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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1575396 No.1575396 [Reply] [Original]

2 years after you graduate you will not give a flying fuck about "science & math" in any kind of meaningful academic sense.

>oh no, you're wrong OP, that wont be me, I'm enlightened, I'm going to be a geek until I'm 50.


truth hurts man

>> No.1575400

Is that what happened to you OP? I really would like to believe that won't happen to me. I'm going into aeronautics, so I don't think that would even be an option.

>> No.1575418

what was your degree OP?

>> No.1575427

I don't intend to leave academia soooo

>> No.1575432
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>> No.1575447
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>implying it matters

no, all this "science and math" shit is just self-congratulatory university students trying to identify with a culture. It's no different from punk rock or furry, you've just rationalized it especially well, and are especially arrogant about it. The fact of the matter is most of you are 20 year old students who latch onto "geek culture", "popular science", and masturbatory shit like XKCD then pretend it's some kind of life style or world outlook.

knock it off, you will be in 2-4 years anyway

>> No.1575451
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>> No.1575458

>implying that hasn't been reposted 200 times

>> No.1575464


Saying we're going to go into engineering or..?

>> No.1575495

it doesn't fucking matter man

it just doesn't matter

you may major in physics, math, computer science, mech engineering, bioinformatics, pharmacology, it just doesn't fucking matter...

you stupid fucking students. Two things can happen: you end up in academia, masturbating for the rest of you're life. Or you end up in engineering - I DON'T CARE IF IT'S "RESEARCH" - if it's for a private company or the government, someone, somewhere along the line is interested only in a product, a weapon, or a profit, and they don't give fuck about how smart you are, your theory of whatever, or your new method. Does it work, does it blow shit up, will people desire it.

>> No.1575503


he mad lol

>> No.1575510


>> No.1575512


>in a few years you'll end up in one of the places you want to end up in


>> No.1575527

you're going to look back on your time spent on this board with shame and embarrassment. God knows, you will be posting the same thing as I just did in a few years.

>> No.1575534

I graduated with a CS degree 15 years ago. Was torn between CS and physics. Having a great career in industry. After I retire I plan on going back to school and getting a physics PhD.

>> No.1575547

What I'm trying to get at here is that unless you are working for an academic company (basically google) or in academia, the workforce is a generally soul-crushing experience, even if you work for a top 50 company making 100k/yr (often times in that case, especially so).

Just a heads up.

>> No.1575541

You're not even SAYING anything, bro. I don't understand. You're not trying to convey some sort of message, you're just hurring and durring all over the place. First you said that we wouldn't care about science, then you said science was a subculture, then you said that we'd have jobs in science like it was a bad thing (self-contradiction FTW).


>> No.1575551

What job isn't?

>> No.1575557

You're degree and field of study are nothing to be proud of.

There I said it. That's it. There's the message. Fuck off.

>> No.1575564

Well then, good for me I'm into engineering at first!

>> No.1575569

Never said it was. Stop making sweeping generalizations about everybody on this board.

It just looks vaguely more interesting to me than flipping burgers, that's all.

>> No.1575570

OP is right. In the end, it all comes down to money. You'll work not for interest, but for money (unless you're the top 1%). But hey, at least you're making a shitload more than liberal arts kids, and if you're not good with your hands it's just like working in a trade. Not much difference in the long run for everyone, despite what everyone says.

>> No.1575597

The whole point of academia is not to embrace geek culture, but to ultimately further the reach of mankind and, perhaps more importantly, to discover and create something beautiful. I don't care if the specifics of my interests change (from math to business, or whatever) after working for many years, but I do know that the goal will remain the same, always: to further the reach of mankind, and to create something beautiful. Everyone needs something beautiful in their lives. And because there's such high demand for it, it'll sell, and I can pay the rent with it.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

>> No.1575605

What makes you think that OP?

>> No.1575617
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>further the reach of mankind, and to create something beautiful

the point of science is to fuck the other guy before he fucks you

>> No.1575628

just like the rest of the human experience

how could it not be so

>> No.1575662

I graduated from college about a month ago with a degree in chemistry. I'm currently going for a degree in physics. I don't think there is ever a way for me to leave science since I'm already addicted to it even if I somehow not end up getting a PhD and do some other thing. What I think OP did was go into some shitty engineering school because of money and/or parents, did horribly in all his classes, once he finally graduated he now starts working on something he never liked in the first place and wants to strangle his cat's balls because of it. Once you take that into account you have his senseless opnion.

Sorry OP, I think you should've just stuck to your theather degree or whatever since you never fell in love with science.

>> No.1575683

Aaaand? I'm a GIS technician who happens to love geography and computers.

Of course I do it for the money. But shit, I love my job. I love features and shapefiles and ArcEditor and all that good stuff.

Just because you're a jaded moron doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.1575698

This kind of primitive thinking is highly destructive.

Problem: the world has limited resources.
Idiotic solution: fuck over the other guy so that you always "get yours."
Smart solution: use our collective intelligence to make more resources.

The only reason we're able to survive in this day and age is because genetically altered plants and scientifically altered soils allow for far greater food production than before. Where would you be today if the agricultural scientists thought exactly the way that you do?

>> No.1575700

economic science maybe, but not most science

>> No.1575717
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>economic science