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File: 369 KB, 1630x1630, WKLEsq1ZY8vB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15796360 No.15796360 [Reply] [Original]

Wage-gap propaganda is now Nobel Prize winning science.

>> No.15796370

Onlyfans has done more for "women's labour market outcomes" than this cunt. Onlyfans deserves the Nobel for economics and the Nobel for peace.

>> No.15796409

>economic ""science"" """nobel prize"""
Nobel himself ordered 5 kinds of nobel prize. This is not a nobel prize at all. And out of the 5, he should have omitted the most obviously fraudulent "peace" prize.

>> No.15796589


>> No.15796596

>Wage-gap propaganda
Except she made research challenging the gender discrimination narrative. You people are hating on researchers promoting feminist narratives and are hating on researchers challenging feminist narratives. I'm starting to think you guys just don't like science.

>> No.15796612

>Nobel himself ordered 5 kinds of nobel prize

>> No.15796631

>Nobel Prize
It's just some committee of swedes, why do you care what they have to say?

>> No.15796649
File: 200 KB, 1895x285, ywnba real science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15797091

Prize in memory of Alfred Nobel. Not Nobel prize.

>> No.15797144

Economics should just come out as a humanities the way sociology did.

>> No.15797145

It's already humanities. Economics degrees are arts degrees.

>> No.15797192

What did she say that is "wage gap propaganda"?

>> No.15797334

It should be made official

>> No.15797339

Maybe it's not propaganda if there was a Nobel Prize for this?

>> No.15797360
File: 41 KB, 768x556, screenshot_NobelPrize_news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

archive . ph /U1ULK

". . . rewards for uninterrupted careers promoted de facto wage discrimination . . . parenthood has a key role in maintaining pay inequality, largely through loss of earnings . . ."

>> No.15797361

jordan peterson already solved this issue five years ago in his debate with cathy newman, why the fuck does this roastie get a nobel for this?

>> No.15797363

It's economics, nobody cares.
It's like the fields medal, but it's only awarded to retarded people

>> No.15797371

What's his solution? "It's the bleeders' own fault"?

>> No.15797374

watch the video, it has 40 million views, the video that has launched his fame

>> No.15797380

literature and economics nobel prizes have always been dubious at best

>> No.15797393

NTA, but this is a free article I plucked on google when trying to find a text form. He's pretty reasonable about the explanation coming down to a lot of factors, only a couple of which are agreeableness and prejudice. The interviewer is a huge bitch that just sort of keeps putting words in his mouth and is on attack mode the whole time, like she's trying to trap him into a gotcha moment.

>> No.15797407
File: 99 KB, 635x802, 1536216328439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just bullshit made so companies can signal their virtue

>> No.15797454

Which colour is his Nobel Prize?

>> No.15797466

nobody cares about nobels anymore femoid

>> No.15797471

>>15796360 I think I've been saying there needs to be another prize as big as this one...for example many fields are not even considered in the Nobel prize. Don't get why people think it's a good idea to have just one large, media-covered award for science worldwide.

>> No.15797478
File: 399 KB, 530x1104, IMG_9249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cares about nobels

>> No.15797483

nice picture you have there, did you forget how to write words?

>> No.15797492

Social "Sciences" should never have be called science to begin with. Doubly so for economics as it cloaks itself in math such that it can pretend to be mechanistic in the same way that classic physics is.

>> No.15797600

>nobel for gender studies
>mathematics still relegated to autistic fields medal where by the time you become a professor you're too old to win

How you mathfags even cope?

>> No.15797677

The pink tax is also a myth.

>> No.15797897


>> No.15798290
File: 19 KB, 229x220, bwepr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15798306

True and real, those coomers deserve the prize more than her.

>> No.15798540
File: 13 KB, 600x200, early life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goldin was born into a Jewish family[6] in New York City in 1946

>> No.15798641

i've got a sixth sense when it comes to predicting it.
i swear to god i'm like 90% accurate.

>> No.15798678

Pink tax?