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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 157 KB, 766x1004, ndM4kDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15807078 No.15807078 [Reply] [Original]

could you selectively breed human beings for extreme sexual dimorphism?
i mean huge big guy/slim tiny girl
would you just have to take out big baby girls and small baby boys out of the gene pool?
asking for a friend

>> No.15807080

No. Take out all small children.

>> No.15807085

Men and women share most of their genes so it's difficult.
Also women need to have pelvises large enough to give birth to big baby boys.

>> No.15807086

as long as sexual selection is left up to women, we are already doing this. In the past women had no rights so a lot more short men got to breed because they had a job or car. Now that women have freedom only men above 6 foot can breed, unless they have a lot of money or good looks.

While these times are safer than earlier human history, I think fear of danger plays a role in womens selection of tall men nowadays being ramped up. Police don't do much anymore, even though it is comparably safer to older times, the news and internet shows us bad shit from all over and creates this feeling that times are more dangerous, plus less men being able to breed is creating a lot of bitter incels who make women feel unsafe, so a woman might need a big man to feel safe. Tall men lose fights to shorter better fighters all the time, but to a womans lizard brain, big looks more protecting, and it can have a deterring effect where it makes less men want to mess with them. Although the reverse can happen sometimes, my uncle was a big muscular guy and sometimes men would want to challenge him to prove their self.

I wonder if this evolutionary trend will ever reach a plateau for the peak efficiency of height and it no longer growing or being helpful. I think if we somehow made society safe and weeded out aggressive and low iq genes, maybe women would care less about height. This would take a very long time though.

>> No.15807087

>let short women breed
>be surprised that the offspring is a manlet
Lowest IQ thread on /sci/ right now. And that's quite an achievement - we have philosophy threads and /pol/ threads in the catalog.

>> No.15807095

>sexual selection is left up to women,
be rich and powerful, and you can select yourself,

you little whiny poor piece of shit.

>> No.15807097
File: 145 KB, 1024x1252, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only animals need big bodies. no wonder you nazis are stupid.
you are no better than orangutans.

>> No.15807100
File: 28 KB, 337x522, 1645377865645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to genetically modify women to make men small and athletic, who only require a few hundred calories per day, and women tall and fecund, who are programmed to release a few eggs each ovulation cycle so when impregnated they gestate small litters of 3 or 4 babies each pregnancy.

In this way we will have a society which will never fall below replacement even assuming only a single pregnancy per woman, and which uses fewer resources to support larger population sizes.

There aren't going to be tall men or short women in the future.

>> No.15807102

stop whining.

>> No.15807105 [DELETED] 
File: 718 KB, 675x1200, 1666312173135127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is closer to what the future of humans are going to look like than the OP image.

>> No.15807107
File: 41 KB, 780x439, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op pic woman is just ugly though. look at that shit she's gonna look like total trash by 40.

real women who deserve to be breed are few.

>> No.15807125

That's retarded. There is no point in having one sex larger than the other in a eusocial species like humans. Especially one that uses tools to make up for strength, size, speed, intelligence(new) etc.

>> No.15807128

Do you know what "eusocial" means?

>> No.15807153
File: 43 KB, 848x1012, 1000011668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why not. There's plenty of species where size difference can be pretty extreme. There's definitely a future in doing so. I bet the Chinese military is looking into it.

>> No.15807155

Why would we want large males when male size doesn't improve fitness? Large males and small females can't even reproduce without cesareans, nor could they be programmed to have litters.
The chinese aren't going to be making men large, they aren't that stupid.

>> No.15807184
File: 76 KB, 800x571, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't need big bodies, we're not giraffes. there's a reason asians have the highest iqs.

>> No.15807186

>Large males and small females can't even reproduce without cesareans
so what? we have the technology for cesareans.

>> No.15807191

So you have a population who can only have 1 child at a time and needs cesareans to do it vs one that has 3 or 4 at a time and doesn't need cesareans, AND uses fewer resources to support larger population sizes

Stop fucking coping. Small men and larger women are objectively more efficient and superior. Genetic engineering is going to be used to make men small and women large. There is no reason to do what you're saying.

Why are you so afraid of women being larger than men?

>> No.15807203

Soon enough we'll be able to grow babies without a human host at all.
>vs one that has 3 or 4 at a time
A single lab will be able to grow hundreds/thousands of babies at a time.

>> No.15807223

Let W be the number of artificial wombs available to a population. Then the amount of children that can be produced is given by just W, and there is no increase over time because W doesn't increase. You can build more wombs and get W + C children or whatever, but again this is just linear with the amount of wombs.
Meanwhile, the amount of children that can be birthed by superfecund women is given by rN((k-N)/k)
where r is the growth rate = birth rate B - death rate D,
N is the population size,
and k is the carrying capacity.
Seeing as women will have at least 3 children each, then r becomes extremely high and rN grows without bound exponentially. The carrying capacity K is also greater as the men are small and require less.
It's not an opinion, giant fecund women and small athletic males are more efficient and superior.

Are you just a woman coping with the reality that men are going to be smaller than you in the future? Get over it, learn to like fucking the small men because small men and large women are the future.

>> No.15807262

wtf is wrong with you.

>> No.15807265

>he fell for the bait

>> No.15807268
File: 205 KB, 1120x2048, 1439258430846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think that we aren't going to modify humans to be more efficient? Telling yourself it's "bait" isn't going to stop it from happening.

>> No.15807285

Cringe, I want a volleyball gf

>> No.15807317

>because W doesn't increase
why? I suspect the artificial womb industry will be capable of producing more babies per capita than any human society in history, by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.15807349
File: 808 KB, 348x240, 1000011701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no logic to his reasoning. He's just fetish posting

>> No.15807360

Because to increase W you have to build more wombs which I already explained by saying W + C. That's what increasing artificial wombs means.
If you have 100,000 artificial wombs you can make 100,000 babies at a time. In order to increase that number over the generations you need to increase the number of wombs. Meanwhile women naturally increase exponentially by the fact that each woman has a womb which produces multiple offspring.
You're a moron. What I'm saying is completely logical and you're just coping. Imagine saying IM not being logical when I just wrote out the set of equations to describe why I'm correct and you have no argument against it.

We're going to modify women to be large and men to be small. Stop coping about it it's getting to the point where it's just pathetic.

>> No.15807412

LMAO, this guy never saw an Elin.

>> No.15807421

i already select myself most days of the week

>> No.15807422

>I suspect the artificial womb industry will be capable of producing more babies per capita than any human society in history, by several orders of magnitude.
You only "suspect" this because you can't do basic math to understand why that isn't possible.
Go learn calculus before posting on this board.

>> No.15807449
File: 60 KB, 470x799, url(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already looks like total trash at 35

>> No.15807494

>no reading comprehension
>complains about low iq

>> No.15807504

>Why are you so afraid of women being larger than men?
smol women make my pp the big PP

>> No.15807511

reminds me of a tarzan story where the guys are ugly apes and the women are super sexy thanks to centuries of selective breeding

>> No.15807574
File: 954 KB, 568x640, chadsmile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you so afraid of women being larger than men?
You are a fucking idiot. Women want to be used as fuck toys by strong big men, with huge cocks. Is simple as that.

>> No.15807577

We can just modify they're brains so they prefer being the big ones lol

>> No.15807579

their* holy shit sorry for the typo

>> No.15807645
File: 481 KB, 2026x2712, 1000011706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake image
Chink is still a manlet but not mentality ill fetish poster manlet

>> No.15807650

It's funny that the people trying to deal with these balls of fat are themselves fat
This is America

>> No.15807683

>mentality ill fetish poster manlet
You're cringe

>> No.15807695

Why wouldn't it be possible? What's the "basic math" that disproves it?

>> No.15807723

I already wrote it out here >>15807223 and then explained it in words here >>15807360

>> No.15807742

There are more cars on earth than there are humans, and cars take up more factory space than an artificial womb does. If the industry becomes popular enough that it replaces natural childbirth, there's no reason it wouldn't be able to produce more humans than our current society (or any society in history has).

>> No.15807749

Just admit you want genetically modified women who are tall and curvy because it turns you on, faggot, save the “muh birthrate” bullshit for the grant proposals when you become a PI

I wouldn’t mind having tall and thicc women myself, however

>> No.15807755

Realistically you could make up some shit about trying to make women stronger to be able to defend themselves against rapists and some other feminism stuff. At least a few organizations would probably believe it enough to fund it if you worded it well. Then you make your dream Gerudo women

>> No.15807765

Europeans are the most sexuall dimorphic

>> No.15807797

>Tall men lose fights to shorter better fighters all the time
HOLY MOTHER OF COPE LMAO you can't beat me if you can't reach me frodo, the shit manlets come up with is truly astounding.

>> No.15807808

>t. has never watched MMA

>> No.15807810

>what are weight brackets

>> No.15807811

you are a certified idiot

>> No.15807814

We should go the other way, make men and women indistinguishable unless you look in their pants. Can't be sexist if you don't know anyone's sex.

>> No.15807817

If you don't understand why linear growth is lower than exponential growth then I don't know what else to tell you. Go back to school
I'll do both

>> No.15807831


>> No.15807892
File: 86 KB, 800x718, 1697483734709955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way. Sexual dimorphism is evil and the source of much suffering and conflict in our species. It is one of the many indignities imposed upon us by nature and anyone who isn't blinded by coomerism knows that the way forward is to rid ourselves of it, rather than making it even worse.

>> No.15808296
File: 52 KB, 1079x750, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will she explode if she get pregnant?