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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15774187 No.15774187 [Reply] [Original]

half the shit these assholes publish is about how to get more black women to be physicists.
how can the 'i fucking love science' crowd completely ignore race and intelligence, these fuckers turn into the most irrational retards when it comes to any topic that might stigmatize them.

>> No.15774202

It is not about bring rational. They are trying to kill you

>"Wait stop trying to murder me. Its not RATIONAL."

This is how you sound

>> No.15774207

How to get more women in science: put some menopause in it?!!!!!! HAHAHA. Women
Right fellas ???
Teacher resigned

>> No.15774219

unsolvable problem, the supply of candidates is just not enough. most of these funds get gobbled up by the staff under the guise of new responsibilities - monitoring, reporting, paper pushing. i'd be surprised if more than 20% of the dosh finds the way to the students.

>> No.15774230

and yes, also media campaigns, thus articles like that being everywhere. it's a symptom of incompetency more than a sign that's something is working.

i mean, if the pipeline minorities to academia was churning as intended, would we need to read about new programs and initiatives, like on a weekly basis?

>> No.15774558 [DELETED] 

Religion has sacred dogma that cannot be criticized.

>> No.15774707

I unironically think it's great if more women or blacks become physicists or natural scientists in general. There's not a lot you can do to fuck up your life more than studying physics.

>> No.15774709

Nothing wrong with more people doing science.

The problem is science is basically full of people who can't think of new ideas. This is why science isn't progressing. It is quite sad because they are killing people in the name of an equality that doesn't exist.

>> No.15774805

They have to keep around some lower hanging fruit to criticize or they'd be next.

They're not ignoring race, they have to force this because they understand genetics and realize their genomes could literally cease to exist.

>> No.15774934 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15775040

>science isn't progressing

You must be joking

>> No.15775151 [DELETED] 

The more people there are up can't conceive of new ideas, the harder it is to move the consensus.
Thats how dogma is born.

>> No.15775301

The only BLEHQ physicist I've ever heard of is that midwit Nigger DeGrease Tyrone

>> No.15775312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15775640

It's at a snails pace compared to what it could be

>> No.15775655

If people were smart they would know intelligence and consciousness are separate.

Intelligence is malleable through genetic engineering.

>> No.15775675


>> No.15775960

>How do we solve this problem?
>Uhhhh, uhhhh, uhhhhhh.. . Let's just throw money at it so the Jews don't call us racist anymore

>> No.15775962

>men o pause
>Men of pause
That's right, fellas, you take a back seat it's women time now uh-huh!

>> No.15775969

He's talking about actual science, not about engineering.

>> No.15776125


>> No.15776722

>how to get more black women to be physicists.
Isn't that slavery?
What if they don't want to be worthless nerd loser physicists? What if they'd rather do something decent with their lives instead?

>> No.15776790

Why am I suddenly all for more blacks in science?

>> No.15777496

Imagine they all have a white department head who whips them if they don't produce publishable research fast enough

>> No.15777506

This man gets it. If they were genuinely trying to be do-gooders, they'd promote meritocracy and oppose actual discrimination.

>> No.15777512
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>You will cite one of these black women in your research, or you do not get published.

>> No.15777515

I also love how their example of a black woman "doing physics" is a stock photo of a woman studying a motherboard.

By the way, a black woman invented the motherboard. You may disagree, you may even have evidence to the contrary, but if you want your job, a black woman invented the motherboard.

>> No.15777545

Author name be sus

>> No.15777598
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>black woman invented the motherboard

>> No.15777725
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>1900 people were traveling with boats and horses
>69 years later, the first man put his foot on the moon, you get satellites, nuclear fision, nuclear bombs, planes, etc, massive science advancement everywhere etc
>2023, you got a phone in your pocket who has internet, reusable rockets, advance in medicine, electric cars, VR meme,
>no fusion, no moon/mars bases, no drugs that can cure diseases like aids, cancer, etc, no immortality, no flying cars, no robotics and transhumanism, no human cloning, etc
we are moving slower than a fucking snail

>> No.15777761

How the fuck do sheboon scientists lead to me being murdered?

>> No.15777829


Jews want all the amalek murdered, and to rule over racedmixed slaves, per the talmud.

Science can't prove a situation if there is another agent actively trying to shut down or mislead investigation. In that situation, you need to make inferences and assumptions, and use observation to verify pr discredit those observations.

I infer that the jews are a band of ethnically associating criminals that deceive gentiles, who are actively sowing discord and genocide for all non jews, to more effectively control the population. I observe things that would only make sense under that umbrella idea regularly. Every day I grow to consider /pol/ to be more and more correct in their beliefs.

>> No.15777838

or study the history of communism

>> No.15777841

Is this only about these people (the Royal Society) look good on social media? I mean what metrics are they going to use to actually prove employing apes and retards, that they're going to actually move physics, and science in general, forward?
That's what we all want, not some virtue signalling crap that is everywhere nowadays.

>> No.15778660

its funny because its true

>> No.15778668

>That's what we all want,
Wrong, their goal is to destroy White people. Only low IQs still believe otherwise.

>> No.15779488

/sci/ is packed to the gills with shitskin shills who will dispute what you're saying as well as their jewish masters

>> No.15780460

>How the fuck do sheboon scientists lead to me being murdered?
Its just about destroying society at every level

>> No.15781239 [DELETED] 

this is what physicist looks like
show the children
especially the children of color
this is what physicist looks like

>> No.15782212

>one day i'm gonna live on mars!!!
but also
>lets only allow people who never even invented the wheel to be scientists

>> No.15783140

>half the shit these assholes publish is about how to get more black women to be physicists.
whats the other half say?

>> No.15783159

It’s either “scientists say whitey bad”, “Europe was black and muslim” or “scientists say why anti vaxxer are psychopathic dangerous and dumb” (several paper on each)
Oh and guns bad too

>> No.15784244 [DELETED] 

If Europe was black and muslim the doesn't that mean that blacks and muslims are responsible for every historical ill that whites are accused of?

>> No.15784947 [DELETED] 

good point

>> No.15786304

Why are black women supposed to want to be physicists? Its a low paying job for unproductive people with no self respect.

>> No.15786523

>Why are black women supposed to want to be physicists? Its a low paying job for unproductive people with no self respect.
so you're saying its perfect for them kek
>muh white genocide
dreck for midwits and bored jews. it can't happen short of an extinction level event.

>> No.15786529

It really is quite something to see "science" pivot so spectacularly to where the money is ... globalist corporations that profit off high birth rates in africa.

>> No.15786540
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"you obviously dont have a girl friend or play guitar because only horrible losers with no life hold thos positions" - paige hill

>> No.15786608

every single time

>> No.15787076

>negro trying to figure out how to put the video card in the pci slot
they need to go to school for that

>> No.15788214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15788946 [DELETED] 

>you got a phone in your pocket who has internet
goyphones are totally a wonderful and amazing advancement and convenience and not a tracking and surveillance device

>> No.15790009 [DELETED] 

People in eastern Europe were still commonly using animals for transportation right up the start of this century. Thats how much communism had impoverished them, they couldn't afford to buy cars until about 20 years or so ago. The per capita GDP in real terms in the former soviet world in 1990 was about the same as it was for them in 1918. Every penny "progress" had earned them during the 20th century had been stole away by their governments and central banks

>> No.15790870

wow, communism delivered so much """progress""" for eastern europe. it destroyed their native cultures and religions and left them impoverished.
probably just a coincidence that the protocols of the elders of zion talks about shoving marxism down the goyim's throats as a means of turning them into a class of slaves in their own home nations

>> No.15790875

> per the talmud
Post relevant text?

>> No.15791190

>OY VEY !!!

>> No.15792703


>> No.15793049
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>> No.15793849

>just believe what some rando says on a chinese cave diving forum

>> No.15793880

>I hate 4chan
>everything on 4chan is fake and gay
why are you here?

>> No.15794184

because he is homosexual and disingenuous

>> No.15794974 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15795723 [DELETED] 


>> No.15797138

now they can use thermodynamics to calculate how long to deep fry the chikunz

>> No.15797854

>No notable progression in physics concepts since the 50s (and no higgs boson doesnt fucking count)
>Semiconductor technology advances have slowed dramatically since the 90s
>Programming is legit shit now
>Webdev too, unnecessary JS shit everywhere
>wtf has even happened in math?
Sure I'm not a researcher so I'm not privvy to any esoteric stuff, but nothing really groundbreaking seems to have happened in the 2000s, with the exception of the Internet. Even AI won't really take off if it remains closed source and censored.

>> No.15798760 [DELETED] 

>with the exception of the Internet.
created in the 1960s, became a public space in the 1980s, was mostly built out in the 1990s.
4chan is a 20 year old website thats just an english language version of a 25 year old japanese website.

>> No.15799130

Dont even have to check wikipedia for that one

>> No.15800161 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15800186

people already cite each other to help each other out

>> No.15800314

>communism had impoverished them
*the collapse of
Soviets built more infrastructure in Khazakhstan than current governent.

>> No.15800676

>the physics of twerking

>> No.15801798 [DELETED] 

That has to do with racial and cultural differences between Russians and Kazakhs because you can't say the same thing about Russia.
You may now return to leftychan.net/leftpol. Goodbye

>> No.15802330 [DELETED] 

the other 3rd world former soviet central asia republics have all suffered the same fate too, they stopped developing the second they no longer had white leadership to do all the planning for them.

>> No.15803572 [DELETED] 

Nobel prize material

>> No.15804636

>Quantum twerking

>> No.15805180

the standard model of fried chicken interactions in a relativistic grape drank field

>> No.15806152 [DELETED] 

Chromodynamical scattering in the dispersal and application of fine particulates to poultry in the presence of broad spectrum reflectivity interference: The physics of why white people don't season they chickunz

>> No.15806167

Aftah dey soak it n bleech n sheeit.

>> No.15806700


>> No.15807775 [DELETED] 

What'd I miss?

>> No.15807893

It starts making sense when you realize the IFLS crowd literally only and I mean only is interested in vibes, and not one iota in the actual contents of the coat of paint the vibe bucket has. It’s theming. It like an animal wanting to cuddle with other animals. Nothing wrong with the animals, everything wrong with the soifaces.

>> No.15807902

Americans really do believe their own propaganda.
t. eastern euro who lived through privatization

>> No.15808064

We don't enter deeper academia because is chuddy as fuck, some of us need to start making income sooner rather than later due to circumstances and it's more cliquey than high school. Fuck that shit.

>> No.15808069

>people who never even invented the wheel
The Wheel and axle is way more important and only one group invented that amd it soread allover. So unless you are saying 99% of tge other is stupid I don't see what point you are trying to make.

>> No.15808512 [DELETED] 

>i larp as a negro
you will never be a woman either

>> No.15809741 [DELETED] 


>> No.15809836

>no drugs that can cure diseases like aids, cancer, etc
Except there kind of are. There are a great many types of cancer which have gone from being a death sentence to very survivable since the 1960s. There's no panacea, but the progress is absolutely massive. HIV/AIDS has also gone from being a death sentence to being no big deal with modern treatment. We know how to cure it (though not with a magic pill) but it's more efficient to just treat the disease in 99% of cases.

>> No.15811041

when you get a post thats banned…

>> No.15811627 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15812833 [DELETED] 

>we wuz science kangz an sheeeiiitt

>> No.15813355 [DELETED] 


>> No.15813370

few niggeress ever gotten PhD in STEM
even if a niggeress get a PhD in STEM you can see the quality/quantity of work is 1/3 that of a white or asian male.
they watered down the programs for the niggeress.

>> No.15813798
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You’d have to define your metric for measuring scientific progress. If it’s through patents per year then yeah science is slowing. If it’s through peer reviewed papers being published then we’re doing great. That’s not taking into account the fact that 75% of papers are bogus so then if you account for that you might see a different picture.

But yeah if we look at patents filed per year it’s been slowing for decades. I would argue the same thing, I mean just think about the last major physics break through. The only one that comes to mind is the Higgs boson but that was something predicted in the 60’s. What fundamental new physics has happened since quantum mechanics? And I’m not talking about the navel gazing kind, any dumbass can come up with their own unfalsifiable theory and give it a cool snazzy name but no one’s actually made any headway proving their cute theories for decades.

I think engineering is rapidly approaching the limits of its domain until new physics is introduced. Engineering has just been spending the past century catching up with quantum mechanics, but fundamentally there haven’t been any new major break throughs.

>> No.15813815
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>> No.15814660 [DELETED] 

>75% of papers are bogus

>> No.15815531 [DELETED] 

>The only one that comes to mind is the Higgs boson
why was that "major"?
what impact and fallout did it have?

>> No.15815759

Patent number is the worst metrics. Most patents are just bogus applications and nothing novel or scientific. If you spend 5k for a lawyer you can pretty much patent anything.
The soience being dogshit doesnt mean the alternative is any better.

>> No.15815848 [DELETED] 

rape black women and punch them in the head

>> No.15816523

I live in Kazakhstan, and you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.15817261 [DELETED] 

>rape black women
enjoy ur AIDS

>> No.15817806


>> No.15818704

Non-Whites should be slaves.

>> No.15819309 [DELETED] 
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Cotton is still harvested by hand in parts of the world that can't afford John Deere's machinery

>> No.15819311 [DELETED] 
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They don't mind using child labor either

>> No.15820073

shlomo the banker won't loan money to the school unless the school gives degrees and jobs to negroes

>> No.15821017 [DELETED] 

Forcing them to be physicists is a form of slavery

>> No.15821143


>> No.15822544 [DELETED] 

If negro women are all working as physicists then who going to do all the important twerking that needs to be done?

>> No.15822581

>remove men from science
Why are there no new discoveries?
Why do we have a reproducability crisis?
Why is the public losing trust in us?

>> No.15823861

we cannot ignore this issue, twerking is far more valuable to our culture than physics is

>> No.15824493 [DELETED] 

Not sure if sarcasm or an attempt at insulting physics

>> No.15824499

>these fuckers turn into the most irrational retards when it comes to any topic that might stigmatize them.
My take on it is that any institution or group will eventually be overtaken by a larger number of members who value conformity, cooperation, and maintenance of status quo more than objective reality. It turns out even institutions and groups formed around a shared intetest in hard sciences is not at all immune to this effect.

It seems plausible when you realize the benefits social skills provide to attainment of status and opportunities for advancement and influence. Also high social skills sociopaths with low integrity seem far more common than "autist" types who value an intellectually honest search for truth, and will apply their logic uniformly to topics of no personal interest and ones that are controversial or could lead to "problematic" conclusions.

Tl;dr: stupid and dishonest normies work together very effectively to infiltrate every institution, and they eventually outnumber and likely expel legitimate members, destroying the quality of that institution

>> No.15825781
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I know someone who wants to twerk

>> No.15826364


>> No.15827507

‘Bioleninism’ describes a familiar phenomenon in Clown World – social rejects coming together to force their will on society at large. A feature of Clown World is that people who normally keep themselves hidden away out of shame are out and proud. Even worse, they are organised and controlling the narrative. Bioleninism is the thread that binds them all. The original Leninism was a kind of slave morality that attracted many of society’s misfits. Much like Christianity in the Roman Empire, which first became popular among slaves, Leninism first became popular among those at the bottom of society. In the case of Russia, it wasn’t slaves but drunkards, prostitutes, petty criminals and those shunned for cruelty. Characteristic of all popular slave moralities is that they bring together the resentful. Christianity did this, the original Communism did this, and now the bottom-feeders of Clown World are coming together to do it again – this is Bioleninism.

>> No.15827606
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I remember not so long ago when people here called me schizo for telling them they are living through a communist conspiracy/takeover of the west. I guess they are fully vaxxed and arent laughing anymore

>> No.15828980

vaxxies aren't all that perceptive
most of the population is low iq

>> No.15829266
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>> No.15830755

e=mceeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt squared

>> No.15830993

invasive, collective nepotism.

The fear of every homogenous empire.

>> No.15830998

Actually there is, it'll ruin science.

>> No.15831260

>Nothing wrong with more people doing science.
More people doing science = more midwits doing science.
>The problem is science is basically full of people who can't think of new ideas. This is why science isn't progressing.
There you go.

>> No.15832207
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>> No.15833037

>more midwits doing science.
what happens when a someone intelligent need peer review and the only people available to do it are midwits who are not intellectual peers? midwits are too ignorant to review the higher IQ scientist, they are not capable of understanding high IQ thoughts

>> No.15833043

There is already millions of pajeet physicist that have 0 credibility but they got PhD position due diversity requirements.

Black woman do not make it any more worse. Academia is already a huge joke and must die to be reborn something that it was in 1650-1750.

>> No.15833182

>what happens when a someone intelligent need peer review and the only people available to do it are midwits who are not intellectual peers?
Institutional decay. It's very evident in academia but not exclusive to it. Here are a few examples just off the top of my head:
- Boeing
- the field of computer programming
- the Cinema of Italy
All were overrun by midwits and as a consequence everything became shittier and shittier.

>> No.15833229

Society is built by men for women and the ruling class. Women will just larp and live care free thanks to all the men supporting the female lifestyle.
Now that women monopolize all the bureaucratic jobs and also all the consumer space, there is no more progress in any field.

>> No.15834235

>how to get more black women to be physicists.
thats easy
enslave them

>> No.15834544

>how can the 'i fucking love science' crowd completely ignore race and intelligence
Money (and the fact they would hate to live in poverty) influences their decission harder than logic
If they do not follow the Ethos of their bosses, they will outed of society by its pathos

>> No.15835038

>lets get them negroes out of the cotton field and into the field of physics

>> No.15835988

hopefully the negroe females will all be too busy being physicists to shit out more groid babies. since modern judeo-physicists already accomplish nothing, replacing them with negroes will result in no net loss

>> No.15836965

This, giving CERN to the nigs wouldn't be a loss because CERN is already worthless
>give nigs the neutrino telescope
>they all drown

>> No.15838054

all of the (((progress))) since 1865 lead us to where we are today

>> No.15838793

Someone posted the Neil Tyson twerking video in another thread

>> No.15840334 [DELETED] 

>these fuckers turn into the most irrational retards
thats what makes black women perfect physicists, they're childish, emotional and irrational. they're a perfect fit to fill the know-it-all scientist role

>> No.15840401

100%, this is a war, either they are exterminated or we are exterminated.

>> No.15840402

Wrong. The problem are the jews, either that vermin gets exterminated or mankind fate will be extinction.

>> No.15840804
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Everyone is talking about the name, but no one seems familiar with her uniquely interesting phenotype (pic related). If you aren't Chandra-pilled yet, be assured that she's exactly as annoying and subversive as she looks. Imagine having to work with her. Imagine the sort of dispassionate, objective inquiry that happens whenever she drops by the lab.

>> No.15842005

why are jews all so repulsively hideous? did god curse them or something?

>> No.15842006

It's the black ancestry which makes it repulsive

>> No.15842028

gosh I want her to suck me off while her big nose touches my symphysis pubis for every where
[math]A(T) = A_{\text{max}} \left| \sin(T) \right| where $A$ is the length of my dick in her mouth and T = \frac{k\pi}{2} \quad \text{where } k \in \mathbb{Z}^+ [/math]

>> No.15842050
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I used to read Physics World because their membership as a PhD student was cheaper than the conference funding you could get from them as a member.

I liked that the articles were more in-depth and interesting than pop-sci magazines. Made me realize how little there actually is between straight up science journals and popular science garbage. Their insistence of pushing race and gender topics was pretty jarring though.

The one thing that particularly got me that at the end of the day most of the serious articles were written by white men. There were articles written by women and minorities, but these were generally articles about what it's like to be a woman or a minority.

That kind of just reinforces the idea that these people don't really have anything worthwhile to contribute to physics.

>> No.15842059

because it's fucking dumb and a waste of time