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15765402 No.15765402 [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetically speaking, would it be possible for a human to become Amortal within this century if he spends one trillion dollars in the task?
What CRISPR, Stem cell, and invasive treatments are\will become available, but are super-expensive? For example there's a guy who has literally no pulse because he has an artificial valve as a heart. What about "quirky" stuff like red-light therapy, magnetic boards, etc? Could a human spend hours a day in a room with 2000 red light lamps?
>this thread is mainly speculative and also a bit humorous. feel free to post stuff like "take a trip to space to expand the consciousness + heroic dose DMT periodically"

>> No.15765500

Speculatively yes, in reality we dont know.

Now, if you paid attention you notice the "we dont know" means the money will be well spend for this endeavor.

>> No.15765509
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Eternal life without eternal youth, that is a curse.

>> No.15765515

No, you would need almost a perfect understanding of biology. Considering we can't even deal with a virus...

>> No.15765522

Source on the pulse story? There are blood valves that are a thing which exist
But I want to see if that is why there's no pulse

>> No.15765554
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>> No.15765626
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Familiar with the informational theory of aging? Take high doses of apigenin and a nad/nmn complex, forskolin, and cakg I think it is. But that's digesting quite a bit of material to build the trust. The pill is already being worked on and will be available in the next 5 years or so. The mechanism already exists. Yamanaka factor genes.

>> No.15765647
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Here are the cocktails that can trigger yamanaka factor genes expression without genetic editing. Some obviously shoulden't be tested yet, id wait a few years till they understand the mechanisms better. But I sure have had tangible results in my own right with the chemical co.bo I've put together.

>> No.15765654

Just jab yourself with telomerase dude.

>> No.15765745
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well first of all, apart from how you do it, you need to take some stuff into account.
for example, we always die in 50-100 years, and leave children behind. if you want to model it it means a almost a complete table drop each 50-100 years. you only transmit knowledge to your children, but whatever shits and details you accumulated get dropped at death.
now, you'd want this function for an immortal being. something that would keep a minimal amount of information/memories which define the core personality, and just drop everything you ever saw/heard/smelled/touched all that shit.
if we'd make a picrel sized MRI machine, what is the resolution it could theoretically reach?

>> No.15765766

>now, you'd want this function for an immortal being
How about fuck you, mayfly.

>> No.15765885

That doesn't work. The elites refill themselves with baby blood, that of course kills the baby.

>> No.15765912

musk is making serious gains with the brain chip thing. is there anyone else working on similar thing? is musk making the research public?

>> No.15765932
File: 303 KB, 656x673, no_chip_for_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it bros

>> No.15765934
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Open Water. They are using red light based reverse holography to image through the skull without cutting you open. Would cause extreme disruption to medical imagine in general. You could safely get your entire body scanned daily at home at next to no cost and no risk of damage to tissue. Mary Lou deserves allot more funding. It's more likely than not that you will live to see millions of people want to stay in VR so often they get their brain removed and installed in a vat and take up not much more space than a shoebox. There having a quality of life limited only to their imagination. It's the only way we can stack trillions on this planet, too. Just think of the energetic efficiency that could be accomplished.

>> No.15765939

We already know what it takes to stop senescence and it's not about money.

>> No.15765942
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Last thought being that there are tons of chemicals that are great for your brain but horrible for other body parts. The technical complexity of keeping one organ alive forever is a fraction of what it would be for the whole set. Think about it.

>> No.15765959

>Open Water. They are using red light based reverse holography to image through the skull without cutting you open.
wait what? what is that tech's theoretical best resolution? anyone knows?

>> No.15765966

>The technical complexity of keeping one organ alive forever
that's quite retarded and doesn't work that way lol. I mean long term. think platform for 3D manifesting and you replace ALL of it once in a while

>> No.15766018

With using ultrasound they have been able to get sub-micron. That was like 5 years ago for a demo. They have FDA approval for a unit that can be given to EMT's that can confirm it's a stroke onsite and have things ready for you by the time you arrive. It's going out in the next year or so I think.

>> No.15766021

Nobody cares about any other organ though. Most would prefer replacement actually, even if they have to do full body replacement every 80 years or whatever.

>> No.15766044

wtf! are you sure? holy shit. what can it discriminate? what's the limits? need any contrast substance or?
not sure you understand what scanning your whole brain means lol. I mean neuron position and connections (and connections strength)

>> No.15766061
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Makes more sense we institute rejuvenation locally in the body than build all the infrastructure to replace the rest of you. But maybe you got the Whuffie to pay for one to get printed overnight.
(That's a Down in Out in the Magic Kingdom reference for those that uncultured.)

>> No.15766066

>one organ alive forever is a fraction of what it would be for the whole set
Not really, most cellular pathways are just copy pasted throughout your cell varieties. Once you've got the technology to quickly assess what a cell pathway and it's enzymes does, and figured out how to immortalize large bits of tissue doing the rest will be easy.

>> No.15766093
File: 600 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2023-09-23-14-14-37-57_f9ee0578fe1cc94de7482bd41accb329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR, and come back and tell me what you think. I am pretty sure I know what I said. They can scan whole neurons. At this point light emitters are small enough they can shape light to the point it can be used to image though semi translucent materials like skin and bone Take a flashlight and put your fingers over it. Right there you will see your body is semi-transclucent. They didn't have to use contrast. None of that gene modification to make things bioluminescent. None of that shit. Very very safe. They are using light, and watching how it bounces through skin and bone and reading how it looks on the other side. Theoretical limit would be very very tiny. Want to say the size of a photon but surely big enough to register neurons firing.

I won't lose sleep over being wrong over that detail. But good luck fitting a trillion people on this planet using the resources we are used to. You could stack a trillion shoeboxes and build the infrastructure to "feed" and have everyone living pretty kickass lives.

>> No.15766111

>good luck fitting a trillion people on this planet using the resources we are used to
If only humans were net-positive resources. If only life extension could pay for itself.

We're not exactly using resources effectively letting everyone get parkinsons or atherosclerosis or arthritis or cancer, or spending half our lives as incompetents.

>> No.15766137
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If only ALL humans were.... lol.
Whether those inefficiencies are fixable, it always makes more sense we reduce the baseline entropic expenditure. You also have limited resources such as physical space. Even with space exploration the benefits are self evident. You see similar problems when hardware improves but software efficiency degenerates for ease of use. Or when after a certain point money and freedom does worse for people. Those are things that have to get ironed out culturally and socially. Engineering does not exist for engineering sale, it's always to facilitate social function. I dream of the day we aren't ruled by sociopaths at the top.

>> No.15766140

well you'd mostly need cells to assemble the whole human. you'd think the theoretical resolution would be at cellular level but you need to go lower than that. for example you not only need to map the neurons, you need to perfectly map the connections between them, their particular strength. so you need to reach the level of pretty acurately mapping the neuron connections, at least, if not lower. tho instinctively I'd say if you can map the neuronal connections, very acurately, that should be "enough" to snapshot (You).
body really..think about it, I'd wait for 20 years to grow a new body from scratch with some kind of dummy brain, and then 3D print my brain structure into that new body. the body grows itself as it were, you need to perfectly map your brain. that's the whole thing really, at first.

>> No.15766169

You'd be fine with deleting your original substrate, or do you think you would try and keep a room full of your preserved brains over the millennia and load one up into ram as needed?

>> No.15766179
File: 260 KB, 708x476, screenshot_42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this interesting

>> No.15766184

>>15766179 me
yeah their tech "should" reach dendrite resolution. lol

>> No.15766187

The only true statement here is that there is a minimum intelligence required to have net-positive resource output. This isn't the doing of life extension technologies, and is actually solvable by the same technologies which would enable these therapies.

>> No.15766198

this might not matter long term, especially since immortality is in discussion. whatever "net-positive resource output" skill we have today would be irrelevant for a fast scaling AI who runs most things.
what matters most is finding a way to function, socially, without wiping. that's way more complicated than it seems.
you could solve it with AI and engineering but ideally you'd keep modifications to low towards zero until we figure out how things interract, which will happen with help from AI, but you already need a solution for socials.
at this point, human are cattle. that's how goberment manages us, like cattle. apart from philosophy nobody gives a fuck about any random pleb's happiness, and most likely never will if they never did.
so, bottom line is why would psychos allow others to join in the long term fun if they are not really needed? even if we'd find a way to adapt everything so it works, we're still left with why would we be allowed to still exist if we are not needed for anything?

>> No.15766205
File: 241 KB, 1300x956, red-fiat-124-coup-sport-spider-1966-87-BNHR7X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I NEED a reason to exist.
This is a tragic thing to demand out of yourself for not having had conscious choice in it to begin with. If you don't see yourself as worth it, you won't make it till the heat death of the universe thinking like that bud.

>> No.15766216

not sure what you are on about, I'm specifically refering to the fact that we now exist because we do have net-positive resource output.
china's 1 child policy is a perfect example. other countries were forced to have babies, abortions were banned by law. that's how you treat cattle.
well, keeping plebs oblivious to this subject would benefit the psychos, you bootlicker.

>> No.15766218 [DELETED] 
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>tranny thread

>> No.15766265

The fact governments are evil is not even germane to the discussion of life extension technologies. Why even bring it up?

>> No.15766363

it's not a problem of money. it's a problem of intelligence. unfortunately the sciences are now overrun with midwit sellouts.

>> No.15766368

if you had a trillion dollars you and anyone that might inherit it would be killed immediately.

>> No.15766514

>That doesn't work. The elites refill themselves with baby blood, that of course kills the baby.
If that were true we would have baby blood factories.
There would be an entire class or caste of baby blood humans, ones whose babies produce the best blood, and these factories would be selling eternal youth to the millions of elites in our 7.88 billion person world.

Think it through.

>> No.15766924

by the time we reach trillions, we should be sending humans out into space colonies

>> No.15766929

So you can map neurons with red lights. Are you able to theoretically use lights to pinpoint write information onto those neurons through someones skull "noninvasively"?

>> No.15767030

No. Go to therapist if you fear death this much.

>> No.15767064

Do you have the original image, or know the name of the painting? I like this a lot, and I'd like to save it without the book title text that was added

>> No.15767119

>if you are not willing to die when you are told to you are wrong and need therapy