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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 81 KB, 825x619, wurfless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15760430 No.15760430 [Reply] [Original]

Ok my numbers won nothing today and I am ok with that


I ran the same nubers for the last five years and they would have only won 20 times and only 4 dollars 19 times and one time it would have given me a whopping 7 dollars for getting three numbers right.

Thats 780 plays costing $1560 and giving me back $83

Why dont they teach this math in schools?
Only a retard would buy a lottery ticket

>> No.15760434

They do, you are just retarded.

>> No.15760597

You didn't go back far enough. If it hit a mere $1 million jackpot every 3000 years, you're well ahead.

>> No.15760711

The trick is to pick your numbers then NOT buy a ticket. Then you get all the thrill of the draw, except when your numbers come up it's bad, and when they don't come up, it's good and you celebrate.

>> No.15761492

I dont have 3000 years

>> No.15761538

There's a reason why lottery tickets are called taxes for the poor.

>> No.15761539

>Why dont they teach this math in schools?
they did, the first time I ever heard of a "stupid tax" it was my math teacher talking about the lotto

>> No.15761547

>Why dont they teach this math in schools?
I get you are one of the anti-science posters in this board LMAO
Look up "combinatorics".

>> No.15762782

No one ever taught that in my high school

>> No.15762808
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those powerball are up to 725 million and I want that money

I dont want to be poor anymore

what do?

>> No.15762888

Get a job. Any job.
Work for a year, then apply for a job higher up.
Repeat until you make decent money.

>> No.15762916

Spend it all on scratchoffs obviously

>> No.15763089

And use that money to buy lottery tickets?

>> No.15763112
File: 28 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have enough money to buy airplanes but I dont want to have to work super hard or think too much , that was the whole point of buying lottery tickets in the first place.
I have been at this for nearly a year and no money at all has come in

I am getting pretty frustrated at this point to be perfectly honest

>> No.15763261


>> No.15763274

See >>15761538

>> No.15763525

Then what is the path to my airplanes?

>> No.15763976


>> No.15764314

Why is that funny?

>> No.15764361

You're either underage, mentally handicapped or delusional.
Either way, I'll entertain your foolish question: there is no possible way for you to achieve your dreams.

Well, that's not strictly true. You could always do crime.
But then again, considering your intellect you'll most definitely land in prison after your first attempt.

>> No.15764372

>Only a retard would buy a lottery ticket
Bingo. Accurate conclusion.

>t $10 monopoly scratch off enjoyer

>> No.15764403

>You could always do crime

>> No.15764940

Reality sucks at the moment.
Have you tried some of the various forms of escapism?
VR tech has gotten pretty decent, you should get the Meta Quest 3 when it comes out.

>> No.15764961

If you won the lottery, what would be the first 3 things you'd do with your newly found wealth?

>> No.15765171
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Kiss-The-Ground-Movie_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would plant cover crops in arid regions of the USA
As many acres as the money would allow

>> No.15765675


>> No.15765686

Nowadays they teach them how to lube their assholes and ride a huge black dong.

>> No.15765691

VR makes half the population sick and some even vomit. It will never be mainstream.

>> No.15765781

>travelling by train makes half the population sick and some even vomit. It will never be mainstream.
>travelling by boat makes half the population sick and some even vomit. It will never be mainstream.
>air travel makes half the population sick and some even vomit. It will never be mainstream.

>> No.15765798

>something that happened happened
>therefore my sci-fi fantasy will happen
Mental-illness-tier argument.

>> No.15765870

only a small percentage gets sick on plane
No one rides boats or trains anymore

>> No.15765947

Wondering if OP played Powerball back in the early to mid-90s?
>$1 tickets
>far fewer numbers
>semi-reasonable payouts when you matched 2 or 3 balls
>it was actually fun and you felt like you had a chance

How on Earth did they turn it so retarded? Enjoyed your post, OP.

>> No.15766303

>How on Earth did they turn it so retarded?
They realized that the people buying tickets were so fucking stupid that the odds did not matter

>> No.15766332
File: 47 KB, 504x606, fund_math.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only a retard would buy a lottery ticket

>> No.15766614

Its not right for them to feed on us ;_;

>> No.15766885

ITT: people congratulating each other on how smart they are while inadvertently giving away their psychological malformation leading to measuring every outcome in monetary amounts. must be a subculture or something.

>> No.15766889

>Understanding every relationship is fundamentally transactional no matter how mutually beneficial is emotional malformation
Mkay, back to humanities with you

>> No.15766898

your greentext is word salad.

>> No.15766903

>Psych major can’t read

>> No.15766912

I do power ball sometimes when it is super high since it is basically a donation.

If I won, I'd set up a not profit research center for health research and wholesale drugs.

It would be so cool.

>> No.15767280

Couldn't be me

>> No.15767305

Taxes for the stupid*. Taxation on RETARDED people.
Give me R
Gimme E
give a T
Gib an A
Give me R
And now a D

>> No.15767334

I know that it's a dumb idea to play the lottery, but I'm desperate to escape my life of poverty, so I do it anyway. Maybe luck will be kind to me.

>> No.15767418

Actually, I you're rich you have a much higher chance at winning because you can afford to buy more tickets.

>> No.15767522

Lottery and tobacco acts as retard taxes.

>> No.15767525

Do you even pray for money?

>> No.15767534

No, I don't believe in God.

>> No.15767554

that's antisemitic

>> No.15767582


>> No.15767583

Buy more lottery tickets for infinite money.

>> No.15767591

All taxes are taxes for the poor.

>> No.15767790

I'm sure that sounded much smarter in your head.
I hope you have a nice day/night, wherever you are.
Please check your surroundings.
Token limited exceeded. Ple

>> No.15768550

A single lottery ticket once in a while (less than quarterly) is not a tax on stupidity.
It's a tax on hope.
Ask anyone who has ever worked in an office.

>> No.15769191

A couple of mathematicians figured out how to make bank on the Massachusetts state lottery via expected value and its odd roll down system, earning more than they put in.

Is there some mathematical formula to increase your chances of winning in other state lotteries

>> No.15769273

1. invest the first third in tech index stocks.
2. invest the next third in resource index stocks.
3. invest the last third in stable general index stocks.

>> No.15770127

wouldnt you just invest in more lottery tickets?

>> No.15770499

Your mom buys tech index stocks

>> No.15770509

if I lost the jackpot this way I would kill myself and everybody around me

>> No.15770536

>Thats 780 plays costing $1560 and giving me back $83
You could do the same for coffee. Or for cigarettes, stuff that are way more expensive and harmful than lottery. Or for anything else really, apart from the basic sustenance stuff. At the end of the day, people are free to choose to spend their money on whatever they want to. And does it really matter? Would an extremely frugal life be desirable? Never smoking, not even at a party, never drinking, never sitting down with a friend for a coffee?
Plus, statistics is a curious thing. While your chance to win the lottery is indeed infinitesimal, someone eventually always wins the jackpot every now and then. Why take away the hope from people with these numbers? Why bother convincing them that they are unlikely to be that specific person? If you'd tell this to every single person who buys lottery, you'd be wrong at least 4-5 times a year. And the few who are lucky are most certainly not retards, not unless they manage to burn through their fortune in their lifetimes...

>> No.15770537


The latest numbers look like ones I might have picked :(

>> No.15771170
File: 290 KB, 1280x652, Interactive-Map_-2024-Solar-Eclipse-Across-the-US-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost 800 millions guys
Wht are the best numbers to play when it gets so high like this?

>> No.15771177

these are the actual winning numbers

16 22 23 47 65 - 1

>> No.15771197
File: 145 KB, 790x527, 1989-volkswagen-vanagon-westfalia-camper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your trip dubs are pretty compelling anon.
I will attempt those digits today
Please no one else buy a ticket using these

>> No.15772144


>> No.15772183

>09 13 18 30 34 11
op, play the numbers above during the next game, you will definitely win

>> No.15773386


Those number did not win

>> No.15774081

Ok but nobody else better play them, I need the whole prize for my plans

>> No.15774512

They literally explain to you on the lottery ticket itself what the odds are. It's required by law.

>> No.15774530

buy some random house at some random location and ignore the world

>> No.15774696

No one understands that goble gook

>> No.15774880

You dont want any friend ?

>> No.15774923


no, no they didn't

>> No.15775023
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 5-Things-You-Should-Know-About-My-Wife-Has-Tattoos-On-Back-T-Shirt-SummerCrazy-Tops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least I am the only one that paid and didnt win because I told everyone not to buy those number and I am sure they complied

>> No.15775167

the good news is you wouldn't

>> No.15775350

So he would win?

>> No.15775414

Those number didnt worth a squirt of piss

>> No.15775434

Do schools not teach permutation and combination anymore?

>> No.15776020

Not in the USA
I dont even know what that is

>> No.15776366

Not one number of mines was even close.
Now its 925 million which just makes me want to play even more ;_;
These games are not fair for people with poor impulse control
Its not right

>> No.15777227


>> No.15777769

do anyone got numbers for the next one?

>> No.15777779
File: 42 KB, 600x540, 126115477157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check em'

>> No.15777936

to Op and everyone else in this thread, I see that you are persistent, I have decided to provide you with the winning numbers. Normally this is not done but I make an exception this time

Play these numbers
11 18 22 50 61 - 23

>> No.15778049

Object of the sentence; present participle of a verb that implicitly refers to a person
Ordinal adjective relating to the subject
Subject of the sentence
Verb relating to the subject
>[fundamentally transactional]
Adjective relating to the subject
>[no matter how]
Conditional statement that relates the subject and its attribute
>[mutually beneficial]
Attribute of the subject
>[is emotional malformation]
Perceived implication relating to the object

Hope this helps, ESL-kun

>> No.15778073

Many thank

>> No.15778722

Those actually look pretty good

>> No.15779723

this is a you problem
nobody can protect you from the delusion that a business is somehow giving away free money

>> No.15779820

That is exactly the business model , giving away money to the people that win
Do you think they just hire actors to play winners?

>> No.15779950

As a matter of fact...

>> No.15779958

conspiracy doesnt real

>> No.15781054

what are you even

>> No.15781723

anon those numbers dont work

>> No.15782207

Good Golly Guys its over a billion cackadoodie dollars