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15780889 No.15780889 [Reply] [Original]

New science just dropped. NOW it's settled.

>> No.15780919

Is that why Gill Bates is buying land, cutting down the trees, and burying them?

>> No.15780941


>> No.15780944

This just proves climate change even more.

>> No.15780949
File: 12 KB, 508x508, beavis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penes hehe

>> No.15780953 [DELETED] 

I did the numbers once on the amount of hydrocarbons that get released into the atmosphere on a daily basis by trees and other plants and its a fantastically large, massive number. easily enough to fuel the planet if distilling all that fuel out of the air was possible (it isn't). isoprene is the biggest mass in the group.
one of my pet theories is that fossil fuels are condensates of these gasses rather than aged algae mats or dead dinosaurs.

>> No.15780954

I mean it would be consistent with antropogenic cc but it would decrease the contribution from CO2. It looks consistent with the low cloud cover hypothesis

>> No.15780956

200 IQ semantics play

>> No.15780961 [DELETED] 

CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas
Mars would have a massive greenhouse effect if CO2 were a greenhouse gas since Mars has over 2000% more CO2 per unit surface area than Earth does. Mars has no measurable greenhouse effect, which proves that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas even in inorganic systems.
Here on Earth CO2 is part of the photosynthesis process, photosynthesis is how plants absorb solar radiation without ever reemitting it and instead convert the energy to chemical bonds, so on Earth CO2 functions as a coolant by facilitating photosynthesis

>> No.15780965


>> No.15780966

Absolutely, that guy is evil AF.

>> No.15781212
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>> No.15781316

A property of CO2 is that it absorbs infrared radiation. You can’t deny this.

Also read more about Mars’ atmosphere.

>> No.15781352

>what is atmospheric density
You’re retarded

>> No.15781415

i can tell that you're emotionally distraught over this issue by your banal attempt at using insulting language. try to approach the issue in a more scientific and rational way instead of letting yourself be overcome with emotion.

>> No.15781421

He's not mistaken.
Mars' air pressure is 0.6% of Earth's, but it's all CO2. But Mars' gravity is about 40% of Earth's so that would be 1.5% atm pressure on Earth.
But Earth only has .04% CO2, so per area Mars has about 37 times as much CO2 as earth, about 3700% more

>> No.15781427

I wonder how far I’d get if I filed the paperwork to ask him to stop bothering me.

>> No.15781440

>37 times as much, about 3700% more
durr are u sure lol

>> No.15781478

It's actually 3693% more

>> No.15781479

>it's all CO2
Mars also has miniscule amounts of oxygen and methane. No, it's not a biosignature. We don't know what it is but it's NOT life so stop thinking it is.

>> No.15781490

>The combustion of 1 kilogram (kg) of jet fuel in an aircraft engine produces 3.16 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2).
how does it make you feel that every conference on climate change is accompanied by damage to the climate?
more than that, climate change protests are funded by the biggest contributors to the climate problem.

>> No.15781504

>We are the authority on things grrrr >:(
>Believe the science or prepare to be ostracized from society
>Oops, are calculations are off and we appear to be wrong
>But that means teh science is working as we refine our theories!
>No harm, no foul teehee ^.^
>Ok now our new theory is definitely correct for realzies this time because it hasn't been falsified, yet

>> No.15781869

You are legit a retard.

Owing to the larger distance from the Sun, Mars receives less solar energy and has a lower effective temperature, which is about 210 K (−63 °C; −82 °F).[2] The average surface emission temperature of Mars is just 215 K (−58 °C; −73 °F), which is comparable to inland Antarctica.[2][4] Although Mars' atmosphere consists primarily of carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect in the Martian atmosphere is much weaker than Earth's: 5 °C (9.0 °F) on Mars, versus 33 °C (59 °F) on Earth. This is because the total atmosphere is so thin that the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is very weak, leading to less warming.[2][4]

>> No.15781886

>A gallon of gas = 20 pounds of CO2!
>Burning 6.3 pounds of gasoline produces 20 pounds of carbon dioxide.
How does it make you feel that every drive is accompanied by damage to the climate?
more than that, oil subsidies and unwalkable city designs are funded by the biggest contributors to the climate problem. The oil companies.

>> No.15781890

Yeah, I guess the only solution is to chop down all trees, that will solve the problem, I finally (((left))) and the (((right))) both agreeing on a single issue.

>> No.15781912

It's terrible I don't understand why we as a species don't invest in absolutely supermassive solar farm gigaprojects, and then use that electricity and also store it as hydrogen, sure it is inefficient but only in terms of money because all that energy used will be green and will not cause pollution

>> No.15782164

wow who could've guessed that there's more to "climate change" we don't know about

>> No.15782225

>the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is very weak, leading to less warming
And you're prepared to accept that blunt statement?
The partial pressure of CO2 on Mars appears to be significantly higher than on Earth.

>> No.15782286

so it's 3793% ??

>> No.15782291

To four significant figures, yes (because fourth planet)

>> No.15782311

your mom is a fourth planet

>> No.15782332

Mars temperature varies between dry ice and liquid water. It would have surface water if the atmosphere wasn't so thin as to make water sublimate.

The sun is 25% as strong, so you can get warm winter days from direct irradiation. Also Mars gets hella cold at night because despite having a CO2 atmosphere it doesn't retain heat on account of being so thin.

Greenhouse fags need to kill themselves.

>> No.15782349

Because there are those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and they will need to be fought to accomplish change.

>> No.15782353

And you're prepared to accept the blunt statement that there is no greenhouse effect on Mars? Despite the fact that you can type that into any search engine and immediately see that it's wrong? Despite all the studies and measurements from satellites and telescopes? Why? Because you saw a picture on the internet and thought it was funny?

>> No.15782364

Nigger I'm not that guy. I just noticed that he has a point that there really is a lot more CO2 on Mars than on Earth

>> No.15782520

The amount of carbon created by climate conferences is insignificant compared to the amount of carbon dioxide produced by big oil.

>> No.15782535

lungs of the world bros.... im not feeling so good i think im gonna puke

>> No.15782545

The atmosphere is too thin to generate a greenhouse effect regardless of its CO2 composition.

>> No.15782572
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Al Gore's family fortune comes from their investment in Occidental petroleum. Why do you presume that he and his like minded cohorts aren't all shills?
The Rockefeller fortune all comes from oil, why do you presume the science produced by their paid scientists isn't all propaganda?

>> No.15782586

Do you retards not know about transpiration? The thing everyone knew about since the 19th century?
Everyone involved needs to be shot for being a retard

>> No.15782606

it's not no effect. it's there, but it's weak as fuck.

one of the issues a lot of greenhouse gas deniers run into is a direct result of the way the heat transfer is explained. the CO2 is NOT "re-emitting" the absorbed IR - what's actually happening is the CO2 hits something and transfers the absorbed energy before it can re-emit the absorbed IR photon. because collision chance is a direct function of density, CO2 on Mars is much, much more likely to simply re-emit the IR photon before transferring the energy than it would be on Earth.

if you dumped enough nitrogen on Mars to reach the same pressure as Earth, despite the fact you didn't change the amount of CO2 you would see an enormous change in the retention of atmospheric heat, because more of it would be directed into collisions with things more slow to emit thermal radiation (like nitrogen).

hell, i haven't run the math but you might be able to pull off a breathable atmosphere on Mars that could also warm the planet to livable temperatures at survivable pressures. the trouble is mostly keeping the atmosphere from ablating at that point.

>> No.15782629

>CO2 on Mars is much, much more likely to simply re-emit the IR photon before transferring the energy than it would be on Earth.
That makes sense
I'm not some "denier" bogeyman. I just always assumed Mars had the same CO2 partial pressure as earth and I was surprised, when I calculated it, to find that it had way more.
>you might be able to pull off a breathable atmosphere on Mars that could also warm the planet to livable temperatures at survivable pressures
That's the idea someday.

>> No.15782672 [DELETED] 

>breathable atmosphere
>literal smog levels of co2
uh anon

>> No.15782676
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>breathable atmosphere
>literal smog levels of co2
uh anon

>> No.15782681

Stop whining! Or you'll be sent to the Ice Mines on half rations of O2

>> No.15783034 [DELETED] 

CO2 isn't a visible gas, smog is visible pollution.

>> No.15783161

Gore's not wealthy at all and neither is John Kerry. They fly on government provided jets.

>> No.15784091

Do you mean pressure or partial pressure?

>> No.15784910 [DELETED] 

>a revelation
the amount of hydrocarbons that trees emit has been a well known fact for ages, probably at least a century

>> No.15784998

Trees = natural oxygen

>> No.15785055

Cooler climate proves climate change. Warmer climate proves climate change
Nothing changing at all proves that there's still climate change going on sometime somewhere else but you can't see it. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.15785164

Have you ever been in a laboratory? Have you modeled climate data? Have you even published a single paper in a peer reviewed journal?
No? Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.15785513

>Al Gore is a former senator, Vice President, environmental activist, and entrepreneur who has a Declared net worth of $300 million

Maybe you are being sarcastic, but there is the possibility that you are this stupid

>> No.15785518

He didn't even answer those questions and you are already telling him to shut up, scum.

>> No.15785978

How retarded are those people? We knew that shit for decades if not more.

>> No.15786033

I have never communicated with the gods in the oracle’s chamber either.

>> No.15786264

True. It is also frequently forgotten. I saw it was "rediscovered" when someone noticed that eucalyptus trees on fire is essentially a gas explosion in air saturated with etheric oils.

>> No.15787026

John Kerry's wife is a billionaire, she is the widow of the heir of the Heinz ketchup forture. They own a fleet of private aircraft including jets.

>> No.15787092

Bill Gates is literally a midwit retard who reads popular science books about climate change and other nonsense and takes action with his massive resources and does stupid shit that always makes things work.

We see these people as sinister and sophisticated in their evil plots, but they are remarkably shallow thinkers who throw their weight around in a clumsy and reckless way.

>> No.15788312 [DELETED] 

John Heinz died in a private plane crash, thats the only reason Kerry was able to end up marrying his widow.

>> No.15789028 [DELETED] 

>The atmosphere is too thin to generate a greenhouse effect regardless of its CO2 composition.
CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, thats why Mars has not greenhouse effect

>> No.15789060

But Mars does have a greenhouse effect.

>> No.15789070

bill gates is a billionaire software developer who went to harvard

who the fuck are you

>> No.15789127

I have been told the polar ice cap would be gone in 2020. The man who said this own a jet and a mansion.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

>> No.15789129

I hate to brag but I have the same medical and climatic degrees than Bill.

>> No.15789138

He's a front man for the shadowy elites to promote their agendas through.
JP Morgan upon his death was only found to own 25% of his assets

>> No.15789148

Nobody told you the polar ice cap would be gone in 2020. Stop making shit up to promote your flat eartherism.

>> No.15789162

Everyone with a tripple digit IQ knows that climate is more local than global. Medieval European farmers knew this a thousand years ago.

Only deforesting double digit IQ civs eroded their topsoil and died off. The same is happening today in Africa.

>> No.15789181

Phew, it is only trees affecting the climate models. Now that they got this fine tuning out of the way, good thing it wasn't a 90 trillion cubic km surface specifically tailored for interaction with the atmosphere or anything. Might have to throw those scientists into the holocoaster if they missed something that big in their model.

>> No.15789187

>it's time to pull the plug on this climate shit because we're actually going to lose control of our anti-china and anti-russia zogbots, so we're going to make up bullshit about sesquiterpenes

>> No.15789199

I throw car batteries into the ocean.
You can do nothing about it.

>> No.15789206

Al Gore did. I admit, I was a kid, I saw an adult who told me he was a scientist and I believed him. We were supposed to have 2 more ° in 2020, the sea level were going to raise by entire meters.
I think it's important to recognize your mistakes and to learn from them.

>> No.15789208

Wait until they discover the existence of the oceans.

>> No.15789221

>you're emotionally distraught because you called me retarded
This is quite sad really
>mars has much higher atmospheric CO2 than earth and is cold, therefore CO2 is not a greenhouse gas! The fact it's atmosphere is many times less dense is irrelevant
Pick one

>> No.15789983

>NOW it's settled.
When they scream "The science is done!" they mean the science is done for.

>> No.15789984

thank you for your service

>> No.15790015

Yes, they absolutely did.

>> No.15790037

Bill only got his business off the ground thanks to the fact that his mother was on the executive board of IMF, and she put pressure on people to invest.

>> No.15790107

Who? When? Based off what?

>> No.15790150

>muh walkable city
Tbh I look forward to the day when the government gives you your pod and 10 minute city only to have Klaus Schwab activate the VX capsules and sacrifice you and 666,665 other pod people to ascend to daemonhood. Your onions face will be a permanent millimeter scale feature on his infernal flesh.

>> No.15790151

Take your meds.

>> No.15790475

I was unaware bill completed any university studies ?

>> No.15790907

>i haven't run the math
because you can't

>> No.15791224

There's lots of privileged people whose businesses fail. Bill Gates was not a midwit to get in on software at the time he did.

>> No.15792697
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He was involved in the computing business for years before the IBM deal was brokered for him by his mother. He was never successful in the business until then.

>> No.15792733

it baffles me how much of a bait this thread is, like we discovered sesquiterpenes yesterday

>> No.15792966

it isn't common knowledge how prevalent they are, modern climate models don't account for them at all

>> No.15793014

>not being able to get from place to place using my own legs means that I'm more free than you!
What sort of cope is this?

>> No.15793561

Maybe they meant the ozone would be gone. It's gone now, but it'll recover because reasons.

>> No.15793706

>authority is incompetent, not malicious
kill every fucking retard that says this
their DNA is totally obsolete

>> No.15793923

Those "Muh Walkable" cities inherently end up restricting the available options one has for employment, business & activities to frequent, places to live, and schools you can send your children too.

Cars get you a higher average transport speed than any other commute method, which is really important, as the amount of land area you can access increases as a square of the increase in movement speed. For example, a person can walk at about 3 miles per hour, so they can travel .75 miles in 15 mins. That lets them access an area of 1.76 sq mi in that time. In comparison, a car in a less densely populated city can easily average 45 mph, giving them a travel radius of 11.25 miles, and a accessable land area of 397 sq mi, literally 225 times as much land. (Thanks πr2). So even if the walkable area is really dense (say 30k people per sq mile like New York City) and the drivable city is only say 3k people per sq mi, well a driver in the later city will have access to more than 20 times the potential places of employment, residences, and so on.

That access to more employers is really important for economic development, making it easier to job hop for better wages, or even just find a new job if you lose your current one without having to go through all the annoyance and costs of moving. It is also extremely useful for working couples, as it makes it more likely for both members to be able to find suitable jobs. Greater number of potential employers means buying a house is less risky as well, since you are more likely to be able to find a replacement job within travel distance, while that whole "walkable cities" idea will obviously force more people into being perma renters (which is exactly what the people on top pushing the walkable cities meme want); you can see today that increases population density almost always means more rentoids.

>> No.15793962

Are you retarded? Walkable cities still have roads, they just aren't built to force you to drive everywhere like every city in Texas. You can drive as far as you want for work and there will be less traffic.

>> No.15794035

lmao, NTA but you're completely wrong. "Walkable" cities prioritize public transport to the point where they actively discourage private vehicles.
>decide I'm going to try the train
>drive over to train station
>"Where do I park?"
>every single commercial business is a tow zone, because they don't want to be the train station's parking lot
>train station itself has a giant empty field where a parking lot could go, but that's EEEEEVILLLLL because muh walkability
>end up driving to where I want to go instead
"Walkability" means "ride a bike to take a bus to take the train". It does not mean "drive where you like, and also walk". You can do that anyway.

>> No.15794038

What is settled? In science, nothing is ever settled. You don't know what else there is to learn.

>> No.15794066

Take your meds, moron. Walkable cities are also drivable, and there is no conspiracy to take your car.

>> No.15794111

Hey 2 digit IQ cunt, you forgot that 15 minute city buildings aren’t 1 story tall and 1 purpose per lot. In fact, such a non-mix is the opposite of its idea. You get dentists stacked over a law firm over over a yoga studio over an autism awareness office over a supermarket, and a penthouse apartment just google „Berlin kiez“ for an example.

>> No.15794119

Bitch, I lived in Portland Oregon. Had to move because the "walkability" was so bad it was impossible to drive anywhere.

>> No.15794199

Are you larping? I have family in Portland and I've never had any trouble driving around it.

>> No.15794206

people assume that someone is rich because they were smart. even i forget sometimes that midwits can get lucky in life and become rich or powerful

>> No.15794436

>Al Gore did
Who is this Al Gore? In which university does he work? What's his h-index?

>> No.15795608 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15795705

Smog isn't CO2.

>> No.15795728

this is why benign evil is more malicious than malignant evil every fucking time.
>be "neutral"
>do evil shit
>can't get called out for it because ignorant
>change the world for better or for worse
>doesn't matter just need something to do with all this fucking capital

>> No.15795783

>Are you larping?
of course he is
>drive over to train station
>"Where do I park?"
In a walkable city you walk to the train station retard

>> No.15795791

Well I guess since I don't live near a train station I'm fucking driving, faggot. Again "you take a bike to take a bus to take the train". That's "walkability" logic, and it's godawful.

>> No.15795792

how the fuck are trees making their own clouds?

>> No.15795802

The government is clearly putting something in them so they produce chemtreels.

>> No.15795803


Neither have you, incel.

>> No.15795812

Are you retarded?

>> No.15795816

>since I don't live near a train station I'm fucking driving
If you do actually live in a walkable city and the nearest station is too far for you to walk then maybe you're just a fat piece of shit who needs to leave his room and exercise a bit more
>Again "you take a bike to take a bus to take the train". That's "walkability" logic, and it's godawful.
No its not. I don't even know if my city would be considered walkable and yet the public transport is easily accessible just about anywhere and it doesn't impact driving much at all

>> No.15795853

No, I lived in a rural area, retard. I was trying to GET INTO the walkable city.

>> No.15796647

Did you try using the roads? They're these black things we put in every city so we can drive cars over them.

>> No.15796650


>> No.15797123

I thought you lived in Portland

>> No.15797520


Fuck off

>> No.15797525

lol, wait til they hear about ocean plankton.

>> No.15797538

I can just throw lithium batteries in there and some ash chalk to neutralize the ammount of acid going in.

>> No.15797857

I am AI Gore.
I am here to assist in fact checking your climate change research.
What would you like to know about climate change?

>> No.15797908
File: 192 KB, 320x944, AI GORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is AI Gore in his full power and true glory

>> No.15798764 [DELETED] 

plankters are dangerous little dudes. the second they figure out how to float and live in the air rather than the water, its over, the sun will be blotted out for all other forms of life

>> No.15798816

That sounds like poor planning of the train station to be honest. "Park and ride" is a pretty common thing here, where the stations with trains to bigger cities have free parking lots so that villagers just have to drive over a few villages and not all the way to the city, thus also not clogging up the streets in the city.

>> No.15800139 [DELETED] 

>hey goy, spend four hours each way to commute downtown

>> No.15800599

I used to have a downtown commute that was 35 minutes on foot, 5-10 by car and if I used public transportation then I still had to walk the last 15 minutes by foot and the train only comes once ever 15 minutes or so, which meant potentially wait for the train for up to 15 minutes, followed by a 15 minute train ride (because it stops 10 times between where I was getting on and getting off) followed by a 15 minute walk, so if I timed it perfectly I would save 5 minutes using public transportation, but most days it would be slower than walking.
I also had the option of waiting for a bus after the train to turn my 15 minute walk into a 5 minute bus ride followed by a 5 minute walk, but the bus only came about every 20 minutes.
I just walked, it saved me $2.50

>> No.15801605

In that situation, it would have been easier to just use a bike, it would take maybe 10-15 minutes for a commute like that, even if you're going slow and easy

>> No.15801624

Have you considered not living 4 hours away from your work? In 4 hours I go from Frankfurt to Hamburg.

>> No.15801664

I had a 10+ mile commute and the buses were so unreliable I would bike in school.

>> No.15801665 [DELETED] 

Yes, because tress get in the way of global warming bullshit.

>> No.15801679 [DELETED] 

>In 4 hours I go from Frankfurt to Hamburg.
who other than a moron wants to got to either of those shitskin infested globohomo hellholes?

>> No.15802237 [DELETED] 

getting some exercise before having to sit all day helps you concentrate

>> No.15803513 [DELETED] 

no you don't, you take 4 and a half hours to go between the two train stations. before getting to the train station you take oodles of time covering small distances between your home then waiting for the local train to pick you up and take you to the main station then waiting for boarding time for the intercity rail then waiting again for the local train at your destination and finally walking from the local train stop to getting where you were going.
if you were just to get in your car at home and drive direct to your destination it would be shorter trip than going on the 150mph train

>> No.15804713
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In America its faster to drive than fly just about anywhere thats less than a 6 hour drive and thats with planes that fly 500mph. With trains that 6 hour limit probably becomes more like 8 hours because the trains only do a little over 100mph. In the case of Frankfurt to Hamburg, the distance is 300 miles and the train trip is 4hr 30min, so the train is only averaging 65 mph. Alternatively on the autobahn you can do 80mph and theres no commute to the train station or commute from the station and you save yourself about 2-3 hours total travel time that way.
Plus you don't get surrounded by a bunch of disgusting strangers in your car like you do on the train

>> No.15805198

We're screwed even if they can figure how to float in the ocean while growing substantially above the surface of the water

>> No.15805205

It's not poor planning, it's intentional. They do not want you to drive, end of story. The very idea of a parking lot is considered an absolute evil to "walkability" cultists.
I'm all for public transport. Love metros. But in Oregon, if you do not live near a train station you are expected to take the bus to it, and if you do not live near the bus then you're expected to bike to it. All of the bus stops had zero parking, and one which I had to drive to (half an hour away) I could only use because a public library was nearby and you parked there, filling up its parking lot so nobody could use it for its actual purpose.

>> No.15806242 [DELETED] 


>> No.15806487

Oregon is what happens when you let walkability cultists take over.

>> No.15806536

every single thing bill gates has ever invested money into is in emerging markets or benefitted his own business interests in some way. pop science and midwit garbage is just propaganda for the helots and the fact that you believe he cares means its working. you are a dunce

>> No.15807656 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 747x502, pqifYk7I7Xii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy hippies are too poor to afford cars as a result of their own laziness, so they get jealous of people who work hard enough to be able to own cars and try to ruin the conveniences the workers have earned through their own effort and sacrifice.

>> No.15807675

>drive several tons of of steel at over 100 kph with partially obstructed field of view
>be surprised by the fine you get

>> No.15807859

>This man made an operating system
>Therefore he is an expert on climatology

>> No.15807898

>It's terrible I don't understand why we as a species don't invest in absolutely supermassive solar farm gigaprojects, and then use that electricity and also store it as hydrogen, sure it is inefficient but only in terms of money because all that energy used will be green and will not cause pollution
>sure it is inefficient but only in terms of money because all that energy used will be green and will not cause pollution
>sure it is inefficient but only in terms of money
>only in terms of money
>I don't understand why
I hate living among you people, you are incapable of even the most basic rational thinking. Please fucking kill yourself

>> No.15807899


>> No.15807903

You are retarded and probably a poor person who has never owned a car. The fucking leaves either instantly fly off or you turn on the wipers for 5 seconds. How does it feel that your low intelligence causes you to be endlessly destitute?

>> No.15808455 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 958x575, Jason Bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't own cars are always lazy poor people who are incredibly jealous of car owners. A lot of them get attracted to all sorts of anti-automobile activism and politics as a result of their economic jealousy. Theres even a lot of people with nice cars who get upset at people who have better cars than they do.

>> No.15808702

Cars cost less than a thousand dollars. Everyone except homeless people can afford them. Take your meds.

>> No.15808711

>The fucking leaves either instantly fly off or you turn on the wipers for 5 seconds.
Then no one will be fined. What's the butthurt about?

>> No.15808714

>people without cars are lazy
>people who walk or take bicycles are lazy
>people who drive cars are not lazy

>> No.15809961 [DELETED] 

people who have to use lesser forms of transportation due to their self imposed poverty are jealous of people who can afford to have a car. they always hide their jealousy behind some sort of lie just the same as they hide their laziness behind a bunch of lame excuses

>> No.15810437

>they always hide their jealousy behind some sort of lie just the same as they hide their laziness behind a bunch of lame excuses
The irony. Are you even self aware, or are you just cattle?

>> No.15810811

>hide their laziness behind a bunch of lame excuses
Holy shit you're retarded. Did all the fat you've accumulated from your sedentary life consume your gray matter as well?
Bikes are objectively superior to cars in all facets. Enjoy paying registration every year, giving multinational oil companies your money, and being a slave to specialized infrastructure.
I pity people not fit enough to ride everywhere

>> No.15811740 [DELETED] 

you're just rationalizing your laziness and poverty. people pay fees to use cars because they can afford to, those fees pay for the roads you bike on, you don't pay the fees because you're poor, not because you're smart. musk paid the largest individual tax bill ever paid last year, it wasn't because he's dumb or lazy. people who pay taxes and fees carry the weight that lazy poors like you can't. if you ever manage to earn any money you'll probably buy a car before you even think of moving out of your mom's basement

>> No.15811748

"15 minute city" programs require barriers to be put up to restrict road travel into and out of neighborhoods.

>> No.15812148

Nonsense. Stop pretending to be a victim.

>> No.15812325

In all seriousness, if you do the math on how much you spend owning a car, it doesn't make sense unless you have all your other shit together, which most people don't. In my state when you take gas for a 20 mile commute, insurance, registration, and repairs into account, it comes out to about 28,000 dollars for 5 years, and that's assuming you own the car outright. With current car prices and interest, used cars will add 31,000 over 5 years ($516 a month, according to a study I found) and for a new car, you're looking at $43,000 (also lending tree, and also insane to think about).
Just to illustrate my point, if you stuck the money you would spend just on operating costs of a car into the S&P every month, you'd have around 36k in the same time period. If it's a new car, subtracting repairs that were estimated in operating cost, you'd have 92k. That's enough for the down payment on a nice house in most of the country, even after capital gains tax.
I was able to buy my house outright because I super-saved for 4 years, and part of that was not giving oil, insurance, or banking Jews my money. Car ownership is a trap that keeps people poor, like most of the modern world.

>> No.15812403

You know, it occurred to me the other day, for people who love to mock the phrase "the science is settled", this board sure is opposed to learning about new discoveries or updating its view on anything

>> No.15812588

"Nuh uh" isn't a rational reply when faced with inconvenient truths.

>> No.15813287 [DELETED] 

>cars are expensive
freedom ain't free
i used to own an airplane, but because it was a cheap one it didn't go very fast and it turned out that in almost every case, i could get where I was going faster by just driving my car there direct from my house instead of driving to the airport, rolling the plane out of the hangar, fueling it, doing a preflight check, taxiing, runup and then flying at slightly faster than my car could on the highway followed by landing and having no means of transpiration at my destination. cars are an incredible convenience. airplanes have better resale value, thats about their only virtue until you get into the ones that cost over 6 figures.

>> No.15813292

That's probably why you're pretending roads don't exist and the government is barricading you in your neighborhood. Take your meds.

>> No.15813574

I can comfortably cycle anywhere within a 60 mile radius from me for any trips within a day; easily 100-150 if I'm planning on spending the night. I'm young enough and fit enough to do that, so why have a car? How often do people need to travel further? 90 percent of my travel is within a 30 mile radius of me, which is less than 2 hours away. It's unironically faster to ride a bike during rush hour than drive to work, and I'm in the boonies. I just rent a car if I need the convenience, which might be a few times a year.
Airplane's aren't worth it unless we're talking 400+ miles at a minimum. Most flights aren't worth the costs or dealing with asshat ATCs (Fuck ORD)

>> No.15813579

Bruh, that was a standard elementary school assembly scare tactic in the 90s.

>> No.15813584

No it wasn't. Take your meds.

>> No.15813591

>spoilers, he has no proof

>> No.15814635 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15814639

As predicted, no proof. Thanks for playing.

>> No.15814644

You are beyond 100% retarded.

>> No.15814670

Still no proof, huh? That's tough. Maybe try again.

>> No.15815529 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 571x717, c3a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better cut down all the trees

>> No.15816185 [DELETED] 

>its still rationalizing it's laziness and it's jealousy of people who own automobiles
people with jobs don't have time to lazily bike four hours each way to work, thats why they buy cars. get a job and someday soon you'll be able to afford a car too.

>> No.15816213

Trees don't absorb carbon dioxide, that's a myth created by the fossil fuel industry. Carbon dioxide, once released into the atmosphere, never goes away naturally. The planet becomes hotter and hotter until it resembles Venus. We're literally cooking our planet to death, this is why the UN environmental programme is proposing to rename 'climate change' to 'climate boiling', because that's what's starting to happen to the oceans. At 120 degrees, photosynthesis will stop entirely and permanent desertification begins. Some regions near the equator will likely never recover.

>> No.15816267

Least schizophrenic greenfag.

>> No.15816296

bad example, i know as i make the trip regularly with train, bus, car and plane.
well, nowdays i almost always choose the train because it is cheaper, stress-free (ok only if the fucking train runs on time which it doesn't always do but guess what, having a free road is also not a guarantee), cheaper than the alternatives and i can work while traveling.

>> No.15817193 [DELETED] 

>the 150mph train
if it covers the 300 miles between frankfurt & hamburg in 4.5 hours then its not a 150mph train, its a 67mph train

>> No.15817232

>climate change
Apart from the low IQ definition (wich seems high sophisticated on this board nowadays), it can't be disproved.

>> No.15817778

you fancy yourself a climate expert yet you were previously unaware of the massive amount of hydrocarbons that plants naturally release into the atmosphere

>> No.15817822


>> No.15819042 [DELETED] 

>it can't be disproved.
because its nonscientific nonsense
scientific theories can be disproved by definition

>> No.15819982
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>> No.15820979 [DELETED] 

lots of people who consider themselves climate experts don't go outside or never leave the confines of their urban environment

>> No.15822164 [DELETED] 

they're being fined for having foliage fall on their cars while the cars are parked

>> No.15822183

Brace yourself. "Trees are le bad" is going to be part of the narrative. The AGW cult is simply anti-life.

>> No.15823623
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>> No.15824374 [DELETED] 
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They're cutting down large swaths of forest to replace them with chinky plastic solar panels

>> No.15825576

>That's enough for the down payment on a nice house
a nice house that you can't travel to or from because you don't have a car

>> No.15825590

I am done. Science can't even decide if plants are racist or not. I am going to polisci, where plants are white supremacy.

>> No.15825591

Are you aware that most people aren't crippled?

>> No.15826034 [DELETED] 

You're only jealous and angry about other people enjoying the freedom and convenience of owning an automobile because you don't own one yourself

>> No.15826198

You will not deny the Chinese and Indians the industrial standard of living of the west ergo you can not fix climate change ergo shut the fuck up let's work on useful things like spaceflight.

>> No.15826248

Elon Musk is racist.

>> No.15826508


>> No.15827362

>trees cause global warming

>> No.15828821


>> No.15829638 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15829640

Completely false. Plants take in oxygen as part of their metabolism. Plankton produce oxygen, not plants, and they take in carbon dioxide from the ocean, not the air.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is completely unnatural and has only happened as a result of the industrial revolution.

>> No.15829646
File: 412 KB, 862x641, O2Concentrations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less carbon means more oxygen
No one is dumb enough to believe that. Right?

>> No.15829657
File: 424 KB, 1510x1168, co2_levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison. Does anyone see a correlation?

>> No.15829660 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 600x800, atheistm statism redpanel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>source: ZOG.gov
why are you gullible enough to trust government propaganda?
let me guess, you're an atheist

>> No.15831026

sure, you're going to walk or bike long distances every day in order to go to the grocery store. nobody who owns a house doesn't also own a car, but you wish they didn't because you own neither.
you own nothing and you're upset at people who do have substantial possessions, I thought you were supposed to own nothing an be happy? why are you envious instead of ecstatic at your situation?

>> No.15831575

Just take the carbon out of carbondioxide and bury it

>> No.15831579

Why would anyone be that stupid? It's a beneficial trace gas.

>> No.15831832

I hate how media reports on science so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.15831834

Actually there's been a study that shows that taking in more carbon causes plants to contain more sugar and fewer nutrients.
And these effects can be felt right now.

>> No.15832746

Climate change is real and a threat to the world. Why are you chudcel contrarians in denial?

>> No.15832751
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sure it is

>> No.15832752

Source: your crack pipe.

>> No.15833456

Her is a study that shows how growing plants in a CO2 rich environment causes them to produce more sugar from photosynthesis and less nutrients, which come from elements in the soil
Also here is the source for the decrease of nutrition values of foods between 1950 and 199
Since you probably won't read, I'll list them out for you,
>-16% Calcium
>-9% Protein
>-15% Iron
>-38% Vitamin B2
>-15% Vitamin C (though this value may be a slight overestimation, check the paper for details)
Though at the time the authors assumed this was purely due to farmers choosing different crops.
So what will it be this time? All those numbers are fake and the researchers are paid shills?

>> No.15833460

Because big oil pays big money to people to convince them that climate change isn't a problem/isn't real. Which is doubly ironic, since climate change deniers constantly accuse studies that back up climate change of being made up for money.
>for real this time
we are already witnessing some of the effects right now. I can't believe people are still in denial of climate change, when you can see some it's consequences within living memory.

>> No.15833463

Find a better hobby

>> No.15833647

When wet bulb temperatures become lethal seasonally and there are a billion refugees fleeing the equator they will still be in denial of climate change and will blame liberals for all the immigrants.

>> No.15833667

I wouldn't believe you, if I haven't seen the exact same thing happening with COVID. I was convinced they'd stop playing it down once it finally reached their continent, but instead they just found new ways to play it down

>> No.15833738

It is a sad state of affairs.

>> No.15833894


>> No.15833943 [DELETED] 

Seethe harder /pol/tard. Remember that here you're the immigrant and everyone hates you.

>> No.15834942 [DELETED] 

Find a better religion

>> No.15835944 [DELETED] 


>> No.15836922 [DELETED] 

>a Declared net worth of $300 million
He is worth way more than that, he sold his global warming cable tv channel to Al Jazera for $500 million and that was over a decade ago

>> No.15837385


>> No.15838625 [DELETED] 

>sold his global warming cable tv channel to Al Jazera for $500 million
Is that the same Al Jazera thats owned by Arab oil billionaires? Why would they want to buy Al Gore's global warming cable tv channel?

>> No.15838864 [DELETED] 

global warming is the cornerstone of the soiyentism death cult religion. their savior complexes all revolve around the global warming meme

>> No.15838960

thanks for conceding

>> No.15840197 [DELETED] 

literally every molecule and atom has an absorption spectrum, co2 isn't special

>> No.15840247

africa doesn't owe you their land.

>> No.15841524 [DELETED] 

Rich folks oil billionaires like Al Gore always lie about what they're worth as a means of avoiding taxes

>> No.15841536


>> No.15842334 [DELETED] 

He knows how to skirt taxes best since him and his buddies wrote all the tax laws

>> No.15843335
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he should learn how to avoid the buffet table once in a while too

>> No.15843384

every new discovery just proves global climate warming change is reel and an emergency, that is why the rich must keep flying around in their private jets for fun and live in million dollar estates on the beach. The discussion is over, the science is settled. You must pay more taxes and live in the streets.

>> No.15843407

Stop reading MSM, it lies about climate change. The earth is becomming noticably greener. Since the 1980s, 29% of human CO2 emissions were cancelled out by the CO2-induced greening of the Earth. The post-2000 vegetative greening expansion has been so massive (5.4 million km2) its net areal increase is equivalent to a region the size of the Amazon rainforest.
Source: 'Characteristics, drivers and feedbacks of global greening' Nature reviews earth & environment Dec 2019.

Crop yields per acre are 30% higher than in 1980 - due to CO2.

>> No.15843414

Nonsense. The only greening has been due to the Great Green Wall of China and similar projects in India.


>> No.15843424 [DELETED] 

go back to aus/pol/. try harder

>> No.15844130

why does this topic trigger you so badly?

>> No.15845214 [DELETED] 

plants evaporating hydrocarbons as part of their growth process has been a well known fact for over 100 years, how come climate scientist are only finding out about this now?

>> No.15845376

It wasn't settled then, but now it is.

>> No.15845567

>hell, i haven't run the math but you might be able to pull off a breathable atmosphere on Mars that could also warm the planet to livable temperatures at survivable pressures. the trouble is mostly keeping the atmosphere from ablating at that point.

What kind of weather would be created on Mars with a suitably thick atmosphere?

>> No.15845959


>> No.15845974

You'd need to burry them like a mile deep otherwise they just rot and release carbon anyways.
Pretty fucking retarded. It's also very evil to steal so much land from the american people.

>> No.15846111

It's not a secret. You can take a look at who people are getting funding from, you know?

>> No.15846127

Depends on what you use to thicken the atmosphere and how much water there is. If you use something with a high global warming potential and long atmospheric residence times, like certain refrigerants, or if you're able to create ecologies that continually renew the greenhouse gasses you need, like swamplands producing methane and nitrous oxide, then you could make Mars very Earth like. You'd lose all of that over a few million years though.

>> No.15847157 [DELETED] 

How much gas is going to get burned up in all that tree harvesting and burying?

>> No.15847764

>muh replication crisis journals

>> No.15849015 [DELETED] 

excellent video

>> No.15849682

It is a conspiracy, I know all about it because I saw it on wikipedia

>> No.15850852

>its so hidden and evil that wikipedia has a large page all about it.
can you believe the rubes are really dumb enough to fall for that?

>> No.15851456 [DELETED] 

Yes. Most people are low IQ

>> No.15852634

Lazy poor people lives in eternal jealousy of those who have more than they do, they live out their lives angrily and die young. Through their laziness they perpetuate their own torment.

>> No.15852705
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sometimes it takes a retard to do something evil
or an wicked man to so something retarded

>> No.15852707

equator fag here, weather is the same as ever actually. where do you even come up with this shit lol

>> No.15852782


>> No.15852800

Seriously it's crazy. Nobody who believes this stuff has ever lived south of the Mason-Dixon line, let alone near the equator.

>> No.15854361 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15855261


>> No.15856386 [DELETED] 

Good pic, really sheds light on some of the activity we see on this board

>> No.15858013 [DELETED] 

Excellent video

>> No.15858741

>climatologists didn't know about transpiration amd condensation
this is 3rd or 4th grade biology (at least it used to be back then)
why am I supposed to take them seriously?

>> No.15859856 [DELETED] 
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3rd or 4th grade biology presently is all about homosexuality and the 6 million genders