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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15756615 No.15756615 [Reply] [Original]

>ocean temperatures are rising and endangering ecosystems
ok? just pour ice in the water and cool it down, dumbass.

>> No.15756634

>just raise the sea level bro

>> No.15756731

>take warm ocean water
>put water in ice maker
>remove freshly made ice
>place back into ocean
problem solved

>> No.15756739

thus solving the problem once and for all

>> No.15756742 [DELETED] 

You're pretty dumb, OP. Very little critical thinking skills and self-awareness. Do you understand how big the ocean is? Do you have any peer-reviewed evidence suggesting it's possible to build freezers that big? You global warming deniers are truly the most gullible people on the planet.

>> No.15756772

Why not just cut ice chunks off Antarctica's and Canada's surface and plop them into the ocean? Better still make a canal system on the surface that automatically transports ice to the ocean upon drilling.

>> No.15756777
File: 332 KB, 636x475, Futurama_Ice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15756876 [DELETED] 

>build a really big ice machine
>power it with solar panels
>float it in the ocean and forget about global warming forever
these are the types of things governments would be doing if global warming was a genuine problem rather than a big lie that they invented to use as an excuse to seize wealth from the poorest sectors of society

>> No.15757592

>governments would do something constructive if it needed doing
Fatal mistake of all statists. Why would a group of people who get paid by stealing your money have any incentive to do what you want?

>> No.15757594

>endangering ecosystems
Not my problem. Besides, flora from hotter waters will migrate to cooler waters. The only place that'll die off is stuff that lives in the coldest waters.

>> No.15757659

t. retard

>> No.15757668

ice is less dense than water so adding ice to water won't make the water level rise, it will actually go down not up

>> No.15757674

My immediate thought as well

>> No.15757726

>if global warming was real the government would do stuff that is completely unscientific and may even make the problem worse
Well, yeah local emission controls are indeed about as retarded as locally reducing the temperature and dumping it elsewhere.

>> No.15757732

>The only place that'll die off is stuff that lives in the coldest waters.
But there's no flora there. Doesn't this mean that no flora will actually die out and we'll end up with a net increase in flora overall?

>> No.15757760

>it could never be heckin' big enough!
Thermodynamically it's nonsense. OP was probably trolling, you obviously weren't. Fucking retard.
The best you do is cover large surfaces with stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDRnEm-B3AI but connecting that to an ice machine would be completely pointless.

>> No.15757766 [DELETED] 

OP wasn't trolling and neither was I, dumdum. You lack critical thinking and self-awareness. Learn to reason properly and do try to avoid logical fallacies in your next post.

>> No.15757857

>why not accelerate turning ice sources to water by just cutting and dumping them in warm ocean???? surely that will solve warming

>> No.15757866

Hmmm okay guys this is a little retarded but here my out. A glacier is just ice on land, or at least that's what it's good for. When the glaciers melt they melt into the sea because the sea is there. Well, what if we fix that? My first thought is let's not go too crazy and have a snowpiercer situation but we can stop that water from going to the sea. The fact that it is fresh water means it's actually useful. The southwest could use some water. We need to make a giant lake on the right latitude, maybe the great lakes would be a good spot. Take the Appalachian mountains as one side, put walls on the other side of the Ohio River and up, left or right of Illinois/Michigan if we want to down them or not, and then pump the melting water and make one giant great lake. It would kill two birds with one stone, save the planet and get rid of Ohio.

>> No.15757874

Do you know how refrigeration works? Entropy? If you have to suck a bit of heat off the water you do it at the expense heating of air around it twice or thrice as much which will eventually go heat up other parts of the ocean. Do you really think somehow pouring heat onto your magic freezing box negates all the heat and saves your icecream for free? That the energy you poured in just disappears? Trying to freeze water is useless, the energy coming in will remain conserved unless we allow it to simply leave our atmosphere, the lack of which is what causes global warming.

I genuinely can't tell if you are trolling. If you actually Add ice to water it will raise the water level, the water level is not raised when ice ALREADY IN WATER melts. Also even that raises sea level because ice is freshwater and oceans are saltwater, the difference between freshwater and saltwater densities is significant enough to cause a 4% increase in the water level being displaced by currently floating ice, which is significant if that happens.

>> No.15757888


>> No.15758280

Explain how I'm wrong.
Animals that do not matter to humans may go extinct due to climate change. Animals that are important to humans will not be allowed to extinct due to climate change.

Therefore, the loss of "biodiversity" is not a problem.

>> No.15758311 [DELETED] 

Do you know how solar panels work?
They absorb solar energy that would have otherwise gone into heating the Earth and they convert it to electricity. if you shade the oceans (albedo = 0.05) using solar panels then the oceans will cool off. Add ice to that and the oceans will cool off even moar.
Land based solar panels are fake and gay because they absorb solar energy that would have otherwise been reflected out into space. Shading sand with albedo=0.6 means your trapping solar energy unnecessarily, instigating and exacerbating warming

>> No.15758861 [DELETED] 

>When the glaciers melt they melt into the sea
depends on where they're located. some melt into groundwater, some run off into rivers that are used for irrigation downstream, some melt and the water evaporates before reaching any ocean.

>> No.15759282

But there's more water at the bottom of the ocean.

You gotta go under the water and carry it from
the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.15759376


>> No.15759394

The bottom water is colder though, so Jo need for ice, just move the bottom water to the top water that will cool it down

>> No.15759562


>> No.15761090 [DELETED] 

>power it with solar panels
also wave energy

>> No.15761984 [DELETED] 

stop posting cringe, posting wikipedia is akin to putting "i'm a massive pseud with low IQ" in the name field

>> No.15761991

>If you actually Add ice to water it will raise the water level
No, it is less dense than water so adding ice to water makes the water """levels""" go down

>the water level is not raised when ice ALREADY IN WATER melts
I agree, exactly! So just for you brainlet:
Adding ice to water makes the water go down
Ice which is already in water or melts has no effect on the water """level"""; it neither goes up nor down.

>ice is freshwater and oceans are saltwater
freshwater is less dense than saltwater,
so the freshwater ice would greatly lower the water ""level"" of the ocean.
I think this is on of the best solutions.
We just have to stop letting salt get into the ocean, or learn how to make saltwater ice cubes form in the ocean so we don't have to add the freshwater cubes for the water to go down 4 percent (as you said it changes water level by displacing it, increasing water intake to ice cubes, the water level goes down 4 percent)

>trying to freeze water is useless
It is counterproductive because the ice takes up less space, and given the specific heat of water being so high, it would cause the rest of the environment assuming the ice were somehow ICE-olated, to heat up even faster.

>> No.15762415

>>build a really big ice machine
>>power it with solar panels
>>float it in the ocean and forget about global warming forever
>these are the types of things governments would be doing if global warming was a genuine problem rather than a big lie that they invented to use as an excuse to seize wealth from the poorest sectors of society
Why did this post get deleted? Is someone afraid of this idea?

>> No.15762638

Sounds like a plan. Now we just need to get the governments of the world to fund space ice mining.

>> No.15762841


>> No.15762845

You don't understand how air conditioners work, do you? It's okay. Most Americans are retarded nowadays and most of them go on to lead perfectly normal lives.

>> No.15763075

Ok you're trolling, i won't bother you anymore

>> No.15764009

Is there any way that this effect could be stacked? Like an electrochem cell can be stacked to give higher voltage, can we in some way use this (without electronics or high pressures) to produce subzero temperatures using paint that goes 2 degrees below ambient, when ambient is room temp?

>> No.15764677 [DELETED] 

you don't understand how solar energy works.
all of the solar power that goes to running the ice machine is solar power that isn't absorbed by the ocean. thats over a half a kilowatt per square meter of solar panels

>> No.15764812

surely you don't think that ice isn't more dense than water?
and surely you know the specific heat of water is relatively high

so if you were to freeze all the water on the earth, the difference in volume would be rather substantial, and the earth would be heating much much faster.
although this is a paradox, it is true, because
there is less surface consisting of water to dissipate the radiation, since the same volume of H2O is bounded by a lesser surface since it has a higher density
the specific heat of the other surfaces which are not water is lower, so the temperature rises faster

snow and ice cubes consisting of snow or ice crystals which have been compacted may either make this worse or perhaps not, I'm not quite sure.
On the one hand it was heat up slower because it is white
On the other hand, because it is white it reflects much radiation,
so I think the extent depends upon how much the white ice is able to intercept the sun's rays IE. what surface is directly available for dissipation of radiation versus if it were covered by some other surface as much as possible

>> No.15766159 [DELETED] 

wikipedia is gay bro, stop looking at it, the propaganda thats inserted into it is inserted for the purpose of harming you for the benefit of those shilling the propaganda, thats how propaganda works

>> No.15766264

Why don't we just take heat and pump it into space?

>> No.15766594

holy shit, the answer was always this simple but i never saw it

>> No.15766654

>galactic warming
just kicking the can down the road won't solve any problems

>> No.15766656

If we get a really long hose and a power fan we can just send the heat back to the sun

>> No.15768777

wikipedia should be banned from /sci/
it is 100% pleb tier

>> No.15769175 [DELETED] 


>> No.15769656 [DELETED] 


>> No.15769700

we have exactly this at the poles THOUGH

>> No.15769708

i think you mean at the centre and perimeter

>> No.15770756 [DELETED] 

The ocean is already way too cold as it is, why should I have to fly to the tropics just to go swimming in the ocean?

>> No.15771748

This, the whole west coast of the USA pretty much sucks balls for swimming, you need a wet suit to go in the water anywhere north of LA year round, even in San Diego you need a wet suit most of the year. Anywhere north of SF & you're better off in a dry suit.
They might look nice in pictures, but every beach on the entire west coast sucks balls

>> No.15772989

excellent webm

>> No.15773024

in all seriousness though. you could just build a bunch of metal towers in the ocean that extend into space and radiate the heat away

>> No.15773751 [DELETED] 

Common sense solutions to global warming are never employed because the problem doesn't exist. Global warming is a work of fiction that appeals to mentally ill people with savior complexes because it allows them to come up with a lot of reasons to steal and demand money "because global warming". If a solution to the issue were ever created then their free money gravy train would come to an end.

>> No.15773887

it's also an essential part of the scientism

>> No.15774091

Just add a bunch of fresh water into the sea and kill off the marine ecosystems that require salt water to survive? Yeah, that'll do it

>> No.15774213
File: 1.75 MB, 1024x978, 2d_temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an idea. Place a big solar powered turbine at the bottom of the sea

>> No.15774308

building shitty radiators 10s of kilometers high isn't a "common sense solution".

>> No.15774957 [DELETED] 

the whale chopper would be a good companion for the bird chopper

>> No.15775540 [DELETED] 

We need something to chop up non flying terrestrial wildlife too. Hopefully the people who are concerned about saving the environment will come up with one soon

>> No.15775759

Ice floats on top so it would push the water down.

>> No.15776318

What we should really do is start planting more trees and set up an international plan for when locations are allowed to be deforested. We need wood, but when we remove natural Carbon Dioxide sinks from the environment and don't plant more, it's only going to get worse.

>> No.15776543

Sir. Bombing India and China is not the solution.

>> No.15776695

I'm sure it's good for something.

>> No.15776715

hold up. this is exactly what they did on futurama to fight global warming but with comet ice

>> No.15776742

The ocean would be a lot less acidic if India didn't exist.

>> No.15777331

What about spinning blades on the front of cars? They can also be used to capture wind energy as the car drives

>> No.15778458

ocean ph is 8.2, its not acidic at all

>> No.15779269

The fish chopper will make a nice companion for the bird chopper.
Those environmentalists sure do love nature

>> No.15779285

evolve or die

>> No.15780405

Heat is generated by particles moving and hitting each other, . What about the lasers that they use to suspend and cool atoms on small scale, that sounds to me like no energy is dumped outside like in traditional cooling.
yes laser uses energy but what I mean is I am not seeing the traditional energy transfer from cooled atoms

>> No.15780490


>> No.15781251 [DELETED] 

so dig a big hole underneath the ocean to lower sea level

>> No.15782208


>> No.15782265

>endangering ecosystems bad even though new ecosystems will be created in antarctica

>> No.15782985 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1280x500, life by mass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 bad because it will make nature flourish in ways that haven't been witnessed on this planet in over 25 million years.
Can you imagine that we're living on a planet with conditions that were hospitable enough for total retards like Australopithecus to live comfortably and we're on our way to making life easier than it ever was for our kind by enriching the atmosphere with CO2 and the people who claim that they're concerned about the environment's health are against it all? They must be complete demons to be trying to stop it.
Just imagine how much more of every other form of life there will be when the 450 Gt in picrel becomes over a trillion, when one acre of farm land produces what it used to take 3 acres to grow, etc.

>> No.15783437

Take your meds

>> No.15783896

Based. Dont take your meds

>> No.15784903 [DELETED] 

we would be able to have far, far more land set aside for wilderness if it took less farmland to produce the necessary amount of food

>> No.15785710

We just need less people in non European countries. That fixes all of our problems. Dare I call them useless eaters? Me thinks.

>> No.15786019

>if it took less farmland to produce the necessary amount of food
But how will we do that though? If there was a miracle method wouldn't farmers already be using it?

>> No.15786899
File: 106 KB, 645x325, 1-co2-S1319562X20300735-gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15787841

A greenhouse is not farmland.

>> No.15788159

a greenhouse is farmland.
where do you think the things are situated?
nice job showing off how ignorant you are of this topic

>> No.15788163

literally the other way atound, the European countries are the ones who consume the most per capita

>> No.15788165

til co2 distorts focal length

>> No.15788354


>> No.15788728

Lol no. A greenhouse is as much farmland as a house is a parking lot and their management strategies are extremely different. Nice job showing off how ignorant you are of this topic.

>> No.15789035

you have never been outside city limits

>> No.15789624

Cope harder, retard. A greenhouse is nothing like farmland and you'll find examples of both within the limits of nearly any city. You have no excuse for your ignorance.

>> No.15789741

>>ocean temperatures are rising and endangering ecosystems
fake. and even if it wasn't, it's just a good thing. winter sucks.

>> No.15789787

>Ummm, actually I love global famine and mass migration. Immigrants are my favorite people, especially the refugees. I can't wait to feed them all and support them with our failing infrastructure.

>> No.15789791

Meant for

>> No.15790566
File: 114 KB, 1500x500, stonetoss zings soyence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too emotional and low iq to even reply to the correct post
if you're not able to address the topic on a rational basis then you're capable of understanding it and you're not better than greta, who is a stupid high school dropout that can't even do basic math.

>> No.15790584

>Yaas queen, let all the refugees in. I love starving to death.
Weird flex.

>> No.15791086

>hurrr durrr I'm retarded

>> No.15792649

they're different greenhouses

>> No.15792683

i really don't see an issue with global warming. so a bunch of rich assholes get their beach houses flooded and it's always summer. not my problem and sounds like a nice change.

>> No.15792687

First time I see a bunch of deleted posts. Mods or self deletion out of embarrassment?

>> No.15792967


First of all, MIT did breaktrought in piezoelectric heatpump, solid state thermal->electricity conversion.

If we: do the following. Recreate from heavier elements of the same periodic group.

Possibly, if inverse resistors are real, it would be great to turn run it on them. But maybe diode ladder with added inductors would push more possible load for that.

What's cause? Covalent bond between gold and cohen is excited in a way, that one side has more electrons, when it's heated up.

Effects: Electric current. More contact area, parallel connected minimal thickness layer. Maybe phosphorus would also donate electron even here.

Yield: Electrical energy. If you use this energy to power electric motors one for each thermal pump effect of compressed coolant effect, and make a sendwitch, you'll possibly have something beneficial here. I don't know the power cell effectivity but volatage ladder could help it, if it doesn't connect some diode in reverse on it's place, so. Somehow. We have this strange power. Sufficient sandwitch stage can deliver 500% thermal effectivity, therefore, if effectivity of power cell is 60%, we get about 300% power out. Now in watts.

Compresor transfer 500kw of heat to cell, cell reduces it in electrical energy to 300kw...

The another stage is sucking 500kw of energy out.

200kw free. But we need somehow controller for motors, so it won't over react. I suggest using gained power for illegal tekno party on green iceland until it starts to snow.


If heavier elements are not working, stick to normal solid state thermo-electro generator. But prallelly connected layers should help. If they won't place some thermal connector in middle of them, that is isolant. Recommendations: None.

Thanks you for sharing and testing this wonderful idea.

It's almost bigger deal than LK99 you ware overhyped about, and didn't checked if periodic table matches.


>> No.15793044

first time because you haven't been looking
20% of the posts have been deleted out of this thread

>> No.15793354

I know. Still a weird flex. I'll let you get back to fantasizing about the refugee crisis you're doing your best to cause.

>> No.15794158
File: 210 KB, 681x894, 9f8931f0ad133ceb6b154c6c635495593731bd219fec334d6ab8e4238a88caad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll let you get back to fantasizing about the refugee crisis you're doing your best to cause.

>> No.15794190

We get it. You love refugees and you don't care about the consequences. Stop virtue signaling.

>> No.15795227

>the sea level rising meme
sea level isn't rising

>> No.15796164 [DELETED] 
File: 534 KB, 1950x828, yolo cali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ocean temperatures are rising and endangering ecosystems
They aren't, global warming is a big lie

>> No.15798110

It isn't, the climate hysterics have been talking about sea level rise for 40 years and sea level is still at the exact same place it was 40 years ago.

>> No.15798770

the global warming shills will never relent, get used to them screeching lies at you for the rest of your life.

>> No.15800035

Same goes for the holohoax shills

>> No.15800523

Being constantly hassled by shills 24 hours a day every day is just one of the great things about all of the progress we've made as a society

>> No.15801717 [DELETED] 

so much progress, i love being bombarded with propaganda everywhere i go

>> No.15802288

>ocean temperatures are rising and endangering ecosystems
even if it were happening it wouldn't be a problem that need solving, life is meant to evolve and adapt to ever changing conditions

>> No.15803539

Darwin himself said that adaptability to changing environments is what determines evolutionary fitness.
The global warming retards absurdly think that they're somehow entitled to have world be kept exactly as it is today for eternity, however all the scientific evidence shows that it isn't possible to do that.
Inability to adapt to change is a low IQ trait

>> No.15804717

those two groups of shills are all the same people

>> No.15805248

extracting the available heat content of the oceans by converting it to energy and cooling the oceans as a result should be childs play for any decent physicist

>> No.15806024 [DELETED] 

They can't do it cause they're low IQ

>> No.15806660

Thats the big problem with science these days. They scientists are always boasting about their presumed massively powerful intellects, but when push comes to shove they can never do anything useful

>> No.15808089 [DELETED] 

clearly, the highly productive one is the CO2 enhanced greenhouse, the other is the control

>> No.15808500 [DELETED] 

if their accomplishments were worth 1% of what their bragging says they should be worth we'd be living in paradise

>> No.15809747 [DELETED] 

Common sense solutions to global warming are never employed because the problem doesn't exist. Global warming is a work of fiction that appeals to mentally ill people with savior complexes because it allows them to come up with a lot of reasons to steal and demand money "because global warming". If a solution to the issue were ever created then their free money gravy train would come to an end.

>> No.15811029
File: 75 KB, 1500x500, communism working class support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that they don't even bother trying to find solutions which don't result in economic harm to normal decent working class people shows what their true motives are

>> No.15811631 [DELETED] 

They're both the "I go to 4chan.org to defend the mainstream narrative from criticism" group

>> No.15812845 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1241x8770, mining the chans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can never tell if people do that because they're brainwashed or because they're paid to

>> No.15812879

Why are they still being funded to the tune of billions of dollars a year if they can't produce anything valuable?

>> No.15813911 [DELETED] 

money is wasted stupidly because its someone else's money and because the waste generates valuable debt for the banks

>> No.15814688 [DELETED] 

Its ridiculous that they publish their opposition research

>> No.15815558 [DELETED] 

>Given the limitations of traditional tools more out
>of-the-box tactics should be considered. One such
>tactic would aim at gradually making these boards
>less interesting for their users

>One way to achieve this would be to regularly
>post content that looks genuine fusing the right
>language, imagery. etc. yet is meaningless - this
>would dilute the message of these boards and
>make their threads uninteresting, thereby reducing
>their attrachvenecs and sense of community

>> No.15816210 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 2283x1482, polstats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aim at gradually making these boards less interesting for their users
Traffic on /pol/ is down substantially since "Mining The Chans" was published

>> No.15817169 [DELETED] 

>normal decent working class people

>> No.15817732

and their true motives are white genocide

>> No.15817751

get the fuck out of here

>> No.15818829 [DELETED] 

animals don't evolve to survive in changing environmental conditions, they just die immediately if the weather changes

>> No.15819318 [DELETED] 

they don't migrate either
>elephants during the ice age: hmmm, I think I'll go live in Siberia

>> No.15820069

evolution is a big lie, animals can't adapt to changing conditions

>> No.15820993 [DELETED] 

>normal decent working class people
AKA whites

>> No.15822154

Global warming hysterics legitimately believe this