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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 269 KB, 684x1264, scientists paid by CIA to change the narrative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15739429 No.15739429 [Reply] [Original]

So looks like CIA paid the covid scientists to change their minds on covid origins.

New from whistleblower in congressional investigation


>> No.15739438

Why would they do that?

>> No.15739457

China lab leak = US funding origin
US funding origin = Fauci being implicated
Fauci being implicated = Democrat/Biden vaccine policy maker is both implicated in creation of the virus and the creation/distribution of the vaccine
Which means there's a fucking implication that there's foul play.
So to hide this, they had to change the narrative from the base.

>> No.15739466

Why would communist infiltrators, hell bent on destroying the current US led liberal global system, attempt to hide information that makes the leading communist rival of the US look like an incompetent retard who murdered 10 million people? The exact thing the US has loudly been claiming they are for nearly 100 years.
Gee, I don't know bud. The scientists must have just had thousands of dollars wired to them accidentally by the CIA, I know that happens to me all the time.

>> No.15739481 [DELETED] 

>Why would they do that?
Because the Wuhan lab is funded by the United States of Golems.

>> No.15739499

Also, Fauci is a longtime CIA as well.

>> No.15739524

Real question is, if the US government knew it was engineered in a lab, then while they were mulling their options on how to respond to this new virus while it was still new: why would Trump select "give everyone natural immunity via exposure to the virus" option? They literally wanted everyone to become infected with this lab made virus, and now that the virus has become endemic, it's inevitable. As an endemic virus, this virus will exist alongside the human race for as long as the human race continues to exists. You could say this virus is now inseparably what makes a human being human, and will continue for hundreds, or even thousands of years into the distant future. The human race has forever been changed in an immutable way, and it was not done by accident but through a choice preceded by a lie. Anyone else freaking out about that, even just a little?

>> No.15739527 [DELETED] 

Most people never got COVID and will never get COVID. Sorry.

>> No.15739531

So let me get this strait
Covid was a hoax, created to give the government more power over us, but it was also a real virus created by the Chinese as a bioweapon, and released on its own people to destroy their own economy, because they wanted to destroy the US economy, but it was funded by the US government, and the US government, that was using it to control the people, denies that the Chinese invented it, and trumptards call it a China hoax, but take credit for the vaccine, that doesn’t do anything, but will eventually kill everyone who took it (in two weeks), and now somebody who works for the CIA suddenly decides its time, after a life of deceit and fascism, to be a good person and tell a Republican committee, that has not come up with one single shred of proof of anything they are claiming ever, behind closed doors that the CIA funded the Chinese?

Pro tip? Don’t try and shave with that Occam’s Razor of yours. It seems kind of dull.

>> No.15739545

>Most people never got COVID symptoms

>> No.15739573

>why would Trump select "give everyone natural immunity via exposure to the virus" option?
He didn't you fucking retard.
>As an endemic virus, this virus will exist alongside the human race for as long as the human race continues to exists
No it fucking won't retard.
>You could say this virus is now inseparably what makes a human being human
No you can't fucking retard.
>The human race has forever been changed in an immutable way
No it hasn't you fucking retard
You are a fucking retard

>> No.15739576 [DELETED] 

Most people never got COVID-anything. The entire thing was a hoax.

>> No.15739581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15739634

Interesting what is the testimony for? Was there a trial not talked about or something.

>> No.15739667

If your source for news is MSM, you wont hear anything about it. These are congressional investigation on various things Biden admin is involved in.

>> No.15739672
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>the incompetent bumbling machines we pay $10 trillion a year to keep operating, that can only exist through the explicit oppression of all of us, created something that would ensure its continued existence through greater and wider ability to oppress
Why are you so dumbfounded by this? A government's sole purpose is definitionally to oppress the people under it lmao. A government that can't do that is termed a failed state.
>a Republican committee, that has not come up with one single shred of proof of anything they are claiming ever
Please post a single piece of publicly available data that proves any mRNA covid vaccine does any of the following: prevents infection, lowers infection, prevents illness, lowers rates of illness, prevents severe illness, lowers rates of severe illness, prevents death from illness, lowers rates of death from illness, is safe. Or any evidence Covid had any natural origin, just a single piece of evidence that hasn't been already refuted. Pic fucking related kek
>now somebody who works for the CIA suddenly decides its time, after a life of deceit and fascism
Your world view literally requires more conspiracy theories than ours. You have to unironically believe the majority of US federal agencies and researchers are lying to you. You have to explicitly reject the majority opinion of scientists and experts, just to accept a claim the Chinese government retracted 2 years ago. The group that explicitly states it's desire to annihilate you and your loved ones through nuclear hell fire. Here are all the groups you believe are apart of a conspiracy and lying to you: Most of the US government, the CIA, the FBI, the Legislator, the President, the Ex-leader of the CDC, the EU, most experts at prestigious Universities, and the Chinese.
>Applying Occam’s Razor to human actions
>Not even using the correct definition of Occam's Razor
You are hopeless, just don't even respond retard

>> No.15739677 [DELETED] 

You sound psychotic. Go back to r/mentalhealth.

>> No.15739721
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The irony is, the US knew Wuhan was an unsafe lab. We had the option to increase funding to our own US departments that would help Wuhan become safer, teach them proper procedures and safety kind of stuff, but we actually cut funding to our own departments responsible for that, and less than 6 months prior to the outbreak. I can only imagine the sort of rational that led to the decision to cut funding and I'd really rather not speculate.

>> No.15739765

Is that your narrative?

>> No.15739779

It's not a court. It's a closed congressional subcommittee hearing. If you ever watch any of the open ones, they're usually pretty nakedly partisan. And if you pay attention, this letter hasn't been signed by either of the ranking members. So what does it mean? Maybe something.

>> No.15739801

The official funding was cut by Obama but Fauci got around that by funding EcoHealth Alliance anyway. So funding wasn't cut, the US public understood the risks associated with doing gains of function research and weaponizing virus research and didnt want it happening. The thing about "safeness" is nonsense. Do you think the most prestigeous lab studying coronovirus has any real issues? Its just an excuse for continuing the official policy. There's a reason why US gov worked with Wuhan lab in the first place for years. They were the premier place to do covid research. The safety factor is a non issue.

>> No.15740226

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15740228

It's on the homepage of Science
It will probably disappear in a week though.

>> No.15740262

My grandmother has blood clots after having multiple covid shots and boosters. I wish these companies could be held accountable.

>> No.15740290

>the US produced a bioweapon in their funded labs located in china to have plausible deniability
>china secretly knew about it and copied the research and pathogens for their own usage, woweeee free IP
>covid leaks
>the US thinks it's their bioweapon
>china isn't sure if it was their copied bioweapon
>both push zoonosis, both kill/bribe whistleblowers

>> No.15740733
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>> No.15740742

Why do you conflate the differing opinions of many people into a single strawman?

>> No.15740758

US funded the Chinese lab prior to Obama days
Then Obama cancelled the official work
Fauci was still in charge and he continued to work after Obama because he did not respect Trump's admin
Lab leak happens
Fauci gets his CIA buddies to lie about the origin
His CIA buddies paid other scientists to change their mind and look the other way
He's complicit in millions of death. He's the modern day angel of death.

>> No.15740770

There's no China secretly copying the research. EcoHealth Alliance, the one that was funded by Fauci worked with China to create the virus. The president of EcoHealth Alliance is Peter Daszak. EcoHealth Alliance was recently suspended for their role. The US had been working at the specific China Wuhan lab for decades.

>> No.15741144

The big question is why China decided to release it.

>> No.15741700

They thought the authoritarian Chinese system would be good at slowing the spread, while countries with relatively liberal governments would be unable/unwilling to enforce strict quarantines and lockdowns, and would therefore be swamped by the disease, thereby giving China a strategic economic advantage. That was their theory..

>> No.15741714 [DELETED] 

Because the sole purpose of his existence is to try to undermine inquiry into the wrongdoings of his creators but he's not smart enough to come up with something better than a vacuous shitpost.

>> No.15742071

Virus are refuted and that flu had has 99,9% survival rate. With that rate every lab leader would be shot. /sci has become the worst propaganda site poss. Only ass---ers of power and ignorants left.

>> No.15743160
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Ww3 is a geurilla information with no distinction between military and civilian participation

>> No.15744556 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15745551

>with no distinction between military and civilian participation
There is a distinction, the military population is clearly a lot dumber than the civilian population.

>> No.15746916

also gayer

>> No.15746984

>Covid was a hoax, created to give the government more power over us
yep, and you can stop there. the rest of your irreconcible script is glowniggers muddying the water

>> No.15747824 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15748704

Why would they care if some virus leaked from there, though? Most likely Omicron had been designed early on to act as a countermeasure to Wuhan, they just rolled with to test out their new mRNA technology and conduct a massive clinical trial on it and see how it would work. mRNA is now being deployed for new cancer treatments, it seems like they felt taking the risk was worth it if it speeds up pharma development and new therapeutics.

>> No.15749033 [DELETED] 

>CIA paid money
not really, all of their money is stolen, mostly via currency debasement
>CIA stole money and exchanged their ill gotten funds for illicit services from people of low moral character
would've been more accurate

>> No.15749735

The feds really do run on the "you will own nothing and you will be happy" principle. They own nothing except the largest debt ever amassed so when they need money they just steal it by creating even more debt and they seem quite pleased with the situation.

>> No.15749754

Nah, it was most likely an accident from what the original news about the leak showed. Two of the employees there got bat piss on themselves or whatever and didn't decon properly, and got the virus. Then they spread it via the wet market nearby, because that shit was easy to shop from. Some YT reports on China before the US ever got the virus had figured out patients zero and one, confirmed they were dead (via job postings), and proved they were working on COVID via posted papers. Of course all that shit got scrubbed from the internet when it became a world wide pandemic, and suddenly the bat theory was all the MSM/gov't was willing to parrot so they could kneel before China's demands to not implicate them or hold them accountable for the accident.

Incompetence is really the best explanation. Malicious intent would require a bioweapon type release, or something like what happened in the terror attack on a California plant - shit goes down, and no one can find out what the fuck happened because the government legally suppresses all information about it. Which is FAR more successful when you have a plan in place BEFORE the incident.

If it was a bioweapon, they would have infected carriers with it and then released the carriers to infect humans. This way they can make it appear "natural" while avoiding detection. A lab leak causes too many fingers to get pointed at the govt.

>> No.15749763

Do you realize most people in the news media have private PR clients? They never have to disclose this conflict of interest.

>> No.15749784
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>> No.15750029

Chinese Infiltrated Agency

>> No.15751165
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They often disclose them in very public ways that nobody seems to notice

>> No.15752166

Everyone I know thats affiliated with the CIA is jewish. I live near HQ, so I know a few of them. 30 years ago it was mainly whites.

>> No.15753521
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Jews have been scapegoating the Chinese for their crimes a lot lately. It used to be the Italians, but now its the Chinese

>> No.15754717

All of this big pubic argument about the origins of covid is coverup for the fact that the epidemic never happened, there was no deadly disease epidemic except in MSM news sources

>> No.15755919
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>> No.15755954
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>> No.15756403

>be $33 trillion in debt
>spend $4 trillion a year
wiemar tier hyperinflation is inevitable

>> No.15757017 [DELETED] 

this explains this >>15740228
science.org is a propaganda outlet headquartered in dc, if they're shilling "whistleblowers" then they're doing so to push a false, ZOG approved narrative.

>> No.15758695 [DELETED] 

Fauci was already caught using research funding as bribe money to do the same thing back in April 2020

>> No.15759578 [DELETED] 

Covid was a total scam from the start. There was no viral epidemic. The argument about if the nonexistent viral epidemic started by accident or on purpose is a red herring

>> No.15759615

Why would they do that?
Can't tell if you are underage, retarded or both.
>Plebbit retard
>twatter post
>OP provides no source
>twatter post provides no source
It goes in all fields.

>> No.15759622

This whole thread is CIA misdirection. The deep state doesn't give a shit about party squabbles, they control both Democrats and Republicans. One side is simple leftist NY/LA jews, the other one Israeli jews. The plan was always to burn fauci as a scape goat and use the blowback against China to launch yet another cold-war to the benefit of international finance

>> No.15761143 [DELETED] 
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seems plausible

>> No.15762008 [DELETED] 

>We have always been at war with Eastasia
they really are going right from the script

>> No.15763115 [DELETED] 


>> No.15764320

The Science is settled

>> No.15764355

>The deep state
Who are the deep state
Never seen it defined, nor any names provided

>> No.15764358
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If they really thought the research I came back from my conference with in 2009 was garbage, they wouldn't have used it to start a 14 year long federal investigation. The severity and the promptness of their response shows the awesomeness of what I did there, ackshullay.

>> No.15764729 [DELETED] 

they aren't all that publicity hungry

>> No.15764849

because jewish people told to do so

>> No.15765581

... OK but the group supposedly controlling the world, they need connections, someone knows these people's names
Can you give just a few?

>> No.15766665

AKA Wall Street's manufacturing hub
If you think NY/LA jews are ever really going to be at odds with China then you haven't thought through your ideas too thoroughly.
China was economically on par with subsaharan Africa at the start of the 1990s, Wall Street built it into what it is today

>> No.15768788

China turned communist to begin with because after the Japanese surrender, all of their weapons and other military gear were turned over to Mao by the US army, which was supposedly supporting Chiang Kai Shek's Chinese nationalists. China never would have become communist to begin with if it weren't for help from the American ruling class

>> No.15769498

Another layer of deception. Head spook Pompeo claimed it was a lab leak back in April 2020. They pushed the lab leak narrative hard at the very beginning.

It was only when people started wondering if the CIA released it intentionally on China and Iran that they pivoted hard to the natural origin hypothesis. The accusation against the US had been made by Iran. Claiming natural origin was an easy way to dismiss these accusations.

>> No.15769526

That's the state department planting the false narrative for the bioweapon they planned to release. Like an arsonist telling everyone he saw the neighbor's kid playing with matches.

>> No.15769592 [DELETED] 

There is not "bioweaponz!!!"
Soience faggots are too stupid to develop something like that, ZOG circulates rumors of their superior tech and abilities to keep people in fear of them and to justify the massive amounts of money they steal. When it comes time to produce any technology, they can't do it. They can't even build a rocket, there is now way they're capable of producing bioweapons. Plus there was nothing even slightly weapon like about a stupid cold virus, why would they even bother trying to weaponize a cold virus even if they could
>the enemy has a slight case of the sniffles
>now we've got them where we want them for sure
there was never any viral epidemic anywhere other than on tv and on facebook, thats why they had to pretend people with the flu or rhinovirus had "covid" by using the fake PCR results

>> No.15769630

>>Soience faggots are too stupid to develop something like that
Developing bioweapons is very easy.

>> No.15770025 [DELETED] 

The reason is bit wrong.

Early on Trump admin pushed lab leak. The reason the lab leak -> wet market conspiracy happened is because Fauci and his friends realized that if Lab Leak is found out, then it would lead to him being implicated. Dr Peter Hotez and Peter Daszik both has ties to EcoHealth Alliance.


If you look at that, Hotez is getting paid by EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance is run by Daszik which has contracts signed by Fauci to work with China Wuhan lab where the leak happened. So there's the professional solidarity angle combined with financial incentives combined with political narrative ("lab leak is a racist conspiracy" narrative) used to hide the liability angle.

If the public understood and accepted that Fauci and both Peters had a hand in million deaths, it would mean experiment thats is worse than what the Nazis did.

>> No.15771030 [DELETED] 

thats why its never been done?

>> No.15771077

Who said it's never done? Several countries have done it.

>> No.15771092

Antivaxxers believe all of that

>> No.15771153


>> No.15771857 [DELETED] 

How much did they pay?

>> No.15773043

as much as it takes. they don't spend their own money and everyone has their price, so the spooks just spend as much as they need to like they have a bottomless credit card

>> No.15773049 [DELETED] 

Unknown. Could be in the form of promotions, raises, post employment deals, etc

Any financial benefit being discussed to change the outcome of the conclusion from "possible chinese lab leak" to "unknown" is corruption

>> No.15773055

It's really sad that /sci/ is now indistinguishable from /x/.

>> No.15773059

because they’re government scumbags. Stop trusting government, destroy it, make it an infinitesimal of it’s current size.

>> No.15773064

because it's getting uncomfortably close to the truth

>> No.15773073

Generally anyone sane has abandoned 4chan ages ago. Now it's made up of either the literally insane or people shitposting as the insane.

>> No.15773079 [DELETED] 

>anyone that disagrees with WEF propaganda is insane

>> No.15773085

I saw the post on the front page, I don't give a fuck about a disease that only really affects the unvaccinated now.

>> No.15773114 [DELETED] 

Thats your latest propaganda software running in your head?


>> No.15773137

When everyone in the world seems insane except you maybe it's time to do a little introspection :^)

>> No.15773149
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>a disease that only really affects the unvaccinated now

>> No.15773779 [DELETED] 



>CIA secretly escorted Dr. Anthony Fauci into Agency Headquarters to "influence" its COVID-19 origins investigation.

So it turns out there was a direct link from CIA conclusion changing and Fauci. He was leading the influence operation to change the conclusion of the outcome

>> No.15773790 [DELETED] 

>t. accuses everyone else of being insane

>> No.15773896
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what an unexpected development!

>> No.15774053

>22 countries denounce china for genocide
>a month later covid exists
>location: china
Me thinks the US government doesn't want the public to know they had no defense against what was a targeted bioweapon from their competition.

>> No.15774877 [DELETED] 

Covid never existed any more than the Martians in "War Of The Worlds" did

>> No.15775564 [DELETED] 

>22 countries denounce china for genocide
nobody cares abut the nyghurs

>> No.15775607
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>I injected untested gene therapeutics into my body, thrice
>Because the TV told me so!

>> No.15775659

who are you quoting?

>> No.15776775


>> No.15777491

Yeah, its the same type of situation too. Do you remember back in November of 2019 when those videos of chinks flopping over and spontaneously dying on the sidewalk started popping up on /pol/ to try and generate buzz for the big epidemic scare? That was some shit tier propaganda, couldn't have fooled anyone over 80 IQ

>> No.15777497

wow the coronavirus that originated in a busy marketplace next to a virology institute that specifically conducts research into coronaviruses was a lab leak? im literally shocked holy shit

>> No.15777501

Ever considered this wasn't the case?

And they just found it?

>> No.15777508

there are 42 biosafety level 4 labs IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, and the one that specialises in novel coronavirus study is in Wuhan. Literally what are the chances, of all the viruses, of all the cities in the world, of all the fucking coincidences, that the ONE CITY in the WORLD that has a BSL-4 lab STUDYING CORONAVIRUSES has a CORONAVIRUS outbreak
like the mental gymnastics required to deny the obvious here is elite

>> No.15778385
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there is no such thing as covaids

>> No.15779158

>couldn't have fooled anyone over 80 IQ
/sci/ must be full of people below 80 iq

>> No.15779301
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>> No.15779371

Have you ever actually worked with Chinese people? They are notoriously careless. Worked with a male Chinese PhD molecular biologist, could slay an iq test but he was a total space cadet. Was once caught pouring liquid cell culture media down the staff toilet.

>> No.15779378

The wuhan lab was bse 2 and 3. BSE2 protocols include wearing disposable gloves and mask, putting biohazard stickers on cabinet doors, and not pipetting by mouth. Level 2 and 3 was insufficient for the engineered viruses they were working with. There is a picture of one of the PIs visiting the lab, he was wearing street clothes, no mask, and just disposable gloves.

>> No.15779386

It looks like the CIA recruits corrupt shit bags.

>> No.15779391

This is an interesting take.

>> No.15779399

Have you gotten your ninth booster yet, anon?

>> No.15780596 [DELETED] 

>i hate 4chan
why are you here?

>> No.15781353

How much did they pay? Ur OP picrel doesn't seem to quantify the cash amount

>> No.15781432

I think Kim Iversen knows.

>> No.15781581

source me up senpai

>> No.15782806
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Even Musk has figured out its all fake

>> No.15783048 [DELETED] 
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>guy from one part of ZOG.gov works with another department of ZOG.gov?
>gonna need some source on that buddy
its like questioning that the advertising and product design departments at mcdonalds might work together occasionally

>> No.15784173 [DELETED] 

>the advertising and product design departments at mcdonalds might work together occasionally
Thats just a conspiracy theory

>> No.15784942

he really seem kinda slow on the uptake
everyone else with a brain figured out it was fake by early 2020

>> No.15786260

Guess AIDS isn't real. Might as well fuck someone's wife.

>> No.15786314

maybe in your comic book imagination it is, dr. dunning kruger

>> No.15786342

Many countries have done it.

>> No.15787093

sure they have
>I know its real!!!
>I saw it in the moooooooovies!!!

>> No.15787105

From the start I said COVID was made in a lab and that's why the shots were made so quickly. They didn't do anything to the variants because they evolved naturally, the shots only worked for the initial manmade strain. And I was RIGHT.

>> No.15787110

CIA lots of free time on their hands after soviet collapsed

>> No.15787624

The UK contaminated one of their islands deliberaely with weaponized anthrax in the 1940s. In the 70s, the Soviet Union killed dozens of their own people when they had an accident at an anthrax production plant.

What I can't figure out is why you think bioweapons would be difficult to make in the first place. Do you think it requires genetic engineering or something? Because that certainly is not the case. In the case of anthrax the only thing you need to do is find the deadliest strain you can, and then grow a bunch of it in a lab. There's nothing complicated about this, all you need is the motivation to do it.

>> No.15788378 [DELETED] 

How much did they pay?

>> No.15788492
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>> No.15788600

>Literally what are the chances, of all the viruses, of all the cities in the world, of all the fucking coincidences, that the ONE CITY in the WORLD that has a BSL-4 lab STUDYING CORONAVIRUSES has a CORONAVIRUS outbreak
Pretty good since China was the origin of the 1957 Asian flu, the 1968 Hong Kong flu, and the 2002 SARS outbreak.
These things happen a lot.

>> No.15788659

that's good, for some reason all the extroverts who reached out to be my friends, both of them, despite being right wing took vax so nice to know I can help them out if worst comes to worst

>> No.15788974

sure that all totally happened, its guaranteed to be true because you read it on wikipedia

>> No.15789394

What exactly about this do you find so implausible? It doesn't require any genetic engineering.
>nooo bioweapons are too complicated for anybody to figure out
explain why you think that.

>> No.15789420

>allegations without evidence. Trust us bro, someone said they know someone who did something bad.
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.15789679

Current CIA high ranking official whistle blower testimony in congress. Both the contents and the persons are kept anonymous to protect them from Biden admins retaliation.


>> No.15790531

If its on wikipedia then it fake

>> No.15791077
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>> No.15792639

explain why you presume that tall tales about """muh secret weapon""" planted by intelligence agencies are true when you know for a fact that those agencies are paid to spread misinformation and propaganda.
if you learned something supposedly secret about the military and you learned it from pretty much any media source then what you learned was false.
when real secrets leak out they're followed by massive investigations and arrests of the leakers. who was arrested for leaking the military secrets you think you know about? nobody?

>> No.15792981

When Hillary Clinton's emails were leaked by Seth Rich, Rich was murdered and Assange is being hounded to the ends of the Earth until he is captured and locked away in prison forever.
Thats a real leak.
When information about Trump Russia collusion leaked, nobody was held accountable for the leak, thats a fake leak.
This video will tell you in detail how to tell real leaks from fake leaks that are planted in the media by CIA

>> No.15793000

>I can only imagine the sort of rational that led to the decision to cut funding
Why imagine it? did you just conveniently forget at this exact moment about the two previous leaks from china's only L4 bioweapons lab, the very one in wuhan you speak of? Seriously?

>> No.15793002

The problem with wikipedo is that it doesn't follow any of its own core rules. It has only five and they follow zero of them.
It's not an encyclopedia. It's not neutral, it's controlled by a clique of power tripping idiots. It's not content that anyone can edit, it's controlled by a clique. Go ahead, make an article about something important that doesn't have an article. It will get deleted. Go ahead, make an edit somewhere. Automatically reverted by a bot. Contest it? Banned. The editors should treat eachother with respect and civility? Since when hahaha holy shit...

>> No.15793191

It is strange because the wikipedophiles have to be sponsored right? Is it just a bunch of NGO faggots or state sponsored or just kikes?

>> No.15793202

It's a leaked bioweapon that targets White men funded by naive democrats.

>> No.15793334

>Is it just a bunch of NGO faggots or state sponsored or just kikes?
All of the above, mixed together.

>> No.15793387

At thus point, if you believe anything that the government says, you deserve to be treated like cattle.

Never forget that. SJWs are literally cattle. There is no reason to treat them as humans.

>> No.15793407

imagine being so gullible to take Trump's gene therapy

>> No.15793411

They're so gullible, they castrated themselves. LMAO.

>> No.15794127

We have SJW mods here on 4chan sponsored by the same organizations. Mary Lemanski was an employee of the Democratic Party while she was moderating 4chan

>> No.15795025 [DELETED] 

thats why they shill the "jannie does it for free" meme, because they don't want you wondering about who is paying all the sjw jannies

>> No.15796179 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 440x960, 733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way, really?
scientists would never circulate toxic, harmful lies in exchange for money.
oh wait, scientists are all atheists so they don't have consciences

>> No.15796727

epic lols

>> No.15797222
File: 378 KB, 2250x1334, vaxxxxxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15798162

Wow, would scientists really just tell lies in change for a little bit of money?
How shocking and unexpected

>> No.15798792
File: 64 KB, 815x1024, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15800111 [DELETED] 

Just because chinkmoot isn't paying them to moderate doesn't mean that nobody is paying them for their work.

>> No.15800574
File: 267 KB, 1908x1146, maxwellhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghislaine Maxwell was the head of moderation on Reddit up until she got arrested. Seems pretty doubtful that she was doing it for free given that she was a notoriously wealthy socialite.

>> No.15801720

the lab leak story is a just a red herring for the fact the covid never existed, it was just a fiction circulated on tv and social media and the low IQs were all dumb enough to believe in it

>> No.15801732

Am I the only one ITT that actually read OP's pic? It says 6 of the 7 scientists provided a low confidence rating that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab. What is "low confidence", does that include 0-X%, where X would be a cutoff? I have a ton of other questions too (what is considered a junior vs senior member of this scientific committee?) but this once sticks out to me the most.

>> No.15802299

junior is someone who needs funding, senior is someone who dispenses funding

>> No.15803566

>CIA paid money to change the conclusion of Covid
and the spineless unethical lying scientists readily accepted the money and happily spewed the lies they were paid to tell.
common occurrence, scientists are just paid liars, they're like TV commercial pitchmen

>> No.15803952

the transmissibility of HIV through vaginal intercourse is very low.
people aren't just making fun when they call it a gay disease

>> No.15804881

homosexuals have a life expectancy of 47 years
nature hates them and wants them to die

>> No.15805817

>homosexuals have a life expectancy of 47 years
wow, is that really true?

>> No.15806617

>The four lines of evidence were consistent with previous findings suggesting that homosexual activity may be associated with a lifespan shortened by 20 to 30 years.

>> No.15806640

> Family Research Institute, Colorado Springs
> 1998
Paper published 1998, long before AIDS treatment was widely available and effective. Obviously gays had horrible lifespans when AIDS was a common disease. Post something more recent or GTFO. If God's opinion on who should live or die mattered then we should never have made the Haber-Bosch process, industrialized farming, domesticated animals, invented vaccines, or built the Internet.

>> No.15806656

Fauci was escorted into CIA headquarters.
He facilitated a meeting with CIA researchers.
The researcher's initial conclusion was "This virus probably came from a lab leak"
The new conclusion was "We cant know anything about the virus"

The question is WHY is Fauci trying to change the conclusion of the result? The answer is because he was funding the virus research, the vaccines, illegally and likely the cause of millions of deaths. So he's covering it up. His friend Peter Daszik is the head of EcoHealth Alliance, who received money from Fauci to do the virus creation. So they protect each other, along with various other researchers who are implicated in this mass murder.

>> No.15807587

Homosexuality is suicide for your family no matter how long a fag lives

>> No.15808290 [DELETED] 

the lab leak controversy is a red herring meant to distract from the fact that the viral epidemic was a whole cloth fabrication, it never existed to begin with.
viral epidemics have been regularly fabricated by the media for the past couple decades as a means of selling snake oil vaccines for problems that never existed to begin with

>> No.15809577 [DELETED] 

This, the covid epidemic never happened. If it were real then they wouldn't have needed the fake PCR tests, they wouldn't have needed to make the flu disappear so they could redefine it as """""covid"""" and they wouldn't have needed all of the other glaring evidence of fraud that was used to pass off the fake epidemic as the real thing

>> No.15810152 [DELETED] 


>> No.15811565

>These allegations, from a seemingly credible source, requires the Committees to conduct
>further oversight of how the ClA handled its internal investigation into the origins of COVID-19.
>To assist the Committees with their investigations, we request the following documents and
>information as soon as possible, but no later than September 26, 2023.

did cia turn over the documents?

>> No.15812675

> long before AIDS treatment was widely available and effective.
NRTIs were invented in the 80s

>> No.15813341

wow, the government circulating lies, how shocking and unusual, I never suspected they might do that

>> No.15813464


Maybe was an inside CIA job. Last pandemic was from China, Spanish flu. So they start an artificial one in order to prevent an uncontrolled one.

Also biology and substance sciences have more funds in research then computers. Most of companies that have presence in high end universities, are from that field. they surpassed electronics. Chomsky said that electronics was a thing in 1970. Now in MIT is more present Pfizer and Modena then IBM

>> No.15814030

No they never did.

>> No.15814034

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