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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1580728 No.1580728 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine this /sci/:

There's guy who spent year in university in college, studying various fields of science, and getting a PhD in something like physics. And all that time he did, the reason for it, was to become a science fiction author. And not only that, but to try and make the science part of his fiction stories as accurate and plausible as possible. How would you feel?

Pic unrealted.

>> No.1580745

I'd feel like that was pretty much a waste of his time.

>> No.1580747

Good for him. It's about time we got some science in our science fiction.

>> No.1580748

> a year in university
> PhD
> OP also has horrible grammar
> see you on page 15

>> No.1580749
File: 1.50 MB, 2016x3024, MichioKakuHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're talking about this guy, aren't you?

>> No.1580756

If there is a niche market that can financially support him, more power to him.

>> No.1580763

Waste of his time, you need at least a bachelors to write scientifically accurate/plausible scifi stories.

>> No.1580766


>> No.1580769
File: 42 KB, 431x323, CarlSaganGanesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread?!?!?!

Studying science to write fiction you say???

>> No.1580770

>wastes time and money to learn SCIENCE for a novel
>could have just asked those professors their opinions on the plausibility of things

This is why we leave the unintelligent where they are.

>> No.1580773

The science fiction market won't support him?

>> No.1580784

>waste of money
You know if he's a good enough writer to get published, he could've just written essays to get various scholarships.

>> No.1580786

>implying you can make a living as a writer/author

>> No.1580798

Someone learned a lot about science, oh no, the horror...
I wish EVERYONE would do that, even if they then went on to be cooks, bus drivers, politicians, writers or practicing physicists - which means I also wish we had the academic capacity to teach everyone how the universe works.

>> No.1580800

I doubt they would, but I say that from the unjustified and somewhat negative view of people who would label themselves as sci fi readers. Still, there is some wiggle room in the word "niche" and that may overlap with the sci fi crowd.

>> No.1580804

forgot, the view of the sci fi people is mine.

>> No.1580856

whats wrong with learning? :( why not just do it for writing? what else is there to do with a phd in physics? odds are you're no einstein, so might as well waste money on it. the only one who loses is you financialy, so i say its cool.