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File: 106 KB, 577x587, Screenshot 2023-09-18 7.13.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15752622 No.15752622 [Reply] [Original]

What was with the push in 2022 with psychologists trying to raise the age of majority based on "science"? Stuff like guns, death penalty, voting. It seems to not really be based on anything.

>> No.15752627

why do chuds desperately crave to mentally manipulate 14yo kids to (badly) suck their peepees?

>> No.15752630

No age limits. I'm tried of this shit. No more limits. The true libertarian position.

>> No.15752633

>mentally manipulate
As opposed to astrally manipulate which would be fine

>> No.15752635
File: 311 KB, 2149x1791, 118-1188772_anime-face-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have better idea.
Rise adulthood age 1 year each year.

>> No.15752650

Why is that the first thing your mind went to?

>> No.15752665

It makes them feel like they are changing or fixing some perceived problem. There will always be issues around "age" but raising or lowering it isn't going to change much

>> No.15752687

because your life is not affected by people being able to drink or drive or join the army a couple of years later.

strangely it's only affected when talking about sexual consent

>> No.15752694

>Republicans realise their base is dying off and they failed to capture the youth
>Suddenly psychologists discover that the voting age should be 21
You're right, it's suspicious

>> No.15752700

Why do predditors come here for the sole purpose of projecting? 99.999 % of child abuse and paedophilia is obviously done by your trans homosexual kind, and literally 100 % of the demands to have access to children comes from you lot.

>> No.15752716

Newfriend... you don't know that you inhabit a glass house

>> No.15752717

Hypocrisy and projection are the mother and father of leftism.

>> No.15752719

Nice projection.

>> No.15752721

Liberals and Republicans are working together on this. Notice how libs want guns and legal accountability at 21 also, whereas for repubs its voting and stuff

>> No.15752730

The voting-stuff is a complete red herring. Everyone knows that voting does not matter in western "democracies".

>> No.15752731

In the very real sense that conservative parents raise leftist children, yes

>> No.15752734

Nurture really is everything, seeing how well leftists take after their parents, then.

>> No.15752744

Raising the age is just a strat to keep conservative governments in power since the youth overwhelmingly vote liberal or lefty.
It isn't really based on any hard science, just loose nonsense about the brain still developing in your early 20s, unless you count losing neural plasticity as being mature enough to make informed decisions.
Also makes it easier to take away liberties if the people it affects aren't legally adults.

>> No.15752746

>appealing to the left-right ideological slop
Leftists are truly subhuman. lol

>> No.15752749

See? Hypocrisy and projection

>> No.15752754

All I see is your fully automated spam reply. Why do you consume and regurgitate left-right ideological slop if you're actually human and not a golem?

>> No.15752758

Why do terminally online leftists (particularly bpd women) side with conservatives on this brain dev thing then?

>> No.15752767

Is that you again, my easily riled-up friend? We have to stop meeting like this.
See, the hypocrisy obviously lies in you referring to "left-right ideological slop" at the same time you refer to me as a leftist. It's also obvious that you are a reactionary, yourself.

>> No.15752781
File: 24 KB, 400x400, NJUHh_Z2_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone very mentally ill is going to reply to this post.

>> No.15752783

>the hypocrisy obviously lies in you referring to "left-right ideological slop" at the same time you refer to me as a leftist.
I didn't refer to you as a leftist. I refered to people who refer to themselves as leftists and suddenly you start to rage. What gives? Even if I did refer to you as a leftist, what exactly stops me from simultaneously acknowledging that a certain golem ideology is a farce and that golems still believe in it?

>> No.15752791

>I refered to people who refer to themselves as leftists and suddenly you start to rage.
Every time. Every time someone disagrees with you your immediate response is that they're "raging" or "mentally ill". It's hilariously sad, actually.
>I didn't refer to you as a leftist
Characteristically pathetic gaslighting attempt
>Even if I did refer to you as a leftist
i.e. the "I didn't do it - but if I did, I meant to" defence
>what exactly stops me from simultaneously acknowledging that a certain golem ideology is a farce and that golems still believe in it?
Nothing, I suppose - which makes it all the more baffling that you didn't do that. Your post clearly indicates that you believe "leftist" is a useful label with a clear definition. I will account for the possibility, of course, that you have no idea what it actually means. But it clearly means something to you.

>> No.15752797
File: 144 KB, 988x1059, 235243423236236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what your psychotic rambling is about. I hope you realize I don't read most of it.
>Your post clearly indicates that you believe "leftist" is a useful label with a clear definition
No, it doesn't. You are mentally ill.

>it clearly means something to you.
Pic related is what it means to me. I don't think that's a legitimate ideology. I think it's a face. And I think there's a significant overlap between what you represent as a person and what's depicted in this pic, regardless of your political labels.

>> No.15752811

>I don't know what your psychotic rambling is about.
Indeed, you have very little idea what anything is ever about. Isn't it lovely that we have this little ritual together?

Anyway, if you allow for the usage of "leftist" in the same sense that you're doing now, then how does me merely mentioning the word "leftist" tell you anything about my supposed adherence to "left-right ideological slop" (whatever that even means to you)? If, indeed, I am capable of referring to leftists whilst simultaneously not acknowledging it as a legitimate ideology, then how do you know that's not what I did? Is it because you're a massive hypocrite who comes up with his contrarian stances in the heat of the moment?

>> No.15752812

>how does me merely mentioning the word "leftist" tell you anything about my supposed adherence to "left-right ideological slop"
It doesn't. I never implied that it does.

>> No.15752815

Characteristically pathetic gaslighting attempt nr 2
So you admit that you're wrong, then.

>> No.15752819

You are mentally ill. You clearly adhere to the left-right ideological slop but I did not determine this merely based on your usage of the word "leftist".

>> No.15752827

Of course not, it was actually something else that you're still coming up with now. I'm sure it'll be quite a revelation.

Anyway, you in particular are overwhelming evidence that reactionaries are projecting hypocrites and anything you have to say about "leftists" (or anything else, really) can be safely ignored

>> No.15752829
File: 18 KB, 317x320, six-million-wasnt-enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was actually something else
Yes, it was the way your automatic reaction to anything that mocks leftists is to say something bad about le right-wing boogeyman, you retarded clown. That's a dead giveaway, just so you know for next time.

>> No.15752837

Voting should 10 years old and guns should be age 50.

>> No.15752838

Curious that this widely acknowledged factual correction triggered you to complain about "left-right ideological slop", and not the people before that who were making assumptions about "leftists". Why are they exempt? Is it because despite complaining about "left-right ideological slop" you are actually mired in it and you therefore are only triggered when reactionaries like yourself are mocked? That's a dead giveaway of your hypocrisy, just so you know for next time.

Nice attempt at saving face but you are, as always, hopelessly outmatched against me. It won't, of course, prevent you from trying again and again because you appear to have some sort of desperate compulsion to prove yourself to me.

>> No.15752843

Your "widely acknowledged factual correction" makes no sense except except as a kneejerk reaction of an ideological goyslopper. By the way, I'm not reading more than one sentence of your vacuous shart. Don't bother writing so much.

>> No.15752846

>Your "widely acknowledged factual correction" makes no sense
To you, maybe, but as we've established, you are in a state of constant confusion about the world so that's not saying much. It is clear, however, that you yourself are exactly as triggered by reactionaries being mocked as you like to imagine I am. You are evidence that my correction was, in fact, factual.
>By the way, I'm not reading more than one sentence of your vacuous shart.
Who are you kidding? You live for my pearls of wisdom, swine. You have a clear compulsion to respond to me even if you have nothing at all to say.

>> No.15752848
File: 90 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-Jordan_Peterson_(42209352164).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not reading any of your boring psychotic rambling. Sorry.

>> No.15752851

So you claim. Yet you feel the need to let me know. Again. And again.

That's a compulsion.

>> No.15752854
File: 20 KB, 318x318, 1241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideological goysloppers get really angry when you point out that their mind is stuck on the ole' spectrum. lol

>> No.15752864

See? He can't help himself. Even as he tries to claim that merely responding to someone is a sign that you're turbomad, he can't keep himself from doing just that. Now what does that suggest about his mental state? This man has no doubt been reduced to tears.
Also, what spectrum, genius? Did you switch your script halfway through? First you keep denying things you explicitly said, now you're referring to things you never said. But I guess we can conclude you're definitely on the spectrum then because that has been true of everything else you like to accuse others of so far.

>> No.15752868
File: 1006 KB, 900x691, 42131232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752875

Dis nigga really thinks he's above the "left-right" paradigm because he doesn't vote lol

>> No.15752878

Is "dis nigga" in the room with us?

>> No.15752880

Yeah if you click those handy red numbers it'll show you who I'm referring to see

>> No.15752885

Maybe you should take your meds because there's nothing in there about how refusing to vote makes you above the left-right paradigm.

>> No.15752886

Okay well if you get to that post you can click that tiny picture and it'll blow up into a bigger picture. Maybe that'll help you make sense of it.

>> No.15752891

Nothing in that picture stating that, either. Maybe you're mentally ill?

>> No.15752896

All right, well, if I'm going to have to explain the entire context of the thread to you, this is going to be too much work, I'm afraid. Just accept that you're a feeble-minded simpleton and move on. Not everything is meant to be understood by you and that's okay. You have other strengths. Possibly.

>> No.15752897

It's so easy to keep you in a loop of rage.

>> No.15752898

What the fuck was this comment even supposed to be in response to? Is this a retarded AI or a genuine faggot pedo?

>> No.15752900
File: 6 KB, 193x261, cenk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752902
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-the-leftist-is-antagonistic-to-the-concept-of-competition-because-deep-inside-he-feels-theodore-kaczynski-72-63-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752904
File: 1.08 MB, 828x1513, MarxistTactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752906

Is that your one solace in this all, the fantasy that at least I'm seething at you as much as you're seething at me? Is that what keeps you going?

>> No.15752907
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-the-engineering-of-consent-is-the-very-essence-of-the-democratic-process-the-freedom-edward-bernays-68-19-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752910

Always accuse the enemy of that which you yourself are guilty of, huh?

>> No.15752912
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-f-or-50-years-the-well-meaning-leftist-agenda-has-been-able-to-do-to-blacks-what-jim-walter-e-williams-112-34-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752913

It's quite easy if you're familiar with chan culture and libertarian ideology. In fact it's exhibited by the very next reply >>15752630. They're that predictable.

>> No.15752915

famous quote of (((leftist))) Saul Alinsky

>> No.15752916
File: 161 KB, 640x948, george-orwell-1285922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hypocrisy and projection are the mother and father of leftism.

>> No.15752917

It's actually Joseph Goebbels but thanks for the demonstration

>> No.15752919
File: 137 KB, 635x403, 7382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752921
File: 300 KB, 500x500, Alinsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yah see, no it isn't it comes from Saul Alinsky but since leftists lie and project of course they would say their enemy. Goebbels did say it ..... but he was talking about the Jews.

>> No.15752925

>thanks for the demonstration
Indeed :)

>> No.15752928
File: 114 KB, 1083x546, Goebbels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pottery really

>> No.15752932

Famous right-winger George Orwell.

>> No.15752933
File: 198 KB, 800x800, 1694557828813320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752934

Oh, you put it in an image, well now I'm convinced. It's not like right-wingers have come up with enough fictional quotes from that book to fill another by this point, right?

>> No.15752937

What does any of this schizo shit have to do with the thread

>> No.15752939
File: 109 KB, 750x750, D1EtkMWXcAEWzXW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15752944

you just got busted red handed doing it and now you are gonna double down even more? do you think anyone expected any less? lmao you people are such a joke

>> No.15752946

>you just got busted red handed doing it
You're doing it right now, you mean.
And here too, of course. Leftist anti-Semitism, lol, lmao, you have got to be kidding me with this shit

>> No.15752947

>you just got busted red handed doing it and now you are gonna double down even more?
Yes. I learned it from your leader.

>> No.15752949
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>> No.15752950
File: 17 KB, 236x328, joker8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pottery, thanks for playing

>> No.15752951

As opposed to physically manipulate. What do you think the "manus" part in manipulate means?

>> No.15752954
File: 75 KB, 652x1000, 71R+Gl9ijFL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752960

Only on 4chan will the people saying leftists are all subhumen golem goysloppers team up with disingenuous pearl-clutchers to complain about anti-Semitism on the left. You see, we can go back and forth saying "no YOU are the ones that are projecting" "no YOU are the real hypocrites" etc. but you are the ones actually exhibiting it. Of course that won't stop you from claiming it's exactly the other way around, because such is the nature of the beast. Same with that Goebbels quote. "He said it but he was talking about others!" Perhaps, but it's still an apt description of nazi propaganda policy, so the fact that he accused Jews of it is itself a great example. I also like the implication that Goebbels was right about the Jews whilst you're complaining about leftist anti-Semitism. So go ahead and find me ten more talking heads making baseless claims about leftist hypocrisy. You're only revealing your own hypocrisy all the more.

>> No.15752962
File: 70 KB, 313x483, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” - Saul Alinsky

>> No.15752967

It's actually quite amazing that you went with anti-Semitism of all things to make this point, and keep repeating a fake quote to go along with it. But I guess when you view hypocrisy as a virtue, the bolder the lie, the better?

>> No.15752968
File: 6 KB, 183x275, antisemitism-and-the-left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Jews keep writing so many books about antisemitism on the left?

>> No.15752974

fucking kek. it's "islam was right about women" all over again

>> No.15752976

What’s so bad about it? That way, voting age would be also higher and people with a bit more matured brain might make better decisions

>> No.15752977

Because right-wing Jews (of which there are many) have a vested interest in it and right-wingers don't really believe in anything so they're happy to play along whilst it's convenient.

>> No.15752978

People are starting to learn that the slippery slope "fallacy" is not a fallacy but an empirical reality.

>> No.15752980
File: 140 KB, 853x480, 11-13-Franziska-Haug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15752981

>voting at 16
No they literally want to use emotional hormone retardness + 100% high school brainwashing to push agendas even faster
If this comes to “pass” say bye to guns and say hello to gulags for vax refusal, oh and gulag for saying mean thing on internet
Oh and for being white

>> No.15752984

Oh ye? The very last line was talking about lowering the age for voting, retard.
This is a Democrat push

>> No.15752989

The left “anti semetism” is because they are Israeli people as white and Palestine Arabs as “brown”
That’s it
They don’t care about anything else
If the Israel was brown, they would have ignored them, if Palestinian were considered white, they would be pro Israel as your neo cons.
They just extending their love non white, hate white sjw thinking toward Israel Palestine conflict.

>> No.15752990
File: 17 KB, 400x266, WGC-Mp3-1-400x266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummmm, guys? Is history repeating itself? I thought we were winning.

>> No.15752996

Lefty can only think about sex, it is amazing to see. Go work son

>> No.15753009

Yes, Democrats want to lower it, but OP is asking about the push to raise it.

>> No.15753015

"""Democrats""" want to lower the age of legal childfucking and the minimum age of voting for them. In every other aspect, they want to treat adults as children and raise the minimum age you're allowed to wipe your own ass. Hope this clarifies things for you two.

>> No.15753016

Until you go to the last tweet

>> No.15753017
File: 118 KB, 690x634, TheBigLie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same with that Goebbels quote. "He said it but he was talking about others!"
>This was is a fact but HE was the one projecting!
After that diatribe .... do you have any fucking self awareness at all?

>the bolder the lie, the better?
More projection, the pottery never ends. You are right on the verge of understanding that everything the Jews accused the Germans was in fact what they were doing to the Germans but you dont quite have the IQ to make that final step. He isnt me btw you massively retarded dip[shit, you can tell by the fact he isnt posting with my name. Can you come up with an original thought?

>> No.15753022

Meanwhile Republican men just don't wipe their asses because that makes you gay

>> No.15753026

>ideological goyslopper has another preprogrammed kneejerk reaction
This cretin is even going to reply to this post again. Delicious.

>> No.15753032

And there we have it: the left is anti-Semitic and hypocritical and also Goebbels was right about the Jews. Do YOU have any self-awareness at all?
>He isnt me btw
Who is "he"? You are aware of the fact that I'm referring to multiple people in the post you're responding to and explicitly distinguishing between them? That that was in fact rather the point?

>> No.15753038
File: 481 KB, 2103x1260, 1694293988445281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many jews and leftists pedophiles?

>> No.15753044

>He isnt me btw you massively retarded dipshit
You are an actual retard, imagine my shock that a leftist is an absolute fucking retard who cant understand simple sentences. Imagine thinking I give a single solitary fuck about the left being "antisemetic" after reading my posts. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think these posts are made by the same person (since you are too low IQ to realize he is not posting with my username)

>> No.15753048

Isn't it rather weird to reply to people out of the blue saying "oh man oh golly I bet he's going to reply to this post" like what do you think you're proving my man

>> No.15753052

Maybe you should stop replying to my posts, mentally ill cretin. It usually ends up with you being on suicide watch.

>> No.15753054

I am talking about the fact that you idiots are able to join forces despite your claims being completely at odds because neither of you substantially care about any of your vacuous accusations other than that they are anti-Left, and this is the part you can all agree on. The reasons why are all made up and don't matter too much.

>> No.15753059
File: 9 KB, 346x309, Lucian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard babbling and back pedaling
The fact that we can "join forces" to because of our shared hate for people like you says more about you than it does about us dont you think?

>> No.15753060

And deprive you of the attention you so desperately crave?

>> No.15753063

You ever notice how I never talk to you first or notice your posts? Every single time, you somehow manage to get triggered by a post of mine addressed at someone else. lol

>> No.15753065

No, it says everything about you and nothing about me. The fact that you lot can hate leftists because they are anti-Semitic and also because they are manipulative kikes tells us that at least one of you has to be entirely wrong and also that neither of you actually cares about that. The truth is entirely secondary to your real goal of hating leftists at all costs.

>> No.15753073

>You ever notice how I never talk to you first or notice your posts?
You mean like you definitely didn't do here >>15753026 lol
You really can't help transparently lying, it's pathological. Just like your compulsion to respond to me. I am merely entertaining myself and I will prove it by leaving you seething.

>> No.15753074
File: 1.07 MB, 812x3171, antiftwats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a left leaning liberal my entire life before 2016 and mouth breathers like you said I was Nazi because I wasnt on board with being invaded by 3rd world hordes. You are just an idiot, a useful idiot as it were. Whatever you are I am the exact opposite

>The truth is entirely secondary to your real goal

More projection but I will fix it for you
>The truth is entirely secondary to your real goal of white people at all costs
Now this is accurate. You have wasted enough of my time now, go back to bunkerchan with your tranny comrades

>> No.15753077

of *destroying* white people at all costs

>> No.15753082

That was after you replied to me yet again. You are so mentally ill and obsessed with me it's scary.

>> No.15753083

>I was a left leaning liberal my entire life before 2016 and mouth breathers like you said I was Nazi
Pull the other one you mental case
>Whatever you are I am the exact opposite
Indeed, I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... though not relevant here we might also add good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many

>> No.15753086
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, joker5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indeed, I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... though not relevant here we might also add good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many

>> No.15753090
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indeed, I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... though not relevant here we might also add good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many
Is this retard literally employing self-affirmation to calm himself down after getting BTFO on 4chins?

>> No.15753092

>That was after you replied to me yet again.
You mean after I replied to some random idiot, which apparently happened to be you (or was it?). And that was, in fact, after that idiot (so, you, apparently) had responded to me before. You noticed me. You insisted on talking to me. Because you can't help it.

>> No.15753099

Do you really think I feel "BTFO" after one of the board's most infamous unstable schizos tells me he is my exact opposite and then leaves himself wide open by not even specifying what I supposedly am?

>> No.15753101

You saw a post. It got under your skin. You tried to reply. It turned out to be one of my posts again. This happens every time we interact. I never notice you, you always ram your head against my posts. I have so much power over your emotions it's uncanny and the sad thing is I don't even try.

>> No.15753108
File: 124 KB, 726x750, soi_seethe_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am sane
>I am rational
>I am intelligent
>I am truthful
>I am calm
>I am worth something
>I am a good person
>I am a smart person
>I am not worthless
>I am not worthless

>> No.15753110

>unstable schizos
according to who? The literally mentally illo cluster B psycho? Top kek, yah we all know who you types run with. "schizo" on this board means you actually know what you are talking about and talk about things the idiots here are too stupid to understand so thanks for the compliment

>> No.15753113

Shut up. I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... we might also add good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many. I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many. I am sane, rational, intelligent, truthful, calm... good-looking, gainfully employed, in a relationship, loved by many.

>> No.15753114

>You saw a post. It got under your skin. You tried to reply.
Is that honestly how you imagine every interaction on 4chan to go? Every time someone shits a oneliner onto this website in response to some half-baked shart of a thought it's because it "got under their skin"? Again, what does this say about you? Literally every time someone responds to you at all you accuse them of being emotional. And then you keep insisting on it for hours.

>> No.15753115

>Im not crazy you are
>Im not crazy you are
>Im not crazy you are
>Im not crazy you are
>Im not crazy you are
hmmmm, yes you look very sane and confident to me

>> No.15753117

>Is that honestly how you imagine every interaction on 4chan to go?
No, it's objectively how every interaction between us starts. You always get triggered by a post of mine. Usually this happens multiple times per thread: I get bored of you and ignore you, then you get triggered by a different post of mine and start it all over again. Really funny stuff. Let's see how long it takes for you to do this again.

>> No.15753120

You two are so alike I'm actually starting to doubt the (very insistent) claim that you are two separate persons.

>> No.15753121

I am loved by many. How many are you loved by, Mr. Resident Schizo?

>> No.15753129

I'm nothing like him. I'm in a relationship and I am loved by many.

>> No.15753139

>No, it's objectively how every interaction between us starts.
It objectively isn't. In fact more often I'm interacting with someone else when some complete blathering idiot comes barging in and proceeds to dominate the thread with his projections. I simply noticed the pattern.
>I get bored of you and ignore you
Oh, you know this definitely never happens. You are always, always the one to try to keep my attention until deny you. Happened every time thus far. This is once again a pathetic attempt at saving face.
>Hehe w-well I grew bored of you anyway just when you didn't reply to my last post

Even when you declared you weren't reading my replies you immediately proved couldn't help yourself.

>> No.15753146
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>> No.15753149 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15753178

>stop being right , you chud!

>> No.15753182

post a link to a single post where I have ever lied or posted something"schizo." Take as much time as you need

>> No.15753189


>> No.15753213

>actual schizo is too retarded to figure out he is the one who is schizo

>> No.15753723

"Schizo" on this board means you actually know what you are talking about and talk about things the idiots here are too stupid to understand so thanks for the compliment. Too bad for you that whatever you are I am the exact opposite.

>> No.15754376

college kids are too immature to be voting and owning guns for sure, but their age group peers who have already joined the adult world as productive members of society are not. there should be a better test than just age

>> No.15754409

Sex at 15-16, it ain't that complicated no matter what people say + hormones anyway.
Drinking at 19, right between being somewhat responsible while also getting to have fun while young.
Voting at 30, because most people before that age are retarded and do not have sufficiently developed brains for abstract thinking nor the life experience needed to make any sort of an informed decision about it. Besides, with the way the current world is set up, many are just starting work between 23-25, so they aren't even taxpayers before that. So 30 is also just enough time to have worked enough to gain that perspective that lets you come to a more informed political decision.

>> No.15754431


>> No.15754828

Voting at 16 when it is legal to work and people should therefore have a say in how the economy is directed.
Voting rights end at retirement when you no longer have skin in the game and cognitive decline sets in.

>> No.15754987

>Voting rights end at retirement when you no longer have skin in the game and cognitive decline sets in.
That is a good point, I agree.
>Voting at 16 when it is legal to work
Perhaps that is something to think about. I am just afraid of people being too easily swayed by dumb tricks and it feels like something that'd happen at 16 no matter what you do.
Of course, it doesn't mean that most people are good at it at any age.
Perhaps income-based qualification should be put into place instead of the age check.

>> No.15754990

>retarded zoomies with zero understanding or experience should vote because they had a summer job in McDonalds
>the most experienced members of society shouldn't vote b-b-b-b-because they have "no skin in the game" (except presumably the wellbeing of their children and grandchildren)
This is what leftism (AKA severe mental illness) looks like.

>> No.15755053

>Perhaps income-based qualification should be put into place instead of the age check.
Also a good point. If your income is higher than the median you are excluded from voting.
>I bought my dad's summer house with a small loan he gave me and worked it off at his company, let me tell you all about the housing and job markets since I'm "experienced"

>> No.15755062

You see, >>15754990 considers himself an "experienced member of society" and he too is easily swayed by dumb tricks.

>> No.15755208

Not an argument.

>> No.15755215

Based. Only white men over 20 with more than 1 and fewer than 4 children should be allowed to vote.

>> No.15755227

How about this, then:
Why should we trust boomers to look after the wellbeing of their children and grandchildren when they've been doing such a bang-up job so far? Why should we leave the wellbeing of the next generations in the hands of a selfish gerontocracy instead of letting them determine their own futures? Are you really going to infantilise people well into their 30s because mummy and daddy know best? You say 16-year-olds lack experience, but truly, boomers have no experience with the difficulties faced today by the generations that came after them. Boomers have had their chance. Time to let someone else have a go at it.

>> No.15755238

>[people i dislike] shouldn't be allowed to vote because [opinion-based consequentialist reasoning]
Even if you're right about your own elders being completely incompetent (which, frankly, I can believe), your objections are purely circumstantial. Who should be allowed to vote is a question of principle and the answer should not depend on this or that particular generation being retarded.

>> No.15756406

So 16-year-olds should get the right to vote then? Because the only objections to that were that their generation is retarded and because their circumstances aren't the same as "more experienced" people.