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15792801 No.15792801 [Reply] [Original]

Why did progressives reject evidence of intelligence being genetic?

>> No.15792805

The jews say that whites aren't allowed to notice race, meanwhile the jews do everything they do on the basis of race.

>> No.15792844

to retain power over their voting base, if they recognized the ties between genetics and intelligence they would lose 80% of their voter base. Honestly I find it comforting that I failed because I simply have fucked computer code and not because I didn't try hard enough or because the mans keeping me down. They don't realize how bad they held us back from solving the problem of IQ, we would've had a fucking pill or something to fix it by now.

>> No.15792867

Because it destroys their entire ideology based on the oppressor-oppressed dynamic. What if ordinary people started noticing the peculiar fact that the so called "oppressed" seem invariably not that bright, it's almost as if there is something else going on...

>> No.15792870

>meanwhile the jews do everything they do on the basis of race.
Israel is heavily race mixed as ashkenazi, mizrahi, sephardi and even ethiopian intermarry. Tons of goyim too

>> No.15792875

Israelis are very aware of race and race hierarchy (ask them ethiopians if you don't believe me).

>> No.15792878

>offer $10,000 to anyone who gets sterilized
>smart people ignore/bypass it
>dumb people take it and blow it on booze
would this work? it would be completely voluntary

make it $1000 in third world countries and for less than $10trillion you can solve the global moron crisis for good

>> No.15792887

You could make it $5 and """""people""""" would be lining up by the tens of thousands for a turn.

>> No.15792893

>Israelis are very aware of race and race hierarchy
Yet they still intermarry despite their families objections

>> No.15792894

So why doesn't anyone do this? It would solve:
- immigration
- overpopulation
- wealth inequality
- pollution
- the nigger problem
- the need for contraception
- gay frogs
- single mothers

and every other problem associated with stupid people, for less than 1/3rd of the USA's current outstanding debt

>> No.15792902

That doesn't refute my point.

>> No.15792909

Give away a donut and people will do it for free.

>> No.15792939

It absolutely does, it means that israelis intermarry. Often that means they will have some tense moments with racist grandpa but they still do it. The israeli ethos is that of creating a new israeli race and not to perpetuate some immigrant sub-populations because thats bad for social cohesion.

>> No.15792944

Its not easy because its not as easy as taking a pill. Sterilizations means surgery. The chinese were reputed to train surgeons that could do these operations (and only these operations) after a few months of training
>This injection is the anesthesia
>You make this cut and that cut
>Sew the patient back and issue a bag of antibiotics
They would hog tie women from villages and dump them at some shack where they placed a surgical table

>> No.15792945

ok rabbi

>> No.15792952
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It crates a problem for those who want to try and convince you to commit cultural and civilizations suicide by trying to convince you that everyone is just a cog in a machine that can be replaced by another cog and that imported millions of third worlders with double digit IQs is a great idea and will turn out fantastic

>> No.15792953

it is literally illegal for Jews to marry gentiles in israel

>> No.15792990

>it is literally illegal for Jews to marry gentiles in israel
Its illegal to marry but not illegal to be married to goyim. Israelis fly to cyprus to get married and come back, the state recognizes the marriage. And jews themselves have many races which intermarry within israel.
The jewish laws of what makes someone a jew do not preserve race, they just ask for your mother to be jewish, the father can be whatever, converts from any race also get accepted in israel

>> No.15793011

>the jews don't care about race they just created three secret police forces to hunt non-jews in israel by pure coincidence
>please ignore the armed guards at the border walls, i swear they are completely non-violent non-racist border opening squads that do not in any way defend the border against brown hordes or other goyim

>> No.15793016

what even is a "progressive"? all i see with the people who call themselves that are just followers of the latest current thing. the same people who once called themselves "progressive" were the ones pushing eugenics. whatever is flashy and new they will go with. they're like "conservatives" sticking to whatever is old and rusty. but for as lame as tradition can be at least that shit has years of being tried and tested.

>> No.15793042

It's pretty much what it says in the picture. Leftists basically believe that all people are equal and al discrepancies are the result of oppressive societal forces. These core values must be protected in order for their world view to stay intact.
They say they fear the consequences of genetic determinism because, according to them, it would lead to bloodshed. But anxiety for losing their world view and social standing are also important psychological factors.

People are not the rational actors from enlightenment theory, we are psychological beings capable of calculating behaviours but propelled by emotional, phillial and social needs.

Liberal democracies are just as totalitarian as other systems of government because as the people vote they need to be socially and psychologically conditioned to make the correct choice. Modern politics in these countries are just applied consumer psychology. People picking the brand that suits their lifestyle the best

>> No.15793075

Pure strawman. Its been my personal experience that israelis are just as racist as normal white people, that they still intermarry despite being racists and are turning into mestizos and that when they are racist they are just pro-white instead of pro-jew and like russian and ukranian immigrants even if they are not jews and dislike ethiopians regardless of their religious status, but will still marry them.

>> No.15793215

Honestly, I don't know.
Arguably, many of their welfare policies could be justified by acknowledging that some people are just born with low potential and cannot be helped in any other way. The issue here is there is nobody to blame and nothing to fix and the solution is simple and doesn't require capturing every institution (at most, political dynamics in this vein are limited to arguing over who deserves welfare and how much welfare).

By rejecting it, they can demonize the leadership of any institution having disparity in representation and seize control and let their minions in. This stance allows them to amass power beyond only the political realm where their gibs rhetoric was effective at giving them power. They basically mutated the original trust-busting theme, which focused on eliminating the collusion of the moneyed, to focusing on racial collusion, sex collusion, religious collusion, etc. (all of the intersectional categories).
It is a great formula that always has a new angle to whine about something.

>the same people who once called themselves "progressive" were the ones pushing eugenics
People of the "Progressive Era" aren't synonymous with the "Progressive Party".
I couldn't find anything from the progressive party supporting eugenics. If anything, the progressive party ideology was against eugenics given all of the safety nets and protections for the little guy they pushed for.

>> No.15793256

This Ethiopians were sterilized by Israel before being accepted. Without their knowledge. You think I'm making this up. I'm not.

>> No.15793554

This would unironically only work in first world or moderately developed countries.
The low IQ people in actual very poor countries follow their instincts.
See homosex laws in Africa, traditions in central asia etc.
Those people are based and would refuse it.
On the other hand the retards in the US and Europe would take it, especially whites. Why? because they're full on retards!

>> No.15793672

>you have bad genes so you deserve to suffer
that sounds like an evil system

>> No.15793695

suffering is minimized to one generation through mass sterilization

>> No.15793699
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This will get removed because is the truth and therefore not allowed in /sci/.

>> No.15793700
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Never forget, never forgive.

>> No.15793836

who's getting sterilized?

>> No.15793877

That's already the system we live in, because evil progressives aren't allowing experts to address the issue without being cancelled.

>> No.15793937

So you think bad genes reproducing is evil? Agreed. Bad genes should be sterilized or at least antagonized into a deadend.

>> No.15793938

Lol reminds me of Warcraft 3 so hard

>> No.15794053

anyone dumb enough to do it for $1000

>> No.15794058

>the oppressor-oppressed dynamic.
negroes in America are the wealthiest negro population anywhere on the planet, they also have the longest life expectancy of any negro population anywhere on the planet.
sooooo oppressed
boo hoo hooo

>> No.15794100

because the necessary conclusions make them feel guilty

>> No.15794200

hypothetically, what if society was honest and realized that some people are dumb and will struggle because of that, and that they really do not have have the ability to raise their intelligence. How do we make things equal for people?

>> No.15794250

>This Ethiopians were sterilized by Israel before being accepted. Wi
Chemical sterilization only works for a a few months as its based on hormones. It wears out. Sure israelis hate blacks but all these women got pregnant when they stopped taking their pills.

>> No.15794281

That doesnt contradict anything i said. Racism and race mixing can exist at the same time in a society

>> No.15794323

Leftism is based on Theology of Equality.
They can't COPE with the fact that things superiority and inferiority are inherent.
This BTFOs their Equality project.

>> No.15794328

Eugenics, the low IQs, the ugly, the weak, the criminals (behavioural genetics) etc have to be removed from the gene pool for betterment of the society.
At the same time the society will become inherently egalitarian.

>> No.15794331

Leftists psychology is shaped by inferiority complex, lack of confidence and power.

>> No.15794332

It isnt difficult with IVF. Anyone can have perfect babies

>> No.15794420

>Animals of different species can interbreed and generate fertile offspring e.g. a wolves, crows, foxes, sheep, goats, ...
>Conservation efforts to prevent animals from hybridization don't apply to humans for some reason
>Bunch of hominids who could definitely interbreed are still considered different species. Homo sapiens x neanderthals
>There is somehow no scientific evidence to support different modern human species or subspecies

>> No.15794434

Post war , psychoanalysis and behaviourism harnessed a lot of popularity. It’s because biological positivism would have provided too much evidence in favour of genetic superiority, nosebergs probably feared another genocide . So they had to scrap that theory ..

>> No.15794497

The real question isn't really whether or not intelligence is genetic. Of course we've long established there is at least some genetic component to intelligence, although whether someone's intellectual potential comes to fruition is of course dependent on many more factors. No, the real question is, so what? What do you want to do with this information? People are allowed to be unintelligent. If you value intelligence then you could probably achieve a lot more a lot easier through making education accessible at all levels and allowing people more time in their lives to develop themselves than through half-baked eugenics schemes. To paraphrase, the convolutions of Einstein's brain are less interesting than the near certainty that people of similar intelligence have died in sweatshops and fields. You can try to create a million Einsteins but it won't do you any good if society still demands that the vast majority of them do menial physical labour, and in fact only when we do away with that requirement we can see if we did not already have a million Einsteins slumbering among the working populace.

>> No.15794519

Both sides are ridiculous
>actually, growing up in a violent, industrially zoned, asthmatic, urban apartment with a failing school system and food insecurity isn't why your life hasn't turned out perfect, it's because of your genes!
>generationally impoverished people who could never count on a meal or roof over their head for a single day should just go on libgen and learn calculus, bro!
>who's gonna clean the toilets after they all theoretically because academic whizzes or even get a welding certificate or something? Umm...
Maybe the issue is deeper than pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.15794523

>superiority and inferiority
How? What makes one person superior or inferior to another?

>> No.15794525

There will always be genetic variation. Someone will always be taller, smarter, stronger, etc. Nobody is the same and that registers as "inferiority/superiority" in the insecure /sci/brain.

>> No.15794533

NO MEME ANSWER: Citing the idea that much of the human difference in behavior and capacity has strong genetic components put many strands of left wing thought on a shake ground, some of the most fundamental ideas for the left is that you can change people behavior if you change their environment, but with the amount of empirical evidence we have we know that's not whole true, people have a very strong personality and limits of their mental capacity that isn't subject to change no matter how you change their environment, if you believe that you can change people just changing their environment then you don't believe in Darwinian evolution, so yeah, pretty much majority of left thought is pseudoscience at best and anti scientific at worst, still some of left wing thought is worthy like emancipation of people, and the dignity of life, and there are some left wing people that do acknowledge the impact of genetics of people life, lot every left wing is a nut case.

Great books is "the Darwinian Left" by Peter Singer

>> No.15794557

such as?

>> No.15794560

>some of the most fundamental ideas for the left is that you can change people behavior if you change their environment, but with the amount of empirical evidence we have we know that's not whole true
It doesn't have to be wholly true, and certainly you're not arguing that it's wholly untrue?

>> No.15794574

>If you value intelligence then you could probably achieve a lot more a lot easier through making education accessible at all levels and allowing people more time in their lives to develop themselves than through half-baked eugenics schemes.
the coleman report + bill gates k-12 program debunked this

>> No.15794576

>t. never open a behavioral genetics textbook

>> No.15794581

Point is, left wing view do have some merit when they go after societal relationship, culture, how capitalism effect our worldview, but the problem is that does endeavors isn't much empirical. No, what I said is empirical, data after data, study after study show that genes play a huge role on people's action and that has a downstream effect on society at large, and with my experience with real life left wing people that they get extremely pissed when pointed out that his pet's social policy to end low grade of low income children won't be success because those children aren't bright to being with, people on the left have their heart on a good place, but their mind on the wrong side of things, still there's a minority of left wing people that are actually schizo that want to bend the entire world to justify their dream of living his sexual fetish and fantasy, I'm talking about trannies, they don't care about worker's right or shit, they just want to make the world bend to their sexual fetish, nasty bunch.

>> No.15794586

There's a fun game you can play where you see how few replies it takes to get a reactionary to bring up trannies out of the blue. You don't even really have to be playing consciously.

>> No.15794591
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>>actually, growing up in a violent, industrially zoned, asthmatic, urban apartment with a failing school system and food insecurity isn't why your life hasn't turned out perfect, it's because of your genes!
Socioeconomic mobility is only possible via improving academic achievement in school, so what's your proposition without redistributing wealth from high achievers to low achievers?
Those low IQ poor achievers are the same ones creating the violent environment that other children have to grow up in, it's cyclical.
The impact of urbanisation is likely minimal considering children in Appalachia perform considerably worse than those in urban environments, where all the high value jobs are.
>>generationally impoverished people who could never count on a meal or roof over their head for a single day should just go on libgen and learn calculus, bro!
Every parent wants the best for their child, if they're neglecting their children it should be chalked up as an uncontrollable genetic gap.
>>who's gonna clean the toilets after they all theoretically because academic whizzes or even get a welding certificate or something? Umm...
Wages will adjust for the shortage of workers, they will be more adequately compensated than they are today.

>> No.15794595

Do you actually have any experience with active political movement in real life, retarded? Or you just a dumb armchair "lefist" that never went to streets once in his life? Shut the fuck up, I have in real life experience with both good left wing people and schizo retarded, those schizo restarted are 95% trannies that didn't give a fuck about worker's right, they just talk about sex and sexual oppression and how they are woman, time and time again unless you a really intersex people (those really exist, are from true biological standpoint intersex), being a tranny it will always be a mental illness that people want to normalize, one thing is recognize transexual are people and deserve help and not be opressend, other is you wanting to let trannies go around thinking that mental illnes is ok, which is not. Probably you are ono those retaterd amrchair left wing trannies that hate when other left wing people point out that their thought is a just a illness. Jesus, I hate fucking schizo so much.

>> No.15794598

>Socioeconomic mobility is only possible via improving academic achievement in school, so what's your proposition without redistributing wealth from high achievers to low achievers?
The fundamental problem is the haves vs. the have-nots and always has been.
>socioeconomic mobility
People have to work the "menial" jobs and some have no other option but that doesn't mean they deserve to suffer.
way to miss the entire point of the picture being painted
>every parent wants the best for their child
this is a generalization, not a valid premise
>Wages will adjust for the shortage of workers
It's not a matter of supply and demand, but a matter of necessary day-to-day work being completed.

>> No.15794599

I sure have experience with your type and you're all mad as hell lol

Most of the trannies I know are explicitly communist and I've marched with them for workers' rights

>> No.15794605

>The fundamental problem is the haves vs. the have-nots and always has been.
Leftists are the ones suppressing wages for the unskilled in the 1st world via immigration.
>People have to work the "menial" jobs and some have no other option but that doesn't mean they deserve to suffer.
See above.
>way to miss the entire point of the picture being painted
I understood the picture you were trying to paint, environmental exposure pales in comparison to the genetic component.
>this is a generalization, not a valid premise
So lower IQ people don't care for their children?
>It's not a matter of supply and demand, but a matter of necessary day-to-day work being completed.
It is.

>> No.15794609

Yep, because people like you is what prevent the left to progress and modernize, keep supporting a dude that thinks -in his mind- he's a women, instead of truly helping him, just let the guy indulge is his problematic fantasy, and keep making the left thinking that human nature is infinity malleable, instead with dealing with reality and building up a actual effective progressive policy to change the world based on the empirical science, but no, it's just "reactionary" science, and let's rightoid use science to justify opression, good job, bro.

>> No.15794616

Why are you so fucking obsessed with trannies
THEY don't even care as much as you do about sex and sexual oppression

>> No.15794627

BECAUSE I have ACTUAL REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, schizo, I not talking from my ass! Do you want other examples of other left imbeciles? An anarchist that his dream was actually a stateless society so he can overdose himself on drugs, a heterosexual pedo that thinks that legal age of consent was a capitalist oppression, a lots and lots of trannies that couldn't keep the mouth shut about his right to go to the fucking female bathroom even when girls in the group explicitly said that it wasn't comfortable for them and he chimp ou saying that TERF oppression, one retarded that believe science was actually a capitalist oppression method and didn't believe in psychiatrist (until he had a psychotic break refuse help and got jailed because became a threat to everyone), and many more, anti empirical and anti science views is ripe on the left when I was active in the movement.

>> No.15794634

>BECAUSE I have ACTUAL REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE, schizo, I not talking from my ass!

Shut up nutter

>> No.15794637


Yeah, typical, doesn't know shit, never did shit in real life and thinks know something.

>> No.15794639

Another armchair leftist, lol.

>> No.15794645

>M-m-m-muh life experience
>Let me tell you a handful of unverifiable anecdotes that supersede your own life experiences because mine are the only ones that matter
Yeah no wonder you're a rightoid now lol

>> No.15794653
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the "oppression" is justified, caste system existed for a reason. Letting mental rejects run things they have no business being anywhere around causes suffering to everyone. The fuckwits need "aristocracy" to emulate because as you can see in your dialogue with your friend there, these people are too stupid to figure out how to act on their own. They arent called useful idiots for nothing. you can't reason with these fools. they only understand violence. they have destroyed the legislate left wing movement

>> No.15794654

You're dumb kid, you never participate on an actual left organization and debate with groups and people to coordinate stuff and implement stuff, you're just a left university kiddo, grow up a little and go to actual organization with diversity of people, when you realize that many of those people are just plain wrong about basic stuff you're realize what I'm talking about it, just for your reaction you can already see I'm talking about, shame real smart lefties are rare those day, meet a few those are worthy people to listen to.

>> No.15794661

You couldn't be more wrong about even the basic facts about me here and that really tells me all I have to know about the value of your "life experiences". I've met plenty of people worth listening to and you're not one of them.

>> No.15794666

Yeah, yeah, kiddo, go to a real progressive organization, get involved on the actual debates there instead of being a passive drone that just go to protests, if keep that attitude you're going very far and leaning a lot, kek.

>> No.15794668

the left just naturally draws the most degenerate and retarded in a society as it is anti-establishment. These types of people are always anti-establishment because they are too mentally ill or stupid to succeed in said establishment. This is spiteful mutant syndrome. The ACTUAL legitimate left always needs to watchful about letting these people anywhere near them or any kind of power because as you can see they will completely anything and everything they touch because they are losers in the literal sense. The right does not attract losers because it values strength,. purity and competency. The left values being a loser and victim complexes.

>> No.15794673

Lol, yes and no, some of the smartest people I meet was during my time on a progressive organization, they were sharp and very competent, knowledgeable as fuck, but some of the most retarded people I meet there too, literal drones that just do what was told to do without question the premisses, just spew rethoric without questioning about, like the kiddo above that got pissed when I said that the left wasn't full of good people.

>> No.15794682

I realise you're an obstinate fool and that absolutely nothing I can possibly say could convince you that you don't know everything. So I won't even bother. I will tell you this, though: your presumptuous arrogance combined with obvious ignorance are counterproductive if you intend to convince.
>the kiddo above that got pissed when I said that the left wasn't full of good people
Is that how this conversation went in your head? In a way it's actually fascinating.

>> No.15794686

I didnt say there weren't smart left wingers. I am just saying the left naturally draws the rejects the "right" would never take. The nazis were the smart left wing movement while the communists were the mental reject left wing movement. There are some very good and very legitimate left wing ideas but as I said the movement is always under threat of being taken and overwhelmed by the fucking retards it attracts (as it has as I said). I think most of this takeover was done purposefully with a lot of brainwashing and funding in social justice retardation run by and funded by the jews which ahs destroyed the legitimate left wing movement but a lot happens naturally too by just the essence and nature of being anti-establishment.

Labor unions - good idea
labor unions taken over by trannies demanding to use women's restrooms - not a good idea

>> No.15794703

Yeah, my time on the organization I did realize that good chunk of the people there didn't live by the conventional ways of society, like wanting to do be a wageslave, some of those did even live a kind of alternative lifestyle, I actually thought it was cool to see alternative lifestyle from the mainstream capitalist one we have, BUT I did see too somewhat of degenerative behavior a lot like being pro-drugs, even hard drugs, being open about alternative sexual relationship (like poly, open relationship), I'm mix of this, I get what you mean, point of many left wing ideas is to question our premisses of the establish society, but is very thin line from actually question some social relation that keep marginalize people opressed and indulge in your dreams of search for pleasure.

>> No.15794707

You're trying to have a serious conversation about politics with the namefag and you're telling me you're experienced lol

>> No.15794711

>intelligence is indeed genetic
>what? no! we can't import high IQ immigrants that's cheating and they look funny!

>> No.15794713
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they already did that recently

>> No.15794715

Still here, kiddo? Jesus Christ, already said, go enlist in your local progressive organization and get involved for real, fuck.

>> No.15794732

I already told you, of course, that I am already part of a progressive organisation. You either refuse to believe me because it conflicts with your beliefs, or it doesn't even register. I have to wonder, am I even the target audience of the conversation? Or am I just a prop for you so you can virtue signal to bodhi? If you're actually trying to convince me then denying my lived experiences from the start is a remarkably poor choice, but it makes perfect sense if you're trying to present yourself as "one of the good ones" to a presumed third party. It would also explain why you gloss over the egregious flaws in their political understanding whilst you have to make up some to criticise in me.

>> No.15794733

seething bunkertrannies like you cant engage with real intellectuals. You are right that most of you wont even try anymore because I have pushed the shit in of every retard you sent here and the archives, easily searched by my NAME are there for all time to prove it degenerate loser.

The reason they whine about being called trannies is because they know how distasteful trannies are to every race and religion across the board. They know how powerful it is a weapon to ridicule them and that no one will take them seriously when they are seen in that light and revealed as the mental rejects are freaks that they are. I would bet a pretty penny you are arguing with an actual tranny

>> No.15794747

>seething bunkertrannies like you cant engage with real intellectuals.
Here, indeed no, if only for lack of them.

>> No.15794752

Good, now start reading books about, read specially behavioral genetics and think hard about for a couple of weeks and try go talking to people in your organization, bonus point: instead of becoming a straight rightoid after reading, really try to think how can you build a effect progressive policy based on the reality of the influence of genes on people and society, now try to speaking to your people inside your organization and see if they are open to the idea of that genes being important.

>> No.15794759

And of course your desperate desire to fit in would also explain why you yourself joined a progressive organisation at one time with insincerely held beliefs and a poor theoretical underpinning.

>> No.15794762
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Good read a book, simple as.

>> No.15794769

Sorry, my genes preclude me from doing so

>> No.15794776
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Yeah, if you think (and can't read that) somehow that genes can influence your liver but now you brain and behavior, then you beyond salvation, literary a left NPC drones just like those dude back in my time, kek.

>> No.15794784

If you think that my behaviour is entirely genetically determined then what is even the point of trying to expose me to (supposedly) new ideas?

And if it is not entirely genetically determined, then what are you actually trying to prove, here?

>> No.15794807

Genes play a role, 50 years of behavioral genetics prove beyond shadow of doubt of that fact, why do behavior in certain way? Ask your parents if your sibling is like you despite growing up in the same home, why personality is stable across time even though people go through trauma? Why some rich kid become a psychopath even though he didn't have any hardship in life? Why people can't accept that hard fact and actually go on to create pogressive policy that actually help people based on the fact the people have differente inborn mental capacity?

>> No.15794814

Is not that your behavior is determined like thats THERES A BOUNDARY OF WHAT YOU CAN DO, UNDERSTAND AND WHAT BEHAVIOR YOU GO ON TO HAVE AND ACT, YOU CAN'T ACT BEYOND YOUR PHYSICAL BRAIN WAS WIRED FOR, if you deny that you basically believe in kind of supernatural magic

>> No.15794816

>Genes play a role
You're literally not telling me anything new here

>> No.15794819

Yeah, no shit?

>> No.15794827

I hope you're smart dude, now think what happen to society at large.

>> No.15794832

I think you're rather overstating the importance of genes here. Why not focus on things we can change?

>> No.15794839

Ok, like what? From my point of view genes has a huge monstrous downstream effect on society, if you mean to actually create progressive policies that acknowledge that fact, then sure, yeah I'm all for that, if you mean like create policies that ignore that fact, then you in a world of hurt and waste of time and money.

>> No.15794841

Why, what are you proposing?

>> No.15794846

Because that would mean that niggers are subhuman, not just retarded due to societal circumstance.

>> No.15794856

Example: some people have low IQ and effectively can't do well in modern society, what should we do? KILL THEM ALL? I don't believe in that, I believe that people should be happy and have a good life no matter their mental capacity, so we should give free house, healthcare and some livable income for those people to live their life in peace and happy, but we know too that IQ is basically genetic, but we can't go around letting those people have 10 children, that would be a onus to society at large, give those people the right to have 1 children if they want, so society won't be overburden with low IQ people. Criminal? They didn't ask to be born with violent genes, but neither we should let them around, put those people in a humane prison so they can live life with dignity without threating society at large. High IQ people? Incentive to have more children, give acess to free children daycare, free healthcare, good parents leave, instead of just being high income wageslaves.

>> No.15794863

Why don't you start by proposing what it is you think is broken about society and what you want to change because saying is fascism because you cant read books with no underwear on in drag is not what real left wingers mean by "oppressed" by the capitalist class. Real left wingers want fair wages and fair representation in government so they can raise a family. You degenerate idiots want to have the "freedom" to have gay orgies with children and fuck dogs while injecting meth and free monkeypox baccines. People like you dont have any real solutions because you arent even smart enough to no what the problems are and why they exist

>> No.15794873

>I think you're rather overstating the importance of genes here. Why not focus on things we can change?

>> No.15794882

So everyone gets a house and free healthcare and livable income but also with China's disastrous 1 child policy exclusively for dumb-dumbs?

The things with that is though that IQ itself is partly determined by socio-economic factors which you hereby eliminate. But more than that, family size is also determined by socio-economic factors which are hereby also equalised, so your policy might not even be very necessary. And on top of that, if we're already in a position to provide everyone with free housing and income and healthcare, does it really matter if some people are plain stupid?
Who are you talking to? Forgot your meds?
What, exactly, do you think we've been doing?

>> No.15794886

You're plain wrong, is it was show time and time already that IQ isn't tie to social economic factor, do you think on those 50 years of behavioral genetic study they didn't thought about doing studies that look after socio economic relationship? Are you that naive? Yeah, low IQ is tie to many plain bad social outcome, so having a "one child policy" for low IQ people is very sensible and still given the right to reproduce instead of going full nazi eugenics mode.

>> No.15794887

>that people should be happy and have a good life no matter their mental capacity, so we should give free house, healthcare and some livable income
Ok let me explain the problem with this that leftists don't understand what is the fundamental divide. Leftists think right wingers aren't for these things because they are greedy meanies. What you don't understand is that right wingers, or actually what you buffoons call "right wingers" (even when they arent) are not against these things in principle. The problem is the bureaucracy needed to make this happen. If you are going to give people "free" shit (it isnt free, nothing is) is that you are going need to take money and resources from other people to give it to them. In order to STEAL from other people to give out this "free" shit you need violence, or at the very least the threat of violence to take it from them. It doesnt matter how good your intentions are when you give entities this power over people it ALWAYS ends bad and in tyranny because psycos are drawn to this shit and when they get power (like they have now) then you are going to have to kill them to get it back or they will kill you to keep it. Retards such as yourself think the solution to fix the problems created by this moronic tyrants is to give them MORE power and the smart people you idiots attack for being "right wing nazis" are just people who are smarter than you who have seen all this before and know what it really is and what it really leads to and who is really behind it and what they are trying to do and we arent having it bud, not while I am alive.

>> No.15794893

>cringe tier attempts at clever quips with stale memes
as I said, none of you can engage with real intellectuals because you dont know or understand anything and when you come up against people who do they fold you and your childish whims like a lawn chair

>> No.15794903
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Increasing funding for lower SES schools, increasing police presence in lower SES communities, taking children away from neglectful parents, more funding for lower SES families, etc.

Leftists have been accusing the establishment of doing nothing, or worse yet, systematic racism for decades while offering solutions that have a MINISCULE impact, finally they've settled on "affirmative action" which totally goes against the original creed of the US which was supposed to be impartiality.

The only thing we haven't tried is economic redistribution; I'm sure their saving habits, investment strategies, academic achievement, etc. will go through the roof when we try that, right?

>> No.15794904

>do you think on those 50 years of behavioral genetic study they didn't thought about doing studies that look after socio economic relationship?
No, I think they did, and they found that socio-economic factors do in fact make a difference.
>low IQ is tie to many plain bad social outcome
And what's the causal link, here?
>having a "one child policy" for low IQ people is very sensible
How would you enforce it? Where's the cut-off? What do you do with intelligent children from low-IQ parents? What if the unintelligent masses rebel against what they perceive as unfair treatment? What about couples of mixed intelligence? Are the perceived benefits really worth all the trouble, vs. just doing all the other things and just letting dumb people be content with a simple existence?

>> No.15794906

sterilizing a significant portion of the native population will have a ripple effect that causes over a century of suffering

>> No.15794907

btw these people you call "reactionaries" are the PROLETARIAT and they hate you retarded fucks. You are on the same side of the liberal elites,YOU and your faggot cronies ARE the power structures who attack the proletariat. It is astounding you people dont even have the IQ to work that out

>> No.15794909

Cringe childish political hot takes, honestly embarrassing

>> No.15794913

>>cringe tier attempts at clever quips with stale memes
>no you
thanks for playing mental midget, you go back to the tranny bunker with your tail between your legs now

>> No.15794914

>Increasing funding for lower SES schools
Won't do shit if their home situation isn't improved
>increasing police presence in lower SES communities
That's supposed to help?
>taking children away from neglectful parents
Are you suggesting we stop that?
>more funding for lower SES families
When have we tried this?
>The only thing we haven't tried is economic redistribution
I can think of a few more things

>> No.15794921

lmao you actually think you said anything intelligent

>> No.15794926

if you want socialism take your retarded tranny ass to north korea. this is the land of self determination and winners, not loser faggot dialaters like you

>> No.15794929

Yeah, like 5 points of something, but not enough to low IQ person jump to being a hiqh IQ person, sorry, like I said, genes to a hard limit on a person mental capacity.

Have you actual meet a low IQ people in real life? Like a real low IQ? They have difficult understating basic stuff and do a lot of mistake, so you can see why low IQ is tie to bad social outcomes, it not oppression, is just the Low IQ people do dumb decision, plain and simple, not a hiding factor here.

If a high IQ children is born from low IQ couple, good for him, the kid has acess to free education to move up in life, his not tie to have just 1 kid. Mixed intelligence couple can have more children, but not 4 or 5, neither high IQ people should have 4 or 5, that just put strain on society resources. Are you really against people with low IQ just NEETing their life in peace o even let them purse some job they want within their capacity with the help of the government?

>> No.15794932
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>Won't do shit if their home situation isn't improved
How are you going to do that?
>That's supposed to help?
Sorry, I forgot you want to live in a society full of 80 IQ mutts free of da man keeping them down.
>Are you suggesting we stop that?
>When have we tried this?
>I can think of a few more things
I'm sure you can.

>> No.15794941

>This is the land of self-determination!
>Nooooo, you can't determine your own gender!!!
qq moar loser

>> No.15794944

Surely we can give guidance though, rather than imposing draconian measures?

>> No.15794961

Because admitting the genetic aspect of intelligence is dangerously close to admitting that niggers are dumb.

>> No.15794963

What draconian measures? Literally saying that a low IQ couple can have just 1 child is that evil???? Really?? Like, they in theory would have free housing, healthcare, education and free livable income giving to them to live their life in peace, and just imposing a limit to them just to 1 child is somehow draconian? You would prefer that they work shitty insecure exploitative job, not having acess to good healthcare and education just they have freedom to born 5 children that would go on to live a shitty life too? For real, that you trade off?

>> No.15794964

Your program would be attacked and shut down as soon as it was revealed that niggers are over-represented.

>> No.15794965

>Sterilizations means surgery.
You can do it with radiation. Non-invasive.

>> No.15794970

>You would prefer that they work shitty insecure exploitative job, not having acess to good healthcare and education just they have freedom to born 5 children that would go on to live a shitty life too?
That strikes me as a false dichotomy.

>> No.15794982


>> No.15794984
File: 2.90 MB, 960x540, 1684975409869238.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have a population of 11 million Ashkenazi Jews who somehow manage to outcompete every other ethnicity, winning more than 20% of all physics Nobel prizes, starting high value companies, generally just dominating all aspects of achievement. This doesn't just happen by coincidence, money doesn't just fall in their lap. It's a result of selective breeding over millennia where they accumulated more SNPs associated with "success" each generation.

Now imagine, with the advancement in biology, genetics, data processing (machine learning), IVF, polygenic score testing of embryos, etc. that it's possible to select for these SNPs associated with educational attainment, socioeconomic status, nobel prizes, fields medals, etc. over multiple generations, totally disregarding that natural selection process.

Assuming two ideologically opposed but ethnically homogenous populations were competing against each other for dominance of the region, which group would win? Nature vs Nurture? There's not a lot of evidence to support that the nurture group would win, sorry to say.

You would see a literal genetics arms race.

>> No.15794991

I fail to see why being allowed to handle family planning yourself requires the ravages of capitalism, or why the benefits of socialism require one to accept a one child policy, other than that you demand it

>> No.15795023

Because more low IQ is overall a societal cost, not a net benefit, unless you are some big head honcho that desire cheap exploitable labor for yourself, in socialism let low IQ outnumbered normal to high IQ people would just lower the overall quality of society, under socialism for a well functional society that has high quality of life for everyone you would need to place limits on people that thing don't lose balance on the long run.

>> No.15795037

You can't view society separately from the people it is made up of. If you're going to be telling them what to do anyway, you can probably find some way for them to contribute to society. And if there really is no use for them, as society moves more and more towards automation and post scarcity, well, then let them enjoy their leisure time.

I basically don't understand the scenario where smart people are in control of directing the entire economy but the existence of dumb people is still mucking it up somehow

>> No.15795045

Like I said, they would be free do purse what they want in accord with their capacity, the can become a productive members of society, but it would be mentally insane to expect a guy with I QI of 85 to become a neurosurgeon, you would need to be a lunatic to believe in that contrary to the overwhelming evidence, and society is already controlled by smart people anyway,

>> No.15795047

Sham that they are outbreeding, couple of generations the jewish achievement will be a thing of the past.

>> No.15795051

>it would be mentally insane to expect a guy with I QI of 85 to become a neurosurgeon
And I'm not expecting that of them. But not everyone has to be a neurosurgeon.
>society is already controlled by smart people anyway
I don't see much evidence of that

>> No.15795056

Time ago there was study of education background of economic and social elite of the USA, the great majority came from highly selective universities that require high IQ to get in, so yeah, pretty much people on charge are smart the the average joe, but it doesnt mean that they have good intentions.

>> No.15795059

>highly selective universities that require high IQ to get in
Since when do universities require IQ to get in? They require grades, but grades can be obtained by cheating or paying someone else to write your essays (there's a veritable industry in this), and if that fails maybe daddy can make a generous donation, if you don't just get in on the legacy of your name.

>> No.15795113

If they are better than the other at doing it. Define a particular task, measure how good people are at doing it, then rank them in order of how good they are.
All you have to do then is consider if how good they do is dependent in some small part on genetics. If it is, then it can be bred into/out of the population.

Considering we can tell that dogs are dumber than humans, and that raising a dog as human does not improve their intelligence to the level of a human, I think it is safe to say intelligence is a trait influenced by genetics.

>> No.15795114

You know that not true, don't be that naive.

>> No.15795118

>How do we make things equal for people?
Let everyone get on with it. Don't have a group of people (usually called a government) come round and steal from everyone to spend it in a way they think is best.
Let the free market solve it, because it's really just natural selection but playing with businesses & ideas instead of DNA.

>> No.15795120

You think it's naïve to suspect that rich people buy their way into positions of privilege, rather than to think they don't do that and they all earned their positions fair and square?

>> No.15795122

I heard the reason for the dislike of eugenics is because it was popular from about since Darwin pointed out natural selection to around the 1930s, when the great depression happened. Around that point lots of people who supported eugenics lost lots of money which made the feel sheepish. Then you had that funny Austrian chap come along and it really made it taboo.

>> No.15795124

You know, natural selection produces parasites that swim up your willy and lodge themselves there. Who ever said natural selection is good? You think the best businesses and ideas survive? For what definition of "best"? Natural selection is tautological. The survivors in the long run are the best adapted for survival. That's all.

>> No.15795125

A) Intelligence (and other traits, don't forget them) are required for complex civilization.
If intelligence (and those other traits) are in some part genetic:
B) Those traits can be bred in or out of the population.

So if it happens that intelligence was negatively correlated with fertility we could have a big problem when it comes to continuing to have a civilization.


>> No.15795127

>So if it happens that intelligence was negatively correlated with fertility
*under capitalism

>> No.15795131

>Who ever said natural selection is good?
Thankfully when it comes to free markets, the judge for what is "good" is other humans buying your crap. Humans generally speaking like air, food, water, along with having their kids succeed. That means that things in the free market will provide those things.

>> No.15795133

That's not true under only capitalism or whatever it is we have now. It's true of any sufficiently complex civilization. It's the cause of the collapse of the romans, and just about every other civilization.

Basic issue is things like child mortality getting too low, food becoming too cheap, diseases getting kept at bay by sanitation etc.

>> No.15795144

Not saying you should go out of your way to kill the poor, just saying you should let them die.

>> No.15795157

I don't think you need a government to enforce that, a free market naturally allows the best to come to the top and the worst to sink.
Combined with genetic engineering I think dysgenics can be stopped.

>> No.15795496

Without government intervention for the lower stratum of society the inequality gap will only widen.

>> No.15795501

>asks question
>posts picture that answers question

I despise you, OP. You are a foul man.

>> No.15795553
File: 3.42 MB, 1x1, Human Brain Mapping - 2023 - Gen - Structural architecture and brain network efficiency link polygenic scores to.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would hope that we would accept that reality and start to feel enough pity for our fellow man and figure out a manner in which we could artificially increase someone's general cognitive ability.

We are FINALLY making some progress into understanding the physiological conditions that are responsible for high IQs and hopefully once we start mapping the genes responsible for creating these conditions and how they interact with one another we will crack this baby wide open.

Hopefully we will start using AI to analyze the brain and genetics so we can solve this issue faster or hell just do a brain computer interface Ill take it. When ever I get hopeful that we might do this I always go back to what ted K. said. If it would threaten their monetary or social status to increase the general populations IQ they likely wont do it because we're selfish creatures, only the elite few with enough money to buy this magic pill or therapy will get access to it. They probably already have something in the works as we speak but we wont hear jack shit about it, I just want to be a civil engineers bros but my second year of calculus actually had me on the brink of suicide.

>> No.15795556

I really hate the left but right wingers are a lot more sinister and evil.
at least leftists defend your human rights.

>> No.15795560

Life it self is oppressive.

>> No.15795564

Because leftists would have to acknowledge that life it self is inherently broken. it would take away all their hope in life. and the only conclusion would be antinatalism.

>> No.15795575

>COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase): The COMT gene encodes an enzyme that plays a role in dopamine regulation in the brain. Variants of this gene have been linked to differences in cognitive performance, particularly in tasks related to executive function and working memory.

>BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor): BDNF is involved in the growth and maintenance of neurons in the brain. Variations in the BDNF gene have been associated with differences in memory and cognitive function.

>DRD2 (Dopamine Receptor D2): Variants of the DRD2 gene have been studied in relation to cognitive abilities, particularly in tasks related to attention and response inhibition.

fags like you are holding us the fuck back. People with low IQs are actually suffering and their suffering will grow at an exponentially as we sky rocket toward a technologically advanced society as they will not have the proper hardware to participate. People with IQs of 100-116 will know what that feeling is like once AI takes all of their opportunities, they wont be smart enough to solve the issue then it will over take those within the next standard deviation up until all humans are too dumb relative to AI to even attempt to compete. You can find tons of studies on your own anon, implying you're smart enough to understand even the abstract.

>> No.15795578

thanks for pointing out his bullshit.
the left has so much potential but they waste it on idealism.

>> No.15795676

Both political sides don't like that because if you get into biological determinism the end of that road is the end of democracy and freedom.
Either IQ has enough wiggle room that it doesn't matter, or it doesn't and no amount of "b-but I'm white too! Regression to the mean!" will save you.

>> No.15795994

>Thankfully when it comes to free markets, the judge for what is "good" is other humans buying your crap.
Exactly my point, dear Anon. The best ideas for the best businesses are the ones that get people to buy your shit at the highest price vs the lowest cost. That means:
>media manipulation
>political lobbying
>forming monopolies
>market manipulation
>unfair competition
>ruthless exploitation
>cutting corners
>artificial scarcity
etc. etc.
Wow! All such good ideas! Well they are if you take an amoral system that only values profit as your one and only measure. Like a complete muppet.

Yeah let's find out how to monetise the fucking air we breathe. Let's get people to pay more and more to have their kids succeed and provide no alternatives. Great ideas. You idiot. You fucking dunce. Do you even realise just how massively you're fucking it all up for everyone?

>> No.15795998

>It's the cause of the collapse of the romans
I reckon the invading goths might've had something to do with it
>Basic issue is things like child mortality getting too low, food becoming too cheap, diseases getting kept at bay by sanitation etc.
These are all things that, on their own, should lead to greater fertility rates

>> No.15796005
File: 80 KB, 1024x700, spacex-is-sending-doge-1-satellite-to-the-moon-heres-what-th_crvw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a free market naturally allows the best to come to the top

>> No.15796008

>thanks for pointing out his bullshit.
You mean "going on unrelated rants about trannies"
Be honest about what you like to see. Because he sure as fuck didn't debunk any actual position held by me or refuted any alleged "idealism".

>> No.15796022

That reminds me of this parable
A man is drowning in the sea. Another man comes by in a boat with a lifebouy. The drowning man yells for him to throw the lifebouy. The man in the boat says "I will if you sign over your entire life's savings to me". The drowning man, seeing no other choice, agrees, and is rescued.

According to the laws of the free market, a voluntary transaction has just taken place in which both parties got out ahead because they gained something they wanted. According to basic common sense, a complete psychopath just ruthlessly exploited a vulnerable person and brought him to financial ruin and eternal debt slavery.

And that's why the free market is not the judge of what is good or not.

>> No.15796071

On an individual and small group level people already accept individuals are dumb. They just can't write any policy or make any impactful decisions on the basis of it

>> No.15796075

>political lobbying
>forming monopolies
>market manipulation
>artificial scarcity
These don't happen in a free market because it either requires a government or for you to have traits that would prevent you getting the money/power you'd need to carry them out.

Leftists keep mistaking what we have now for the free market.

>> No.15796078

In a free market why would people take such a ridiculous contract seriously?

>> No.15796080

>I-it's not a REAL free market
Then what you want is a complete pipe dream, an utter fable not even worth discussing, so let's forget about it.
Like this. What is this supposed to mean. People won't take it seriously? So what, in a free market contracts aren't enforced and people can do as they please with no obligation? Do people have to resort to force to get what they're owed, then? Congrats, we've come full circle to nasty, brutish and short.

>> No.15796095

>So what, in a free market contracts aren't enforced and people can do as they please with no obligation?
The cost to not obeying a contract is ostracization.
The benefit to not obeying a contract is the freedom you don't lose.
People will obey contracts when ostracization becomes more costly than the freedom they gain from not doing so.

More people will be willing to ostracize you if the contract is reasonable.
The more unreasonable the contract, the more freedom you lose.

As a contract becomes more unreasonable, the cost of not obeying it lowers, and the benefit for not obeying it increases. Double whammy.

>Then what you want is a complete pipe dream, an utter fable not even worth discussing, so let's forget about it.
No, you just don't understand what a free market is as evidenced by:
>According to the laws of the free market,
There aren't any laws in a free market. Because you're a leftist you think a free market would mean more EULA contracts 10,000 pages long with "by clicking agree you are my slave" in them. In reality it would be the total opposite. Who's going to take such a contract seriously? Nobody, so when the contract maker comes screaming to the village square that the people who signed his contract aren't obeying his commands, people will ignore him.

The free market is always going to better than some sort of statism because whatever the free market might have wrong with it, a government will have that problem also. That and a free market is voluntary where a government is not.

Tell me how your system is going to keep the nasty people out of your government? So far every attempt does worse than a free market, the reason is because it lacks voluntarism

>> No.15796529

High IQ people aren't necessarily wise people
we can't just blindly trust high IQ individuals to lead our societies just because they're good at synthesizing information.
what if they decide that certain values are incorrect, such as suffering being good for you or whatever. do we just take them on their offer?

>> No.15796574

>They want all failure in life to be due to the evil system.
Well, nature is the evil system. not sure what he's quite alluding to, that we should take personal responsibility for our genes which we didn't pick?

>> No.15796590

Say what you want about bodhi but anyone on this board who claims he isn't intelligent is just butt hurt because he made a fool of them. I have never seen anyone on this board win an argument against him.

>> No.15796624

Have a free market. The most valuable people will get the most power.

>> No.15796918

>not sure what he's quite alluding to
The evil system is usually characterized as culture/society by leftists, which is the nurture not the nature. Leftists usually say that the individual's nature is pure and good, and the bad things people do are a product of only nurture.

>we should take personal responsibility for our genes which we didn't pick?
If you recognize the problem is the genetics, you might be able to tackle the problem more effectively.

>> No.15796926

>Its illegal to marry

>> No.15796938

Lmao you are delusional

>> No.15796943

Save it, bodhi

>> No.15797080

I don't have as much faith in the free market as you do, although I do somewhat agree.

>> No.15797095

Nah here's what would happen
>Men wouldn't do it
>Women would do it en masse because they had a bad month or because it was trending on TikTok
>Now men are angry because fucking a sterilized woman is seen as gay and makes you less of man
>New class of angry men, revolution ensues

>> No.15797115

Its literally not a contested take. The point is that its not purely genetics

>> No.15797121

That isn't contested either

>> No.15797302

you wish I posted that, game recognize game, whereas retards such as yourself aren't smart enough to recognize anything if I had to guess I would guess tmoura'id power rap anon posted that. of course you don't even know who that is because you aren't smart enough to be part of the conservations he and I have

>> No.15797304


stupid phone

>> No.15797330
File: 2.59 MB, 710x400, 1663204766414.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Murray couldn't talk at the American Psychological Association without received bomb threats clearing the lecture hall, campus security watched him every time he opened his mail, he had to retreat to a different address. This is before the internet, before the social media mobs, and it was that intense. Overnight after the publication of The Bell Curve all intelligence research became radioactive, nobody wanted to talk about it, nobody was doing more research. He was very careful in the way he wrote it, which did him no good.

It's not quite so bad today but you still have to walk on eggshells to protect your career from the ideologically driven who care more to direct where the results take them. Academics will unironically ostracise you for publishing research that doesn't have a progressive goal.

>> No.15797421
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how can they attack every facet of a dominant culture if they have to admit something that contradicts the very fibre of their worldview.

>> No.15797432

what if the system is set up in such a way that its impossible to fail due to genetics?

>> No.15797444
File: 42 KB, 600x540, 126115477157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to you like a man. Fine.

>> No.15797461

You're literally just taking a lot of words to say "me smart you dumb" and that is all your "epic wins" consist of every single time.

>> No.15797472
File: 92 KB, 900x900, AdobeStock_139959485-900x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 6D physical core. Shit... you are so shit. It will cause you pain and protect me. I won't feel a thing. Ooo

>> No.15797474

"Game" recognises "game", schizos recognise schizos

>> No.15797485

>There aren't any laws in a free market.
Are you being deliberately disingenuous or genuinely obtuse? Hey, genius, which governmental body enforces the laws of physics?

>> No.15797512

>he says while calling people schizo
As I said you all arent sending your best. the person you responded to isnt me either btw mouth breather

>> No.15797513

You are literally too dumb to even engage in a conversation. I asked you very simple questions and gave very simple concise responses to your cookie cutter brain pasta you absorb from the other mouth breathers at bunkertranny. You want to point out the parts to difficult for you to understand? Be precise now

>> No.15797515

It is a kind of logical/cultural fallacy.
I'd like to call it "Argumentum Ad Holocaustum"

>> No.15797534

The only person on this board who hates bodhi is a literal NPD schizo. Really activates the ole almonds

>> No.15797849

>he says while calling people schizo
Yes, I did indeed call you schizo whilst calling you schizo, great job figuring that one out, really putting that intellect to work
>the person you responded to isnt me either
Obviously, which is why I'm saying he recognised you as a peer, you unbelievable nitwit

It's no wonder you think yourself undefeated when anything even slightly more sophisticated than crass name-calling goes straight over your addlepated head.

>> No.15797850

>I asked you very simple questions and gave very simple concise responses
I don't know which conversation you're referring to here or with whom you had it but it doesn't matter because it seems to have occurred mostly in your head.

>> No.15797856

Nah, the NPD schizo is no friend of mine either.

>> No.15797858

Ashkenazi Jews would probably benefit the most from eugenics programmes meant to stimulate high IQ though

>> No.15798154

Actually as a race realist leftist I switched from attacking the system to attacking nature it self and became antinatalist.

>> No.15798173

You reached the basis of leftism: A hatred for life itself.

>> No.15798189
File: 130 KB, 1172x1156, 0B67AD86-615D-4F88-84DB-FD154F83DD7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one lefty platform that isn't a straight up grift / power grab and would make everyone's life worse. I know the capitalist / libertarian right can be heartless, but grow the fuck up.

>> No.15798192

Well fuck. At least you are honest. Bravo.

>> No.15798197

Race isn't science

>> No.15798199

I'm Jewish and have noticed that I tend to be a lot smarter than other people, but I'm not sure why. Someone told me I could come to 4chan and ask you guys, but your captcha system seems really dumb. Do you all pay to use this site, because if so, then I'm not sure you're intelligent enough to answer my question.

>> No.15798209
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it doesn't matter, it's not like we have extremely scarce resources we can afford to feed people who can't work. I'm sorry that you couldn't buy that nice villa/mansion but Jimmy really needed to eat.

>> No.15798211

Knowing the volume of a sphere isn't impressive.. No wonder homeschooled kids and their parents are a bunch of morons.

>> No.15798212

No, not life, not directly anyways.
hatred of oppression, in all it's forms, natural or not.

>> No.15798220

I remember when this board helped me with my senior undergrad research project in biochemistry. Now there isn't a single person left on here with a college degree let alone the ability to help anyone with their proteomics homework.

>> No.15798247

>I'm Jewish and have noticed that I tend to be a lot smarter than other people, but I'm not sure why.
Maybe you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.15798254

>how can they attack every facet of a dominant culture
Wait, I thought they were the dominant culture??? Conservatism was the new counter culture, right????

Shit fuck I thought I was punk and cool for voting Trump, you tricked me

>> No.15798258

>Name one lefty platform that isn't a straight up grift / power grab and would make everyone's life worse.
You're going to say that e.g. equality for everyone and workers getting the full value of their labour and an end to artificial scarcity and wastefulness are either grifts or actually make everyone's lives worse, aren't you

Yet you can't name one conservative policy that is not both a grift and intended to make everyone's life worse

>> No.15798261

That's interesting because in my country it was leftists who campaigned for vaccination mandates. It's also leftists who campaign for more restrictions on speech.

>> No.15798268

Smart people wouldn't ignore it, they would take it just to own nazis like they did with the -ACKcine

>> No.15798269

In literally every country it was everyone who campaigned for vaccination mandates, and most certainly the centre right first and foremost, with the exclusion of some conspiracy loons on both the right and left.

>> No.15798271

No, I'm actually smarter than I think I am, but that's based on external evidence such as testing, performance, and socioeconomics. Everyone tells me how smart I am, but I don't feel smart; I just seem to be a lot smarter than everyone on this site.

>> No.15798288
File: 197 KB, 1170x965, Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 23-22-05 Deutscher Bundestag - Namentliche Abstimmungen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about my country (Germany). It was pretty clearly the leftists here, pic related. Die Linke, die Grünen, and SPD are all leftist parties. The rest are center to right wing parties. But even if what you said were true and right wingers were equally in favour of it, that does not refute the point that leftists voted to violate my human rights and continue to do so.

>> No.15798298

>but I don't feel smart
I get the same impression. Maybe you need to trust your intuition on this one, tests can be faulty.

>> No.15798305

That's just called depression, but unfortunately for you, I am very smart despite it. Oh well.

>> No.15798307

>Muh human rights!
Bitch what about others' right not to die you egotistical ratlicker

>> No.15798311

It's funny how the ones saying this always conveineinly have the "good genes". The guy with the weak chin and bug head; "VE ARE ZE MASTERRACE!

>> No.15798313

Why is this board so fucking racist like jesus this board is easily number 2 after /pol/.

>> No.15798315

Racists love to pretend to have science on their side so it was an obvious target.

>> No.15798321

This board used to actually be good. God I fucking miss it. The brain drain has been insane.

>> No.15798327

Story of 4chan really. A cautionary tale.

>> No.15798371

But being able to call someone a nigger mid way through serious conversation is funny.
not my fault that actual racists visit this site.

>> No.15798650

Cry about it tranny. We didn't cause it. Nature did. But we won't cover our ears and pretend it's not real.

>> No.15798655

This thread has a modicum of interesting discussion and so it'll be nuked, just watch.

>> No.15798671

If nature caused it then we need to stop it, you fucking conservative minded retard.

>> No.15798679

no one should breed.

>> No.15798753

I worked very hard for many years to get it to this point. tks for noticing

>> No.15798756

projection. I dont know anyone on the right, who is actually "mainstream" who has the least bit of tyrannical goals as any policies. Leftism is literally synonymous with tyranny, you cannot enact leftist policies without force

>> No.15798759

I will give you an opportunity to prove me wrong however. Give some examples, be very specific. Even normies and out of touch basement dwellers on this board who politically illiterate can literally sit here all day and list evil and tyrannical leftist policies

>> No.15798900

Leftists are maybe for tyranny... maybe...
but at least it's tyranny against suffering.
right wingers are apathetic and don't understand that sensations matter.

>> No.15798903

So you don't have any, you just neblous assertions about muh feelz? Got it

>> No.15798905
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>the common good said every tyrant ever
I dont trust idiots like you to know what is and isnt good for the common man. Hopw about you just mind your own fucking business for once

>> No.15798910

im not talking about emotions. im talking about sensations. when you get drowned in acid that matters. feelings literally matter you dumb fuck

>> No.15798911
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>left wingers "defend" human rights (which humans we arent sure of, anyone who isnt white I assume) by trampling over individual rights
I am sure this nonsensical gibberish you are babbling means something in your deranged and incoherent mind but I do not want any political policies predicated on your delusional ramblinds

>> No.15798912

by not wearing a mask you're endangering others.
it's no different from carrying a gun and pointing at people, it stops being your business when you endanger others that fact that you can't understand this simple concept is just baffling.

>> No.15798914

>I will force you you to do things based on MY and MY ALONE perception of what is good
Yep, I knew if I could get gabbing you would reveal the truth. thanks for playing psycho.

>> No.15798919

Ok, go drown in acid and tell me about it then. fee fees don't matter right?
a rapist has individual rights by your own reasoning, should the rapist rights outweigh the rights of the rapee to not to get raped?

>> No.15798922

I will force you to stay the fuck away from me and anyone you're harming directly or indirectly you stupid moron.

>> No.15798924

>says the leftist who always defends the criminals and not the victims+
you are a stone cold retard, likely some legitimate brain damage

>> No.15798925

define criminal and victim

>> No.15798927

No you wont, you will stay your stupid ass at home if you are scared. My rights do not end where your irrational fears begin. I will not relinquish my right to go in public because you are scared faggot pussy and the fact that you are incapable of understanding this is the perfect example of the narcissism and idiocy of left wingers who think they are the arbitors of truth and justice. Try to force me to wear a mask because you are afraid of catching a cold see how long it takes before you get knocked the fuck out

>> No.15798932

if that's where you're willing to take it you dumb narcissistic fuckwit then I'm not going to force you to wear a mask. I'm simply going to shoot you point blank with a rubber bullet. no point in arguing with morons like you.

>> No.15798938

I personally don't defend criminals.

>> No.15798947

I’m happy to have you stop it by using voluntary interactions, e.g private charity to pay for a cripple’s food.

What I don’t get is you think you are justified in stealing from someone to pay the cripple. Nobody has caused the cripple to be so, it is the awful luck of nature, so what justifies your use of force to extract wealth from someone?

If a thief steals your vase, you’re justified in using violence to snatch it out of his hands, it’s your vase, he wronged you. You’re righting the damage he caused of you being deprived of a vase by snatching the vase back off him.

In the case of the cripple no human on earth created their condition, you cannot justify force to take from others.

>> No.15798949

You cause suffering by your tyrannies, you always believe the ends justify the means. The left is by far the worst group of ideologies ever dreamt up.

Just try to stick to the principle of voluntarism. Using force to get your way naturally leads to people being nasty.

>> No.15798955

voluntarism won't get us anywhere

>> No.15798960

Also I don't represent the average leftist or liberal.
they'd call me a fascist too.

>> No.15798966

because why should ethics be based on principles and not consequences?
yes your intention isn't to harm anyone but if don't choose to act you're harming.

>> No.15799006

society as a whole contains progressivism and prosperity leads to androgyny and group oriented hyper social thinking, hence the rejection of empiric truth in favor of feefees

at some point the current paradigm will shift and modern empires will collapse resulting into a return to empiricism

>> No.15799009

I will beat you fucking senseless you little weasel, you wont do shit to anyone when you get away from that keyboard

>> No.15799013

feefees are intuitive truth

>> No.15799014

right wingers volunteering to lynch leftists will get us to wonderful places

>> No.15799015

see >>15798966
mr sociopath

>> No.15799016

everything is evolutionary rigging so no, it's just softened/maladaptive selection

>> No.15799017

the point is pain matters and it sucks.

>> No.15799018

you are the one who thinks people rights should be forfeited because of you irrational fears and saying you will shoot people you spastic lunatic. I will wipe my ass with your mask and make you eat it you weak little shit

>> No.15799019

life is pain, there is no eliminating pain and even if you could it would make pleasure unidentifiable

>> No.15799020

>your irrational fears
you keep saying that like it means something.

>> No.15799021

if life is pain then life is null.

>> No.15799022

only if you're a vapid hedonist

>> No.15799024

I will eat your heart while it is still beating

>> No.15799026

not wanting to feel the crushing pain of mild steel on your leg is a perfectly normal want.
if life is a series of leg crushings then life is useless

>> No.15799029

calm down nigger, you don't know what you're talking about you spastic shithead. I'm only preventing harm that's all. you think you're not doing harm? well we have the court for that.

>> No.15799030

>crushing pain of mild steel
???? what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.15799034

I am sharpening my knife right now to carve it out of your chest

>> No.15799037

you know what I said.

>> No.15799041

this right here is your average nonliberal folks, a violent forest ape that doesn't understand how his own apathy causes harm. he can only perceive it as a personal attack as his underdeveloped brain cannot into introspection. wild beasts cannot be reasoned with and must be shackled.

>> No.15799043

I will have it with fresh tomatoes from my garden and a nice cream basil sauce

>> No.15799044

Ok bodhi you're drunk, go home. we'll have this debate later.

>> No.15799048

prolly some mashers too, I love me mashers

>> No.15799060

bodhi I have a moral dilemma for you, the classic trolley problem.
say that one person was going to die IF you don't do anything to rescue them. now, you have to suffer on your part to rescue said person as you have to put effort (pay taxes voluntarily), would you save that person?
if yes then why do you have an issue if a state mandated what you already wanted to do anyways?

>> No.15799064

>threaten to take people's right away if you had the power
>threaten to shoot someone

>> No.15799066

>>threaten to shoot someone
in defense

>> No.15799076

pic rel >>15792952 is right on the money

>> No.15799077

I'm against mass immigration anyways

>> No.15799100

knowing people from my personal life, I don't trust humans to be voluntarily kind.

>> No.15799132

if I had a trolley I would run you over then carve out your heart. everyone wins

>> No.15799140
File: 258 KB, 691x1000, 1672054060375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why nobody takes you people seriously anymore

>> No.15799142

The left will eventually catch up, but they won't budge for inequality, they'll try to compensate for everyone as much as possible anyways.

>> No.15799145

You would not do that, you are just being edgy.

>> No.15799150

well yah, it is the most common cry bully tactic
>do what I want or I will call you names and a gang of psychos will stalk you and try to ruin your life or psychically attack you
Leftists are just a mob or morons

>> No.15799189

Because they enjoy believing that their education makes them less retarded.

>> No.15799193

I disagree, IQ is infact evenly distributed If you do not care for it before your brain fully matures you are stuck and must give someone else a chance

>> No.15799201

that being said the jewish question is entirely different. Why is a race of 110s believing they can blur the line between science and entertainment? It is clear they havent seen the horrors my race can unleash upon them.

>> No.15799224

A progressive would recognise that genetics can influence a person's capabilities, and therefore the state should assist such people who were born with such disadvantages, through no fault of their own.

>> No.15799407

>I dont know anyone on the right, who is actually "mainstream"
lol @ pre-emptively moving those goalposts when you have to be aware that you yourself are not the mainstream right.
I mean it's an obviously lie regardless but man you're so uncertain of your ability to defend your claim that you have to weaken it from the start

>> No.15799409

>Try to force me to wear a mask because you are afraid of catching a cold see how long it takes before you get knocked the fuck out
>wah wah the left is so violent

>> No.15799411

Capitalists stole the commons from us and they steal our surplus value, we've been wronged and we want to set things straight

>> No.15799418

Fucking cavemen figured out that helping each other made the group stronger. It takes a "civilised" man to defend the absolute egotism that would've gotten him killed in earlier days.
You cry that it's unfair that you have to provide for others yet when someone is born unlucky you say tough luck, life isn't fair. You only seem to mind unfairness when you think it's unfair to your disadvantage.

>> No.15799501

> Caring for retards and letting retards think they have no control over their stupidity
> tell retards entirely genetic and everything is predetermined so they ask for welfare checks without trying
> germanics are just as bad as jew
> your mom isnt proud of you and this opinion is entirely geared towards short term gratification like a typical sperg baby

>> No.15799524

My pointing out that cavemen are smarter than you lot wasn't an invitation to start using caveman grammar

>> No.15799549

another short term gratification from the lower intellect, spergs are the male equivalent of bpd women.

>> No.15799558

the level of sophistry going on here is quite impressive. good thing most people on this board. though slightly retarded, are at least smart enough to see through a bullshit artist like you. I never had to expose any of you here, all I had to do was get you talking and let you expose yourselves

>> No.15799571

You mean it takes someone slightly retarded like you to think you saw through anything at all. At least you know your audience when you pander to them. No need to demonstrate an actual grasp of logic. Vacuous claims of undemonstrated superiority are sufficient when repeated forcefully enough. Then again, I doubt you're able to rise above your audience if you wanted to.

>> No.15799587
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If you accomplish victim exemption in your Brian Griffin ideas, you are still systematically the loser no matter what

>> No.15799602

See? Schizo recognises schizo. They're banding together now in recognition of their common enemy, sanity. Too bad their delusions of grandeur far outstrip their ability to form a coherent argument.

>> No.15799615

>cry about issue
>jew gives you a crybaby award
>"I legitimately won without sucking dick for it"

>> No.15799661

Oy vey shut it down - stop asking questions, goy.

>> No.15799667

>you cannot enact leftist policies without force
I agree. Leftists think it is ok to steal from people because they are more successful than other people, because they cannot understand that nature has put people in their positions.

>> No.15799676

I can't be harming anyone by virtue of not commuting an action. If was unaware, couldn't help them, or didn't even exist, harm would befall them regardless.

You and other leftists have this fatal flaw. By someone doing nothing at all, you feel that you have been wronged. This one of the core reasons why leftism commits so many evils.

>> No.15799678

Still doesn't justify theft.

>> No.15799681

They can't have stolen it as it was not owned by anyone. You're insane.

>> No.15799687

>my race
Naw, you're just an individual human being with no claim to any history beyond your mother shitting you out of your womb. You're an objective failure. The history of 'you' is an evolutionary dead end, filled with totinos pizza rolls and cumming on your mother's towels. That is the only reason why you have deluded yourself into thinking you are a part of something greater, some type of inexplicable race known as "white-skin." It has to be more vague than ethnicity or nationality, because you're an outcast even within your own country. You have no community, no history, no future, and no reason to keep living. Never forget, you're here forever.

>> No.15799689

If im a scholar and you make up a bullshit major like gender studies to equate to my labor then you are a lazy shit stain. You are not entitled to that opinion because we can easily and eventually take it away from you. You belong in a cage where you will learn more than you did than when you skipped class.

>> No.15799691

Show me your skin retard

>> No.15799693

>Leftists think it is ok to steal from people because they are more successful than other people
More "successful" at exploiting other people, i.e. they gained their wealth illegitimately, i.e. it is not wrong to take it back.

>> No.15799698

You deserve it less nigga, bench 300

>> No.15799699

>They can't have stolen it as it was not owned by anyone.
It was held in common, you twat. Imagine if one day your mother decides the bathroom is hers and no one is allowed to use it any more and you can shit in the garden for all she cares, would you say "welp, fair, the toilet didn't belong to any member of the household in particular"? Would you say your brothers are insane for trying to take the toilet back?

>> No.15799701

We'll see who deserves what when the guillotines are built

>> No.15799703

>helping each other
Two cavemen agreeing to assist each other is not the same as a leftist pointing a gun at someones head to extort money from them to be redistributed to whomever the leftist feels like.

>absolute egotism
Why can't accept some people don't want to help? It's their money not yours. You go work really hard and spend 99.9% of all your money on feeding the poor.

>You cry that it's unfair that you have to provide for others
Yes because it's factually unfair. You have stolen from me. You believe you have not committed a wrong because you cannot separate a purposefully wrongful action from the unfortunate luck nature. You equate a natural disaster with theft to justify spending taxes on disaster relief.

>yet when someone is born unlucky you say tough luck, life isn't fair.

>You only seem to mind unfairness when you think it's unfair to your disadvantage.
"unfairness" is being used by yourself to mean the same as literally stealing from people. You are a fucking criminal, how blind are you?

I can only conclude that leftists are midwits, or that they are just evil cunts. You're either misguided or know what you're doing. Either way your kinds polices make life worse for everyone.

>> No.15799707

2 v 1 like a pussy.
>Your Dad
>Your Mom
>Your entire retard simp dad whore mom structure
> vs me MMA
>You dont deserve shit
>try and do something while im asleep cause thats the only chance you pussies will ever get

>> No.15799709
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>> No.15799710

You have nothing to steal, you absolute bootlicker

>> No.15799712

Show me the back of your skull blowing out

>> No.15799716

>gained their wealth illegitimately
How? If someone said "yes" without coercion they gave their consent. Perhaps you could say in our current society with a coercive government the probability that they have used that government to gain some of their wealth is notable.

>More "successful" at exploiting other people
Is a guy working at an aircraft engineering company getting taxed at 40% his income exploiting people? Fucking retarded leftist.

>> No.15799717

im bred for inheriting this earth, you are not. neither are the spergs here thinking 130 matters. If you want to stop me, just know that when you win with mob strategy it ultimately proves how inferior you were to rely on mob

>> No.15799718

Why would I steal? In any case you are the ones arguing for theft, so are the bootlickers.

>> No.15799720

You're going to die with absolutely nothing and nobody. I am so ashamed of you, you have no idea

>> No.15799722

>I never had to expose any of you here, all I had to do was get you talking and let you expose yourselves
funny enough when I did tell them, none of them would believe it and thought it was quite funny that the "schizo" was saying tranny communists funded by and brainwashed, funded and fully backed by the Jews and the institutional power they had were trying to take over and destroy their nations and race. It was only when I would call you troon colonizers out when you are here trying to spread your agitprop and faggotry and let you spew your retardation for yourselves that finally started too see so I guess I thank you for your service

>> No.15799724

bot or sperg cope

>> No.15799729

Show me one thing in your life that you're proud of besides the color of your skin, something that anyone would be envious of. It can be a car, it can be a watch, show me a single thing of value you own, you absolute failure.

>> No.15799730

You will get raped someday lol
'You are the worst person I know, you constantly hit on your best friend's wife, the man pays for your food and rescued you from certain death and this is how you repay him? And to add insult to injury you defecate all over his yard, and your such a sponge. You pay for nothing and you always say "Uugh, catch ya later." but later never comes! And what really bothers me is that you pretend your this deep guy who loves women for their souls, but all you do is date bimbos. Yeah, I date women for their bodies, but at least I'm honest about it. I don;t buy them a copy of Catcher in the Rye and then lecture them with some 7th grade interpretation about Holden Caulfield being some profound intellectual, he wasn't! He was a spoiled brat, and that's why you like him so much, he's you. God you're pretentious, and you delude yourself by thinking you're some great writer even though your terrible. You know, I should've known Cheryl Tiegs didn't write you that note, she would've known there is no 'a' in the word definite. And, I think what I hate most about you? Your Textbook Liberal Agenda, how we should "Legalize pot man..." how big business is crushing the underclass, and how homelessness is the biggest tragedy in America, well what have you done to help? I work down at the soup kitchen, Brian. Never seen you down there! You wanna to help? Grab a ladle! And by the way, driving a Prius doesn't mean your Jesus Christ, oh, wait! You don't believe in Jesus Christ or any religion for that matter, because "religion is for idiots". Well who the hell are you to talk down to anyone, you failed college twice, but isn't as nearly as bad as your failure as a father, hows your son of your's that you never see? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it, if you weren't such a bore! That's the worst of it Brian, your just a big, sad, alcoholic bore. *sigh*

See you Brian, thanks for the f@#$ing steak.'

>> No.15799734

>my IQ
>multiple degrees
>olive complexion from constant tan
>press 300

>> No.15799737

I love how the answer is never a family. Hahaha

>> No.15799739

I love how you suck. Show your skin midwit.

>> No.15799744

Later, loser

>> No.15799748

later never comes Brian. how about we meet up at a gym and solve this like the forerunners of our society? If you lose you understand you are just a dog that speaks english. You are in no position to bargain or be granted things

>> No.15799770

the only people obsessed with skin color are you freaks and it is what unraveled your whole moronic movement and now will ultimately destroy you. White people were mostly fine living with shitskins and sharing our tech and resources even though it was such a burden, like a bad marriage but they stayed in it for the kids. But ya got uppity and violent and now they want a divorce and you wont get anything, in fact you will have less than you did before

>> No.15799787

>Imagine if one day your mother
You and I are not family. You anecdote is irrelevant.
Leftists have tried to make everyone act as a big family in China. The result was extreme abuse committed to children by strangers unrelated to them.

In any case, the rich people today have not sized ownership of the commons, so how can you claim they have committed a wrong that you can right by stealing from them?

Socialism is the ideology of envy.

>> No.15799792

then this is a race war in your head, in which case you lose because you need whites in ur mob

>> No.15799803

oh ur not the negroid, well anyway there is a healthy race and its a darker white but we will still care for niggas and let them out every so and so

>> No.15799808


>> No.15799864

>It's their money not yours.
When it's my boss, it's actually my surplus value. Why should it go to help him when he doesn't even need it? That's double unfair.
>You have stolen from me.
You steal from others when you keep for yourself what you do not need whilst others suffer from deprivation.
>You are a fucking criminal
Crime is a social construct. You're the criminal.

>> No.15799866

>If someone said "yes" without coercion they gave their consent.
See the parable up above about the life bouy
Amazing how everything is forceful theft to libertardians except the factual threat of starvation and death from preventable illnesses and exposure that is used to force the proletariat to work.

>> No.15799873

You're calling other people spergs but you're so obsessed with a Family Guy episode from fucking 2009 that you made multiple references to it in this thread and are now quoting an entire monologue in lieu of an argument

>> No.15799875

>the rich people today have not sized ownership of the commons
Oh? So it belongs to no one? Oh, it doesn't? Weird how that works. So it's not seized but it is property. We can't blame anyone for seizing it but neither can we hold it in common.

>> No.15799932

>When it's my boss, it's actually my surplus value.
Explain why. It's his value because you agreed to work for a wage. If you want more, renegotiate your wage.

>You steal from others when you keep for yourself what you do not need whilst others suffer from deprivation.
Theft requires the transfer of property from one party to another. How can I steal from someone by not transferring property.

>Crime is a social construct. You're the criminal.
You people are evil.

>> No.15799945

>See the parable up above about the life bouy
You'll also have seen my response then. Nobody in a stateless society will take such contracts seriously, so such a case will never happen.

In reality however, you are constantly committing theft. You vermin support taxing the majority of people's incomes.

>except the factual threat of starvation and death from preventable illnesses
How many fucking times do I have to explain. These ARE NOT CAUSED BY ANOTHER HUMAN.

Suppose you're dying of cancer and can't pay the bills to cure it.
If I exist, but refuse to surrender my money for you to pay your bills, you die.
If I exist, but don't realize your predicament, you die.
If I don't exist, you die.

All three are identical outcomes BECAUSE I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SITUATION. How can I be charged with something I have not done?
Even If we ignore the moral implications of your ideology, where does it end? How much money needs to be redistributed? What counts as a sufficient standard of living that we don't need to use stolen money to improve? You people are either stupid or evil.

>> No.15799954

Suppose we some land in common.
How do I sell my portion of this land?

>> No.15800096

>It's his value because you agreed to work for a wage.
I have no choice but to work. I do not own the means of production. I am at a disadvantage and a poor negotiating position. Thus the boss exploits my dire situation to earn money off of my work.
>How can I steal from someone by not transferring property.
By claiming ownership of that which by right belongs to everyone to begin with.
>You people are evil.
That's even more meaningless than "criminal".

How can you honestly say that people hoarding millions of dollars aren't, in a very real sense, robbing the needy? It seems to me that your moral framework is set up precisely to justify this status quo. A post facto rationalisation.

>> No.15800099

>Nobody in a stateless society will take such contracts seriously, so such a case will never happen.
Oh, right, you're the delusional wanker, this conversation is pointless.
Under capitalism they most definitely are.
>Hurr if I didn't exist I wouldn't be responsible for anything so how can I be responsible for anything then?

>> No.15800253

we do not have a million einsteins slumbering among the populace. Those who are bound by menial labour and circumstance lack either the mental ingenuity to leave their circumstances or are bound up in beliefs that possess them. Neither makes for a good einstein

>> No.15800485

>Why can't accept some people don't want to help?
because choosing not to help is criminal especially when you could afford to.
you wouldn't look past someone getting mugged or killed in a dark ally, your inaction is criminal.
it's literally a crime to not report a crime.

>> No.15800491

except for their parents

>> No.15800497

>I can only conclude that leftists are midwits, or that they are just evil cunts. You're either misguided or know what you're doing. Either way your kinds polices make life worse for everyone.
I think the exact same thing, as a leftist. it's almost funny how conservatives and leftists can't see eye to eye, almost like we live in completely different universes. you think I'm evil and I think you're evil...