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1578524 No.1578524 [Reply] [Original]

>On the GOP website http://www.conservapedia.com's front page about an 'essay' against atheism.


>I received another email about someone becoming a Christian and leaving atheism... Now as you guys know, the atheist community on YouTube and also on radio and TV...They are in panic mode. It is obvious. Everyone on YouTube can see that this question that we are asking atheists that they cannot answer is really panicking the atheist community....Here is the question and then we will get to these awesome emails of atheists leaving atheism because the atheists cannot provide proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct...The question is: What proof and evidence can you provide that PROVES that atheism is accurate and correct?...You see I left atheism because the lack of proof and evidence that it is accurate and correct. The proof and evidence is for Jesus Christ.[2]

Conservatives explain yourselves.

>> No.1578532


>> No.1578548

Editing the wiki now.

>> No.1578557

You can't edit the wiki easily like Wiki/Dramatica. The conservativepedia owner does all editing. So much for individual freedoms of conservatism.

IE. He's find out immediately that you changed Moses's pic to Adam Lambert.

>> No.1578559

When I read anything from this site, I like to think they're just professional trolls.
When I realize they're serious it just makes me want to cry for humanity.

>> No.1578562

ummm... I just wikipediad conservapedia and found out that it isn't finely executed satire.

seriously, my head is full of fuck right now.

>> No.1578583

>Goes to the Democrat section.
>Goes to the Vietnam War section.

>> No.1578588

Some of my favorite topics are:

Was European Colonization of North America Good for the Natives?
Should Certain Books Be Banned from Libraries?
Is Homosexuality the Cause of Totalitarianism?

>> No.1578596

Go to the evolution article. Or pretty much any religiously "controversial" article at all.
Bonus points for the Richard Dawkins article.

>> No.1578599

I didn't even go to the gay section because I knew I'd be trololololed.

>Trolled like this : Conservapedia: E=mc2 Is A Liberal Conspiracy

>> No.1578604

lol @ America.

>> No.1578615



>> No.1578616

A very significant portion of them are dedicated trolls. One time a troll came to be Andy's right-hand man without Andy detecting a fucking thing.

>> No.1578620


For a Medal of Honor WWII solider Inouye gets a tiny paragraph because he's liberal.

>> No.1578633

>string theory article
>"replace zero-dimensional points (particles) in four-dimensional spacetime with one-dimensional strings in an eleven-dimensional spacetime"
>implying particles in 4d space aren't one-dimensional worldlines


>> No.1578634

fuck, srsly you almost killed me. I was just drinking when I was reading that and I started to laugh and almost suffocated. I'm still coughing and my nose hurts as hell

>> No.1578640
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>> No.1578644

It's easy to prove atheism. Well, at least it's easy to prove that Abraham deviated religions are false.

There are tons of inconsistencies and contradictions. The bible is therefor not based on logic, and can't be predicted. It follows that the old testament (also the Quaran) isn't accurate. The conclusion must be that religion based on Abraham is false. Q.E.D. Suck this Christ-fags.

>> No.1578646


>> No.1578702

Jesus. This is painful to read.

>> No.1578747

>atheists cannot provide proof and evidence that atheism is accurate and correct

The only thing atheism says, if anything, is that god does not exist or is improbable. If an atheist believes the latter, he is VERY correct.
If an atheist believes that god does not exist you are correct, it cannot be proven. However, neither can the opposite.

(I'm aware that I'm replying to an article on conservopedia, but it needs to be said)

>> No.1578768

Quantum ElectroDynamics?

>> No.1578800
File: 118 KB, 800x530, AtheistMotivation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, i actually declared atheism a failure few years ago becouse i converted from atheist to sceptic christian.

Atheism was the biggest joke of the 21st century man.

Scince "being atheist" has nothing to do with being more intelligent/knowing more about the subject of god.
I`ve noticed in discussions most atheists (about 90%) have no logic explanation why they are atheist exactly.
The choice of being atheist is rather based on self-image and social-image.
"oh most smart people are anti-religious, so i must be an atheist because i am smart too, no doubt about that."

I guarantee you as soon as it`s not "cool" anymore to be atheist most of them will convert to theism as easy as they switch car or computer. (you see this already happening at this moment).

Sceince alone can never be enough to form a grounded and stable worldview. Believing appears to part of human`s destiny. So why swim against the tie, and fallow a verry unlikely logic ? ?

>> No.1578819

Are you saying it's more likely that some intangible, unfalsifiable being lives outside of space and time and created everything than any other option?

Oh, and thanks for declaring atheism a failure for us. By the way, what did you use to convince that retard atheist? Pascal's wager?

>> No.1578814
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>> No.1578820

your typing ability leaves much to be desired

>> No.1578829

Hitler was a Christian in his early life, never renounced it, and routinely killed atheists and said that they were against the ideals of his regime.

>> No.1578835

Is that what your priest told you?

>> No.1578848

Is this ShockOfGod that posted this on Cuntservapedophiles?

Atheism is a belief. How can a belief be "accurate and correct" from a linguistic standpoint?

Believing in ghosts is accurate. Believing in ghosts is inaccurate.

It's a fucking nonsensical question. What is probably meant is to ask why atheism is justified, and that just shows that this cuntbag shitfucker is just trying to shift the burden of proof again. Fucking retards.

>> No.1578881

>So why swim against the tie (sic)
Wait, did you seriously call atheism a trend that people join to be cool, and then say you should believe because everybody's doing it?

>> No.1578886

Nothing in this thread is science related. Why do you all do this to your own board.

>> No.1578888
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>my face

>> No.1578901

atheism isn't a belief
it is the negation of a belief system

it's really the process and condition of negation a posteriori an initial imposition of a belief system

for example, someone who has no belief system at all, originally, has no use for atheism, because there is no need

one does not need tattoo removal service when there was never a tattoo to begin with

>> No.1578911

pretty much, atheism is simply a way to contrast against theism

>> No.1578922

You're right, my bad. I was blinded by rage by ShockOfGod'sCockInMyAss and his stupidity. Atheism isn't an "-ism".

>> No.1578958

>Internal Server Error

>> No.1578959

I left atheism for Christian when I realized our guru is lying to us and he would do bad things

>> No.1579064

>leaving atheism
you don't just leave the Church of Atheism like that! there will be repercussions!

now excuse me while i go to atheist meeting where we pray to our nonexistent god.

>> No.1579083

It's as if these people were trolling for so long, they lost their minds and actually started to believe this shit.

>> No.1579112


Aren't you weak? No go ahead. Place your hand on your high-priests cock and do the motion..

>> No.1579204


>> No.1579220

I always wanted to do that, then gain enough rights to delete everything/ban everyone just for the lolz.

>> No.1579233


Well done sir: you made me laugh.


>> No.1579240

M=MC^2 is a vast liberal conspiracy.


>> No.1579248

You totally nailed me, I'm atheist because it is cool and edgy. Not, as most people might think, because there is no logical evidence of a god's existence.

>> No.1579254

I prefer Pragerpedia.com for crazy stupid information

>> No.1580880

>What proof and evidence can you provide that PROVES that atheism is accurate and correct?...You see I left atheism because the lack of proof and evidence that it is accurate and correct. The proof and evidence is for Jesus Christ.[2]


Retards sure are retarded.