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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1579364 No.1579364 [Reply] [Original]

I don't trust science :)

>> No.1579378

i don't trust people who believe in shit without any kind of circumstantial evidence, as most scientists and /sci/entists don't either.

so fuck off.

>> No.1579389

Then why exactly are you still on this board?

>> No.1579408

I wish that 'sage' would actually do something.

>> No.1579423

Cause I want to explain creation, and prove some things science left out. This is a "science" board, but science doesn't really live up to its definition. I'm here to explore true science.

>> No.1579431

>I don't trust science
>I'm here to explore true science


>> No.1579436

Sage'd, reported, etc...

>> No.1579496




yeah i remember you from /b/ you basement dwelling faggot

all i hear is word

ironically you are against them

so follow you philosophy and SFTU forever

also do you have a blog ?

>> No.1579504

no i don't /b/rother.
well, if you consider /sci/ a blog, then yes.
You may aswell stick around and see some of the drivel these faggots spew 24/7.

>> No.1579515


Prove away faggot, I'm waiting.

>> No.1579524

I'll make a blog, I guess; that way it can be spread and doesn't 404 after the horde of trolls.

>> No.1579526
File: 165 KB, 800x327, everywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage merely doesn't bump when you reply.
Doesn't mean the OP won't bump their own shit.

>> No.1579537

>People who responder to sagers with "education" about what sage does don't realize the sagers know full well what they're doing and are simply casting their evaluation of the thread's worth as a sort of anti-rallying cry.

>> No.1579541


Sot it can be spread like a mental disease through the ranks of the ignorant fucks that bother to read it? As long as it isn't posted here.

>> No.1579550


naturally we dont know evil

just as animals

if it werent for society and its language we wouldnt know this word

wrong !

evil = harm

everything that relates to pain, death, harm we people have named evil

so we could learn to avoid it

>> No.1579561


yes why not

what do you have to loose ?

only the feeling you failed if no one will commute with you through it

>> No.1579576


tumblr is pretty neat

>> No.1579594


>> No.1579604



>> No.1579632


i want that background picture be gone

sting the eye

also the letters are unreadable

new testament was not written by the prophet himself

greek type space does not make me understand your thought better

>> No.1579678 [DELETED] 

I don't trust Aether.

>> No.1579690

Patterns C:

>> No.1579752

Get the fuck off then, idiot?

>> No.1579802
File: 83 KB, 1894x1278, 1269281343511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dont trust any one

pic related

>> No.1579881

I was speaking to OP- not you.

>> No.1579906

Saged, reported, informed OP he is a faggot, finding new thread.

>> No.1579910

LOL Shannon..

>> No.1579915


i was implying that the one who doesnt believe in science shouldnt GTFO

>> No.1579924

>thinking like a nihilistic criminal

>> No.1579947

First post is up!

>> No.1579950

dude, what the fuck are you talking about

you're fucking insane

>> No.1579958


OP this >>1579632 is manditory

>> No.1579962


also why is the letters so small

>> No.1579974

>why is the letters so small
are*, idiot.

>> No.1579983


>> No.1580015


the background is much better

though the less distracting the background the better

no picture at all would help me to concentrate on the deciphering of the thought much better

your blog page is laggy to me . the page scrolls sturdy .

i will to reboot my PC

but i suspect its the site what causes it

>> No.1580018

Doesn't lag my computer, you must have a shitty internet service provider or just shitty computer.

>> No.1580030

atleast we know "death" doesn't exist.

>> No.1580029

Wtf are you talking about in that blog...

>> No.1580032

Morality, etc etc.

>> No.1580052


This isn't any kind of science, it's philosophy. Sorry but there's no evidence and no sign of a deep understanding of the world you're attempting to explain. There's a lot more to trees that a simple and arbitrary "universe related" definition. What if life exists in other parts of the galaxy or universe that uses something other than oxygen as an electron transporter. Suppose oxygen is poisonous to it in some way. Who's right about the tree's evilness or goodness...

>> No.1580058


still the same

it loads fine . the CPU usage hits 100 % when i scroll up and down

it lags at that moment

its all the widgets and shit ( possibly aslo the background ) attached to that page that slows down my pc

OP i would prefer if you d also put your thought on tumblr

>> No.1580071


OP is going to test this theory IRL and post the results on his blog, we will be able to follow him and make sure how does it work

>> No.1580094

Whoa, distracted by vaginas also.

>> No.1580115

It's not the tree only that equates 0, a planet, equates 0, as does any life living on that planet. Everything is just "life" and therefore "good" =/= 0. If it wasn't, it wouldn't exist alongside us.

>> No.1580127

It also means "death" being a man-made, "universe-defined" evil, does not exist! Only life! So if one worships universe-defined "evil" then once one passes on, that person does die, rather than live!

>> No.1580140

explain masochism and sadism then

>> No.1580164

you have the right ideas aether, but you're about as eloquent as a water bottle.
you are by far the worst communicator i have ever observed.

>> No.1580172

Both are universe-defined evil; probably man-made pyschosis -- I doubt anyone is born evil, unless that person shows dislike to the world, which is understandable in some cases. Inflicting pain purely for thrills is evil. Again, it's probably psychosis generated through word.

>> No.1580187

At least it was explained clearly. It may not explain life beautifully, for the simple reason it would be explaining it using evil, the beauty is out there, take a look. Love life.

>> No.1580197 [DELETED] 

I don't get why people are saying this doesn't make sense, it makes perfect sense.

>> No.1580202


OP its this guy >>1580058

i intended to help you refine that blob of text but since that fault is too of a turn off i wont do nothing

>> No.1580206 [DELETED] 


>> No.1580212

You don't trust science. You question it! That's how science is done!

>> No.1580271



i visited http://endlessorigami.blogspot.com/
i dont have any problems scrolling up and down

is there any one else who might want me to take a look at there blog so i could help to make it more readable

>> No.1580281


that is only if i am slightly interested in the content

>> No.1580302 [DELETED] 

Shannon what the fuck is your problem ):<

>> No.1580310

OP's name is Shannon?

>> No.1580311 [DELETED] 

No my name is Shannon.

>> No.1580324


so what does this >>1580302 post mean ?

>> No.1580326

My name is David, like everyone else on 4chan.

>> No.1580329

shanon wtf ????

>> No.1580337

My name is not Shanon

>> No.1580347

>I don't trust science :)

Neither do scientists.

>> No.1580355

lel \d\<<<

but seriously, get the fuck out of mah /sci/

>> No.1580359

whatever, shanon

>> No.1580363

what does /d/ have to do with this?

>> No.1580377

:3 yes, it's para-"accepted-reality"-normal

captcha: burrik erganzungsband

>> No.1580393

Not >>>/d/; \d\<<<. (It's basically opposite day on /b/. It was only popular for a few weeks some months ago.)

>> No.1580409
File: 62 KB, 630x480, fuckscience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1580425
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>> No.1580439

yeah okay SHANNON

>> No.1580660
File: 16 KB, 225x226, pew pew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1580695


>> No.1582337
