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File: 89 KB, 930x680, mega-ton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1578438 No.1578438 [Reply] [Original]

Question /sci/entists:

By your estimate, how much energy does this beam have at the different stages? Are the numbers included anywhere near correct?

Also, what's the strongest type of beam/most promising for beam weapon use?

>> No.1578440


this isn't even


oh you, troll.

oh you.

>> No.1578442

a kamehameha or laser vision...

>> No.1578443

The strongest beam is


>> No.1578445
File: 23 KB, 330x453, quasar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quasars have the most powerful *beam* in the universe.

>> No.1578449

This looks like something Ulillillia would ask

>> No.1578453

But it still can't beat Goku's kamehameha.

>> No.1578456


I think you mean "power". Ton(ne)s aren't an unit of energy, they are an unit of power. As far as power goes, that sounds about right...

>> No.1578463

Goku's kamehameha is pretty weak. He always depended on spirit bomb.

>> No.1578471

Weight is a measure of force.

>> No.1578472

But it's still more powerful than a quasar.

>> No.1578488

Would using your body to produce energy beams be even possible?

>> No.1578498
File: 147 KB, 930x1200, 1281468170128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quasar releases approximately 10^53 J of energy in 10^6 a. So that makes its output approximately 3*10^39 W, or approximately 356,855,457,380,774,707,310,251,361,658,650,000 MEGA-ton/second. Here I'll just add it to the OP pic

>> No.1578507

Yes, it's called black body radiation. It's possible and easy even if you're not black.

>> No.1578509

You should have made the character shoot the beam both ways.

>> No.1578518

Firing that many tons from the surface of the Earth would probably collapse the whole thing into a black hole before it could be fired though

nevermind other issues like the girl being shot into space at something like a femtometer per second les than the speed of light

>> No.1578543

Personally, I see a ton as a measurement of mass, not a measurement of force.

Although in that case it converts to quite a stupidly large amount of energy

>> No.1578547

not to nitpick but yo ucan actually use weight as measure of energy, just apply e=mc^2

it's often done in general relativity

>> No.1578558
File: 72 KB, 565x400, nif-target-chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1578573
File: 73 KB, 660x381, quasars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the real question here is:

>> No.1578585

by the way, megatons usually refer to the energy deployed by the equivalent weight of TNT, it is a measure of power used to scale the strength of nuclear weaponry. For example, the Hiroshima bomb was scaled at roughly 14-18 kilotons, the equivalent of 14 000 - 18 000 tons of TNT.

>> No.1578609

>check wikipedia
>1 megaton = 4.2 petajoules
>mfw OP was actually not trolling when he said energy

still, the largest laser currently in operation is the National Ignition Facility which has around two million joules or less than one billionth of a MEGA-ton, so that is one big laser there in the OP pic

>> No.1578617

Yeah, after plugging it in into a formula. By itself, mass isn't a unit of energy.

>> No.1578627
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, oh god_wat the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh fuck.

>> No.1578652


Absolutely nothing.

>> No.1578673

wat if the entire universe is just one hueg beam!?!?

>> No.1578674
File: 255 KB, 512x384, patrick_confused_wat_23563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now I'm confused.

>> No.1580146

Bumpin' thread for night shift
Also these posts are useful

>> No.1580220

Beam weapons you say?

God tier:
Gamma weapons (surgeons already use gamma knives for brain surgery)

High tier:
EMP weapons

Mid tier:
Pulse lasers, IR lasers

Low tier:
Laser burners, Plasma burners

Shit tier:
Plasma tasers, electric stun weapons

>> No.1580229

>EMP weapons
How is that "beam"

>> No.1580242

Magnetic beams. An EMP bomb produces a magnetic beam going downwards from the explosion.

>> No.1580267

Plasma beams, because they're made of matter, double-dip in terms of energy needed. You need energy to create plasma, and then you need energy to make plasma move. Just look at the eruptions on the Sun's surface. You need a fucking star to get a "beam" a few dozen times the size of the Earth. A star much larger than the beam itself, a star that would make a much better weapon than the plasma beam itself.

Gamma rays are probably the best bet. GRB's pretty much prove it, and all you need is a common neutron star or a magnetar.

>> No.1580287

>Implying that neutron star or magnetar would also not be a better weapon than the gamma blast

Well, maybe they could be some kind of intergalactic artillery. But if you can aim the star-cannon, you can probably also move the star enough to hurl it at somebody and having a neutron star hurled at you is something most people I know would rather avoid

>> No.1580282

emp electro magnetic pulse... like the same shit that makes up the electro magnetic spectrum...

They can be aimed, normally emps are considered ultra powerful radio waves that last a very short amount of time.

>> No.1580288
File: 196 KB, 723x611, biribirimad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when eletrical based weapons are shit tier

>> No.1580292

chargen my xray laza

>> No.1580305
File: 76 KB, 705x726, tesla-coil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I admit my opinion may have been affected by this "awesome" direct electricity weapon:

(7:30 onwards)

Tesla coils do look kind of cool, too bad they aren't as dangerous as they look.

>> No.1580318

electronically accelerated artillery is demigod tier

nuclear is god tier and it is a radial energy weapon

>> No.1580344


magnetars generate multiple grb's during their lifetime.
grb's travel at the speed of light .
a grb could be used to sterilize a distant target instead of destroying it.

These are some of the advantages of using a grb generator as such, instead of hurling it against a target.

>> No.1580354

Magnetars also polarize space itself. Good luck weaponizing one.

>> No.1580357

yeah, how about no.

>> No.1580358

All we need is a couple magic coins like the OP girl has and we're set. Energy-wise at least.

>> No.1580512

Eletromagnetics was here, I can redirect your ass.