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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 590x766, 4llbu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15787178 No.15787178 [Reply] [Original]

how come this wasn't discovered until just recently?

>> No.15787181

It's almost as if science is about discovering all the shit we don't know.

>> No.15787285

They sure are taking their sweet ass time doing basic 9th grade experiments.

>> No.15787291

the speed of science truly is something to behold.

>> No.15787456

discovering it cost money.
No funding for colds.
After long covid, researching gives this too.

>> No.15787504

You don't get it. Everything related to blood clots and heart diseases will be attributed to the covid vaccine by /pol/tards. It's easy, the majority of the population is vaccinated, so literally everything affects vaccinated people.

>> No.15787517

Strange how flues were just the sniffles and then covid vaxxes came and now it's normal to die from heart failure lol lmao

>> No.15787522

people have always had strokes blood clots heart attacks and sudden adult death syndrome as a result of the common cold you chud. now go get the vax and pray to science that you may be spared

>> No.15787556

The flu was never just sniffles. The flu kills tens of thousands Americans every year. And that doesn't even consider pandemics like the Hong Kong flu, Asian flu, Spanish flu, Russian flu or zoonotic influenza like avian flu or swine flu.

You might be confused because some retards call the common cold "the flu" and that makes you think of influenza viruses.

>> No.15787570

>The flu kills tens of thousands Americans every year.
Hmm, where were the lockdowns and vaccine mandates?

>> No.15787580

Covid killed over a million confirmed americans, likely more, DESPITE lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

>> No.15787581

it's obviously related to them coping about the coronavirus vaccine and trying to divert attention away to the cold, saying 'oh look this causes blood clots too', that's it's okay for coronavirus vaccine to do so, it's not abnormal, if they choose to admit that it causes them in the future. Which they will downplay and say the cold causes more.

>> No.15787583

Really. Now why are they going back and unconfirming some? I mean we should know who was at risk as to not have this happen again. Right?

>> No.15787586

>tranny socks

>> No.15787591

>Now why are they going back and unconfirming some?
Because they are taking their work seriously and don't stick to past errors. They are making sure that the numbers they quote are the best knowledge they have. Are you saying that this is a bad thing? Should they not admit mistakes?

>> No.15787606

Ok now to get serious. I got shit to do and am down playing ironic curious. The old and sick were the only ones thar needed to worry, states with heavy lock downs matched those with lacked, natural immunity was a thing, vaccines did cause blood clots with the example of Johnson and Johnson having to pull thiers off the market, now it's mutated making vaccines pointless. I won't be commenting back but might read your response. Call me a cuck, Conspiracy nut, midwit, whatever I know what I know. You have the internet search up all the stats and not the ones that agree with either me or you. Faggot

>> No.15787667

I do not pity you retards who got jabbed.
Even if it was for your job.
Inb4 you don't even have that same job anymore.

You'll believe in anything.
You're of no use to god.

>> No.15787686

>the sun

>> No.15787708

>vaccines did cause blood clots with the example of Johnson and Johnson having to pull thiers off the market
One in how many thousand was that? Was it better or worse than contraceptives?

>> No.15788265 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15788328

i am astounded that there are people actually trying to have good-faith arguments with conspiracy theorists on 4chan lol

>> No.15788660

When someone drops a safe on your head, you die instantly. We quickly picked up on that, because the correlation is quite strong.
A deadly side effect of the common cold discovered this late will have a weak correlation and very low probability of killing you.

>> No.15788665

Two more weeks but for real this time.
(follow me on X)

>> No.15788720

vit D best way to combat it. forcing people to stay at home? yeah, you're fucked retard. enjoy the stroke.

>> No.15788737

>Hmm, where were the lockdowns and vaccine mandates?
The flu appeared out of nowhere like 150 years ago; it is believed it came from space in a meteorite or something. People wore masks for like 15 years, and they even made the cats and dogs wear them; educate yourself. Vaccines didn't exist back then.

>> No.15788743

You can't conceive of anyone ever doing anything in good faith because you are an atheist and you have no faith. You don't understand what faith is, you never learned, nobody ever bothered teaching you, you are faithless and unfaithful and because you can't stop projecting your emotions on everyone else, you can only presume that everyone else is a faithless as you are.

>> No.15789032 [DELETED] 

pure coincidence

>> No.15789039

a big difference between influenza and COVID is that
the flu spreads only using respiratory droplets,
COVID also spreads via aerosols
surgical masks stop respiratory droplets very well,
for aerosols you need N95 masks

>> No.15789074

That doesn't even make sense

>> No.15789561

If there are a conspiracy theories than there must be conspiracy facts too.

>> No.15789676

>pictures you can smell

>> No.15789713

>yet another thing we were told to panic about over covid is present in other similar diseases
Is anyone surprised?

>> No.15789719

I got called a schizo conspiritard for saying the dangers posed by covid were overblown and that it would steadily evolve to be less deadly on its own. People on here shouting "conspiracy theorist!" are abject fucking morons.

>> No.15789739

>trannyflag socks
>chilling find
either straight-up fake screencap, or the person writing it was having a laff

>> No.15789779

anything but the vaccine

>> No.15790534
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>People on here shouting "conspiracy theorist!" are abject fucking morons.

>> No.15790546

>Covid killed over a million confirmed american
grossly exaggerated number

>> No.15791078

it because of global warming

>> No.15791352

because vaccine hesitancy must be stopped at all costs

>> No.15791358

10 social credit score points have been deposited into your account.

>> No.15791366

nothing but the vaccine

>> No.15791367

let's just ignore the fact that all of these findings come after they've distributed a vaccine that hasn't been tested for long term side effects

>> No.15791454

What are long term side effects?

>> No.15791475
File: 724 KB, 1117x3072, pro-kremlin_covid_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only conspiracy theorists ask questions.
get your flu shot and updated booster

>> No.15791479

>She can't even define long term effects, yet complains that they didn't test for them.

>> No.15791481

uhh wrong folder zister

>> No.15791487

how do you test long term side effect in a short time?

>> No.15791543 [DELETED] 
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looking at internet archive they change the webpage layout every few months you can find wired shit in this, never do active scan against these kind of websites retard

>> No.15792644

Sounds like weak bones. Just weak bone marrow, that causes even leukemia if worse, and that's immunity problem.

I recommend you looking up some studies on bone density on pubmed and getting your bones back together.

There are blood cells produced there, and only there, and in this case, they probably malfunction.

>> No.15792972
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they're in the process of being tested

>> No.15793051

>Matthias Reitzner, Ph.D., Professor
I'm not a medical professional. • Actuary Institute for Mathematics, University of Osnabrück · Osnabrück.
>Christof Kuhbandner, Ph.D., Professor
Psychology Department of Human Sciences, University of Regensburg · Regensburg, DEU
I always love when laypeople write things like
>These findings indicate that something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the early COVID-19 pandemic so far.
Well I don't understand any of this but SOMETHING MUST'VE HAPPENED WAKE UP SHEEPLE
(At least one of the two is a general "I support the opposite of the current thing" NPC. He was against masks and shit before the vaccine got distributed)

>> No.15793153

>now the flue kills tens of thousands per year

>> No.15793160

Mutts are still obsessed with 2000 dudes dying 30 years ago

>> No.15793161

Oh stfu you dumb liberal moron
You are so easily manipulated

>> No.15793218

>the sun
That paper is trash and full of fake news.

t britbong

>> No.15793220

OP knows. Why do you think he reads it?

>> No.15793316
File: 1.78 MB, 480x480, vax scandal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fall is here

take your yearly flu shot, not mixed with completely safe, tested (on 4 mice), effective and all that done with maxxed out speed of science!

think of pfitzer shareholdres! they need to buy another house, another yacht!

>> No.15793320

Has there been any scientific evidence that lockdowns and vaccine mandates did anything to reduce the number of covid deaths or is it just one of those “it feels like it’s true” things?

>> No.15793336

It's pretty obvious that lockdowns effectively reduce the number of infections and therefore deaths, isn't it? There's probably some study by Captain Obvious et al.

>> No.15793784

Did they do autopsies on every person who allegedly died from Covid?

>> No.15793803


>> No.15793833 [DELETED] 

I go to this site and it's like nightmare goggles are strapped to my face whenever I notice the vax threads

>> No.15794207

How come the gays aren't locked down to prevent the spread of AIDS?

>> No.15794211

nothing was done to prevent the spread of aids
conservatives had power and thought it was pretty great that they were dying, claiming it was god's judgment and mocking them in conservative media

>> No.15794242


>> No.15794248

>Spanish flu
fakest shit ever
people died from aspirin overdoses
and deaths "from the flu" were overreported just like they were for "covid"

>> No.15794264

You know that straight people can get aids, right?

>> No.15795236 [DELETED] 

really? then how come they don't?

>> No.15795306

Antiscience post comes to this board and doesn't recognize the great success of doctor Fauci in this time period. What happened to this board?

>> No.15795392

Here's why you should get covid/flu shots!

>> No.15795403

The toilet paper known as The Sun is owned by the Murdoc imbeciles. Anything printed are half lies, baseless speculation and innuendo.

>> No.15795442

That's the problem - nobody knows

>> No.15795503

I have socks like that

>> No.15795628

Please define long-term side effects.

>> No.15796394 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15796404

>the sun
This is /sci/

>> No.15796766

Typical programmer socks

>> No.15797232 [DELETED] 

oy vey, this is the reason for sure

>> No.15798218
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>> No.15798235

Wrong wojak

>> No.15798606

nice source, really solid rag

>> No.15799778


>> No.15799953
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>> No.15800504
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this is why

>> No.15801517 [DELETED] 

Because they don't have gay sex with faggots

>> No.15801542

>It's pretty obvious that lockdowns effectively reduce the number of infections
what about countries that never locked down and had lower rates of infection than those that did (see Sweden and Haiti)
Why was Florida less affected by covid than states that stayed locked down?

>> No.15801577

Your desperate need to argue against common sense is concerning. Kind of like
>It is common sense that you have a lower chance of dying in a car accident if you don’t drive a car
>>What about people who drive their whole life and never have an accident????????

>> No.15801588

you still have no evidence and are appealing to common sense. I can do the same. Its common sense that herd immunity is beneficial. Its common sense that walking down the street is not going to kill me grandma.

>> No.15802199 [DELETED] 

>and Haiti
everyone there already has AIDS

>> No.15803279 [DELETED] 

fake af
and gayer than fucking a dude in the ass

>> No.15803681 [DELETED] 

eggs, gas stoves, duvet covers and climate change

>> No.15803691

>you still have no evidence
Do you really need evidence that meeting fewer people reduces the risk of catching infectious diseases?

>> No.15803705

you only have your dumb ass to blame for taking the vax, stupid fuck

>> No.15803736

Will those socks make me into a good programmer?

>> No.15803785

Death, just like anyone who has ever inhaled oxygen

>> No.15803826
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>It's almost as if science is about making up excuses for all the shit they caused in the first place

>> No.15804877


>> No.15804937

You are fucking retarded. You instantly started seething the moment someone challenged your ill-constructed bullshit

>> No.15804945

quit shitting up every thread with sophist retardation, go back

>> No.15805858 [DELETED] 
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no yet, only time will tell

>> No.15805866

I want them only once to give the wrong definition that makes them post this nonsense. Please let me have this.

>> No.15805887

have you considered that maybe he just likes crossdressing and being gentle femdommed?

>> No.15805944

>Be exposed to the U.S. Sun
>Develop mental illnesses
how come this wasn't discovered until just recently?

>> No.15806669

>outflanked on side effects

>> No.15806681

and yet somehow fucking no one died of the flu when covid hit.

funny that

>> No.15806772

Can't die from it if you don't catch it. Masks and social distancing work.

>> No.15806783

for flu but not covid?

>> No.15806817

Obviously for both, but the diseases have vastly different reproductive numbers. One can be pushed below 1 while the other remains above 1.

>> No.15806821

and why do masks and distancing work for flu but not covid?

>> No.15806831

Sorry Ahmed, I was not aware you were ESL. They work for both.

>> No.15806857

it just does, ok? stop asking hard questions you fucking alt right chud fucking incel

>> No.15806883
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lol. lmao even.

>> No.15806888

they do work for covid, what are you talking about

>le experts are bad

>> No.15806906

Studies have shown that 97% of people will believe anything as long as they are told that it was discovered by scientists.

>> No.15806913

if they worked for covid it would have ended in the two fucking weeks you stupid retards were screeching about

>> No.15807014

Let's say they reduce the reproductive number by 1. If the basic number was 1.5, you'd go from exponential growth to exponential shrinking. If the basic number is 3, it's still exponential growth, but slower. That doesn't mean "it doesn't work". Claiming so is either disingenuous or retarded. Kinda like
>If seatbelts worked, no one would be dying in traffic accidents

>> No.15807313

But clearly they are more effective at stopping flu as hardly anyone died from flu thanks to masks and social distancing. I wonder why people die from flu at all these days

>> No.15807325
File: 28 KB, 474x459, itsworking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vax works you piece of shit, now get two boosters in each arm.

>> No.15807710 [DELETED] 

It works in terms of the jews' white genocide goals

>> No.15808381 [DELETED] 

covid doesn't exist, nimrod

>> No.15809633 [DELETED] 

Yes, but the overwhelming majority of people are extremely low IQ

>> No.15809641

Coffee wasn't found out being net negative on health in copious amount (5+ cups per day) till like few months ago iirc so...

>> No.15810173 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810896 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15810903 [DELETED] 

Shut up faggot goyim. This board is my board now. No faggots allowed.

>> No.15811027
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>> No.15811762 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15812957

ok, sorry

>> No.15813445

Why are you so hung up on the definition when they're still doing studies on long term side effects of the Covid vaccine?

>> No.15814033

Because faux concern over semantics is a common tactic to derail rational objections to mass injection.

>> No.15814795 [DELETED] 

That explains it, thanks

>> No.15815581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15815591

>The company's most advanced investigational clinical programs are ralinepag (formerly APD811) in testing for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), etrasimod (formerly APD334) in evaluation for inflammatory indications and APD371 for the treatment of pain associated with Crohn's disease.
"Inflammation?" you ask? Well, wrong kind, schizo.
>Etrasimod, sold under the brand name Velsipity, is a medication that is used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC).

>> No.15815595

>they're still doing studies on long term side effects of the Covid vaccine?
Source: Facebook

>> No.15815638

>I know what I know
you dont know jack shit, conspiray nut cuck. you concocted some shit up in your head that just sounds plausible.

>> No.15816190
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>you concocted some shit up in your head that just sounds plausible

>This strange juice the government is telling me to put into my body is 100% safe and effective.
>having to get a fifth shot within two years after being told i would only need one shot to be protected, does not mean it is any less efficacious. Must now take it every six months or else im no longer 'protected'.
> Increased rate of death among those who participated is a coincidence and cant be linked to any of their past actions.
>governments and pharmaceuticals giving themselves total legal immunity from any consequences is just a conspiracy theory
>anyone changing their method of reading results in order to retroactively justify the validity of their hypothesis is merely an attempt at accuracy.
>a virus which is indistinguishable from the common cold, which can only be detected by over cycling an inaccurate pcr test and whose k/d only exists on the condition that nobody reports the k/d of the common cold/flu, is an epidemic.
>a mask which cannot stop smoke particles, will stop viral particles which are infinity smaller.

we all live our delusions anon, its just that some happen to be entertaining - and tinfoil just happens to be more stylish and breathable than polypropylene

>> No.15816209

dr campbell john on yt.
he makes sense of all the charts and dats (past and present) and packages all into a nifty little video. thank me later

>> No.15816237

an effective lockdown maximises the difference between mobility of those in a society who can deal with the infection and those who need protected.
You want the sick/old people to be isolated so they are not exposed to the more lethal early strains of the virus. You want young and fit people to spread the virus as much as possible to develop a herd immunity, and to allow the virus to mutate toward a high spread/less lethal strain as fast as possible,
Locking down everyone does not maximise the difference between the two groups. This is basic stuff, and been understood for decades if not centuries.
Locking down the old and sick in carehomes together instead of in hospital would have increased the number of deaths. It's not 'pretty obvious' to me at all, saying that is exactly the “it feels like it’s true” attitude the previous poster was anticipating. Your position is anti-science

>> No.15816240

>Do you really need evidence that meeting fewer people reduces the risk of catching infectious diseases?
The outcome of least expected deaths with an endemic disease is not planning to minimise infections; the assumption when something goes endemic is that everyone will catch it at some point.

>> No.15816249

>You want young and fit people to spread the virus as much as possible to develop a herd immunity
"As much as possible" sounds overly simplistic, if in reality hospitals were already overwhelmed with the on and off lockdowns we had. Considering that, we already did as much as possible. Aren't you happy with how European governments handled the pandemic?

>> No.15816269

>"As much as possible" sounds overly simplistic
everything I wrote is overly simplistic, the point I'm making doesn't require the depth, I'm mainly saying locking down everyone doesn't 'obviously' reduce deaths and in some cases will result in more deaths than doing literally nothing. There are lots of factors to consider, so if we're making a claim one way or the other, we need to use science and data, not just common sense (or “it feels like it’s true”)
>Aren't you happy with how European governments handled the pandemic?
I'm from the UK, there has never been a year in my life the hospitals haven't been overwhelmed. I don't see how limiting available bedspace 30% or more was going to help the situation.

>> No.15816568
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>> No.15817258 [DELETED] 

She was banned from Twitter and Facebook for posting that

>> No.15817360

Or in short - It's very rare, so wasn't noticed.

>> No.15817363

What even is a 'confirmed American'? Is it a religious thing?

>> No.15817366

There's evidence that not locking down had no significant increase in deaths.

>> No.15817370

With masks, CERTAINLY.

>> No.15817375

Dunno about distancing, but regular masks did almost nothing to stop covid (aerosols versus droplets) whereas they do stop flu.

>> No.15817381

>Aren't you happy with how European governments handled...
Fuck no. They tanked the economies to stop people dying at an average of one year LATER than normal.

>> No.15817754

>dying at an average of one year LATER than normal
What's that supposed to mean?

>> No.15818525

the average age of covid deaths was higher than the average life expectancy. In the UK it was several years difference.

>> No.15818552

And that means...?

>> No.15818598
File: 112 KB, 737x899, ben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only making shit to protect pfizer you stupid moron.

>> No.15818651

>market forces of trying to get as many people to buy product while minimize overhead (bad PR, lawsuits) is a conspiracy theory

>> No.15819091

I want to smell those feet

>> No.15819285 [DELETED] 

Atheists don't do anything in good faith, they don't know what faith is, they never learned because nobody ever bothered to teach them, atheists are faithless.
>I hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15819288

*rapes an altar boy in good faith*

>> No.15820033
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>> No.15820042

Ah, this one with the extremely tiny sample. What was it? Like 7 dead kids in total? Link the original data so that I can laugh at you.

>> No.15820047

Looking for the data myself and the first thing I noticed: you're showing the third oldest dataset. There are 6 newer releases you have missed. That should be the first warning sign that you're a grifter:

>> No.15820052

Apologies, seems like this publication is only about adults. See, that's the problem when grifters don't properly cite or link their sources.

>> No.15820066

Wait no, table 9 uses different age groups than table 7.
Ok, the "45.12" is 3 deaths out of 6648 person-years. The "238.37" is 4 deaths and 1678 person-years. Sorry, I take the stuff about bad citation back, since I did find it. But my point that these numbers are completely nonsensical stands. Four dead kids, not covid-related by the way, can be anything. A real effect, a statistical fluke, a family van crashing. But let me guess, "4 kids died in all of England" doesn't fit your "the vaccine is gonna kill our kids" narrative, does it?

>> No.15820095

I am too lazy and I'm going to bed, but to the schizo who posted this:
If you're really serious about this and you truly believe that these 3/4 deaths are significant, you can calculate a confidence interval. Here's how https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9711021

With such low numbers, it's well-modelled by a Poisson distribution. I actually don't know the expected background (how many kids die if the vaccine is harmless), but you can start with a simple and schizo-friendly assumption that children are nearly immortal, but the vaccine is their only cause of death (background of 0)

>> No.15821026 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15821184

cute socks

>> No.15821304

Imagine the smell

>> No.15822547 [DELETED] 

how can there be long term studies of the effects of a vaccine thats only 3 years old?

>> No.15822661

Long term effects don't appear after a long time, they last a long time.

>> No.15823755


>> No.15823761


>> No.15823779

Name a single side effect in the long history of vaccines that appeared after "a long time". I even let you define what "a long time" means here.

>> No.15823792

>Name a single side effect in the long history of vaccines that appeared after "a long time".

>> No.15824456 [DELETED] 

myocarditis also generally takes 5-10 years to kill it's victims

>> No.15824459

Myocarditis appears within days to few weeks after the vaccine. That's exactly the point, moron. If you don't have myocarditis half a year after the vaccine, you won't have it 5 years later.
Which vaccine causes cancer and how long does it take?

>> No.15825739

>If you don't have myocarditis half a year after the vaccine, you won't have it 5 years later.
wishful thinking

>> No.15826292

>Myocarditis appears within days to few weeks after the vaccine.
Nobody knows the long term effects yet, the earliest cases may have been just the weakest victims

>> No.15826304

Because they keep pointing out all the holes, inconsistencies, and hypocrisies in the massive establishment propaganda that led to me getting injected in the first place and it makes me feel dumb and anxious that I did something extremely bad that may harm or kill me.

>> No.15826320

Again, no vaccine ever caused myocarditis after a long time. Or any other complications. "Long-term side effects" are effects that last a long time.

>> No.15826341

Again, the mRNA spike protein injection is not a vaccine, internal pharma communications have long since revealed that they knew they would have to spend millions on disinformation campaigns to change the definition of "vaccine" to call it a vaccine if they wanted to sell it, and mainstream sources still differentiate it from "traditional" aka real vaccines.

>> No.15826343

>"traditional" aka real vaccines.
So, at what age did you decide that the status quo was real and everything after that was fake? Are vector vaccines vaccines?

>> No.15826351

>If you don't have myocarditis half a year after the vaccine, you won't have it 5 years later.
Many cases present as subclinical until they don't. The damage gets progressively worse over time.

>> No.15826412

the word vaccine itself comes from a specific virus and the specific practice used to create the first "vaccine" against it. as much as you leftists vaxmaxxers hate it, words will always have concrete meanings and you can't just tear them down and replace them with your weaponized emotions.

>> No.15826420

>the word vaccine itself comes from a specific virus
Well, it comes from the word vacca, but you're sort of right, it was chosen before of cowpox.
But okay, the only vaccine is getting cut and smeared the fluid from lesions of cowpox infected people? Well, what's every other "vaccine" you've received in your life?

>> No.15826511
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Still amuses me how people believe shit like this is posted by real humans, if there are any still left here.

I guess soon "scientists" will "find out" how just existing as a perfectly healthy young teen "can lead" to suddenly having clots throughout your entire body, mental and physical inpairment and a heart attack resulting in death.

>> No.15827367

too late now, vacca
(vacca is Mexican for "goyim")

>> No.15827373

Anxiety never fixed anything. So what, you were dumb and you did something stupid. You should be selling or donating your poisoned blood to whoever will take it out of you. Blood-letting as a service. Tranfusions would be better, but no intact human is going to share blood with the clotmaxxed.

>> No.15828823
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>> No.15829682 [DELETED] 

I wonder how long after then end of the year before the 2023 stats will be out

>> No.15829688

Do you think that blood clots didn't exist before 2021?

>> No.15831039

what part of "clotshot" is confusing you? how could the term have even been coined if blood clots didn't exist before 2021? there wouldn't have been a word for a nonexistent phenomenon. you must be incredibly desperate to be using such ridiculous irrational claims to justify your absurd beliefs.
have you had the latest booster yet?

>> No.15831931

You aren't vaccinated if you haven't taken your *checks notes* 6th booster yet.

>> No.15832923

less than 7% of vaxxxxies are up to date on their boosters. that means that over 95% of the population is unvaccinated.
how come theres not a massive plague of deadly disease?

>> No.15833104


>> No.15833105

what part of "mRNA vaccines" is confusing you? how could the term have even been coined if mRNA vaccines didn't exist before 2021? there wouldn't have been a word for a nonexistent pharmaceutical. you must be incredibly desperate to be using such ridiculous irrational claims to justify your absurd beliefs.
have you had the latest booster yet?

>> No.15833281

>it's normal to die from heart failure
heart failure has been a major cause of death for decades buddy

>> No.15833283

Major news sources that aren't fox news are mentioning "vaccine fatigue". And incredibly low uptakes.

>> No.15833292

I mean for the classification as "unvaccinated".

>> No.15833323

Wow, he only died 2.5 years later. I would love to say that correlation does not imply causation, but that isn't even correlation. It's just sad to watch you grasp the worst straws in the history of straws.

>> No.15834218 [DELETED] 

he had a booster 7 days ago

>> No.15834270

He had a weekly booster since 2004, actually.

>> No.15834551

because they didn't discover anything
dying from that is common in japan. do you think the nips wouldn't have realized?

>> No.15834768

its common science knowledge!
keep boosting it up y'all!

>> No.15835126 [DELETED] 

and a fentanyl booster several times daily

>> No.15836021 [DELETED] 

we're only starting to find out so far, but hopefully it kills them all sooner rather than later

>> No.15836891 [DELETED] 

>Drug addict Hollywood degenerates getting what they deserve

>> No.15836899

gosh, it really is amazing the amount of things that can cause a horrible blood clot that can cause sudden death at any time even in young people.

You could sya it wouldn't be at all unusual if yet another healthy young celebrity or person you know dies suddenly of a blood clot.

>> No.15837967 [DELETED] 

Nobody knows why it suddenly became commonplace shortly after the vax was rolled out for young people to drop dead

>> No.15837989

The article is from the sun... There's as much science in this article as there is in Jesus's wine recipe! - KEK!

>> No.15838044

>take water
>poir it on some grapeseeds
>grapes grow
>harvest grapes
>squeeze juice
>let ferment
>congrats you just turned water into wine using science™!

>> No.15838377

Careful... You are going to sprain your brain doing that much mental gymnastics anon!

>> No.15838841 [DELETED] 

You only hate Jesus because you choose to degrade yourself by leading a filthy degenerate life. If you gave up your bad habits you wouldn't have to be so upset and full of shame all the time

>> No.15838844

Refer to Australia for a country similar to the US culturaly and I guess almost similar in climate
Refer to India for an example of a country where you can track significant numbers pre/post certain measures in place or being removed

>> No.15838850

A moral judgment from a complete stranger! Oh, please go on... Tell me how corrupted and evil I am! - This is an amazing experience!

You know what the problem is with the world? It's not god, or even a lack of god.

The problem is all of you blind zealots running around judging others and pushing your morality on everyone else, like maybe somewhere, there is a sky daddy watching you and marking down how well you wipe yourself when you poop!

There's nothing wrong with the world that couldn't be fixed by locking all of your type up on a small island in the middle of nowhere!

Why don't you go play with yourself in the corner, so you can have a reason to talk to god again!

Don't forget to tell him about how you screwed up with the missionary work again!

Wow... What an asshole!

>> No.15840239 [DELETED] 

there were no covid deaths, the disease didn't exist anywhere outside of media rumors

>> No.15841461 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15841475

> I believe everything I see on Facebook
Every day this board strays further from becoming an actual science forum

>> No.15841562

His father died in 2021 already: https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/228852683/louis-paul-whatcott

>> No.15842330 [DELETED] 

fake and gay

>> No.15842337

>real and straight
Anon, I--

>> No.15843111
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It's real. Same thing happened to my dad. Here is the proof:

>> No.15843604

>another dead vaxxxxie

>> No.15843636

RIP in power

>> No.15844220

that means its real

>> No.15844879

There are historical records of influenza-like illnesses dating back to at least the 16th century and it probably came from fucking birds. It's responsible for outbreaks and epidemics for centuries. They didn't make the animals wear masks. If anything they threw them out the window like they did in China during COVID.

>> No.15845435 [DELETED] 

how do you even fuck a bird?

>> No.15845461

>he doesn't know

>> No.15845475

>Those colored socks
What did The Sun mean by this?

>> No.15845493

Programming socks

>> No.15846044

what field of engineering are you in?

>> No.15847066 [DELETED] 

most of what you think you know about flu is fake and gay

>> No.15847132


>> No.15847136
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Science works in mysterious ways. Just have faith in globohomo and get two covid boosters in each arm.

>> No.15847142

The recommended number is one, and only one arm.

>> No.15847770

depends on what kind of bird you want to fuck, you might need to adorn yourself with colorful plumage or learn a mating call or a dance of some sort.

>> No.15848878 [DELETED] 

triples are not doubles

>> No.15849081

Wait the vaccine could actually kill me? What the fuck??!! Fuck this gay earth

>> No.15849290
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>> No.15849351

Does my baby arm count

>> No.15850703

If you only had one covid shot then you are unvaccinated, you need to get all 6 of the boosters to qualify as being vaccinated for covid, if you don't get them then you may as well be an anti-vaxxer

>> No.15851529 [DELETED] 

Are they really up to that many boosters already?

>> No.15852689
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>> No.15853219

just like in the military, bureaucrat wastes a fortune of government funds on corporate products and then the corporation gives the bureaucrat a big salary executive job as a payoff

>> No.15854551

>you need to get all 6 of the boosters to qualify as being vaccinated for covid, if you don't get them then you may as well be an anti-vaxxer
Vaxxxies got cuck'd hard

>> No.15855351

vaxxies will believe that because their only alternative is to admit that they made a mistake and they are far too image conscious to ever admit fallibility

>> No.15856065

>how come this wasn't discovered until just recently?
People died of a lot of shit that was never diagnosed in the past.

>> No.15856069

>Strange how flues were just the sniffles
Except for that one flu that wiped out a large portion of the planet.

>> No.15856072

>Hmm, where were the lockdowns and vaccine mandates?
Happened with the Spanish Flu.

>> No.15856082

Sweden was actually hammered early because they didn't lock down. They did well afterward, possibly due to herd immunity, yet their neighbors who did lock down did just as well afterward. The implication is that they're in general healthier people or have better health care.

>> No.15856098

Average number of deaths didn't change, they just reduced during the first year of covid, and then were elevated in subsequent years until the average returned to normal. Some elderly would have died from complications of a URI, but the lockdown probably prevented that, and then some small time virus wrecked them in the next year. It's why we also saw elevated significant cases of URI in children that weren't COVID. They weren't exposed to other viruses during the lockdown and their immune systems weren't ready as a result. So you can look at it as the lockdown buying a slightly longer life for some people, but it also caused a reduced quality of life for many without even considering that it also harmed immunity.

>> No.15856100

>Myocarditis appears within days to few weeks after the vaccine.
Except when you're asymptomatic. Supposedly that's a reason we should be deathly afraid of COVID-19, yet it's totally benign with the vaccines.

>> No.15856107

>Again, no vaccine ever caused myocarditis after a long time. Or any other complications. "Long-term side effects" are effects that last a long time.
The Gulf War Syndrome was likely caused by the anthrax vaccines and those people suffered for years with the condition. What do you consider long term?

>These results document that the adverse effects of GWI serum on neural cultures are due, in part, to persistent pathogens derived from the anthrax vaccine. We hypothesize that these anthrax pathogens persisted in the blood of the GWI veterans tested because of inability of those veterans to make antibodies against them, probably due to lack of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) protection

>> No.15856839 [DELETED] 

Its almost as if the anthrax hoax was created for the purpose of selling the anthrax vaccine to the military

>> No.15856959

>only a few million deaths no biggie
End yourself.

>> No.15857175


>> No.15858279 [DELETED] 

it was disguised by all the blood clots caused by eggs, duvet covers and gas stoves

>> No.15858286
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Because the Covid vaccine hadn't been invented yet.

>> No.15858374

Reliable NPCs

>> No.15858964 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 800x533, Trump lols at u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easily triggered vax victim
you'll be dead soon, trump tricked you real good

>> No.15858984

>More NPC replies
Let me guess, in the next comment you're calling me a golem?