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File: 5 KB, 250x117, vir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15758296 No.15758296 [Reply] [Original]

>Rat utopia is fake and humans are more comple-ACK

>> No.15758298

Kill all women. Implant a womb into my femboy bf so I can get him pregnant.

>> No.15758306

>Rat utopia is fake
Obviously. What does it have to do with your pic?

>> No.15758317
File: 57 KB, 868x754, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Remove Hispanics from the data set and US fertility rates are far worse than Japan's.

>> No.15758319

that fact isn't fun at all!

>> No.15758493

So, since it is crucial that women are not blamed here, does this mean that Americans normally multiply through parthenogenesis?

t.confused European

>> No.15758499

you will never be a woman

>> No.15758507
File: 3.50 MB, 332x293, 1657445545054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a woman.

>> No.15758516

based incels causing collapse of globohomo society.

>> No.15758552


>one nano second later....


>> No.15758584

I want to kill old farts
The problem is there's too many old farts

>> No.15758689

Overpopulation was always a meme issue. It's a problem in developing and impoverished countries, but was never a problem in Europe or North America.

>> No.15758766
File: 85 KB, 1280x1001, model-breeders-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fertility rates will almost certainly have a rebound. Natural selection virtually guarantees this. IN the modern world, people have roughly about as many children as they want to have. What we're seeing now is a purge of people with a weak instinct to reproduce,. "Breeders" with a strong instinct to have many biological children are growing exponentially, and will become a larger and larger fraction of the population as time goes on.


>> No.15760540

Cyclical. Civilization rise and fall cycle is a result of the Dysgenic-Eugenic cycle controlled by the environment, itself influenced by civilization. Feedback loop.

A culture of eugenics will solve this. AnCap is that culture.

>> No.15760549

The only people who shill that crap are paid by billionaires and big businesses.

>> No.15760553

It is tho

>> No.15761103

Uhhh you mean the Nazi conspiracy people were actually right????

>> No.15761107

Will these people with the strong instinct to reproduce have desirable qualities on which to maintain a decent society?

>> No.15761114

>you can blame virginal men
Explain yourselves, incels. Why are you insisting on not having sex?

>> No.15761177


>> No.15761183

> breeders revenge
It's a COPE
The TFR of so called breeders is declining too
Right now only African and Few countries in Asia have above replacement TFR

>> No.15761189

Going by current numbers and trends White Europeans and East Asians will go extinct within 3-4 generations.

>> No.15761195

It's already OVER for countries like Spain, Italy, Ukraine, South Korea, Germany etc

>> No.15761311

Even on africa is declining hard

>> No.15761338

two more weeks

>> No.15761354

Based virginal men choosing to maintain a standard and not abuse women by causing trauma by endless one night stands. Where are these men's parents?

>> No.15761359

Truth is it's just advertising from durex, just the same way media was used in the pandemic. News broadcasters will do anything for money. If you can lobby a government you can lobby a News corp.

>> No.15761373

Thats the same in every western country if you remove 3rd world migrants

>> No.15761376

So…idiocracy ?

>> No.15761393

Fertility will rebound when wages rise significantly relative to the cost of living AND men are given mote opportunities or women willing to settle with a regular guy who makes less than them (lol)

>> No.15761395

>fertility will rebound when my infantile wishing list comes true
It will rebound when you die off, as he correctly points out.

>> No.15761398

We're just going to genetically modify men to be small, women to be large and fecund, who have litters of babies each pregnancy.

>> No.15761399

Relative low quality of men and the price of housing are what's tanking fertility

>> No.15761405

It doesn't matter what you blame it on. That poster was entirely correct in pointing out that natural selection will simply weed out people who think the basic functions of a biological organisms are mere suggestions that can be ignored if the government doesn't give them the goodies they demand.

>> No.15761411

Oh no japan is losing a few people a year! Unless we do something, at this rate they'll die out in only 50 million years!

What really happens
>excess spergy men, sois and troons die out
>meaning less stress and/or competition in society for those who actually want to breed
>population will slightly fall (aspie dieout) and then begin to increase again (big family units get in vogue again)
>this is somehow a civilization level crisis

>> No.15761417

Astronomical levels of cope in this post. Not that I care. Civilization needs to collapse ASAP.

>> No.15761423

>can't disprove a single point
Incels like you will keep seething while chads like me will keep breeding. Weak cucks get filtered out and make way for the beasts. Darwinism. I thought you sois loved that shit no?
We merely have an excess of loser incels right now because our current society is ruled by people who are ultra gay and coal. These issues will literally fix themselves. Just give it time.

>> No.15761428

>something incels something seething chads cuck something something filtered darwinism something sois loser incels gay
High quality post. Not mad at all.

>> No.15761500

>aspie dieout
lol. aspies are practically the only group of people still voluntarily conceiving and raising children. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that every member of Gen Alpha is either autistic or an accident.

>> No.15761522

Jews are killing us.

>> No.15761530

When was the last time you talked to your father?