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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 109 KB, 1024x768, 20130211_bill-nye-and-neil-tyson-in-washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15781617 No.15781617 [Reply] [Original]

How much damage did they do to the public perception of science?

>> No.15781644

I respected the guy on the right until I saw him saying that gender was a spectrum. He left the rational world that day to become a zealot.

>> No.15781656

is any of the 2 above the level of a junior high school teacher? at least carl sagan has a paper or 2 that were respected.

most "popular science" guys are showmen with little scientific substance.

>> No.15782106
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a lot.

>> No.15782850
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not enough to dissuade atheists from their soientism religion

>> No.15782867

more like
>generations domesticated to worship some dead hippie on a stick
>descendants reject atheism to worship a dead junkie on pavement

>> No.15782893

These two? Not much. They only appealed to the libshits who already accepted their prejudices, and to the underage girls they were trying to fuck.
I think the Replication Crisis did more damage. And the 2020 lockdowns when it became clear that those lockdowns wouldn't apply to antifa/negro riots.

>> No.15782907


>> No.15782909

carl sagan was a hack and exobiology is a pseudoscience.

>> No.15783270

he's said a lot worse than that

>> No.15783304

Both of them are smarter than You

>> No.15783322

an absolute pair of clowns
i recall years ago seeing Bill saying the stupidity things that clearly demonstrat3ed he doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.15783789
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Immeasurable damage.

>> No.15783881

Neil managed to get an astrophysics phd but had a worse than average research history. Just a few inconsequential multi-authored papers in the early 90s, and then a few later when he had more status with a shit ton of authors (so he likely played no real role).

>> No.15784019

at least he wrote them on his own little bitch.

>> No.15784046

Do you have any arguments for the contrary?

>> No.15784606



>> No.15784736

>gender was a spectrum.

in his profession he really could not say anything else without being accused of some thought crime like "transphobia". Its not his fault scientific institutions have been corrupted by leftist zealots with a political agenda they are the ones responsible for the decline in trust.

>> No.15784790

he never did that, he got famous and popular on tv because he was jewish

>> No.15784818

it's not just them. true science has been destroyed since the industrial revolution. now it's McScience, brought to you by bankers and govt grant money

>> No.15784982


>> No.15785041

go back to /pol/ kid. he had papers, authored exclusively by himself.

>> No.15786255

publishing in the academic vanity press isn't impressive, millions of people have done it, its not something that merits fame or respect.
he ended up on tv because he is jewish

>> No.15786643 [DELETED] 

What is
>scientific method

Idk why these people (and a lot in the comments too) dismiss philosophy when their beloved science depends so much on philosophy.

>> No.15786657

Well.. I don't think they have done a disservice to science, or damaged it's perception. Why is this narrative being pushed? Is there an astrophysicist in our ranks who wants to take his spot as the director of the Hayden Planetarium? Or is there a physics professor that would like to go on TV and do better as "Gregg" the Science Weirdo? I understand people not liking Nekkers or Joose, but these guys have done their best to educate people, particularly United Statesian, who, let's face it, can't name 10 countries from each continent in this planet; people that eat tide pods on a dare, or max out their credit cards and spend the rest of their life paying 18% interest on something that cost $12.50 and they didn't like it when they got at home anyway. I understand you miss Carl, but saying these two folks are damaging science is like calling Evgeny Kissin a waste just because he is no Franz Liszt, or Itzhak Perlman trash because he is no Paganini, or Matteo Mancuso worthless because he is no Paco de Lucía.

So yeah... stop this nonsense. They're ok, and doing their best to dumb down science enough for you trolls to get it.

>> No.15786666

>he never did that, JOOOO-
>>he did
>it isn't impressive, millions of people have done it
please keep moving that goal post into a gas chamber, you can take some joos with you on your way there, you genetic dead end

>> No.15786679

Honestly, I would go further than that. They didn't harm science, they are completely and utterly fucking irrelevant, and so is their goyslop entertainment for mutts broadcast on a hopefully dying medium. The fact that people think le popsoience can harm or even affect science, or that public opinion on science should matter, shows that elitism is not a bad thing, but a necessity to keep the trash out. The democratization of science in the past decades has progressed to the point that not only politicians want to tell researchers what their field of research should be about (and of course what results to get :^) but joe knuckledragger from off the street thinks his opinion should be heard, let alone matter. People don't know their place anymore in their infinite entitlement.

>> No.15786892

Quite a bit

Fake Science

- Fakes cience

>> No.15786900

The problem is that they tell honest truth to people that can't handle honest truth. The people they're trying to educate are idiots who just want to be told that the thoughts they have in the shower are real and noteworthy. You're arguing with people who think there's no evidence of man made climate change, who think vaccines are dangerous and diseases are safe, who honestly believe there's a global conspiracy out to get them because they refuse to believe their cars cause environmental damage. These are bottom dwelling shit eaters who just want their opinion validated so they don't have to feel bad about wasting their lives screaming at the sun.

>> No.15788181

their combined knowledge of Science is 50 - 80 years old!

many things have been proven wrong, or incomplete.
new ideas, new studies, new space-probes have given us much m ore information in astrophysics, geology, time, sub-atomic structure & action.

They just aren't privileged to current information.

>> No.15788801
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>> No.15788821

science is such a joke nowadays, i'm such a fucking idiot for taking the vaccine christ

>> No.15790013

If the pubic perception of science was one of respect for the TV clowns made a mockery of it then the public had the wrong idea and the black & white soience clowns have done something to correct that erroneous public perception

>> No.15790872

We were better off back in the old days when everyone knew scientists were laughable nerds who deserved to be mocked and disrespected.

>> No.15791958

Why would it matter? Science isn't for the majority of people. Enlightenment for the masses is some Bolshevik wet dream that never came.

>> No.15792093

It matters because, as stated before, science is now funded by taxpayers, so scientist have to use simpleton words for simpleton people. They have to explain in words what is intuitively obvious to those who spend years studying and mastering their craft, and if they openly say whatever goes against what the plebs think, like "gender is a spectrum", they'll be sanctioned in the court of public opinion, jeopardizing their careers in the process. Of course they know that's false, but they can't say it.

>> No.15792107

>How much damage did they do to the public perception of science?
Before going politically correct they did negative damage.
After being infected with politically correct bullshit, eh maybe in the hundreds or low thousands, nowhere near the 9,999 dmg cap.

>> No.15792110

>comfy science class TV viewing days ruined forever

>> No.15792956
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>> No.15793026

Who cares? Every social good and every technological advanced is related to, or even based in, public confidence.

>> No.15793222

Science tyrone made a good point here, which philosopher has contributed significantly to physics in the last century? He also points out that philosophy still has a place in the world just not in physical science. You will see many physicists with a interest in philosophy, but still they were all physicists. And I for one believe all this obsession with black holes and quantum computers and the puclic perception as these being the new fields of physics is a result of too much philosophy in physics. By contrast the greatest discoverers of natural laws were not afraid to delve into the world via experiment such as Tesla, Darwin and Galileo. Its precisely because they stopped philosophizing and started experimenting that they were able to make grand discoveries of the natural world.

>> No.15793236

Whats wrong with this line of reasoning?
Are you shitting on it because it is thought terminating or something?

>> No.15793361

science always wins, i guess. in fact fail your entire life if this is a challenge

>> No.15793630


>> No.15794140

>the public perception of science
most of the general public already perceives scientists as a bunch of disgusting mentally ill nerds with poor hygiene who live off welfare gibes

>> No.15794228

oh so /sci/ is just /pol/-lite down to the facebook boomer memes, I see

>> No.15794239

first day? This board no doubt shares a user overlap with /his/.

>> No.15794604

This. Bring back excellence and gate keeping. Geniuses are the goal of civilization, not the undifferentiated masses. Elitism will save this world.

>> No.15794612

Spoken like someone who has never produced anything of real value. If you did, you’d already have had it reappropriated and redistributed for the public good, and you wouldn’t have spouted stupid commie bullshit like that.

>> No.15794615 [DELETED] 

>bunch of disgusting mentally ill nerds with poor hygiene who live off welfare gibes
You’re thinking of niggers

>> No.15795689 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 1080x774, 16466665083638372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no doubt

>> No.15796224

Bill claimed that gender/sex is on a spectrum which is technically correct since most things in the universe are on a spectrum.

What he of course ignored is that >99% of the population can accurately be categorized into male and female. It's like saying red and blue is arbitrary because purple exists.

Bill is a retard

>> No.15796349

why does /sci/ hates Bill Nye? He seem like a sober person

>> No.15797185

>the public perception of science
a bunch of annoying cringey boring nerds that everyone decent wishes would stay locked in their labs and out of sight of the rest of us

they didn't hurt that perception, they only confirmed it

>> No.15797196

he literally wants your kids raped and wants you dead

>> No.15797208

It didn't used to be

>> No.15797305

>on 4chan
Devastating. Soientists will never recover from this.
>in the real world outside your basement
Nobody gives a flying fuck.

>> No.15797511


>> No.15797521

No need to be so condescending towards yourself, knowledge comes from experience after all.
Can't exactly fault someone making bad decicions when they lack critical knowledge.

>> No.15797547

They are puppets, the damage is being done by the golems themselves who desperately want to believe in these globohomo mysteries.



>> No.15798126

This needs a 'jak

>> No.15798144
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>> No.15798200

Wrong. Science advancement is tightly related to military. Whoever has the deadliest spears, sharpest knives, and faster arrows, will get to rape and kill your mom, impregnate your wife, kill your boys, flail you and take over the entire land; regular people gets the side dishes like microwaves and internet.

>> No.15798431

I mean a 'jak should be made based on their expressions in the OP

>> No.15798439

i enjoy your autistic obsession with 'jacks

>> No.15798456
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this is what a scientist looks like

>> No.15798742


>> No.15799814

sup reddit

>> No.15800489
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>> No.15800500
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>> No.15801511
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if scientists are so smart, how come they can't control their own public image and instead get dominated by a couple of tv clowns?
are scientists dumber than clowns?

>> No.15801555

not your trannoid safe space
no I don't like pol, fag

>> No.15802045
File: 300 KB, 1080x1818, 94a3552ee7e3e4b6ecbee62aed2b09af244134d863a4c5b4e2fddab42c2d6b2e_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if scientists are so smart, how come they can't control their own public image and instead get dominated by a couple of tv clowns?

Scientists are too busy fucking dogs to work on their PR

>> No.15802914

I am not sure about the 99% tho, there are a lot of "hormonal imbalances" like pcos (5-10% of all women have this!!) where one could argue that it is a type of gender? or not? idk

but healthwise I think it would be much wiser to really see gender as a spectrum because the slightest shift in hormones from the "norm" creates different medical needs.

>> No.15802969

You're both faggots. gender and sex mean the same thing and your gender is determined by your genitals. Everyone knew this until moral anarchy took the first world by storm. It's intuitively obvious.

>> No.15803615
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>> No.15803648

Why are "gender" and "swx" two distinct terms and have been for nearly 200 years?

>> No.15803752

what sexual acts did he do

>> No.15804874

same as every other scientists, he fucks dogs

>> No.15805693

because synonyms exist

>> No.15805749

Not that much. Mainstream trust in science and scientists ended during Covid, and was nothing to do with either of these two pop sci dudes.

>> No.15806622

>and was nothing to do with either of these two pop sci dudes.
Not completely nothing, they were both ferociously vocal in shilling all the ZOG lies about the fake epidemic. Everyone noticed Tyson suddenly changing his field of interest and expertise from astronomy to virology and vaccines. He particularly embarrassed himself and the rest of the scientific community in that Del Bigtree interview, which has subsequently been scrubbed from most of the internet

>> No.15806802

kek didn't see that interview, what happened? Did he make mistakes and make it clear he had no idea what he was talking about?

>> No.15806884
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>4chan basement dwellers obsessed with trannies
>public perception
You can only pick one.

>> No.15807802

He did that and then when his mistake was mentioned he got angry and chimped out

>> No.15807914

Probably a positive effect overall. Noone will remember Nye for his cringe activism

>> No.15807926
File: 131 KB, 1392x788, 64c953009350764c9530093508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How much damage did they do to the public perception of science?

>> No.15807936

>NDT is an egotist who only loves having knowledge because he can be an know-it-all and correct people and even then sometimes he is wrong

>Bill Nye
the trans shit pretty much tanked his entire reputation to anybody with a functional brain. he literally was just outright denying very very basic science.

>> No.15807940

even if they want to divorce the meaning of gender and sex, EVERYBODY knows that gender and sex have become completely synonym with each other in colloquial speech.

but now they want to play semantic games rather than address any actual arguments.

for me, okay fine gender and sex are completely separate - but lets be clear that i will base what pronouns i use on you on your apparent biological sex, not your gender. your ever-changing gender is irrelevant and counter-productive to a functional society.

unfortunately, the "definition" of pronoun points to gender specifically, which is either just a product of them being synonymous for so long, or the troons got to it that quick. we know science and education will bend the knee the second they want them to.

>> No.15807943

You have to suck my schlong you bigot. I am a woman every day between 14.30 and 18.45.

>> No.15808464 [DELETED] 

imagine the kind of ridiculous borderline porno they must be showing kids in public school these days. i remember back when /b/tards were jaded and had seen everything that could never be unseen, but /b/ these days is probably relatively wholesome compared to the degeneracy in public schools

>> No.15809736 [DELETED] 

yeah, its sickening what ZOG is trying to do, all part of their white genocide plan

>> No.15810667

>if god is good then why does cock taste so good?

>> No.15810695

yeah but what did he do to the dog on the trail. did he put his penis inside it or lick some part of it or convince it to lick him.

>> No.15810699

ok i found an article. i think he waas gonna do something big and they found a lookalike to do the act. otherwise why is there a camera in a forest that someone watches all day? in a spot that's isolated enough for him to do it but apparently there's a camera? curious. he probably discovered god or something

>> No.15811725

>dog lives in a dog's vagina
kinda makes sense since dog is god spelled backwards

>> No.15811888

Yes. Now leave.

>> No.15811890

Wtf does "gender" even mean
I don't live in the west and we only use the term "sex" for everything, there's only two

>> No.15812503

There is no translation for the word "gender" in my language. Also true in German, they invented a new word in german just to have it added. In my language they just borrowed the english word.

>> No.15812508

They are unironically the reason i believe in god

>> No.15813246

they definitely give the public at large a good hard look at how lame atheists are

>> No.15814399

are university astro departments currently full of negro undergrads as a result of the influence of black science man or is it still mostly white women that study astronomy?

>> No.15815457

Its still all jews and obese or otherwise physically repulsive white women

>> No.15815463 [DELETED] 

Gender used to just mean sex in Latin. It was an academic way of saying sex. Gender has never been separate from sex from a linguistic perspective prior to the mid 2000s.

>> No.15815467

Gender is an alternative word for sex, based on the Latin root word for sex. It's used in English-speaking countries as a polite way of saying sex since the word sex is considered vulgar.

>> No.15816280

theres a lot of argentinians and chileans involved too, i think the astro industry traded guaranteed jobs for the real estate to build southern hemisphere telescopes