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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15747271 No.15747271 [Reply] [Original]

Bad news about the new Ontario math proficiency test

>> No.15747291

Glad they are getting rid of racism there. We don't go far enough in the states

>> No.15747340

I am ok with this. Because whatever they do to make it easier for blacks will make it way easier for me to pass.

>> No.15747444

>Didn't score quite as well
I bet that's putting it mildly.

>> No.15747452

You're black ?

>> No.15747477

What if they add a dancing/basketball component?

>> No.15747875 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15748986 [DELETED] 

You'd like to think that, but in fact the opposite is true. There are only limited teaching jobs and they want to hire maximum shitskins, so every time a shitskin passes that means you're more likely to fail.

>> No.15749224


>> No.15749235

Heh fucking idiot. Ye it’s “easier” to pass, until they also rigged that also, make it easy for ALL to pass.
Then you are going to compete with low iq niggers to get your favorite job.
And guess who is gonna get the job? The person with the most victim points
Aka not you
So enjoy it
And also remember, even if you surpass all these retards, they still gonna pass, and at minimum get to be in charge of your kids or become insufferable HR.
So ye, you lose when you allow retards to pass anyway you think of

>> No.15749572

No. This has relevance here. Its spineless people like you who are destroying science. Watering and diluting the standards till fuckall remains.

Lets hide another tell tale marker of racial ineptitude because well .. it doesnt really matter. Ill just flush everything down the toilet with my children's future. I hope you have boys.


>> No.15749764

homosexuals don't have children

>> No.15749840

Best case scenario? They land cushy jobs that don't involve any decision making. I would say the otherwise is lots of companies failing a whole bunch of surprising new ways. Like Boeing planes falling out of the sky.

>> No.15749844

Everything going on as planned.

>> No.15749846
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>> No.15750958
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>> No.15750962

Got you but not what you're trying to say. My first assumption is 'it here atm'

>> No.15751956

They reproduce via child molestation

>> No.15751963

They always end up in cushy irrelevant jobs, like ER, or jobs no one cares about, like teaching high schoolers. But both, will affect you and your family in unimaginable irrreversible ways.

>> No.15753391

weak cope

>> No.15753701


Maybe we should just fill the colleges with black people so that white people don't get in. This will crash the black birthrate, increase the white birthrate, and kill the current retarded system of widwits going to college to make powerpoints. In 50 years the world will heal.

>> No.15753747

Lol, the government never releases data on how bad the new majorities score. Good catch

>> No.15753808

I vividly remember grade 3, 6, 9 EQAO testing. the teachers would spend time modeling the types of problems we'd have to answer ahead of time. Some of the try hard kids started asking how much EQAO scores impacted their report card grades. The teachers said there was no impact. Then some of the slackers kids asked something like "wait so there's no consequences for doing bad" and the teacher blubbered some shit like
>w well it it helps us know where to focus in the curriculum
>so you can learn better
and by then they started losing control of the class and since it was multiple choice when it came time to write the test, the majority of people would answer randomly so they could whisper to their friends or sleep or just do nothing.
This was mid 2000s, the absolute state isn't the quality of the curriculum, it's schools slowly becoming less and less able to enforce anything. I'm sure it's a thousand times worse these days

>> No.15754675

I remember a test like that in HS, it was some sort of military assessment thing. I filled in the card as quickly as possible and noped out of there. later on i got a talking to for not taking it seriously, but it didn't affect muh grades so i didn't care

>> No.15756093
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>> No.15757047 [DELETED] 
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>Everything going on as planned…
…in The Protocol of the Elders of Zion and the Kalergi plan

>> No.15758725 [DELETED] 

good solution

>> No.15759568 [DELETED] 

did this thread emotionally trigger you because you're jewish or because you're some other flavor of shitskin?

>> No.15761175 [DELETED] 

if you think zoomers are getting bad educations you ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.15761694

>post about declining standard in science/math education on a science/math board
>but disagrees with me
>therefore /pol/

How does your dad's penis taste, anon?

>> No.15762205 [DELETED] 

Right, zoomers made it out of elementary school before more of the woke tranny programing became omnipresent

>> No.15762238

I'm going to be very disappointed if Gen Alpha are the faggiest faggots to ever fag.

>> No.15764498 [DELETED] 

Devious plan, I like it

>> No.15765157

What if they give you a bonus score for your race being African?

>> No.15766177 [DELETED] 

Thats what they do

>> No.15766401

When you deny the genetic reality of different abilities then all you are left with is claiming discrimination.

Of course the powers in charge know exactly what they're doing but they can use it to destroy the lives of anyone more able than them.

they are not human

>> No.15766407

>sidney shapiro
any relation to ben?

>> No.15766416

This can't go on forever. Large companies will hire these morons. Small companies will continue to hire the highest skilled people. Small companies then outcomes the large and eventually become them. Then it all repeats. Hiring all of these idiots is not a sustainable solution for corporations.

>> No.15766424

Industry in the countries where this will be forced through will be destroyed.
The dystopia of china will unroll to the rest of the world.

>> No.15766438

>the powers in charge
They're not aren't in charge of anything except the morons who willingly submit to them.

>> No.15766460


you just ruined my day man I think you’re right the fucking cunts

>> No.15767091

They're all part of the same tribe

>> No.15767098

two more weeks