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15788311 No.15788311 [Reply] [Original]

was in the middle of making a latex file to organize the definitions, axioms, proofs, lemmas, etc in a textbook i was reading and i stopped for a second and had an intense desire to be a woman. like what the fuck? what do i do?

>> No.15788334

it is normal
>t. mathmatician

>> No.15788362


>> No.15788363

If you present as a really manly tough guy you should stop it, that's what causes normal guys to randomly become really gross trannies after a mid life crisis. Stop going to the barber, wear gender neutral clothes and shave. You'll have a better chance at surviving then.

>> No.15788367

Do you watch porn? Are you in a relationship?

>> No.15788383

that's cool but shit, is it the thoughts trans women have? is it inevitable I transition?
i do not, in fact present as a really manly tough guy. mostly as an autistic math nerd. but still a guy. i kinda already do what you suggested lol.
sometimes if i'm not horny but i still crave the shot of dopamine from jerking off. and no.

>> No.15788391

It's not inevitable unless you make it so. Becoming a tranny seems like a huge amount of effort, I don't really get how they care enough to do it. Maybe I'm just depressed.

>> No.15788393

It could be intense stress from your work/studies/exams ect. Too much cortisol blocking tesosterone. The conversion of testosterone to estradiol is the main process by which neurons and the brain are masculinized.
This probably occurred before to academics years back but they didn't have the framework to explain it except for gay ect.

>> No.15788396

There's no link between trannies and testosterone count

>> No.15788400

idk maybe if i was more like him I'd say he's evil for being public about his feelings and it inadvertently giving me them aswell. but I'm very pro trans rights. i was just an edgy math nerd who thought the unabomber was cool. read the section on his mathematics career on his wiki article and was flash banged with learning he had intense desires to be a woman. then kinda thinking "i wonder if its possible for me to have desires... i mean i can't know unless i think about things I've never thought about before" and oh fuck I guess I can. Yeah, being trans is a lot of effort. way more than I could handle. but idk if i woke up as a woman (and everyone already knew me as a woman and all) I think I'd like that. and I think im scared to think about how much I'd like that.
i mean i do identify as bi. i dont rly understand the rest of what ur saying tho

>> No.15788403

*but idk, if i woke up

>> No.15788405

You have an annoying twitter typing style of word shortenings and should stop posting on /sci/. This hasn't anything to do with math and I frankly doubt you're a mathematician. Go to /adv/ or /lgbt/.
>but I'm very pro trans rights.
>i mean i do identify as bi.

>> No.15788406

>sometimes if i'm not horny but i still crave the shot of dopamine from jerking off. and no.
That's expected, quit porn and get a gf to fix yourself. This is a common phenomena

>> No.15788408

You're just a bored mentally ill tranny, it will pass over soon if you don't make a big deal out of it.

>> No.15788410

The stress theory is my own. Anyway the main link is Ehlers Danlos (See Scott's Astral Codex blog if you can get it to work.) His theory is that hypermobility causes gender incongruence in the brain as it is trying to put itself together.
However I don't think it explains all the trannies without EDS.

>> No.15788411
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like what?
1. Get married to have an easy life?
2. Get breed and have children?
3. Dress up as an attention whore?
4. Become a nigger's fuck toy?

Most probably you are just another CIA's guinea pig. Kill one of those demons, bath in their blood, and you will be okay.

>> No.15788425

I used to have a shitposting twitter account but i don't use it anymore. I used to type more like i was writing papers until I started talking to classmates on discord. also yes im a mathematician im a math major undergrad who has a legit interest in math. what do u mean by "Also"? are you just transphobic and homophobic? if so, fuck off
i rly don't watch porn all that often. and cool, I'll just go to the gf store to get one gf!
>You're just a bored mentally ill tranny
the thought of that being true is scary.
I looked it up and it's a joint issue, i can bend my thumb back far, ig that means I'm trans or some shit?
just how it'd physically feel to be in a female body. to have a soft hairless face, a smooth hairless body, the parts. and i guess societal wise just being less threatening. I don't rly talk to women cuz I'm scared of making them feel threatened.

>> No.15788428 [DELETED] 

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

>> No.15788429

>are you just transphobic and homophobic?
Yes. You should fuck off you retarded tourist.

>> No.15788437

I sure love being on my favorite social media site, 4chan.
fuck off. anyone can be a mathematician regardless of their gender and sexuality. I know a person from college who's a trans woman and she's wayyyyyy better at math than I am and knows far more math than I'll ever know.

>> No.15788444

>I looked it up and it's a joint issue, i can bend my thumb back far, ig that means I'm trans or some shit?


My theory is that the stress from that condition causes the body not to masculinize completely. However there are other ways to get there, intense bullying for example. Trauma, abuse ect.

>> No.15788453


>> No.15788455

You're a retarded mentally ill tranny. Fuck off

Most people, in fact, cannot be a mathematician due to not having a high enough IQ, there are certainly some high IQ trannies but you've made it abundantly clear you are not in that category and do not belong here

This is 4chan, we hate trannies and lgbt faggots in general. Go

>> No.15788462

>just how it'd physically feel to be in a female body. to have a soft hairless face, a smooth hairless body, the parts.
Bro you need to touch some real women, they actually do have hair from the waist down.

>> No.15788463

fuck off this is 4chan I can say whatever I wanna say. I'm not going anywhere, I'll keep contributing and making threads that are more math-centered and I'll keep having tranny thoughts and you can't do shit faggot

>> No.15788470

>Most people, in fact, cannot be a mathematician due to not having a high enough IQ,
False, math like science is full of midwits.

>> No.15788501

You simply lack the feminine in your life, read the Dao De Jing and start worshipping the babylonian goddess tiamat. You already worship Apollo daily by studying math so you need to balance it out by worshipping a goddess like tiamat or hekate. I recommend creating a tulpa like manifestation of them in your imagination to guide you in your actions

>> No.15788503

that sounds kinda crazy, man

>> No.15788506

how is becoming trans less crazy? In both cases you are using the power of imagination to transform reality. Transgenderism has only been normal for 10 years while the practices I described were the norm for tens of thousands of years of human history. Invoking the gods is better tested practice that’s more likely to yield good results.

>> No.15788525

detour to re-edit novel, waylaid by bandits

>> No.15788556

>the thought of that being true is scary.
it shouldn't be. you should be capable of deciding this yourself.
either introspect until you're confident about your choice, or just stop thinking about it.
this reddit "am i the asshole?" instinct, where people forfeit their life decisions to avoid responsibility, is how you end up with regrets.
either learn to be comfortable with the fear until you can make these decisions for yourself, or stop thinking about them.
if you rely on other people/machines for your life decisions, you die the second death, and you become a slave to the agendas of people with stronger willpower than you.

>> No.15788623

fuck you sissy go to the gym

>> No.15788712
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