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File: 172 KB, 400x400, kastrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15764636 No.15764636 [Reply] [Original]

Your materialism doesn't hold water.

Witness another victim of Dr.Kastrup:


>> No.15764663

Materialism is a philosophical position, not a scientific one. You can't "prove" materialism is wrong or right any more than you can "prove" that chopsticks are better eating utensils than forks.

>> No.15764673

these retards are rabid dogs grabbing to any mental gymnastics for their bullshit. that' all there is to their barking.

>> No.15764685

Materialism is on such shakey ground that you need to make this thread a thousand times a day to let us know.

>> No.15764688

>Materialism is a philosophical position, not a scientific one. You can't "prove" materialism is wrong or right any more than you can "prove" that chopsticks are better eating utensils than forks.

I don't believe it is a scientific position. It is a philosophical one that (implicitly or explicitly) underlies many scientific theories.

Materialism is unable to account for consciousness, so it should be discarded on this basis. We know consciousness exists, and Materialism can not account for it.

>> No.15764696

>jewish shills shilling jewish shills

>> No.15764697
File: 609 KB, 1354x2056, MaterialismIsNotScience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally ass backwards, materialism is a religion not science

>> No.15764699

ok I declare Materialism 2.0 now accounts for consciousness, defines it as emergent property of matter and you can suck it now. also there's no need for proof, it's self evident since there's no consciousness around without matter. case closed.

>> No.15764702

Textbook question begging. Give me one conscious experience you can explain with the emergence hypothesis?

>> No.15764710

>Give me one conscious experience you can explain with the emergence hypothesis?
why give you one, it's all of them

>> No.15764717


Okay. Characterize the smell of sulfur fully in terms of neural correlates without leaving out the subjective experience. I'm waiting.

>> No.15764999

as a scientist you have to assume what you are studying is wholly a physical thing and doesn't involve immaterial djinns moving atoms

>> No.15765000

>Materialism is a philosophical position, not a scientific one.
This guy gets it. Materialism is literally just metaphysics for golems.

>> No.15765003
File: 49 KB, 770x600, 1695465083278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Materialism is bullshit.
Idealism is bullshit.
Only dualism remains unrefuted.

Descartes was right, and every response to Descartes over the last 400 years has been nothing but seethe and cope.

>> No.15765004
File: 29 KB, 500x565, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok I declare Materialism 2.0

>> No.15765007

>he isn't censored on youtube
This is how we know he's not saying the truth.

>> No.15765008

Dualism is the dumbest option and it has no place in modernity. It was just a transitionary compromise set up by rationalist retards until the natural consequence of their philosophy came along, that is various forms of consciousness denial.

>> No.15765010

How is this different from materialism 1.0? I don't see any bug fixes in the release notes.

>> No.15765012

Thank you for another example of seethe and cope. I guess I'll never see an argument from the opponents of dualism.

>> No.15765017

Not an argument. Dualism was never a viable position. As an outgrowth of rationalism, it was destined to get trampled by materialism. It's literally just materialism but with a concession of some irrelevant parallel dimension that's orthogonal to reality and doesn't influence anything, so it was made to be discarded. Sorry.

>> No.15765020

>and doesn't influence anything
Free will is constantly starting new chains of causality. That's quite a huge influence and very important for reality as a whole.

>> No.15765026

I don't care about your ad hoc retard takes. I'm talking about the classic philosophical position of dualism. It doesn't provide any mechanism for a connection between consciousness and matter. At best, dualists overlook this entirely. At worst, some of them outright state that consciousness doesn't influence anything but is merely bound to a body for passive observation. lol

>> No.15765031

The mechanism is quantum mechanics. Keep seething.

>> No.15765038
File: 6 KB, 275x183, download - 2023-09-23T185806.396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your materialism doesn't hold water.
fukken rekt

>> No.15765041

Hahaha, Kastratup BTFO

>> No.15765043

Like I said, dualism was born from the pathological low-functioning autism that gave us rationalisn. It's only natural that it would end up getting rejected by everyone except a handful of low-functioning autistics who believe the relevance of a position depends on how good THEY think the "arguments" for it are.

>> No.15765060

>arguments are le bad
>being rational is le bad
Your cope is reaching record breaking levels

>> No.15765065

Cope with what? Your pants-on-head-retarded metaphysics is completely harmless in and of itself. You're a clown to everyone. It's the degenerate philosophy that spanwed it that was the problem, because it gave us materialism, secularism, credentialism and various others overt golemisms.

>> No.15765068

>because it gave us materialism, secularism, credentialism and various others overt golemisms.
All those were NPC responses in their desperate attempts to oppose dualism. But they all failed (at least morally and intellectually) because dualism remains unrefutable.

>> No.15765070


idealism is a reasonable position, but not the "i have le free will, i can manifest anything, i create reality!!!" kind of bullshit idealism, which too many so-called idealists subscribe to.

>> No.15765071

See >>15765043. I just don't care to discuss or debate your metaphysics. It's obsolete and naturally supplanted by materialism.

>> No.15765073

Sorry about your mental illness. By the way, I have free will and you don't, which means my opinions are more valid than yours and my life is worth more than yours.

>> No.15765074

here's one right now

>> No.15765076

>I don't want to address your arguments, I only want to talk about my strawtranswoman
Your copium addiction is truly unhealthy

>> No.15765078

Show me who thinks they can "manifest anything" or that they "create reality" (whatever that means). You're spouting delusions, which means you're delusional, which means you're mentally ill and your opinions are invalid. :^(

>> No.15765080

>b-b-but muh arguments!! you didn't heckin' argue against my dead and irrelevant metaphysics therefore... uhh...
>therefore i win, in some unspecified way
>i remain the uncontested king in the kingdom of my solipsism
>t. every rationalist

>> No.15765082

Dualism isn't dead though. All other philosophies of mind failed, but dualism remains valid, unrefuted, and has even been confirmed by modern physics.

>> No.15765084

it's very clear from the postings of certain 'idealists' online that they believe they have these fantastical powers. i've seen it too many times, you can't make me doubt it. 'free will' is really a similar idea, by the way. it's just as childish and ridiculous.

>> No.15765086

>b-b-b-but it remains heckin' unrefuted!!!
It's funny how you act out the behavior I just described in response to being faced with it.

>> No.15765087

>i've seen them!
>they're everywhere!
>they're in my walls!
>free will means you can manifest things and create reality, by the way!!!
Are the deranged idealists in the room with us?

>> No.15765091

yes. check the replies, you don't need my help.

you are probably one of them as well, given how you're chimping out in response to my posts.

>> No.15765092

Sorry, I don't see anyone claiming they can manifest things. I'm afraid you're mentally ill.

>> No.15765094

sorry that you can't make easy inferences.

>> No.15765097

>oh no, I cried about his unrefutable arguments and yet he continues posting factual and logical arguments
>how could this ever have happened
You're involuntarily funny

>> No.15765098
File: 69 KB, 452x363, 3524344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cried about my unrefutable arguments

>> No.15765100
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 53242342423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry that you can't make easy inferences about the idealists hiding in my wells

>> No.15765101

lol, you're seriously responding to a Deepak Chopra troll who explains everything with "lol quantum"

>> No.15765102

1. Aliens don't exist
2. Idealists aren't hiding in your walls
3. People are not automatons
4. Never reply to me or my posts again

>> No.15765104

>People are not automatons
sweet summer child...

>> No.15765110

You're not a person. Sorry.

>> No.15765111

>1. Aliens don't exist
They do and they've been here 5000 years ago, but they won't visit earth again. Every evidence the government releases about aliens is fake.
>2. Idealists aren't hiding in your walls
My material or my mental walls?
>3. People are not automatons
Most people are. I'm not.
>4. Never reply to me or my posts again
My free will doesn't obey your demands.

>> No.15765112

then you don't get to be one either :) i'm fine with that

>> No.15765113

Are von Neumann and Penrose also "Deepak Chopra trolls"?

>> No.15765114

I don't see any point talking to you after your explicit confirmation that you suffer from a delusional mental illness.

>> No.15765118

we're equally automatons so it's all good

>> No.15765120

People are not "people". "Humanity" is a religious concept that will be ditched eventually

>> No.15765132

People are not "humanity", golem. People are people.

>> No.15765138
File: 390 KB, 717x970, 2022-09-14_16.09.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, here. The Age of Bacteria is nigh, the Age of Hue'd Man is over.
(All bacteria are religious, absolute monarchist, zealots and wage a crusade against humans.)
Frying Pan; Fire.