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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15760341 No.15760341 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>had a really shitty day on Wednesday
>went to sleep early, at around 8pm
>woke up and went to work
>Thursday and Friday are easier
>glad to have a break from the shittiness
>have dinner with my mom on Friday
>says I should call my girlfriend over for dessert, so I do
>she can’t make it but she says she’ll come on Saturday
>cool whatever
>Saturday morning we have breakfast together
>gf and I go for a walk after
>rest of the weekend is uneventful, just played video games and watched anime
>gf calls me on Sunday
>my body feels sluggish as I reach for my phone
>eyes feels weird and tingly
>phone keeps ringing but the screen is fuzzy
>I blink a couple times
>on the 3rd blink I just see darkness
>I’m in bed
>phone is ringing
>turns out to be a spam call
>it’s 11 pm
>I’ve only been asleep for 3 hours
>it was just a super realistic dream
>I’m not on speaking terms with my mom
>I don’t have a girlfriend
>feel nostalgic for a life I’ve literally never had
What the fuck was that? How did I live a weekend ahead in my dream?

>> No.15760361

You're a loser! So your subconscious makes up stuff to make it feel less loserish. Then you embellish your loser dreams and post them online for attention because again, you're a loser! I won't be talking to you anymore because as my father always said, "You hang around losers, you let losers into your life, you're gonna be a loser!"

>> No.15760491

happens to me all the time. sometimes my dreams feel like months or years are passing. i've always preferred nightmares to good dreams, because when you wake up from a nightmare, you get a sense of relief knowing it wasn't real, whereas when you wake up from a comfortable dream, you get that empty feeling of loss and despair, knowing that reality is the true nightmare.

>> No.15762240

By going to bed at that time, the currents of space time could more easily carry you further to where the time dilation is more pronounced.

>> No.15762261
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>because when you wake up from a nightmare, you get a sense of relief knowing it wasn't real
...weak. I hope my nightmares come true so I can fight the demons in the day-realm. Nuclear wars, alien invasions, death and suffering, how fucking cool is that?! You know what you dont have to do when there is a mushroom cloud on the horizon? Go to work or pay bills. Zombie apocalpyse (or going to war) is great...all that dumb shit doesnt exist then.

I'm fightin' demons all day...demons fightin' me all night...wouldnt want it any other way.

>> No.15762267

This is your mind on reddit. Let me tell you something, talking like that does not make you sound boyish, whimiscial, cool, and adventurous. It makes you sound like a fucking infantile retard.

>> No.15762272
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You should lurk more and remember this isnt reddit, newfag.

War was fucking awesome, Ive been in some 75 firefights. After a certain number you stop being excited by being shot at, its only when they *really* try to take you out that it becomes exciting. Ive fallen asleep at the wheel while the other trucks were in a firefight because I was tired and bored. Ive woken up in bed to firefights and gone back to sleep because they werent intense enough.

I was going to visit the Ukraine war this year but went to a Physics/Biology interdisciplinary meetup instead. I plan to visit the DRC within a year or so, the eastern side. Hang out with rebel fighters. Idk...fuck around, find out.

>> No.15762284
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>Nuclear wars, alien invasions, death and suffering
And yes...my dreams (nightmares) contain shit like fighting Aliens from the movie Alien with marines, mushroom clouds, and all manner of reality warping nonsense. Portals, flying, sky with no land, entering the next room is another world entirely.

Like some fucking movie I once woke up reaching for a sidearm that wasnt there...disappointed to be back on Earth with humans and responsibilities.

>> No.15762603

lol... you just assumed that my nightmares consist of fighting demons. if i had a dream like that i wouldn't consider it a nightmare, that would be fun. my nightmares are usually about people lying to me, gaslighting me, or betraying me.
some examples include:
>finding out my friends have secretly hated me for years
>finding out my girlfriend is cheating on me
>finding out i'm adopted and my parents never really loved me
>finding out everyone i know is in a dark cult and they've been working together to sabotage me
those are the ones that scare me.

>> No.15762618

All of those are real in my waking life for me. All of them, though not the cheating part but she is a clutch eating hate beast that wants evil shit for my kid, but I live through your nightmare as "normal life".

My nightmares eould give you heart attacks...Im simply describing them in a cool light. I die in them, a lot, drownings, fallings and feeling the grit on the rocks when I land, unable to run with noodle legs seeing a 15' tall shadow demon turning and looking at me, fighting off atom sized aliens (you cant fight atom sized things! They seep through seals and you cant stop them!)

>> No.15762668

i know you're trying to sound "badass" and one-up me or whatever, but my point wasn't to compete for who's life and dreams are spookier. you're comparing them as if they're on the same scale but different intensities. i don't consider "dying, drowning, falling and feeling the grit on the rocks when I land, unable to run with noodle legs seeing a 15' tall shadow demon turning and looking at me, fighting off atom sized aliens" to be "more scary" than the things i listed. i've had dreams like your before too, they just don't scare me as much because i find psychological terror much worse than phyisical pain and horror. now, you also claim that my nightmares are your reality, which i'm not sure i believe, but if that is true, then you have my sympathy.

>> No.15762681
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Its tiresome to be so hardcore that normie idiots flat out cannot believe I am genuine.

Ive been to war. Ive killed dozens of men. Ive been to every corner of the world. Ive hung out with terrorists. I do novel research is a dozen fields.


>> No.15762686

>i don't consider
>to be "more scary" than the things i listed
Thats because youre a woman and you have never felt REAL PHYSICAL PAIN. You have never been in life and death situations.

You fear social rejection more than death, you feel not being loved is worse than dying or getting other killed because YOU HAVE NO CONCEPT OF THOSE...its just "pretend" to you.

Fantasies..."its just like the TV bro lol"

>> No.15762717

okay... good for you? it's not a competition dude, we're just having a conversation. we're anonymous, we have nothing to prove and nothing is at stake.
i'm a man, but i guess i can see why you would think that. i'm not exactly the "manliest" man in the world or anything. not sure why this bothers you so much, you know other people are different from you and that's okay, right?

>> No.15762745

>i know you're trying to sound "badass" and one-up me or whatever
Look in the mirror, son. (You) made it a competetion...I simply told you what is and isnt. I told you my life. Thats all.
>my nightmares are usually about people lying to me, gaslighting me, or betraying me.
All humans lie, live lies, and project their lies onto others. Delusional species, by design, as its rooted in evolutionary biology and an aspect of nature itself. Like an animal that mimics another.

Your Hell is my life.

>not sure why this bothers you so much,
Because youre projecting your self delusional reality onto me then attacking it because its something you can comprehend. Its offensive to be so far passed you that you think Im behind you but Ive lapped you, repeatedly.


>i'm not exactly the "manliest" man in the world or anything
Then face a barrel without fear and tell me how brave you are...then, when you return from deployment, tell me how scary finding our your parents are soulles NPCs is.

This is why veterans are misunderstood...people like you treat REAL danger as insignificant and meaningless shit as a holy. You basically spit in their face and expect respect in return.


You need to be more aware of threats...because you may talk disregard someone as being like you and get got for ASSUMING wrong.

>> No.15762800

>(You) made it a competetion
nah, i just pointed it out afte you said
>I live through your nightmare as "normal life".
>My nightmares would give you heart attacks
sorry bud, i'm not impressed. not sure what you were expecting.
>All humans lie, live lies, and project their lies onto others.
nice projection. just because you, like many, are addicted to lying, doesn't mean everyone is. honest people may be a small minority, but we exist. i, for one, don't lie. if i did, don't you think i could've come up with a narrative as impressive as yours to sound "cool"?
>Its offensive to be so far passed you that you think Im behind you but Ive lapped you, repeatedly.
way to really drive home how "not competitive" you are, kek
>face a barrel without fear and tell me how brave you are...then, when you return from deployment,
sorry, i have no interest in joining your death cult. i don't fear death, but i also don't crave it, nor do i desire killing others for no reason. if my home was threatened, i would defend it (and i am prepared to do so). but i don't intend to submit myself to a master-slave relationship and invade other people's homes simply because my masters order me to. if that's your idea of "manliness" then, again, you have my pity.
sidenote: i will not be clicking your youtube links. i never click youtube links on 4chan as a rule of thumb because most are either bots or just desperate channel owners farming views, and for all i know you're one of them. if a video is really important enough to be shown on 4chan, i suggest you convert it to webm and post it here.

>> No.15762821
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>i'm not impressed
You learned nothing. You should have kept your mouth shut.

You didnt have a father and now youre a boy who thinks himself a man, and you project you boyness onto me and it doesnt fit so you ASSUME Im not a man.

(This is where I would toss my drink into your face in front of your friends and family).

WAKE UP, FAGGOT....youre oblivious to danger like a suburban boy....

>> No.15762823

my father may not be the smartest man, but at least he has the sense to use his strength to build instead of destroy. let me guess, you graduated top of your class in the navy seals, have over 300 confirmed kills, and are tracing my IP right now to teach me lesson? i'll be waiting.
sidenote: star trek TNG is an excellent show; that at least we can agree on.

>> No.15762838
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>> No.15762848
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>...disappointed to be back on Earth with humans

Fuck....Grow the fuck up you degenrate retards, you ftaher is a failure. You are suburban normies talking shit to combat verterans like youre just as tough and smart and brave...you are NONE of those.


>> No.15762852

you said that already and i ignored it beacuse, while it's true, i don't care.
is that the respense you've been so desperately craving? if not feel free to continue seething.

>> No.15762857
File: 39 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-e8f8adf1b4d7c792d46f0a43d674ade0-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Youre not tougher than me!"


>> No.15762868

i never said that, your internal voice of insecurity did. i wish i could take credit for making you this angry, but you did that all on your own. i haven't even said anything inflammatory or insulting this entire conversation, go ahead and look.

>> No.15762869

>and i ignored it beacuse, while it's true, i don't care.
Exactly....you CHOOSE to ignore reality because youre a BOY.

You CHOOSE to not grow up, because then you would have to face reality, THE reality, but you CHOOSE to live a suburban fantasy where youre "just as strong as a Terminator".

>They hate us because of our freedom.
Yes...the freedom to never grow up.

Now my country is filled with children who believ themselves adults. You hold adults to childish values and IGNORE REALITY.

Every issue in the west stems fron faggots like you.

>> No.15762874

>i never said that
>that would be fun




>> No.15762877
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>i haven't even said anything inflammatory or insulting this entire conversation,
>let me guess, you graduated top of your class in the navy seals, have over 300 confirmed kills, and are tracing my IP right now to teach me lesson?




>> No.15762881
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>> No.15762902

>Every issue in the west stems fron faggots like you.
how convenient, you just happened to stumble upon the scapegoat you can blame all your problems on based on a few posts about dreams on an anonymous forum. what are the odds?
>>that would be fun
so, stating that i find certain types of dreams fun is the same as claiming that i am tougher than you? seems like a stretch.
>>let me guess, you graduated top of your class in the navy seals, have over 300 confirmed kills, and are tracing my IP right now to teach me lesson?
that was a joke. a reference to an old copypasta, if you weren't aware. if you felt insulted by that, that's your issue; it was never my intention to insult you.

>> No.15762911
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>> No.15762926

ran out of things to say huh? welp if you're just going to keep repeating yourself in all caps then i won't bother responding anymore. it was fun while it lasted, God speed brother.

>> No.15762932

>how convenient
Youre not a psychplogist and know NOTHING of society, YOURE NO JUDGE OF THIS. YOURE NOT EVEN AN ADULT.







>> No.15762941

>Youre not a psychplogist
actually i am, what gave it away?
where is this anger coming from? who are you really angry at? it can't be me, you don't even know who i am.

>> No.15762972

>actually i am
He literally cannot stop lying.
>where is this anger coming from?
Every post you profess a lie.
>who are you really angry at?
Huh? Who-what?...How-Who?!
(Feign ignorance, he believe if he can LARP like he doesnt undertsand he wont be held accountable for his actions, the hallmark of a BOY.)
>it can't be me
LOL....how did I know?!?
>you don't even know who i am.
I literally know you better than yourself.


You think youre hidden with anonymity but every post you reveal more...

>> No.15762999

>Every post you profess a lie.
>I literally know you better than yourself.
if you think i'm lying, then how can you be sure you know so much about me? unlike you, i don't claim to know everything already, i am comfortable enough with my short omings to be honest about them. i asked you a genuine question "who are you really angry at?" because there is no way for me to know that without you telling me. you don't have to tell me, and i don't expect you to; i just asked because i was curious.
>You think youre hidden with anonymity but every post you reveal more...
your schoolyard bully intimidation tactics don't work here. i am free to walk away from this thread and never think about it (or you) again. the only reason i haven't yet is because i find this mildly entertaining. you have no power here. if that bothers you so much, then why are you here? surely you knew that was the case when you decided to devote so much of your time to this site. if you want a captive audience you can intimidate with threats of violence, you should look elsewhere.

>> No.15763034

>you think
>unlike you, i don't claim to know everything already
I'd fact check you out of the thread, thats why.
>i am comfortable enough with my short omings
Thats not a good thing.............
>to be honest about them
LIES. You self denigrate while placing me at your level (free insult...but I CAN SEE YOUR SOUL, BOY...)
>i asked you a genuine question
He lives the delusion and expects the world to live it with him.
>you don't have to tell me
Then why dont you live right?
>your schoolyard bully intimidation tactics don't work here
OBLIVIOUS TO DANGER. He is so used to running his mouth and not being beaten that he now believes he did nothing wrong.

He never associates with men..because if he did he would be dead doing dumb shit like picking fights with killers.

>because i find this mildly entertaining.
Keep your persona online..otherwise one day you'll die forgetting youre in the real world.
>you have no power here

Thats why he runs his mouth...

>if you want a captive audience you can intimidate with threats of violence, you should look elsewhere.
Stop pretending youre aware of whats going on, its pathetic how deluded and ignorant you are.

You dont belong here...yet here you are LARPing like youre the general...

>> No.15763068

Same. I have dreams where I'm kind of monster hunter it's very fun. Usually I wake up in a sweat either after my prey kills me or I kill it.

I think because my wife made me watch the entire series of Supernatural.

>> No.15763073

>>finding out my friends have secretly hated me for years
>>finding out my girlfriend is cheating on me
>>finding out i'm adopted and my parents never really loved me
>>finding out everyone i know is in a dark cult and they've been working together to sabotage me
Damn Anon...I also had the cheating nightmare, I don't know why never happened to me. Haven't had it since covid tho, since we were literally in the same couple of rooms 24/7 for a full year.

I hope you find a way to resolve your many insecurities.

>> No.15763076

Is the twink in that picture you? Lol.

>> No.15763093

LMAO, you live a very easy life and you are clueless AF about the real shit going on out there.

>> No.15763106

[leans into the campfire light]
...and then everyone gave him...A Cold Shoulder!

>> No.15763129
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This is literally you

>> No.15763133

>ITT: "Vet" namefag who was a convoy driver or some stupid gay shit gets overly invested in proving how masculine he is over the internet.

You don't have to convince us or the guy you're arguing with. We know you're a boy frustrated that there aren't any sword and shield wars to fight anymore.

>> No.15763143

I mean he's not wrong. OP is a lonely loser, that's basically the only answer to the thread. His mental illness is starting to generate delusions, it's not deeper than that.

>> No.15763148

i'm trying, it's difficult when they keep getting confirmed though. i've had several girlfriends cheat on me. i've had friends whom i'd known for decades form secret groups for the sole purpose of excluding and avoiding me. i've had exes go behind my back and tell my friends horrible lies about me to turn them against me, and it worked. it's really difficult for me to trust anyone. luckily, i'm pretty resilient and tend to make new friends easily, but i'm more careful now not to get too close to them so i don't get betrayed again. i honestly don't know what i did to deserve all this, i'm generally a very kind person. i guess toxic people see that as an opportunity to exploit. could be worse though, at least i can be comfortable alone most of the time.

>> No.15763153

angry trumpet guy was probably not wrong either

>> No.15763161

>angry trumpet guy was probably not wrong either
He was Jewish and therefore in the wrong.

>> No.15763174


>> No.15763179

Damn, that's very cringe ngl. No woman's ever had the balls to cheat on me and people are too afraid of me to spread rumours.

>> No.15763199
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>who was a convoy driver or some stupid gay shit
They have nothing but the lies they tell themselves because if they operate in reality they would be destroyed.
>you're a boy frustrated that there aren't any sword and shield wars to fight anymore.
Thats a bad ass boy, tell me more about this...modern swords man.

Ive done more in a one year period than you have in your entire life...have some self respect and acknowledge yourself...lest you live a lie in front of the Truth.

>> No.15763208

>it's really difficult for me to trust anyone
Because when a man flat out tells you the truth you call him a liar and in the same breath spew lies out of your ass to LARP as a upright man.

Im now convinced you deserve all of this, youre pseudo friends and family are doing God's work by exiling a demon.

>> No.15763209

>No woman's ever had the balls to cheat on me
i want a woman who loves me so much that she has no desire to cheat on me, not one who fights the urge to cheat out of some reluctant obligation.
>people are too afraid of me to spread rumours
if people refrain from spreading rumors about you, it's because they like and/or respect you, not because they fear you. people spread rumors about me BECAUSE they're afraid of me, and hate me for whatever reason. when people are afraid of you, they resent you and avoid you, and resort to talking shit behind your back because they're too cowardly to say it to your face. i don't want to be feared, i just want to be loved, or at least liked, for who i am.

>> No.15763214

>Ive done more in a one year period than you have in your entire life...
Doubt it. How many people did your work affect last year?

>> No.15763226

The way he's desperate to start a fight is so annoying. These people have always baffled me in real life as well. I guess the elites concoct these dumb wars to clear out spastics like him every now and then.

>> No.15763233
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>Doubt it.
Im not asking a blind child how far *I* can see.

Tell me your limits...so I can know which of mine exceed your's. What are you? What have you done? Where have you been?

I dont "act" like an expert online, I *am* an expert and I live it in real life...shitposting online is just a medium.

>> No.15763237
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>How many people did your work affect last year?
8 billion.

My works in Math, Psychology and Biology have altered the fields.

>The way he's desperate to start a fight is so annoying.
>This is your mind on reddit. Let me tell you something, talking like that does not make you sound boyish, whimiscial, cool, and adventurous. It makes you sound like a fucking infantile retard.

YOURE A BITCH. I would slap the drink out of your hand in front of everyone for being so insulting.

>> No.15763242
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>My works in
Oh, and Theology, correlating it with BioPhysics and Psychology.

All is One and all of that.

>> No.15763249
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Theyre in my Cult.

The Cult of Reality, the one all religion is based on, all cults, all religions, all secret societies, all are connected.

Hivemind....I wonder who controls the Hive? Mayhaps the one that can seeee it?

>> No.15763277

>i want a woman who loves me so much that she has no desire to cheat on me, not one who fights the urge to cheat out of some reluctant obligation.
I assure you that women only become like that if you are better than any other man she has ever met. Usually that is not so difficult as it's all a matter of perception. If you want a really hot girl you have to have something more than looks/lifting, also a lot of intellegence/career+financial success, passio etc. to impress her. Otherwise she will keep clubbing and "going out with friends" hoping for better.

That is not wrong either. We do the same thing if we're being honest. You _could_ date some shut-in mid 5/10 uggo who would be unceasingly loyal as long as you keep her a shut-in, but her mental illness alone will weigh you down.

>if people refrain from spreading rumors about you, it's because they like and/or respect you, not because they fear you.
It's both trust me. Maybe it's even the same thing.
>people spread rumors about me BECAUSE they're afraid of me, and hate me for whatever reason. when people are afraid of you, they resent you and avoid you, and resort to talking shit behind your back because they're too cowardly to say it to your face. i don't want to be feared, i just want to be loved, or at least liked, for who i am.
I think there is always a source of resentment. It might just be purely because you aren't engaged enough or that you are too engaged etc.

Anyway I don't want to presume to give you advice, you seem to be dealing with all that shit healthily.

>> No.15763297

>What are you? What have you done? Where have you been?
If you live in the West you are alive today in no small part because of the work my team did. Not an exaggeration.

>8 billion
Unless you made the Covid-19 bioweapon I doubt it.

>Math, Psychology and Biology have altered the fields.
Yeah, nah, sorry. I'm cutting your LARP off right there. You are not in research and far too schizo to make it in a think tank or similar.

>Oh, and Theology, correlating it with BioPhysics and Psychology.
Anon. Just stop. You might actually need help.

>> No.15763314
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"Nuh uh."
Grow the fuck up, faggot, if I was your father I would belt you. Covid was a psychological operation to force people to do certain shit like isolate. Thats why "enemy" nations both float the lie...it was never about the virus, it was about making everyone go "monk mode". Are you a monk? No? Cool, I am.

>Yeah, nah, sorry.

What was your PhD in?
>I dont have one.

YOURE AN IDIOT PRETENDING TO NOT BE A RETRDED.....why thebfuck are you on a sciemce board if youre just spoutibg bullshit out of your ass?

>> No.15763326
File: 194 KB, 410x612, 4opyzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'll be the judge of science 'n such."
>"Nuh uh."
What is your field of expertise?
>"I'll just talk about you you you you you."

Never change, /SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS/, never change...

>> No.15763361

What language model is this bot?

>> No.15763401

>Not an exaggeration
Exaggeration model.
>you are alive today in no small part because of the work my team did.
I bet your work hinges more on mine.

Notice how he doesnt just say what it is...thats how I can tell if they know who I am, they keep their cards down. They learned that the smallest amounts of information given will tell me EVERYTHING I need to know.

Loose lips sink ships...good thing Im a plane.

>> No.15763522

damn, cant unsee

>> No.15763529

>Notice how he doesnt just say what it is...thats how I can tell if they know who I am, they keep their cards down.
Yeah, or because I know better than to violate my NDAs on 4chan you git.