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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15791383 No.15791383 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15791438

I stopped watching this whore when she """accidentally""" showed her tats

>> No.15791441

>adult woman has tats and won't let me insert my penis into her
The west has truly fallen

>> No.15791463

Source? Never seen this hoe but she's hot

>> No.15791478

just be smarter than witten and challenge him, its that simple but you physicstards have not been able to produce or attract anyone like that? Don't you retards have like a vs groups led by two chads such as messi vs ronaldo

>> No.15791515


>> No.15791520

Are you talking about tattoos or tits?

>> No.15791576

hey collie post tits and pussy

>> No.15791578

No. Go away.

>> No.15791588

>Social media whore
>v-log shit
Didn't click. Fuck off my board, hoe.

>> No.15791593

gross, she has tats?

>> No.15791624

Roger Penrose is smarter than Witten imo

>> No.15791653

>promotes quantum woo brain nonsense because his ego as a mathematician can't cope with godel's incompleteness theorems

>> No.15791701

Why does our girl make incels seethe so hard?

>> No.15791708

laser time, bitch

>> No.15791751

I fucking love shidding and farding

>> No.15791772


>> No.15791822
File: 107 KB, 864x326, 1696615813278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cope is hilarious.

>> No.15791828

retard doesn't even know the difference between the internet and http

>> No.15791849

>find something someone is autistic about
>make a two sentence surface level contrarian post
>get an entire video essay of them coping
why is it so easy to do this?

>> No.15791972

Why does she always publish in shit tier journals with a very low IF?

>> No.15791977

Higgs boson is fake. CMB is divining bullshit from noise. Gravitational waves don't exist. Black hole image is divining bullshit from noise.
This reads like a pseuds first ndt video.

>> No.15791979

This is a science board, if you make such claims you must provide empirical evidence. Post tats.

>> No.15791984
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>> No.15792005

based retard!

>> No.15792017

If it’s noise then why does every detector in every locale see the same pattern?

>> No.15792024


>> No.15792047

mri was a feat of engineering, the physics was known by 1945.

>> No.15792051
File: 866 KB, 498x334, family-guy-stewie-griffin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate this place

>> No.15792082

pure luck

>> No.15792089


>> No.15792091

Then stop posting yourself here, sweet buns.

>> No.15792095

t. does not understand Wilks' theorem

>> No.15792201

wtf kind of shitty tattoo is that

>> No.15792216

Ya I don't think I could fuck her armpits with that turkey looking at me
Absolutely ruined

>> No.15792217

It is a reference to life of Brian.

>> No.15792297
File: 25 KB, 495x362, 1680209895937670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15792315

and? what has the higgs-boson done for anyone?

>> No.15792321

>t. Eric Weinstein

>> No.15792327

particle physics is a bigger waste of time than masturbation.

>> No.15792360

This is picture forum, not motion picture forum. In best compromise repeating motion picture forum.

>> No.15792361

I stopped watching her after her fluoride meltdown video. The one where she repeatedly rambles about how there has been scientific proof of its effectiveness in dentistry and its safety for 100 years, then proceeds to not cite or name a single study. Nor does she explain why it is necessary for us to add a known neuro and dna toxin to all our of drinking water when basically none of said water actually touches the teeth when drank.
If I remember correctly, the only evidence she gave for its effectiveness was that people noticed farmers had healthier teeth than city folk, and some random person one and a half centuries ago retardedly attributed this to natural fluoride in farm wells, and not the fact farmers had diets consisting of whole grains and meat, while city dwellers consumed massive amounts of sugar. I guess natural arsenic, cadmium, and brain eating amoeba also help keep teeth strong, why aren't we adding those to every local water treatment plant?
She is a delusional tribalist that doesn't actually believe in the scientific method. It's sad because I would

>> No.15792366
File: 71 KB, 600x800, 1679870339020409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where are your "citations", sweetie? Hmm yes, citations for thee but not for me, is it?

>> No.15792370

>promotes untestable schizo string nonsense because he is a plant for the DOD, whose image was completely fabricated inorder to stop any advancement in physics from occurring within public institutions
keep simping for your fake physcist historian. When he soon dies, that entire fake field will go with him

>> No.15792390

Honest question, but first a concession: I get it, people who think getting tattoos is a hobby are fucking morons. Still, why do incels get so ass blasted by women with tattoos? Especially when they aren't flagrant, who is it bothering? If anything, if you hate them so much, isn't them having tattoos a good warning sign to avoid them romantically?

>> No.15792396

How would you react if you saw someone order a tasty looking milkshake and then dump ketchup on it?
Its kinda like that

>> No.15792398

Kinda like when a dude is an ugly sperg lol
He could have been a tasty milkshake but instead he's an autistic faggot

>> No.15792402

I mean, I'd be grossed out, but I didn't buy the milkshake or the ketchup. So at most, it would be nothing more than a passing unsavory moment to me.

>> No.15792412

And if you saw it on an image board you would call it disgusting
And you would never want to drink that milkshake
And why do people have to ruin perfectly good milkshakes like that?

>> No.15792432
File: 38 KB, 640x180, ezgif.com-webp-to-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go retard
>Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review
>Fluoride: Neurotoxic at ANY Level According to National Toxicology Program Report; Fluoridation Policy Threatened: Yahoo
>State of the Science Concerning Fluoride Exposure and Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Health Effects: A Systematic Review
>Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review
>Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children Harvard
Here a list of 654 papers showing fluoride's neurotoxcity
>Toxicity of fluoride: critical evaluation of evidence for human developmental neurotoxicity
"Currently, there is no known essential function for fluoride in cells and organisms"
"Symptoms due to toxicity include respiratory arrest, cardiac depression, vomiting, diarrhea, and salivation"
"One of the best documented long-term effects of fluoride in humans is dental fluorosis (EFSA 2005, 2013)."
"Studies on fluoride conducted in vitro and in vivo have reported some evidence of genotoxicity"
"Extremely high exposure to 38.5 mg fluoride/L in drinking water was reported to be associated with infertility in men (Neelam 1987)... In recent years a relatively large number of studies have been published which reports that high fluoride intake is associated with reduced IQ in children."
"A comprehensive summary of studies published between 1990 and 2005 is provided in the National Research Council (NRC) report, demonstrating that developmental processes are susceptible to fluoride (NRC 2006)"
"Twenty-one of the 23 studies concluded that higher fluoride exposure was associated with lower intelligence."
It literally calcifies a core part of your brain retard

>> No.15792453

I never watched her to begin with for I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.

>> No.15792463

Because they are used to up whores born into a decaying society of pedophiles and retards. Besides, ketchup is better than mustard anyways.

>> No.15792470

no idea what you're on about

>> No.15792490

Because tattoos are a sure sign of low impulse control. Men get coomer eyes and women get tattoos. I feel confident in saying that no woman with a tattoo has ever been a virgin on her wedding night.

>> No.15792500

Well bro I just had a read of
>Impacts of Fluoride Neurotoxicity and Mitochondrial Dysfunction on Cognition and Mental Health: A Literature Review
>Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review
and it appears to me extremely inconclusive regarding whether fluoride supplementation results in reduced IQ or other health problems. Similarly I had a look at a few papers on

These studies mostly seem to involve the effects of environmental/industrial fluoride pollution at levels much higher than found in typical fluoride-supplemented water supplies. Specifically, the high-fluoride populations have 2.0+ mg/L, while fluoride-treated water is typically well under 1.0 mg/L. I'm not saying fluoride supplementation couldn't have such effects but these papers aren't convincing.

>> No.15792510

I hate this hooker. Stupid ugly bimbo who gets attention for being in a male dominated space and making orgasm faces on her thumbnails.

>> No.15792555
File: 86 KB, 277x347, 1696642905206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly fucking nose.

>> No.15792594

take a closer look at that snout

>> No.15792630

can physics explain why her nose has been circumcized?

>> No.15792708
File: 19 KB, 402x253, Mussolini2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The .7mg levels in tap water are merely a suggestion, there are thousands of places in the US with triple the amount of that. Read table 6 in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7261729/ you fucking reddit pseud. What the fuck do you think "Twenty-one of the 23 studies concluded that higher fluoride exposure was associated with lower intelligence." means? The majority of those Twenty-one studies had fluoride levels within tap water ranges. This isn't accounting for the dozens of other ways fluoride gets accidentally consumed beyond tap water. Due to tap water fluoridation, most foods have statistically significant amounts of fluoride. Not to mention the fact you brush with 1500 ppm fluoride toothpaste twice a day, of which, some amount gets swallowed. What is the actual EPA allowable amount of fluoride in tap water? Oh, it's 2ppm? You know how many kids swallow their toothpaste?
"Estimated typical amounts of fluoride ingested daily from toothpaste are 0.1 mg to 0.25 mg for infants and children age 0 to 5 years, 0.2 to 0.3 mg for children age 6–12 years"
"An increase of 0.5 mg/L in water fluoride concentration (approximately equaling the difference between fluoridated and non-fluoridated regions) corresponded to a 9.3- and 6.2-point decrement in Performance IQ among formula-fed (95% CI: −13.77, −4.76) and breast-fed children (95% CI: −10.45, −1.94)."
Oh, but I'm sure it is far more important for infants and children to keep the teeth they'll completely lose by 7 in tip top shape! So what if their IQ decreases by 2/3 a standard deviation!
I honestly don't understand why the millions of parents with young children aren't lynching you fuckers from lampposts for retarding their children. Keep your braindead confirmation bias riddled arguments off this site.

>> No.15792730
File: 144 KB, 635x928, 1679357456825031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you OK anon? You seem to be completely sperging out
Look at this data btw lol

>> No.15792737

What does she do besides talk smack about others?

>> No.15792740

disappointed, thought she showed off tits
>grey hairs

>> No.15792845
File: 170 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mom guys, stop hating on her, she is our girl now, since our last girl got disabled by covid

>> No.15792848
File: 1.31 MB, 1237x1458, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> cmon guys, stop hating on her because... because.. BECUASE JUST STOP HATING ON HER MEOW

>> No.15792969

>How would you react
curious how /pol/chuds always talk about how women are emotional and yet all you can do is "react" emotionally to some meaningless shit.

>> No.15792985

All my dental defects was on the place dentist hit me in teeth with something harder than teeth and sharp.

Dentist sometimes help, if you had broken teeth from horizontal growth, ach the perfect evolution, but some of it is dirty job or maybe being unaware.

>> No.15792992

>meaningless shit
these whores cover their bodies with this "meaningless shit". show some respect.

>> No.15792995

>Still, why do incels get so ass blasted by women with tattoos?
because all women with tattoos are sex havers (i.e. not virgins)

>> No.15793005
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roastie that looks like my ex desperately rambles to herself to justify wasting her fertile years in a field by conflating advances in engineering with applied discoveries that were made decades before she was even born.avi

>> No.15793010

Good luck with unknown substance in body, because I don't really know what it can cause, and I don't want to examine black liquids for different properties than magneticity, spectrum absorbtion, and another physical properties, and having intact epigenetic markers. It may produce so weak histamine response that in 20 years you die and doctors tells it's hepatisis C or HIV, because from autopsy it looks like autoimmune dissease, but tests for viruses is something insurance company won't pay on dead people.

>> No.15793073

maybe you should try taking a shower more than once a month before talking about anyone else sanitary practices

>> No.15793110

I have very fear conditioning problem in shower, somebody abuncted me while I was in shower preparing for planned social connection.

I need some molly in the shower maybe.

>> No.15793114

Who is shilling this whore.