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15776014 No.15776014 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15776031

>One popular suggestion is to call them the “Milky Clouds.”
I wouldn't mind making some milky clouds inside Miss de los Reyes if ya catch my meaning&drift

>> No.15776093

Who cares?

>> No.15776106

i will continue to call them the magellanic clouds
the indians can call them the heyahoya spirit clouds or whatever other gay name they use

>> No.15776111

Yeah sure, table a motion at the end of the next IAU conference and vote it through with the 3% of the members still hanging around like they did with that shitty planet definition.

>> No.15776683

>Magellan enslaved and killed Indigenous people encountered on the voyage
False, Magellan was killed by indigenous people encountered on the voyage

>> No.15776931

In self defense

>> No.15776950


>> No.15777033

I think that's stupid and I'm Filipino

>> No.15777037

Apologize for killing Magellan

>> No.15777041


If we never killed him, his crew would have never circumnavigated the globe

>> No.15777340

Wikipedia says they were called al a3bar in Arabic. If I understand it correctly, it means "the passerby". So let's call it that way.

>> No.15777416
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i'll just continue to refer to them as the magellanic clouds, everybody will understand what i mean, you wont be able to do shit about it and you will be seething, and i wont give a shit

>> No.15777423

me too

>> No.15777425

as long as the alien civilization in the magellanic cloud is okay with renaming it I don't see any problem

>> No.15778020

I've always wondered how long it would take until these filipino fucks would cry for the name to be changed.

>> No.15778656

its not them doing it, its the jews

>> No.15779510
File: 997 KB, 1908x1146, 49B9D13400000578-0-image-a-9_1519975009014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are they gonna rename them after? unga bunga the native alcoholic welfare leech?

>> No.15779591

The BLACK woman who did it first. MMmmmm hmmmpf.

>> No.15779944

Is this how they wage war on men? Just go after every named thing to make sure you know your place that no matter what you achieve you'll eventually be cancelled

>> No.15779999

The words white, European, explorer, colonizer, master, slave, male adapter, female adapter, etc should all be banned and replaced. These words kill people.

>> No.15781202 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15781217
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I call for Paige hill to be renamed scum

paige hill looks like pic rel

>> No.15781222

Mad how they can change the names of things and people just follow along.
You can't even get even the simplest spelling reform going in (british) english, but these people can just change anything they want. Just like similar people changed how some people called ukraine and it's capital. And constantinople and angora. Truly mad.
Goes to show who has control.

>> No.15781255

Isn't it literally one woman

>> No.15781315

We need to rename them something from Aboriginal mythology.

>> No.15782149

Japs couldn't tell it appart from Angola

>> No.15782891

Cries in European Union

>> No.15782896

literally nobody gives a shit lmao this is like the mpox monkeypox thing idc and i will continue referring to them the way they were

>> No.15782898

the kangz nebulae

>> No.15782929

Where is this scientific evidence that this shit helps anyone?

>> No.15783982 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It helps the NWO gang because they want everyone to forget all history

>> No.15784017

>Magellan enslaved and killed Indigenous people encountered on the voyage

>> No.15784866 [DELETED] 

the low iq nebula
because all south of the equator natives are extremely low iq

>> No.15784877

the dummy puff

>> No.15785027

Its BC and AD. Simple as.

>> No.15785091

Normal at the time.
They attacked him first.

>> No.15785093

The problem is that the media will abandon the name and following generations will not understand us.

>> No.15785211

It's laughable, yet cucks have already managed to rename "Ultima Thule" to "Arrokoth".
Of course, they could only throw around their limp-wristed power for an object literally no one knew.
Apparently "Cum clouds" or something.

>> No.15785893

The irony was that I would have thought Christian extremists would be renaming everything because God's celestial bodies were named after icky pagan gods who are supposed to really be demons or some fundie shit like that, like renaming Jupiter "Moses" or "Simon Peter". Ten years ago I would have never expect this sort of nonsense from more secular-minded individuals.

>> No.15786076

By that logic we will simply HAVE to erase Arabic names such as Algol, since Arabs were big time slavers in Africa, long before Europeans.

>> No.15786111

>By that logic
It's cute that you think logic was involved at all.

>> No.15786952 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 941x1351, 1696139921859161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not understanding that all of this is happening within the context of the white genocide movement

>> No.15786969

When was the last time you used that name before this thread?

>> No.15787186

>gays, trans, nonbinary people cannot produce write babies
Friend of mine (MtF and enby AFAB) just made a white baby. You're wrong as always, chud.

>> No.15787191

>it's supposed to be a "sexuality" flag
Trans and inter aren't "sexualities" but gender identities. It's about who you are, not who you fuck. Not everything is about white babies like it is on /pol/

>> No.15788197 [DELETED] 

hope they rename them after victoria bitter

>> No.15788333

>secular-minded individuals.
the followers of paulo freire have never been secular

>> No.15788398


Yeah, I'm a transgender girl, but I specifically keep my balls healthy and away from the basedbean oils and stuff, because I actually DO want a family.

However, I'm also not exactly disagreeing with the nature of "LGBT pride." It doesn't seem very friendly to white people, and although I'm not necessarily white, I AM necessarily a friend to white people and all people.

The idea that the LGBT flag doesn't specifically include white people is a disgrace. I believe that there should be unity of people, in the name of love and life.

But alas, factions form and mankind divides, rather than multiplies fruitfully towards the stars.

>> No.15788995 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 540x673, bossu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fat are you?

>> No.15790069 [DELETED] 

I'm just over 200kg

>> No.15790278

If you want to live to see 50, I suggest losing at least half of that weight or else you'll die after slipping into a diabetic coma while getting open heart surgery after complications from the earlier operation to remove your feet after the diabetes causes them to undergo necrosis.

>> No.15790857

ok, thanks

>> No.15790876

> 440lb transwoman preserving her balls actually wants children.

Nothing has been funnier. There is no way even /g/ can top this. God, it's time to turn off the simulation for this universe, and don't turn it back on. We're done.

>> No.15791199
File: 136 KB, 1500x1005, JWST star cluster image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rename them the sausage clouds

>> No.15791209

What else are they going to call it, an 'indigenous' name whilst completely ignoring that ooga booga people enslaved and killed each other too?

>> No.15792699

>whilst completely ignoring that ooga booga people enslaved and killed each other too?
yes, only whites can being characterized as having commit historical crimes.

>> No.15793046

its so over

>> No.15793981

Do flat earthers hate Magelllan?

>> No.15794011

they should call them Black Lives Matter clouds

>> No.15794610

imagine seething this hard kwab

>> No.15794619

oh my elon this is the fourth white genocide this week we need to praise yeshua even harder and stamp out russophobia in all forms

>> No.15795709 [DELETED] 

they should be named after black soiyence man

>> No.15795769

thank you he was delicious

>> No.15796537

>nooo names have to represent everyone
okay so are we gonna rename the planets and other objects which are named after Greek gods (and their roman equivalents) because the Greeks and Romans oppressed, enslaved and murdered millions?
stupid spic fucks fuck you

>> No.15796544

>a man and a woman had a child
stop the presses

>> No.15797201

theres nothing in flat earth that prevents sailing from spain to the philippines and back

>> No.15797202

I vote for "Cloudy McCloud Face"

>> No.15798731 [DELETED] 

adobo conquistador

>> No.15798757

for me its AVD

>> No.15799856

>oy vey you have to bend over backwards because a bunch of unevolved alcoholics are upset
alcoholics are always upset

>> No.15800507

Its not even them, its jews doing it and claiming they're doing it in the name of "muh precious sacred abbos"
Meanwhile jews have no issue with wiping out the natives in their own country

>> No.15800524

BLM is cancelled.

I vote Casper and Slimer.

>> No.15801633 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 879x485, jwst_april_2021.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the kind of stupid worthless garbage we get in return for funding every aspect of the astronomer's completely unproductive careers.

>> No.15802353 [DELETED] 

Semites aren't white, so their history doesn't need to be erased. The jews only want to genocide the whites, they don't have anything against the shitskins. They don't consider shitskins a threat because shitskins are so low IQ

>> No.15802407

we are going to rename all kinds of shit every 200 years when the ethics and worldview changes
if something is named today after someone living presently probably in the future they will be boycotted with holy indignation for eating animals or using plastics

>> No.15803499 [DELETED] 

its a shame that whites didn't just wipe out the other races 200 years ago when we had the upper hand. wouldn't have all this trouble today if we hadn't been weak willed back then

>> No.15804784

This wouldn't be happening if Magellan was jewish. Only whites are subject to cancel culture.

>> No.15805237

for me its TVD

>> No.15806116 [DELETED] 

rename the big on after al gore and the little one after gretchen thunderburp

>> No.15806749

Another facet of the white genocide agenda

>> No.15807826 [DELETED] 
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America is named after a white male too, we should rename it TWUMerica

>> No.15808073 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15808495 [DELETED] 
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it was only a matter of time

>> No.15809735 [DELETED] 

>check yo greek privilege, racist, this is planet shaneequa now

>> No.15811205
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this, she has a statue at the smithsonian so she is definitely worthy of having a galaxy or two named after her

>> No.15811785 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 940x700, anime twum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fed that one to the AI anime generator and it returned Twum genderswapped as a twink

>> No.15812953

Hollywood will soon produce a biopic depicting Magellan as sailing around the world and kneeling on George Floyds on ever continent and that will be the end of him. Anyone who speaks his name after that will be canceled and probably imprisoned for hate crimes.

>> No.15812995

Haven't read the thread or article yet but let me guess, because Magellan was racist and shit?

>> No.15813003

You know full well they would love to do this

>> No.15813932 [DELETED] 

also sexist

>> No.15814620 [DELETED] 

>also sexist
and antisemitic

>> No.15814633

>>also sexist
>and antisemitic
as well as extremely bigoted

>> No.15814653
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Would you?

>> No.15815521 [DELETED] 

he was also a gun owning chud

>> No.15815611
File: 472 KB, 680x486, Watch Empire of Dust if you haven't already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the article to see if it's for the stupid fucking reason I suspected
>it's for exactly the stupid fucking reason I suspected

>> No.15816307 [DELETED] 

and transphobic

>> No.15817207 [DELETED] 

This, no jewish historical figures have ever been "canceled"
They vandalized and then took down the Churchill statue in London, but the Disraeli statue was untouched

>> No.15817782

maybe the massive hordes of imported diversity will do something about the D'israeli memorials

>> No.15818878 [DELETED] 


>> No.15819944

>anime twum

>> No.15820957 [DELETED] 

>t. Reddit

>> No.15822129 [DELETED] 

Correct, they were looking to establish trade relationships and were attacked in the process

>> No.15822684 [DELETED] 

Later on the evil murderous Filipinos eventually relented and allowed Europeans to establish peaceful trade relationships with them and the Philippines has benefitted greatly from the resulting cultural diversity, the beloved national dish in the Philippines is of Iberian origin.

>> No.15823904

>the Philippines has benefitted greatly from the resulting cultural diversity,
The west also benefitted tremendously from their contact with the Philippines. Filipinos have brought us all sorts of important wisdom and culture such as uhhhh
hold on gimme a minute here
I know I'll think of something of Filipino origin worth mentioning eventually

nope, can't think of anything
anyone want to help me out on this one?

>> No.15824044
File: 30 KB, 816x376, images - 2023-10-27T084144.170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Filipino discovered Quantum Time Crystals.


Also Chickens were domesticated in the Philippines and in the rest of SEA

>> No.15824547

rename one cloud "racism" and the other "antisemitism"

>> No.15824792

Another identity politics trannygger take
fuck off
my repo is master

>> No.15825979 [DELETED] 

both are fake
>dark time

>> No.15826070

They should call them the fierce yaassss black girl magic clouds.

>> No.15827433

The should renames them Leningrad & Stalingrad

>> No.15828915

Bezos should rename his spacecraft after a homosexual black woman
>New Twum

>> No.15829894

i'd fuck her while wrapping her up in my arms and whispering racist shit in her ear and then finish by telling her i'm going to force her to carry some coloniser babies

>> No.15829960
File: 988 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_9243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not an astronomer, that’s a dumb, socialist professor, who has never accomplished anything in her life.

>> No.15830000

Primitive South American cultures were complete savages, waged wars constantly, and had bloody death games to appease the Gods they worshipped.
This retard is out of her mind if she would rather name star clusters after South Americans from the same time period.

>> No.15830001

These types of people wouldn’t even have jobs if it wasn’t for the low standards in academia.

>> No.15830013

Also, this dumb bitch works at one of the most prestigious universities in the US, and after 10 years of university she only makes about $80k/year.
Why isn’t she teaching at an inner city black school? Or an affordable community college?
Why didn’t she let a black person have her job instead of her?
Why isn’t she teaching in Africa or South America?
Why is everyone else just letting these people get away with bullshit?

>> No.15831021
File: 331 KB, 918x635, 1694369931363079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"waah people are being mean poopyheads!"

>> No.15831745

>Wants “academia to change”
>Is not willing to sacrifice her good paying job for a black woman astronomer.
We need to keep calling out these losers until the self-sacrifice.

>> No.15832836

they don't even have an astronomy department

>> No.15832874

In what context would japs even encounter the word Angola?

>> No.15832877

Why did you troon out, you faggot?

>> No.15833100
File: 314 KB, 755x550, QogIgaQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you know where all of this nonsense is coming from.

>> No.15834199 [DELETED] 

because I want to be an anime girl

>> No.15834847

Are you dyel or a tub of lard?

>> No.15835860

have you tried running yourself over with a steam roller? thats the easiest way to become 2d

>> No.15835885

They are also renaming 80 species of birds this year. This is going to be the cringiest decade of the 21st century.

>> No.15836862 [DELETED] 

If you want to become an accordion have someone drop a piano on your head from an upper story of a high-rise apartment building

>> No.15837963 [DELETED] 

He was on a peaceful diplomatic mission for a Filipino ally when he was murdered

>> No.15838657 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1200x1195, JWST & cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

star clusters should be named after salamis and sausages

>> No.15838884 [DELETED] 

rename them the big antipasto and the little charcuterie board

>> No.15840350 [DELETED] 


>> No.15840462

strange quark matter is named after pasta so I support this.

>> No.15841771 [DELETED] 

>oh no muh precious shitskins might be slightly offended
why does anyone even care about shitskins?

>> No.15842356 [DELETED] 

seed meal, literal chicken feed

>> No.15842379
File: 128 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% that’s what got us into this mess. pumped and dumped. she’s holding the English language hostage as a simple mating signal. Fucking stupid we allow this

>> No.15842432

Ultima Thule was just the nickname NASA had the public vote on. The IAU decides the real names.

>> No.15843550

>The IAU decides the real names.
no they don't. the magellanic clouds' names predate the existence of the iau.

>> No.15843677

Don't argue with me if you don't have the reading comprehension to understand what I'm talking about.

>> No.15844214

>indigenous people
half ape cannibal savages, barely even civilized..

>> No.15845317 [DELETED] 

filipinos were liking like the sentinelese when magellan found them

>> No.15845879 [DELETED] 

bird species should be named either by or after their discoverers.

>> No.15846944 [DELETED] 

Thats not fair because white males discover everything

>> No.15847733


>> No.15848949 [DELETED] 

That dude chasing him is Filipeno

>> No.15849615
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>> No.15850848
File: 77 KB, 790x696, angola-rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the sweater department of one their department stores

>> No.15851464

That seems like a pretty heavy coat for an African rabbit

>> No.15852626

The idea that a committee of unelected nerds can alter the common name of something is clearly not a very well thought out idea

>> No.15853147

Probably a high elevation species

>> No.15853182

Why is USA like this

>> No.15853791
File: 38 KB, 400x399, 1587995457485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they just rewrite history and turn him into a good guy? It's all 90% bullshit anyway.