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15773248 No.15773248 [Reply] [Original]

Scientist convicted of raping dogs and children as well as CP


>Zoologist Adam Britton, accused of torturing animals, pleads guilty to beastiality and child abuse charges

An acclaimed British crocodile expert has pleaded guilty to charges relating to beastiality and accessing child abuse material, the BBC has reported.

Australia's Northern Territory Supreme Court heard allegations from prosecutors describing how Adam Britton, a 51-year-old zoologist, filmed himself torturing dozens of dogs before sharing videos of the incidents online under pseudonyms. They said he abused the animals in a shipping container on his property, which he called a "torture room."

Prosecutors told the court Britton had a "sadistic sexual interest" in animals dating back to at least 2014, and that in the 18 months leading up to his arrest, he had abused 42 dogs, most of which died.

According to prosecutors, Britton would use an online marketplace platform to find people who needed to give their pets away because of work or travel commitments, and would offer to take the animals he would later abuse. One of the videos Britton shared was eventually passed on to authorities who arrested him, according to the BBC.


>> No.15773348

this isn’t really science related. but it shows how you can never really judge someone by their cover

>> No.15773366

many such cases

>> No.15773373

I'm wondering if he got into zoology because he wanted to fuck animals and how common that might be. It seems obvious to presume that furries are drawn to zoology and that there is probably a large contingent of zoologists who rape animals. The topic is totally science related.

>> No.15773380

How deranged do you actually have to be to want to fuck animals and children? I understand torturing, gore etc. But sticking your dick in it? Wtf.

>> No.15773486
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sounds like a real...
*puts on sunglasses*
...sick puppy

>> No.15773545

>Australia, not Canada
Genuine plot twist

>> No.15773575

Sounds like exactly the kind of over-the-top character assassination the glowies would cook up if he uncovered something important they wanted to hide. He's a zoologist so I assume it's something covid related. Probably found evidence that debunked the wet market lie and proved it's a bioweapon.

>> No.15773811
File: 58 KB, 1045x953, leftists fuck dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all scientists fuck dogs, only some of them get caught, but they all do it

>> No.15773850

mate he made videos, he's not getting out of this one

>> No.15773857

>implying deepfake doesn't exist

>> No.15773982

Didn't KiwiFarms uncover this?

>> No.15773991

Brits are all raging faggots

>> No.15773999

kek another libshit who is a faggot.
These subhumans deserve to be boiled alive.
Death penalty is necessary to control degeneracy.