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15818569 No.15818569 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific reason why sea bugs (shrimp, lobster, etc) are yummy, but land bugs are yucky?

>> No.15818576

Both are shit so the scientific explanation is that you have brain problems.

>> No.15818578

This is unwinnable if white plays correct, is it?

>> No.15818583

its actually a draw even if white doesnt play correct. its pretty easy to just brute force check that all positions where white ended up trapped are stalemates.

>> No.15818584

lol bro

>> No.15818586

o, cept for the corner i spose

>> No.15818597

I think black can maneuver white into one of the white corners fairly easily, with the bishop on the diagonal.

>> No.15818678
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Land bugs are yummy

>> No.15818755

Yes, the difference is size and amount of flesh, and by extension a difference in their respiratory systems.
Marine crustaceans are able to grow larger and thicker because they can breathe with gills.
"Bugs" on land instead breathe with a system of tubes and air sacs throughout their whole body, where the air basically soaks through them like a sponge, and they have to stay fairly small for this to work.
There are probably some land insects whose flesh would be just as tasty as a lobster's, if you could somehow magically scale them up to the same size as a lobster and crack them open.
They would be unable to live like that, though, instantly suffocating

>> No.15818780

I don't like the taste of shellfish. It's just not good, something about the texture and taste of the flesh, you can't convince me otherwise. Never eaten land bugs though.

>> No.15819197
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>implying farms can't grow engineered insects under higher % oxygen
there's more to big bugs than oxygen content, it has to do with the frequency of molts and food availability as well, to develop those massive fucking tracheal systems.
fat body placement is different too, I like eating crawdad heads, but they certainly don't taste like lobster meat.
getting some land bug to have the musculature of lobster tail isn't going to happen, you're only gonna get that meat in small parts of the wings in adults or in the legs like crab meat.

>> No.15819205

You don't usually eat them whole, you can remove the disgusting parts.

>> No.15819206

>Land bugs are are disgusting
t. never eaten spider hotpot before

>> No.15819211

No. There's a /pol/ reason though. They associate sea bugs with what people and land bugs with brown people.

>> No.15819215

>Is there a scientific reason why sea bugs (shrimp, lobster, etc) are yummy, but land bugs are yucky?
Yes, sea bugs have actual muscles that you can separate from the rest and land bugs have some crappy mixed goo.

>> No.15819439

If you were fed land bugs from an early age then your palate would be specialized to find them yummy.

>> No.15819450

>sea bugs have actual muscles that you can separate from the rest
My brother in Christ, have you ever eaten shrimp?

>> No.15819452

This. Eating insects was popular with American children in the 2000's. Flavored mealworms, spider suckers, scorpion suckers, ect. were available at grocery stores and would regularly sell out.

>> No.15819454

those existed as like a dare. their purpose was that they were gross. tf is wrong with you why are you lying to the zoomers. "would regularly sell out" absolutely not

>> No.15819462

Cat used to be commonly eaten in Europe and now it's like "haha lol le Chinks eat cats and dogs". Eating customs can change and turn into racism in under a century. I promise you, by the end of the century we'll laugh about some shithole countries that still don't eat affordable, easy to farm protein from insects.

>> No.15819466
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Yes, what's your point? All muscles.

>> No.15819487
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the scorpions where tourist trap food here, but those flavored mealworm/cricket packs where sold in normal places

>> No.15819503

sea bugs are in water, anything+water=more tasty

>> No.15819505
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sea hares are more tasty than rabbit stew?

>> No.15819529

You separate nothing. You merely peel it and remove the head and legs. You can do the same with insects.

>> No.15819535

no, you cant, insects dont have tails full of muscles that are edible
unless you're cracking open some legs you're eating fried bugs like softshell crab

>> No.15819570

Yeah, there is even a better and safer alternative than bugs - earth worms. They are basically one muscle body which should be easier to peel.
>On a dry weight basis, earthworms are typically composed of 65% protein, 14% fat, 14% carbohydrate, and 3% ash

>> No.15819578

that's smooth muscle man, why tf are you trying to compare worms with shrimp? here's big sea annelids as food already.
are you making tiny worm sausages?