603


>> No.15816698

Seems like the most plausible outcome

>> No.15816773 [DELETED] 

The point is the US is not a net oil exporter

>> No.15816797

We might as well use all the viable sources of it. It looks like we'll have obsoleted it before it runs out.

>> No.15817049


>> No.15817076

I agree with the OPness of gasoline but I disagree that "we will never catch more carbon than we output" is a good reason to not try
The future is absolutely in de novo hydrocarbons using existing CO2 from the air instead of putting more CO2 from captured sources. As it becomes harder and harder to dig for new sources of oil, regenerating it will become economically feasible.
Will this come before or after a climate catastrophe is inevitable? I don't know.

>> No.15817086

>equipment failure can cause catastrophic disasters
People failures can, and have, caused catastrophic disasters. All you need is one hot head doing something stupid, who no one really has the guts to argue with.

The last time this happened we nearly lost half a habitable continent due to a contaminated water table.

Then there's earthquakes, floods, combinations thereof, and of course, wars. Wars where people like to hide their artillery inside the grounds of nuclear reactors, stick out their tongues while taunting, "You can't shoot back at us without killing us all!", and people just angry enough to shoot at them anyway.

Shouldn't really be building facilities that can easily take out a whole country if they're fucked with until you find some way to guarantee perpetual world peace - at which point the motive for energy independence is moot.

>> No.15817729

>As it becomes harder and harder to dig for new sources of oil
that isn't happening even though you want it to be true
>climate catastrophe
idiots have been screeching about "the world is coming to an end" since before the dawn of recorded history and its always been a lie with an agenda hidden behind it

>> No.15818775 [DELETED] 

>idiots have been screeching about "the world is coming to an end" since before the dawn of recorded history and its always been a lie with an agenda hidden behind it
theres always people who dumb and naïve enough to fall for the scam

>> No.15819321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15819349

It has a big problem, that being how finite it is. In 23rd century as you described it will most likely run out and then humanity will be fucked. This is why everyone tries to divert from it as hard as possible, yes it is most efficient but it is unsustainable. You either need to find alternative or scale down humanity with population control.

>> No.15819397

>idiots have been screeching about "the world is coming to an end" since before the dawn of recorded history
Idiots have also been oblivious about inconvenient truths or things that go beyond their attention span
>What do you mean we're not the centre of the universe? What else would it be?
>Of course the earth is flat, I can see literally everywhere I've ever been from that tree over there!
>What do you mean seatbelts save lives, I've always driven without seatbelts and never had any problems!
>What do you mean the global temperature is increasing? It's always warm in summer!

>> No.15819479

You're better off using whatever power source you intended to use to make fuel directly. You get more energy that way.

>> No.15820006

>oil is gunna run out any day now!!
>two weeks!!!

>> No.15820100

what happens when we run out of cheap oil?

>> No.15820107 [DELETED] 

valueless oil aka anti matter crystals

>> No.15820109

we run out of cheap products that are made using oil (virtually everything)
the price of everything goes up
it becomes harder to survive for the average human

>> No.15820129

What makes you think we will? Oil wells provably refill over time if you don't frack the strata.

>> No.15820135

The industrial agriculture fails and then we die :^)

>> No.15820306

>just put a small nuclear reactor in your car
When there literally is not enough lithium to power the world's transportation needs, a negative energy biofuel process powered by excess solar or nuclear is absolutely a worthwhile process.

Not everything is as simple as maximizing a single efficiency number.

>> No.15820314

Indeed. Malthusian Collapse soon humanity.

>> No.15820320

You could absolutely put a nuclear reactor in your car

Nuclear is a dead end though. Same as synthetic and biofuels fuels. The amount of lithium in the world is irrelevant. There are battery chemistries being developed that don't use lithium at all.

>> No.15820400

Nobody said it will run out anytime soon, or at leas soon enough to matter to most people today. The two weeks meme at this point is used by retards that are proud of their stupidity and complete inability to think further then the next 3 months.

>> No.15821035 [DELETED] 

oil will never run out, all of the scarcity rumors are invented strictly to justify restricting supply and increasing prices

>> No.15821497

>Nuclear is a dead end though.
What makes you think so?

>> No.15821503 [DELETED] 

Its a lot cheaper to just shove everyone into 15 minutes cities with electric trains. You will have to after cars get phased out

>> No.15821900 [DELETED] 

its unnecessary because we have coal, oil and gas, which are all less expensive than nuclear as well as adding valuable co2 to the atmosphere instead of producing the toxic waste that nuclear does

>> No.15821912

+2 pyб

>> No.15821952

Is it bad that a Ukrainian is helping improve the West? Does it blow your little orc mind?

>> No.15822040

Coal, oil, and gas produce more toxic waste than nuclear does by a significant margin, and it nuclear has the potential to reduce this by a factor of 100 with well understood technology.

>> No.15822042

>Coal, oil, and gas produce more toxic waste than nuclear does by a significant margin

>> No.15822085


>> No.15822088

>source: xkcd
>source: pop-soiyence magazine
>source: green shill lobbying firm
Uh ok bro. Now can you cite something real?

>> No.15822091

They're all sourced, not my problem

>> No.15822093

Thank you for conceding you were wrong. I graciously accept your loss and my victory in this argument.

>> No.15822094 [DELETED] 

> Now can you cite something real?
no, sorry, xkcd and popsci is the best I can do because I have no actual education in this topic, everything I know about it I learned from reddit and npr

>> No.15822100

Keep replying to yourself and inhaling your "plant food"

>> No.15822101

Is "yourself" in the room with you right now?

>> No.15822387

Schizo or bad at math? It’s called fossil fuel for almost two centuries because it’s made of prehistoric organisms. Do you think algae sediments and converts into oil just fast as we mine it or what? Do you believe the theory that it is not made of sedimented bacteria but instead is produced by some underground microbe colonies? Or is this some genuine schizo shit about Earth being filled with oil to the core and that being the source of geothermal heat or something similar?

>> No.15822409

>It’s called fossil fuel for almost two centuries because it’s made of prehistoric organisms.
No it was originally called that because it came from the ground (fossil = something you dig up). The association with dino bones was made up by oil companies in the 1900s to justify claims of scarcity.

>> No.15823207

Are you genuinely schizophrenic?

>> No.15823214

It's expensive as hell, produces toxic waste that more often than not is stored in improper and dangerous ways, and it's finite and much more limited than anyone who advocates for it is willing to admit. It should be saved for space missions where it does the most good and doesn't poison anyone.

>> No.15823217

Cars won't be phased out and the majority of US cities could only be walkable 15 minute cities if they were completely demolished and rebuilt.

>> No.15823399

>produces toxic waste that more often than not is stored in improper and dangerous ways
>much more limited than anyone who advocates for it is willing to admit

>> No.15823430
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>> No.15823812

>it’s made of prehistoric organisms
false, the deepest boreholes have all found massive amounts of hydrocarbon fuels at depths below which they could possibly be of organic origin, there are also hydrocarbon fuels found on lifeless planets and in interstellar molecular clouds

>> No.15823823 [DELETED] 

Cities get rebuilt all the time because buildings rot and have to be rebuilt. Its a natural thing.
Whats going to happen is all the jobs will be in the city while roads will no longet be repaired and gas will be much more expensive, suburbs will become isolated favelas full of rotting houses, people will just migrate to cities. You think migration isnt a thing?

>> No.15823842

>The proper way is to measure WEIGHT in kilograms like we do!
Call me when you country lands men on the moon. We did it fifty years ago.

>> No.15823907

Google it. Your ignorance isn't my problem. And I'm sure you'll say something along the lines of "this is a third world problem, not a nuclear problem" so make sure you look up the defunct nuclear reactor in England that's stuffed full of leaking nuclear waste barrels.

>> No.15823913

Are you retarded? Buildings are put up on the same site as buildings are demolished on and road repair doesn't move roads. Rebuilding a city is much more complicated than you seem to think.

>> No.15823915

Urbanists are by definition retarded. If they were intelligent and capable people they wouldn't be dependent on public transit.

>> No.15824289

Urbanists hate being late to work because of traffic jam, and they understand that if you replaced 20 cars with one bus that can house 30 people you significantly improve traffic jam. Urbanists that wish their city had public transit own cars like everyone else in areas with no public transport.

>> No.15824309

We have nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers, it just has to be big enough to be practical to make a whole ass nuclear reactor
Solar is a better option for smaller things, while still inconvenient, as it’s better for houses and shit that sits still and collects
We are still working out the kinks with electric cars, innovation always starts with experimentation, just because it isn’t working now doesn’t mean it’s pointless and it will never work

>> No.15824314

>When there literally is not enough lithium to power the world's transportation needs
Mineral scarcity is doomer bullshit. Until you get to gold/platinum group metals it's just a matter of throwing money at exploration and extraction. Lithium is only scarce now because nobody gave a shit about extracting it at scale until very recently.

>> No.15824338

>Urbanists hate being late to work because of traffic jam, and they understand that if you replaced 20 cars with one bus that can house 30 people you significantly improve traffic jam.
The fact that they religiously believe in such falsehoods is a good case of proof that they're retarded. I'm glad you brought it up.

>> No.15824359

What falsehood? Do you understand how a bus works?

>> No.15824469
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>> No.15824795 [DELETED] 

>Buildings are put up on the same site as buildings are demolished on and road repair doesn't move roads
Quit simply these buildings and roads will be abandoned like so many ghost towns because they dont make economic sense. Diehards will stick for some time until they die in poverty

>> No.15824799

>Dense energy storage
>Uses atmospheric oxygen to save mass
>Emits harmless CO2 and H2O
>Renewable and available in large quantities as a geologic liquid
What's not to love?

>> No.15824801

270 meter lengths are very useful and convenient. With the endzones it is almost 300m. Europeans could measure distance in soccer or rugby fields but you don't have standards just like how every baseball field is different.

>> No.15824807

>being continuously replenished.
Oil is being replenished, a singular finite well that is not being replenished doesn't prevent a new oil plume from being created in geologic processes.

>> No.15824808

It's better in feet and yards. A football field is 100 yards or 300 feet long, which is a fantastic way of visualizing that length. With the end zones it's 360 feet, which is a very divisible number and thus handy for doing napkin math.

>> No.15824810

>bidding of israel so you can keep getting cheap oil
Doing the bidding of Israel results in more expensive oil.

>> No.15824814

Foreigners cannot use multiple measurement systems unlike chadmericans.

>> No.15824816

The British used to be able to use their brains but their competency crisis sadly led to decimalization.

>> No.15824821

>demand every claim about nuclear be sourced
>refuses to source anything about coal/oil, refuses to source criticisms of nuclear
classic oil tards

>> No.15824845

You swung and missed. He's a "Green."

>> No.15824870

I use the terms interchangably. Same group of gullible people who think oil will recover at a sustainable rate forever and plant life will boom because of increased use will also be fooled into thinking building billions of solar panels and batteries with no recycling infrastructure is a good idea.

>> No.15824885

I don't understand why we aren't making tech, that makes current cars still green, like making fuel from carbon-capture powered by heat in the air or something similar.

It's that we could use current cars, and being green at the same time.

>> No.15824922 [DELETED] 

Just too expensive and its cheaper to have trains everywhere. But only when cities are dense enough so that the trains get enough riders to pay for them, its no good to build a train that is 95% empty

>> No.15824938

>like making fuel from carbon-capture powered by heat in the air or something similar.
Please compare the energy efficiency to electric vehicles.

>> No.15824984

>I don't know how to use google
It's very easy. You simply type your search term into the bar and hit enter or click on the 'search' button, and website with your search term will populate the list.


>> No.15824986

Oil is not created by geologic processes. Take your meds and stop drinking my milkshake.

>> No.15825577

Your post is the only one backed up by rigorous scientific experimentation.

>> No.15825674

So where is the data?

>> No.15826243
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EVs are the least energy efficient vehicle that exists. Carting around a 1000-3000lbs battery is a massive waste of energy when a normal car's fuel tank weighs less than 50lbs most of the time

>> No.15826255

>Carting around a 1000-3000lbs battery is a massive waste of energy when a normal car's fuel tank weighs less than 50lbs most of the time
Your idiot units are quite telling already. Also, that your fuel tank is empty most of the time shows that you're not just uneducated but poor. But enough about ad hominem arguments.

ICEs have efficiencies around 10-15%. Electric motors have efficiencies north of 90%, take transmission losses and a pessimistic estimate into account and you arrive at maybe 80% power-power-to-road efficiency.
Back to the artificial fuel: we're already at 15% (let's be optimistic) tank-to-road. How efficient is the generation of such fuels? I honestly don't know. Certainly not 100%. I'm sure you land in single-digit efficiencies if you take everything into account t. I'm sure you can cart around many freedom units of batteries with the factor 10 better efficiency and still come out on top.

>> No.15826281
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not even to mention fossil fuels are the best fuel for the health of the planet because CO2 is good for life on earth
CO2 in cells binds with amino groups to form carbamino groups which protect against oxidative stress and glycation, CO2 increases oxygen availability because its essential for oxygen to dissociate from hemoglobin
high altitude populations, due to the increased CO2 concentration, have nearly nonexistant incidence of alzheimers and neurodegenerative disease and have lower all cause mortality
all the geologic periods of the past characterised by megafauna and megaflora and the highest levels of biodiversity were characterised by CO2 levels much higher than now
on a geologic time scale CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere pale in comparison to past epochs (see picrel)
also when people talk about extinctions due to "climate change" (notice its not called global warming anymore) its total bullshit when you keep in mind a: nobody was keeping track before, b: biodiversity is the highest its ever been, c: the climate has always changed and right now the climate is the stablest its ever been
we are so incredibly lucky to live in an such a climactically perfect epoch (maybe not for long tho if we get a maunder minimum type cooling event but thats for another post)

>> No.15826317 [DELETED] 

Cars of any type dont matter. People will just live in dense cities and travel everywhere by subway, tram and high speed rail.
Internal combustion engines will still exist for trucks, planes and agricultural machinery, it just wont be required of the masses

>> No.15826367

>x axis is 100s of millions of years
>humankind is a few 100k years old
you know, so much text makes me thinks you actually care about the subject, but you simply cannot be serious.

>> No.15826370
File: 82 KB, 850x616, The-methanol-based-economy-cycle-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methanol economy IS the future.

>> No.15826376

>Also, that your fuel tank is empty most of the time
average sized fuel tank is 15 gallons, gas weights 6lbs per gallon, so 50 pounds is more than half full.
just goes to show how ignorant and low iq greentards are that you can't figure that out

>> No.15826378

>People will just live in dense cities and travel everywhere by subway, tram and high speed rail.
Certain people on this Laotian birdwatching forum have a big problem with that.

>> No.15826388

>ignores any point about efficiency
>rather brings up more retarded units
Look, I don't care if 25kg is half full or half empty and how many AR15s the tank itself weighs (you're ignoring the tank and only look at the fuel, which is a liquid, yet you refer to it as gas).

I know, it's my fault for bringing this stuff up, but that's really not the main point of my comment. The main point is that combustion engines are incredibly inefficient.

>> No.15826431

you are an illiterate retard

>> No.15826502

The irony

>> No.15826772

Can I just use the parts there are out there already? Like I use something I buy on net, so I don't have to start from beginning...

>> No.15826920

60 years, my dude.

>We're getting Old

>> No.15826988

Given current trends of poulation decline and therefore declining demand for oil, this shouldn't be as much of a problem as it sounds. If it weren't for Africa at least.

>> No.15826994

How's that climate orbiter doing?

>> No.15827550

you are mentally deranged

>> No.15828948

this, EVs are clearly retarded

>> No.15828965

You bumped a thread for "this"?

>> No.15829023

Are you the janny who got so mad that he made every honest climate science thread autosage?

>> No.15829026

The janitors keep deleting posts when they reach autosage to keep climate change (denial) threads bumped for weeks. Take your meds.

>> No.15829028

??? which one?

>> No.15829034

We should prep nuclear while using oil

>> No.15829039

Didn't someone do something with Ammonia and then get Clintoned by big oil

>> No.15830551

The guy who pioneered the vacuum distillation method for economically making ethanol fuel was arrested for running an illegal fuel refinery and all his tech was handed over to the oil companies who now make big money selling ethanol diluted gasoline

>> No.15830565

george washington c.
sold his soul to big oil
we should use peanut diesel

>> No.15830797

Thats all a load of fucking horseshit from the 1970s.

>> No.15830821

The global warming lunatics are literally anti human life.

>> No.15831152
File: 76 KB, 962x696, bohm_dl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Algal Biodiesel would solve all of this but mysteriously stopped being discussed

>> No.15831253

Things like that are not discussed because they don't fit the badly disguised policy agendas and true goals of the people who are shilling the big lie of global warming. They don't want people to have the freedom of functional vehicles that can cover long distances, they want you to be trapped by having a less functional battery powered car.
They call themselves "progressives" but they want quality of life for the average person to regress, not improve.

>> No.15831262
File: 120 KB, 1280x935, Hubbert_Upper-Bound_Peak_1956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have run out of cheap (traditional) oil. Everything left is shale and other shit you need to do some wacky stuff to extract. Right now we're just a few decades away from the other end of that.

>> No.15831263

>They don't want people to have the freedom of functional vehicles that can cover long distances
Hence also the "15 minute city." By cutting up urban areas into these large sections which prevent the passage of cars they make it much harder for people to leave cities.

>> No.15831375

>being against 15-minute cities
>being forced to drive a car everywhere and consoom Saudi oil is freedom
>being able to walk everywhere is slavery
You have to be trolling. This can't be a legitimate opinion by actual humans.
>they make it much harder for people to leave cities.
Do you think that people can't leave cities like Groningen? What did you smoke?

>> No.15831379

Are you one of those people from /r/fuckcars who thinks that the Netherlands is a car-free haven? Because in reality it's horrible to commute there without one unless you're in the top 1% of income earners and can afford the extortionate rents.

>> No.15831380

>peak oil!!!!
>two weeks!!!
that same lie has b been circulating for over a century

>> No.15831391

No, only retards like >>15831263 think that it's car free. You can still very much have a car in a walkable city. This 15 minute concept gives you the freedom to choose between a car and walking/cycling.

>> No.15831395 [DELETED] 

wind and biodiesel are the most stupid ways to waste resources. Only fucking idiots like you believe that shit is viable.

>> No.15831396

>This 15 minute concept gives you the freedom to choose between a car and walking/cycling.
Part of the outline for "15 minute cities" is that cars will be banned in gridded blocks of the city. In fact in most places where it was implemented, bollards and concrete barriers were set up to prevent people from leaving or entering certain neighborhoods by car.

Naturally the locals removed them all in the night because they like being able to leave.

>> No.15831398 [DELETED] 

LMAO, take good care of my little bastards.

>> No.15831400 [DELETED] 

Another moron who believes politicians will ever fix anything with more stupid regulations.

>> No.15832318

Another moron who believes the free market will ever fix anything without any regulations.

>> No.15832694

>most places where it was implemented, bollards and concrete barriers were set up to prevent people from leaving or entering certain neighborhoods by car.
sounds like early 20th century European ghettoes
is this the progress we've all been hearing so much about?

>> No.15833942

>sounds like early 20th century European ghettoes
at least the old ghettoes were ethnically homogeneous

>> No.15833986
File: 148 KB, 1280x868, Population Bomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to everyone in this thread that all near-future technology has maybe 30-40 years to fruit before the globe is taken over by 80 IQ Africans.

>> No.15834072 [DELETED] 

Cars will get banned just the same. Do you think you can vote to preserve cars? Car companies CEOs are the sort of people that go to Davos and are squared to elite plans. They will just slowly wind down operations and gradually sell assets and retrofit for manufacture of something else. Roads will stop getting repairs and basically that whole way of life will become obsolete.
Anyone caught in a suburb by then will just live in isolation with a 60 year old car held together with rare recycled spare parts bought from Ebay

>> No.15834086

That’s fanfiction though. Nothing you describe happened.

>> No.15834097

Take your meds.

>> No.15834114

I’d read that novel.

>> No.15834323


>> No.15834326


>> No.15834344

And what does that have to do with 15 minute cities?
>The 15-minute city (FMC or 15mC)[2][3][4][5][6][7] is an urban planning concept in which most daily necessities and services, such as work, shopping, education, healthcare, and leisure can be easily reached by a 15-minute walk, bike ride, or public transit ride from any point in the city.[8]

>> No.15834362

The UK's 15 minute city program is called "LNT" standing for "Low-Traffic Neighborhood" where neighborhoods are isolated with roadblocks to enforce local living in accordance with the 15 minute city standard.

>> No.15835016

first of all oil is generated under the crust/upper mantle abiogenically
but say we outstrip the Earth's capacity to produce oil, then we switch to natural gas
but theres so much petroleum in total that by the time we run out we'll have fusion power

>> No.15835030


>> No.15835305


>> No.15836036 [DELETED] 

the idea of "fossil fuels" is just a meme the oil companies circulate in order to justify their scarcity rumors and resulting high prices and massive windfall profits

>> No.15836057

The idea that humans cannot breathe underwater was created by ice cream vendors. By forcing us to spend more time outside of the water, we are constantly exposed to their products and propaganda. Stop buying ice cream at the beach and start breathing underwater!

>> No.15836088

There are nuclear powered ships and submarines but I can’t see a nuclear plane happening

>> No.15836272

This. Before the 20th century when people talked about fossil fuels they meant it in the Latin sense, a fuel that originates inside the earth. Only after oil companies got involved did they intentionally change the definition to be about dinosaur bones to trick people.

>> No.15836286

>enough FFs for 100K years
They why do we keep hearing that they're almost gone?

>> No.15836418

>dinosaur bones
Fossil fuels aren't made of dinosaurs or their bones. It's mostly plants.

>> No.15836451

Rumors of scarcity make price increases and record profits sound reasonable instead of greedy and abusive.

>> No.15836997 [DELETED] 

They aren't of organic origin. Hydrocarbons are prevalent throughout the universe, regardless them having been classified as "organic" molecules based solely on their hydrogen carbon and oxygen content, they are still not of biological origin

>> No.15837374


>> No.15837378

What prehistoric alien life created the hydrocarbon oceans on Titan? Was it the Greys?

>> No.15837383

> the hydrocarbon oceans on Titan
Is this from a 1970s sci-fi novel?

>> No.15837411

i don't like traveling on plague infested public transport. If you want to use it, that's fine, just dont stop me using a car

>> No.15837415

I'm serious too. If you burn 100% of FFs you return to historic CO2 levels. The only way you could claim that is bad is via an argument over animal adaptation times. I don't see adaption times as an issue, we selectively bred farm animals and dogs in a very short time.

>> No.15837423

>he's still afraid of covid
Come on, everyone else already got it. If you're vaccinated, it's literally just the sniffles. You won't end up like the truckloads of corpses you saw in Bergamo. You can also wear an FFP2 mask if it makes you feel better, that significantly reduces the risk of infection.

>> No.15837425

issue with algal stuff is the cost of drying. has to be done quickly or it'll rot. doing it quickly usally needs powered drying systems, which use more energy than whats in the algae.

>> No.15837426

Methane is formed from all kinds of reactions. The existence of methane does not disprove the origin of fossil fuels. The carbon isotopes in fossil fuels prove that they were formed from plant matter. Do you know what an isotope is?

>> No.15837428

You mean prehistoric. That would be a bad thing for every living thing on the planet.

>> No.15837437

Except for horseshoe crabs and crocodiles probably.

>> No.15837448

Nah, the rapidity of the change would probably get them too. Maybe it would be good for them if we stretched the change out over a few thousand or tens of thousands of years.

>> No.15838164

>That would be a bad thing for every living thing on the planet.
No it wouldn't.

>> No.15838166

I'm thinking of the bedbugs.

>> No.15838452

Nuclear could very well power planes if it weren't for the dangers of crashing

>> No.15838467

Covid isn't real, but fleas and typhus are real. There was a typhus outbreak in California because of all the homeless people bringing fleas to every public place.

>> No.15838468

It's from scientific studies of the planet's surface.
>methane is a liquid
Ok anon, you just disqualified yourself from ever talking about this again.

>> No.15838683
File: 24 KB, 414x361, xpp0t1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded?

>> No.15838700


Scientists seem perpetually baffled by the presence of abiotic hydrocarbons everywhere in the solar system, because their religion mandates that biological processes are the only ones that can produce it in such volume.

>> No.15838709

>farming equipment.
Just use niggers again, they can be powered by grits and fried chicken

>> No.15838743


>> No.15838758

Sounds like pussies can't handle the radioactive style

>> No.15838761

Sounds kind of BS to me honestly.

>> No.15838804

I couldn't care less about your uneducated opinion.

>> No.15838808

Gravity and oxen, it's all I need

>> No.15839838

Clearly it offends you that people are skeptical of your outrageously convoluted eschatology.

>> No.15839848

fuck the future generations, let's just use fossil fuels to power our civilization for as long as they are the cheapest source of energy, we have so much fucking coal and oil that no one in the whole fucking wold shouldn't have access to clean water and cheap food... if we raise enough kids right, chances are some of those fucking geniuses will figure out fusion and just solve all the problems, why are we caring about co2, in the future of limitless power we can just take that shit out of the atmosphere way faster than it took to burn all these teratons of fossil fuels, no fucking way humanity is dying because of a lack of innovation and unwillingness to adapt

>> No.15839866

This is a troll site run by morons that think they are geniuses.

>> No.15839872

maybe 12 people on the planet get fusion power reactors anon. you not understanding it doesn't make them crazy or you stupid it just means they are smart.

>> No.15839881
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1629751249690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? That was a different generation with technology you've long lost according to your own leaders. Meanwhile NASA promises to go back to the moon every few years and you still haven't done it.

>> No.15839904

Kilograms is mass not weight

>> No.15839906

For what? Helium 3 moon rocks?

>> No.15840304 [DELETED] 

all the people who say they believe in evolution also say that the earth needs to preserved exactly as it is (or as it was at some at arbitrary point in the past) indefinitely.
they clearly have an irrational belief system

>> No.15840463

>Clearly it offends you that people are skeptical of your outrageously convoluted eschatology.
He said, after getting offended people are skeptical of his outrageously convoluted eschatology which was devised and disseminated by oil companies.

Try being less of a useful idiot.

>> No.15841773 [DELETED] 

>Try being less of a useful idiot.

>> No.15841839

He said, knowing nothing about isotopes.

>> No.15841845

I don't think the world is ending because of a trace gas, anon. I have no reason to be offended since I have no related eschatological claims.

>> No.15841904

Try being less of a useful idiot.

>> No.15841914

See >>15841773

>> No.15841921


>> No.15841923

Expand on this with a proper argument using data to back it up, unless you are just being a whiny shitposting bitch who gets their news from curated tiktoks and facebook posts

>> No.15841924

This isn't really a danger when properly prepared for

>> No.15842454 [DELETED] 

It could be done, but it isn't because the idea of green energy isn't really about getting rid of CO2 emissions, thats just a false pretense for it's true purpose. Thats why nuclear energy is used almost exclusively for military purposes and never for the benefit of peaceful civilian populations.

>> No.15842458

if humanity was going to make it into the 23rd century with sizable populations, why weren't you born then?

>> No.15842680 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, cc4afaa9-15ff-4c60-ab68-ca781b60117e_1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15842688

>large boulder the size of a small boulder
please tell me you have a link to that

>> No.15842716 [DELETED] 

Dropping isotope in a sentence is not an argument

>> No.15842721
File: 60 KB, 750x462, 1667539018898642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic related.

>> No.15843641
File: 341 KB, 2560x930, Five_Myr_Climate_Change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le hockey stick meme
its fake

>> No.15843836

Busses are gay, all my autists love trains.

>> No.15843861
File: 91 KB, 800x640, 800px-NB-36H_with_B-50,_1955_-_DF-SC-83-09332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally already happened

>> No.15844034

>if you zoom out far enough and ignore the past 200 years you can't see the hockey stick
You are so smart.

>> No.15844227

that wasn't nuclear powered, it just had a reactor onboard. not that making a nuclear reactor turn a propellor would be all that challenging

>> No.15844232

Biggest problem is the perception
Nuclear = bad
Needs a rebranding

>> No.15844238

Nuclear/particle physicist here. Try to convince me that nuclear power = good.

>> No.15844258

the nuclear waste can b used 4 free heating

>> No.15844260

your field of physics has been stagnant for over half a century and everyone in it is consequently demonstrably low iq and worthless, how do you cope?

>> No.15844282

I'd unironically use an RHU at home. But I wouldn't trust 99% of the population with one. Terrorists and retards will use it against people. Industrially, cooling is more challenging than heating. Plenty of processes give off waste heat, which is why residual heat from spent fuel is just dissipated rather than used.
My field measured the proton radius correctly a couple of years ago. Probing nuclei in exotic atoms is anything but stagnant.

>> No.15844618

You are an NPC.

>> No.15844619 [DELETED] 

Sometimes the lesson that the mind teaches you is actually something that takes a long time to learn, but it seems like it's telling you something direct.

>> No.15845418 [DELETED] 


>> No.15845466

Another high quality bump by the NPC

>> No.15845962

Why do you /pol/tards always say the exact same thing? You're all NPCs.

>> No.15845963

>"Why do people correctly identify projection as projection?"
Probably because reality is the same for everyone.

>> No.15846006

It's actually projection by the /pol/tards. And don't call them people, that's insulting to people.

>> No.15846013

>i am a super special snowflake genius
>everyone else is a mere NPC

>> No.15846016

>the person bumping threads like this one every night (European time) isn't an NPC

>> No.15847087 [DELETED] 

>muh worthless replication crisis publications

>> No.15847093 [DELETED] 

>My field measured the proton radius correctly a couple of years ago.
subatomic particles dont have sizes

>> No.15847125

Did you learn this term from a podcast and now you misapply it whenever you can?

>> No.15847128

Try again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_radius

>> No.15847363

Trouble is, with a massive reduction of population, we are likely not able to produce solar cells at prices near what they are now if at all.

>> No.15847549

atoms are not subatomic. you can give a "size" between the center of two fields, but not a size of a single field.

>> No.15848723 [DELETED] 

low iq pseud who has no idea what he is talking about

>> No.15849227 [DELETED] 

>you're not allowed to post in this thread anymore because this thread triggers me
stop being such a crybaby

>> No.15849266

So you just want to keep burning fossil fuels until we become venus.. nice..

>> No.15849323

It's physically impossible for the Earth to become like Venus without intentionally adding trillions tons of mass to the planet. You won't find 80 atmospheres worth of gas anywhere under the crust to get to that level of pressure and heat.

>> No.15849333

belief in global warming turns on ignorance of science and math

>> No.15850495

>belief in global warming turns on ignorance of science and math

>> No.15851401 [DELETED] 

>I am the all knowing genius, everyone who disagrees with me is a mere NPC
Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15851696

The irony in this post is palpable.

>> No.15851848

That's something you might want to provide a source on. I'm not googling shit to support your lie. Spoon-feed me skme bullshit.

>> No.15851872

You don't believe that this is going to happen, do you?

>> No.15852003

because everyone knows what a football field looks like and can easily visualize it you midwit redditor
same with iowa
want someone to imagine 145,746 km square?
can you imagine that?
no you cannot
actual retard
stop posting here

same with an acre, it was originally how much land was able to be farmed by some metric. then ever other country switched to a useless system that no one understands.

>> No.15852356 [DELETED] 

1 Iowa is a measure of productivity rather than area. Whats it like getting that emotionally triggered by leaping to your own dumb conclusions? Do you enjoy getting angry, spazzing out and making a fool of yourself?

>> No.15853040

so you're admitting that you're ignorant of the topic and that nobody should care what your opinion on it is

>> No.15853631

already solved by natgas and Haber-Bosch, NEXT

>> No.15853678

It's piss, isn't it?

>> No.15854195
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 iowa is 1 trillion iota's

>> No.15854746

1 Iowa is 2.5 billion bushels of corn annually

>> No.15855300


>> No.15856395 [DELETED] 

25.5 kilos per bushel

>> No.15856982

It's trivial to capture near 100% the carbon from a fire, just burn it in an enclosed environment. As for carbon removal, massive algae collectors should be used, the algae collected, processed for nutrient removal and stored underground where it will decompose and the co2 will sequester into porous rock.

>> No.15856991

It won't matter to anyone dumbfuck when have more than 200+ years of oil in only the reserves we know about.

>> No.15857004

Nigger of course you could transport a hundred people in a tiny bus if you shrink them to the size of an ant.

>> No.15857011

burning methanol makes co2 as well retard.

>> No.15857035

Those are legitimate problems. Especially point 2, the stakes of nuclear require extensive safety requirements which mean that building new reactors is both slow and extremely expensive. No it is not worth sacrificing the safety features to reduce the costs

>> No.15857099

>over half a century
How about the J/psi meson?
Bottom quark?
Lithium-ion battery? (or is that chemistry/engiee lol)
Tons and tons of cold fusion research (just because something isn't economically viable doesn't mean it isn't an advance of human knowledge)
Oh-My-God particle (discovery of a cosmic ray traveling at 0.99999999999999999 times the speed of light.
Top quark (I'll spare you the rest, in the last 50 years we discovered all of them)
neutrinos have mass
tetraneutron looking more and more likely every year
2-protons radioactivity
tons of domain specific physics knowledge that has appeared over the years for chip makers, lithography etc
new elements
Tonks–Girardeau gas
fermionic condensate
That's not even at the 2010s yet. I could go on if you like, but this definitely refutes the nothing claim. Also you act like we had laserscanners and shit 50 years ago, it takes along time for stuff to leave the lab and even longer for it to be refined, in 50 years when attosecond physics are the backbone behind terrahertz cpus you will claim that there hasn't been any progress in physics in the last 50 years

Have you heard of the internet? How about http? invented by a physicist at cern a physics research institute?

>> No.15857153

>Have you heard of the internet? How about http? invented by a physicist at cern a physics research institute?
Tim Berners-Lee was an engineer who was contracted to upgrade CERN's abysmal communications infrastructure. If his boss at CERN didn't do it (and it nearly didn't happen there at all) he would have sold the idea to someone who appreciated it more.

Why do scientists always try to steal the fruits of other disciplines to shore up their own?

>> No.15857171

> he would have sold the idea to someone who appreciated it more.
That's such a retarded way to downplay literally every invention. If CERN wouldn't have discovered the Higgs boson, the physicists would've discovered it elsewhere, right?

>> No.15857697

I suggest less of it. Make people walk like in Zelda so they can work on their racism!

>> No.15857803

>Why do scientists always try to steal the fruits of other disciplines to shore up their own?
the virgin scientist fears the chad engineer

>> No.15857815

>In 23rd century as you described it will most likely run out
lol. Not going to happen.

>> No.15857840

>this thing which is limited will not run out
Sure m8

>> No.15858025

who are you quoting?

>> No.15858125

notice that you didnt cite anything to back your claim
>much more limited than anyone who advocates for it is willing to admit

And it's telling that you cite the problem with storing it as though it's impossible to solve, oil and coal kill people and animals all the time, trains get derailed constantly and the hazards produced by these accidents - which themselves are caused by negligence mostly and cutting cost at the expense of the health of whoever happens to live near one of their latest oopsie. The solution is then swiftly and promptly implemented only after it has happened enough times to taint public opinion of those responsible, who will try to claim it's a governmental problem. Half of the cost of nuclear energy expenses is cleanup for current and past weapons programs, a third+ of the budget anually allocated to nuclear cleanup is entirely for the weapons complex, of the remaining 2/3~ a third of that is still cleanup for the original nuclear weapons development project.

The problem isn't that it's expensive, the problem is that there is no permanent solution to storing the waste because no one has proposed one to the right people. If you want to pull out your tinfoil hat you could say that there is an interest in keeping oil and coal as the only reliable sources of power in America, considering the death toll of carbon emissions, coal mining and oil health risks:

>Emissions from burning coal
Sulfur dioxide (SO2), acid rain and respiratory illnesses
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), smog and respiratory illnesses
Particulates, smog, haze, and respiratory illnesses and lung disease
Carbon dioxide (CO2), primary greenhouse gas produced from burning fossil fuels
Mercury and other heavy metals, which have been linked to both neurological and developmental damage in humans and other animals
Fly ash and bottom ash, which are residues created when power plants burn coal

>> No.15858138

>32 people in one bus vs between 8 and 32 cars
>3200 people in 100 buses vs between 800 and 3200 cars
>buses run in planned routes with schedules vs cars you can start and stop anywhere anytime for any reason
>bus sleeps at the bus yard every night
>car rests anywhere it wants to anytime it gets there and if it cant find somewhere to park it will illegally stop on the sidewalk, bike lane, someone else's driveway, or take up an entire driving lane.
>if your car breaks down youre fucked
>if the bus breaks down the next one will be here in 15 minutes

hmm I'm fuckin stumped I can't figure this one out Jimmy

>> No.15858144

>>if the bus breaks down the next one will be here in 15 minutes
You've never taken public transit before have you? I live in an extremely densely packed and transit-conscious city and I've never gotten on a new bus quicker than half an hour after a breakdown. Many bus routes also take over an hour to get to the city center because of how tiny the streets are. It's convenient for people taking small trips but brutal for commuters who live even a few miles away from the city center.

>> No.15858159

co2 capture is a meme retard

I have taken public transport for pretty much every month since middle school, I've taken it to all my jobs so far, some which take me all the way out to the border of the city and back to downtown, when my bus has broken down, they flag down the next one thats maybe 15 minutes behind and we all get on it for free. The bus takes at maximum 30 minutes with moderate traffic to take you across downtown, an hour at most if you live a few miles away from city center, in fact the routes are all planned to make it as convenient as possible to get to city center in as few transfers as you can make, combine that with the four routes offered by the light rail system that has no traffic and you can get anywhere from the fringes of the city to downtown in 15 flat and 30 minutes tops to take the entire route from one end to the other.

I have never had my own car and have depended on buses, light rail, public bicycles and combis to travel all my life.
In fact the ONLY problem with public transport is that there aren't MORE buses and MORE bus only lanes like there are downtown.
On top of that downtown has the longest bus-only lane that takes you from the south perifery to the north perifery in an hour since it only stops for the stoplight and not in traffic.

>> No.15858191

>Half of the cost of nuclear energy expenses is cleanup for current and past weapons programs, a third+ of the budget anually allocated to nuclear cleanup is entirely for the weapons complex, of the remaining 2/3~ a third of that is still cleanup for the original nuclear weapons development project.
Source? I thought the majority of the costs are frontloaded to construction capex

>> No.15858200

and decommissioning

>> No.15858210

You ironically live in a car-centered city and you don't even notice the benefits. I live in a city developed for horse carriages and foot traffic with narrow streets and dense urban development. Buses are a nightmare and extending rail through the city has been a boondoggle due to the amount that would need to be demolished to create a useful route.

>> No.15858218

I like and use both public and private forms of transport. More options = everybody wins. Not all forms of transport are suitable, appropriate, sensible or feasible in all cases. Same as with different forms of energy, you can't and shouldn't attempt to force certain forms everywhere. It would be like trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

>> No.15858230

I also support multiple modes of transportation, which is why I'm against urbanists and urbanism generally. Their ideology ruins cities and makes them a transit nightmare because it operates off of naive (or calculatedly malicious) assertions about transportation dynamics.

>> No.15858233

>considering the death toll of carbon emissions
CO2 is hardly lethal, or harmful in the slightest to the body

>> No.15858240

At least not at the pitiful trace amounts of 0.04%.

>> No.15858409

literally in the fucking link im replying to it asks directly why its so expensive only HALF of 1 billion dollars anually goes to continual storage costs which seems like its still a lot but its not 6 billion or whatever the larger figure was

the light rail system was developed in the late 80's delivered in 1989 sep 1st, much of the existing car infraestructure has been destroyed or repurposed to allow for more public transportation and pedestrian transit.

the macrobus system was developed in 2009 and looks like picrel using existing car infrastructure to serve more people than cars could in the same space

in the early 2000's historic downtown was closed off to cars almost entirely save for a few roads that are necessary to redirect traffic to major arteries and the foot traffic created has increased the commercial potential of the area, plus encouraging bike and walking.

My city was developed as it went along, there are major mistakes in the non-planning of it, driving is only comfortable to the northwest where the streets were developed after 1980, with wide lanes and safe street design, however public transport hardly gets there and ubering is the only non-personal driving transport method available. Buses have to run through small streets, maneuver tight corners and drive on cobblestone paths at times. Keep coping.

this is fair, but for some people living outside of the transport network having a car is a necessity just to get to work and that's retarded, if the light rail system in my city keeps getting extensions and expansions there will be no need to own a car, more so if the existing succesful transit infrastructure gets expanded to the rest of the city, giving up 2 lanes of car traffic is the best decision my city has made, there is a mile long line of cars stuck in traffic while the bus blazes through the empty lane and gets me to where i need to be in 10 minutes and i dont even have to park.

>> No.15858416


>Impacts of global, regional, and sectoral black carbon emission reductions on surface air quality and human mortality
>As a component of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), black carbon (BC) is associated with premature human mortality. BC also affects climate by absorbing solar radiation and reducing planetary albedo.
>We estimate ∼8 times more avoided deaths when BC and organic carbon (OC) emissions are halved together, suggesting that these results greatly underestimate the full air pollution-related mortality benefits of BC mitigation strategies which generally decrease both BC and OC. The choice of concentration-response factor and health effect thresholds affects estimated global avoided deaths by as much as 56 % but does not strongly affect the regional distribution. Confidence in our results would be strengthened by reducing uncertainties in emissions, model parameterization of aerosol processes, grid resolution, and PM2.5 concentration-mortality relationships globally.

>Estimated Global Disease Burden From US Health Care Sector Greenhouse Gas Emissions
>We estimated that life cycle GHG emissions associated with US health care activities will cause an additional 123000 to 381000 DALYs annually based on 2013 health care sector life cycle emissions.

>Global Air Quality and Health Co-benefits of Mitigating Near-Term Climate Change through Methane and Black Carbon Emission Controls
>Results: We estimated that, for PM2.5 and ozone, respectively, fully implementing these measures could reduce global population-weighted average surface concentrations by 23–34% and 7–17% and avoid 0.6–4.4 and 0.04–0.52 million annual premature deaths globally in 2030. More than 80% of the health benefits are estimated to occur in Asia.

>> No.15858417

Baseball bats aren't toxic, wanna try something out?

>> No.15858423

ape-like violence is a sign of low iq

>> No.15858427

So is denying basic scientific knowledge.

>> No.15858428

Like the knowledge that CO2 is a beneficial trace gas essential for life.

>> No.15858433

Like the knowledge that more isn't always better. Humans need heat. If they get too cold, they die. If you heat them too much, they die too.

>> No.15858439

Disliking violence is a sign of small biceps.

>> No.15858443

Your apocalyptic death cult relies on psychotic comparisons like this because you don't want to admit that CO2 has always been a trace gas and will never be more than a trace gas no matter what humans do.

>> No.15858447

>trace gas
What exactly is your point here? Do you think that global warming is stopped by your labels?

>> No.15858448

>Do you think that global warming is stopped by your labels?
You're so close to getting it, but you fail at the last intellectual step.

>> No.15858450 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15858451

Let me try again. You pretend it's not happening so you don't have to feel bad?

>> No.15858453

>he believes """AI"""

>> No.15858457

Once again you're so close but you stumbled at the last hurdle. You can't even see what you sound like.

>> No.15858460

Please help me.

>> No.15858465

You can't be helped unless you want to change your perspective in good faith.

>> No.15858466

It used to be less than 0.03%. Are you claiming with a straight face that an increase by 50% is going to have no effect?

>> No.15858469

So you actually have no follow up?

>> No.15858470

>It used to be less than 0.03%.
It used to be higher than 0.2%. So what?

>> No.15858473

See what I mean? Thank you for proving me right. I accept your concession and I wish you luck in escaping the cult you belong to.

>> No.15858480 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15858772

149 iq cant tell i didnt reply to him lmfao

>> No.15858972

>add more CO2 to the atmosphere
>plants start absorbing solar radiation at a higher rate
>planet cools off as a result
>ice age
virtually the entire surface of the planet is covered in plants, plant life in the oceans is especially potent at cooling things off because it absorbs radiation that would have otherwise gone to heating the water, on land the plants absorbs radiation that would have otherwise been mostly reflected.

>> No.15858977

Not a single one of these kinds of ridiculous predictions has come to fruit. The climate is a complex system and cannot be reliably predicted.

>> No.15858982

>More greenhouse effect means colder temperatures
That's some 5D chess to make fun of global warming deniers isn't it?

>> No.15860473

CO2 don't cause the greenhouse effect, water vapor is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Thats why high humidity regions cool off less swiftly at night than arid regions. Theres no measurable difference in night time cooling rates in areas of diverse CO2 levels, but there is consistently for regions of diverse humidity, this proves that CO2 does not cause the greenhouse effect.

>> No.15860496


>> No.15861220

>0.04 is 50% larger than 0.03
this is how dumb you need to be to believe in global warming

>> No.15861977

It used to be 280 ppm in 1750, now it's 420 ppm. That's an increase of 50% exactly.

420/280 = 1.5

>> No.15861980

Provide a source or take your meds.

>> No.15861982
File: 28 KB, 660x417, CO2 past.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care lol

reminder that all environmentalists are both morally and logically wrong. You're all statist cucks

>> No.15861989



>> No.15861992

this is how dumb you need to be to believe in climate change denial.

>> No.15861997

>few decades
>two weeks

>> No.15862005

i'm not really that fussed about climate change existing or not. I just hate you statists. You idiots fail to recognize the most dangerous thing to humans are ourselves. Quarter billion people were murdered by their own governments last century alone, and yet you want to give even more power to governments.

Do you just not see it that way? Or do you want everyone to be brutalized by their own governments?

>> No.15862008

No amount of government killings will ever compare to the amount of deaths that come from lack of oversight and planning.
It's why the governments that operate badly are remembered for mass starvation.
Successful governance is in fact -required- for humanity to function.

>> No.15862021

You should take your meds

>> No.15862051

>lack of oversight and planning.
...results in a free market
You subhuman scum don't realize the difference between a man refusing to feed another man who starves to death and a man murdering another man. You think in both scenarios the man is guilty of killing the other.

chop you head off with a box cutter

>> No.15862053

Direct air carbon capture is not feasible and barely does anything. Carbon capture from thermal power plants makes much more sense and is much more impactful.

Also here's a new pioneering innovation that is currently operated commercially: plastic waste recycling through refineries. All that plastic waste littering the earth and the oceans can actually be cycled back into refinery feedstock and turned into fuel and other petrochemicals.

>> No.15862058

Lol take your meds.

>> No.15862085

>results in a free market
Are you crazy? free markets have only ever existed under strict government supervision.
Any time they -aren't-, they become monarchy.

>> No.15862088

>not feasibly
Without huge excesses of energy, yes.
If only there were some way to get this, forever.

>> No.15862095

Are you aware that nuclear power is in no way infinite?

>> No.15862100

It's going to last long after I die, anon.
Good enough.