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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 47 KB, 537x772, 54 years after the moon landing, we're still flying the 737, which came out in 1967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15749604 No.15749604 [Reply] [Original]

a community that is either completely full of crap or utterly incompetent, possibly both?

Let's say we really did land on moon; well there's the glaringly incompetent aspect of progressing from Wright Bros to Moon Landing in just 50 years only to not just stall (but epically FAIL) the following 50 years with the same shitty jet planes STILL being the best we got for traveling around the world.

The only other explanation for the epic stalling failure of the last 50 years is that the moon landing was faked, but then you are forced to deal with being part of an industry that is actually more full of shit than any other. Either way it is a shameful community to be part of and contributing to don't you think?

>> No.15749615
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>not just stall (but epically FAIL) the following 50 years
the people who run the world don't want progress, they want things to stay exactly as they are, with themselves in charge and at the top.

>> No.15749665

Where is the stall? Since then we've invented microchips, got taller and smarter, got bigger dicks, got AI, a world wide network accessible from these TV-phones and neuralmplants, developed metaphysics and artificial limbs, got steroids and bitcoin, electric self driving cars, 3d printed guns, curbed crime, fucked bitches, created a room temperature superconductor, verified UFOs, injected bad people with chems and kept alcohol legal. Things are looking great

>> No.15749677

>room tempt super conductor
>curbed crime
KEK look at Sweden, the literal heaven on earth turned into Somali, 109 bombings in 2023 and as blacks number increase globally, so are crimes
Or look at USA and how we are responding to criminals
>printed guns
Land you in prison in any nation beside USA
>became taller and smarter
No, average height and iq decreasing in every western nation
>got bigger dicks
Lol the pressure on males and their performance is above the roof and so is their anxiety
Hell , we can’t even make UN to call circumcision by its true name MALE GENITAL MUTILATION
>got steroids
We had them
Ye and all they do is lie, to the point that public think of nuclear energy as harmful and dams as ecological disasters
Things going very bad indeed and I expect worse to come

>> No.15749942

>epic stalling failure of the last 50 years
Why do people always assume space exploartion has declined since the moon landings? Like, oh, we didn't go back to the moon, so this means progress has stalled?
Why would we even want to go back there? We are capable of so much cooler shit by now. We have an international space station which is manned 24/7, tens of thousands of satellites, a high-tech rover with its own toy helicopter taking a stroll on Mars, our propes are capable of landing autonomously without any human intereference, we sent a probe through Saturn's rings, we sent a probe to land on Titan, for the first time in human history we have actual pictures of Pluto up close, we landed on an asteroid, Voyager (which launched after the Apollo missions) has entered interstellar space and still keeps sending data etc.
Just because we didn't keep sending people to the Moon doesn't mean progress has stalled. In fact, it has continued. Like, the moon is cool and all, but that's about all there is to it. Why bother if there's so much more we can do by now?
It's like saying, after having invented the lighter, "Well, progress has stalled because people don't use the fire drill anymore."
If you went back in time and told some tech-guy from NASA working on the Apollo program that in 2023 we have a giant space telescope orbiting one of the Lagrange points millions of miles away from Earth and which is capable of capturing images of galaxies on the very edge of the observable universe, he'd jump out of his boots.

>> No.15749949

This. OP is just another doomer poltard

>> No.15749950

We are never going to Moon again.

>> No.15749952


>> No.15749955

if there is no progress it's due to people like you (and me)
the other generations before us did the work and managed to create progress, now it's up to us

>> No.15749959
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Pic rel is the Future of North America and Europe

>> No.15749961

You can't do shit, the previous generation (boomers) ruined everything - society has collapsed across the First World.

>> No.15749972
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I appreciate the techo optimism, but back wjem they decided to create the interstate and car dependent suburban model ran on crude oil they had no plans for when it ran out, they simply expected us to be among the stars by now living like the jetson with thorium powered space mobiles

Now the can is kicked down the road and as they try to look forward to ruling an empire of hypofrontalists living in the dust

Why arctic colonization is important, if we cant live ul there, how can we live on mars?

>> No.15750030

Technologists are detached from reality and extremely childish.
American mind doesn't understand that not everything can be solved by Technology and Investment.

>> No.15750037

it's been more than 50 years since the moon landing and we have made no progress at all. Either progress ended at the moon landing or the moon landing never happened

>> No.15750046
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Why i say ww2 never ended and the conclusion is FFA in absence of exodus

Stopping the mimetic race with spiritual alchemy is just as implausible to me than creating a spaceship with giant tardigrades

>> No.15750068

This entire thread is anti-science and it.may as well exist on pol

>> No.15750084

What could possibly have happened to the West in the past 70 years to have caused this.
What large changes to all the nations could lead to such an outcome.

>> No.15750113

Huge progress did in fact happen, the moon landing did in fact happen, etc. There is a concerted effort to stall things that has only been around for about fifty years, I am part of it.

>> No.15750121

Scientists would be wise to distinguish themselves from technologists. The latter almost always has an anthrological agenda, whether political, economic or ideological, this is not necessiarily true in the former

>> No.15750125

Scientists can't distinguish themselves from anything because scientists have no independent existence, even on a purely conceptual level.

>> No.15750196

Rockets were far more developed than aircraft at the time of the wright brothers thoughever

>> No.15750582
File: 163 KB, 850x571, The-Dennard-scaling-failed-around-the-middle-of-the-2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say we really did land on moon; well there's the glaringly incompetent aspect of progressing from Wright Bros to Moon Landing in just 50 years only to not just stall (but epically FAIL) the following 50 years with the same shitty jet planes STILL being the best we got for traveling around the world.
You end up running into physics problems like the drag-divergence or Dennard scaling that stops your progress

>> No.15750613

What is the point of your effort

>> No.15750852

How does any of that explain how they've actually made air travel 1000% worse than it was 50 years ago? It's like they weren't happy with using the same shitty tech for 5 decades, NO, we have to also make the experience of flying an absolute nightmare.

>> No.15750865

we need a fire under our asses to keep going. the Evil Empire was that fire

>> No.15750915

People flocked to the suburbs because vibrancy made their cities unsafe.

>> No.15750952


>> No.15751000
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>> No.15751588

>the stagnation of the last 50 years
he says on the internet

>> No.15751596

I'm really, really looking forward to the day when /pol/tards and /x/schizos are put up against a wall and shot. Keep this retardation, your room temperature IQs, and your narcissism in your designated containment boards.

>> No.15751623

less and less planes suffering accident each passing year. It's getting more and more efficient

>> No.15751830

petty insults rather than addressing the points are epitome of low IQ. Such behavior is exceedingly low class.

>> No.15751851

I still havent been to the moon. Nothings changed.
> Do you ever feel embarrassed to be part of a community that is either completely full of crap
I take pride in it
> or utterly incompetent,
As long as its done for lulz its justified.
> The only other explanation for the epic stalling failure of the last 50 years is that the moon landing was faked,
My personal explanation is the jews

>> No.15751854

to explain a little more, do you know what Wall St. calls technological innovation? 'Market Disruptors'
They literally call the advance of the human race a disruption. Thats whose killing everything.

>> No.15751865

the stall is niggers. is this even a serious question?

>> No.15751871

Stop being so racist, misogynistic and antisemitic, anon.

>> No.15751875

Near misses are at an all-time peak.

>> No.15751876

they call it a disruption because the financial conception of bureaucracy is that the current industrial leaders dont WANT innovation. innovation would disrupt their profits. therefore disruption is good, because it forces industry to innovate.

they're obviously trying to kill everyone, but your argument is bad. market disruption is good. breaking up monopolies is good.

in the absence of jews and niggers, I maintain that nearly everything can be solved by technology and investment.

>> No.15751881

doesn't matter. we are still in a dark age.

read more about spacex. they needed valves for the rockets. the valves made for the government cost thousands of dollars. for a fucking valve. musk bought valves from fucking washing machines, learned to manufacture them in house, and he reduced the price of valves by 800x. he started refining aluminum for a 40x price reduction.

we SHOULD be living in a world where international flights are as cheap as an uber and most diseases are curable. this is not the world we live in.

>> No.15751910
File: 37 KB, 485x347, EVG3r3OU8AAJxAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only other explanation for the epic stalling failure of the last 50 years is that the moon landing was faked,

Or that the math and science necessary to make the next technological jump is still in works. It took thousands of years worth of math and scientific observations before specific theories could even be made.

Do YOU have a specific theory on faster than light technology that doesn't violate current laws of physics?
Do YOU have specific mathematical notations or formulas that explains how the tiniest scales of quantum physics can be utilized for viable energy sources?

Or are you going to bitch and claim everything all the current feats of technology is fake because YOU don't want to wait potentially another several thousand years before humanity figures out (or stumbles into) a set of theories that make the above subject matter viable?

>> No.15751921


we have the technology to get to mars and back. engineering advances pure physics as much as physics advances engineering. without TRYING to do it, there will be no advancement. ad I already mentioned, we cannot even make VALVES efficiently anymore. are you telling me we don't understand the physics of VALVES?

we have stopped trying, purely because of niggers and political waste. there is NO counterargument to this

>> No.15751938
File: 153 KB, 332x328, 1672000721209357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The counter argument is that Chinese, South Koreans, Japan, Singapore, Russia which have virtually none of the nigs and political waste you fervently bitch haven't achieved FTL or Energy based Quantum Technology.

You need to accept the real possibility that technological progress requires large amounts of time.

>> No.15751954

Aside from japan, which invented very small amounts of incremental improvements jn process engineering, no asian country has ever invrnted anything of value

And now you sare saying because they never invented anything, and they continue to not invent anything, that this means it is not possible for white people to invent anything?

>No jews. No waste
Lol. Lmao even

Yeah, i am thinking you are retarded

>> No.15751996
File: 103 KB, 765x767, 1693318142090520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Asians aren't lel creative
Unironically fuck off, I gave you places and people that didn't have the issues you bitched about and instead of admitting fault now you want to say these high IQ people don't count.

You're a joke anon.

>> No.15752076

All thanks to oil... which is not eternal.

>> No.15752129

>high IQ
Only means you're good t recognizing patterns and math
Utterly worthless for any creative or innovative endeavors
If high IQ was all that was needed, the Chinese would have actually circumvented the Earth before the Euros did instead of pussying out at the last minute

>> No.15752271

>Let's say we really did land on moon;
oh boy, heeeere we go.

>progressing from Wright Bros to Moon Landing in just 50 years only to not just stall (but epically FAIL)
What the fuck!? We have a robotic work-force on Mars at this very moment. The ISS is a monument to our deeds in space. Spy satellites are downright horrifically good at what they do. We parked a motherfucking observatory at L2 and it unfolded like origami and fucking WORKED! omg, I'm so glad the James Webb went off without a hitch. I mean, we paid for that, but god DAMN it was dicey.

And fuck dude, haven't you kept up with what astronomers have done with raw data? They're mining it in really clever ways to find planets.

What, in your eyes, would be valid proof that human space efforts haven't "stalled"? What would we need to do to actually satisfy you?

>> No.15752382

This. Those in power don't want people to escape their grasp.

>> No.15753062

The west switched focus to prioritizing mass immigration and white genocide.

>> No.15753126

>stalling failure of the last 50 years

in the last 50 years we
>built the internet, which you take for granted but you can't even imagine how enormous change it is
>instead of computers taking whole floors now they are in your pocket and several thousands times more powerful (did i mention the internet?)
>built the international space station, which is up and running for a couple of decades
>built a couple of space telescopes which we service and maintain (in space)
>built gravitational wave detectors that detected gravitational waves
>sent probes all over the solar system and a couple beyond
>landed on comets and asteroids
i think we're not doing that bad

man missions to the moon had little practical implication before we were ready to think about space station there

>> No.15753131

dysgenics and it's consequences for our genetics will be a disaster for human civilization

>> No.15753268

>we need a fire under our asses to keep going.
Thet we stopped going is part of the problem, that we somehow went back is a greater problem.

>> No.15753273

>he says on the internet
... which is from the late 60s.

>> No.15753284

It's as if we are supposed to be impressed by something as basic as www. It's elementary shit in terms of modern civilization. The fact it took 200 years from discovery of electricity to invent a www is actually another glaring example of scientific incompetence.

>> No.15753291

Why have whites not only put up with it, but actually embraced it?

>> No.15753295

>We were on the moon.
We were? I don't remember that.

>> No.15753395
File: 526 KB, 2552x2043, SledDrivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epic stalling failure of the last 50 years
Make that 60 and look up

Oh yes, it was beautiful. Too bad you were drunk at the time.

>> No.15753671

Your "points" are exactly the same as those of every other tiresome, banal narcissist who insists he's figured everything out and that he's smarter than millions of better-educated, more intelligent people - people who spend their lives learning and researching this shit. They have already been addressed countless times.
Now go away and stop shitting up this board. You have a dedicated board for retarded conspiracy theories and you should use it.

>> No.15753676

Lobbing petty insults and displaying low IQ is no way to go thru life son.

>> No.15753689

Believing in schizo conspiracy theories makes you deserving of insults. Now fuck off to your containment board.

>> No.15753691

>hurf durf I'm stupid
Technological progress doesn't happen uniformly in all days all the time. Transportation had a revolution from the (mostly, if you don't count trains) late 19th century until the 1960s, by then we'd done just about we realistically could have, and we progressed radically in other domains, like computing and telecommunications.

20 years from now you'll cry about how desktop computers or smartphones haven't changed much lately.

>> No.15753693

*in all domains all the time

>> No.15753776

>Technological progress doesn't happen uniformly in all days all the time.
Obviously, also irrelevant. It also fails to explain regression.
>Transportation had a revolution from the (mostly, if you don't count trains) late 19th century until the 1960s,
Increasingly, the 60s seem now like the peak of performance.
>by then we'd done just about we realistically could have,
No. SR-71 had a weakness in the engine that set the upper limit to the speed. Rather than rectifying it and let it rule the skies another 10 years, they destroyed the toolings and closed the program. That is not going far, that is going backwards.
>and we progressed radically in other domains, like computing and telecommunications.
Computing ran out of steam years ago, now they just pile on cores and even larger GPUs which are arrays of coputational units. There is hardly any clock frequency increase. There are no new architectures or low level architectures. As for telecom, there are new standards with wider bandwidths using larger DSPs, but there are no fundamentally new tech here.
>20 years from now you'll cry about how desktop computers or smartphones haven't changed much lately.
I noticed these things ran out of steam years ago.

>> No.15753779

>everyone who disagrees with me is a narcissist

>> No.15753834

It's rather amazing how many narcissistic shitheads gravitate to careers in science. Almost like it's a prerequisite.

>> No.15753837

Illogical trolling retard is also narcissistic... What are the odds?

>> No.15753840

The moon is kind of shitty. Regolith dust is fucking awful.

>> No.15753995

it doesnt happen uniformly precisely because of civilizational collapse you stupid fucking nigger. you think that there is some gigantic leap in logic between the steps of engineering or something? no, it is all inherently related and anyone that isnt a fucking retard can see the steps incrementally. there have been NO steps made in 60 years because this country is ruled by kikes and niggers

>> No.15754016

>Wright Bros
Santos Dummond*

>> No.15754077

The colonisation of the americas threw abundance of industry into the world because the land was of high utility and the people were uninhibited. Europe benefited in tandem through claims and trade. We already knew most techniques and fundamental concepts of science but it was not feasible or profitable to employ them. With America as a testing ground for industry and a supplier of materials to Europe where more prudent measures could be developed for their industry. Population drove most innovation where they would be useless if there were no demand for them. Things level out when they’re good enough. I don’t know why you’re expecting constant profit as if we have shareholders to pay. I’ve seen some minor improvements in aviation. It is the lies and corruption that is shameful.

>> No.15754113
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1681100628860312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is hardly any clock frequency increase
An intel employee fell into a 20 year coma and this is his first post on 4chan since awakening

>> No.15754129

>in the absence of jews and niggers, I maintain that nearly everything can be solved by technology and investment.
Oh look another detached from reality and extremely childish take made by a technologist.

>> No.15754272

so uh, if technology and investment didn't cure all of the curable diseases, get us to the moon, improve human health across the entire world, split the atom, create nearly infinite energy on the planet....

uh, what did that? communism did that? art? niggers twerking on top of burnt cars in the ruins of chicago? please tell me

>> No.15754276

We have been raised from birth to hate our own race.

>> No.15754520

>An intel employee fell into a 20 year coma and this is his first post on 4chan since awakening
He would have been more concerned with complexity overload with Spectre/Meltdown than impressed with clock frequencies.

>> No.15754523

I meant jerking off over clock frequency died with netburst

>> No.15754749

Isnt that more a socioeconomic problem than a technology problem? Ie. Healthcare for profit and such.

>> No.15754763

how do you expect technology to advance if our manufacturing technology has REGRESSED?

>> No.15754772

I should note, the increase in cost is not merely theft. they are unable to manufacture for a lower price. just simply unable.

>> No.15754782

>Isnt that more a socioeconomic problem than a technology problem?
Social issues such as failed management block technological progress, even to their own detriment. Massive research fraud means life extending knowledge is pushed off further into the future, and the liars and the leaders (often the same) die early becaues of this.

>> No.15754787

it doesnt just push it off into the future. it makes new technology IMPOSSIBLE by crowding them out. if it is impossible to succeed via producing a good product, the only things that survive are highly convincing scams

>> No.15754791

>market disruption is good. breaking up monopolies is good.
Kek most of the “market disrupters” are at a scale that would make monopolies of the past blush.
Amazon disrupting retail.
iPhone disrupting the cellphone market.
SpaceX disrupting rocket launches.
All basically taking over to the point they become almost ubiquitous.
It can take years for the gravitas accumulated by these “disrupters” to finally fissile out.

A good example of which would be Netflix, and how sloooow it took to break it up.
Literal decades where it was practically unchallenged, until other corporations finally figured out how to put their movies on the internet.
That’s all it was, putting shit on the internet, and humanity couldn’t figure it out.
Well, really it wasn’t “humanity” it was the media companies with their government appointed monopoly on IPs that finally got off their asses to make their own streaming sites.
Really this whole anecdote is quickly circling back to the idea that humanity’s progress is being majorly stifled by bullshit.

>> No.15754793

I agree that bullshit stifles progress, but you're not speaking clearly

disrupting industries will NECESSARILY be monopolies when they begin because if they are PROPERLY doing their job when others are not, then there will be NO WAY for anyone to compare. this is by design.

the only solution to this is to make normal humans less subhuman niggers who are incapbable of basic tasks.

as a comment on your netflix thing, there is a thread going around now that software engineers say programming craigslist is basically nearly impossible, and that theoretically it should not be possible.

software engineering is not my thing, but nigger seriously? is this how fucking retarded existing programming frameworks/and or software engineers are?

this seems like such a trivial fucking problem. if software engineers cannot do it they should be put in gulags. utterly unacceptable.

>> No.15754802

Technically he is right.
Clock speed has on average plateaued sine around 2005.
But instructions per clock have kept increasing. (Mostly by packing more transistors.)
So this is the main way CPUs have gotten faster since 2005

>> No.15754813

>the only solution to this is to make normal humans less subhuman
Best way to do that is education.
Education is how you build people, basically.
And no I’m not saying if you throw enough education at a dindu they’re going to be a rocket scientist.
Obviously mileage will vary from person to person.
But the education system is pretty much broken.
The problem is talking about fixing it is hard because the people who usually harp about it being broken are grifter types who just want mo money fo them programs, rather than performing structural surgery on the institution.

>is this how fucking retarded existing programming frameworks/and or software engineers are
90% of programmers are Ctrl+v monkeys these days.
Before Musk started the trend of firing people, it was something like 15% of the programmer base actually got things done, and only 1-2% actually had the architectural vision to put together a useful piece of software.
This is why X, Google, Meta, etc. were able to fire HUGE amounts of staff and it not effect anything.

I again blame the education system which is basically Ctrl+v but from your textbook rather than StackExchange.
That kind of system breeds a certain kind of person, who then goes into programming.

>> No.15754826

I am not convinced education is the solution

it is unanimous. in any field, more 'education' merely allows people who would not have succeeded, to be able to somewhat mimic what intelligent people do, and in the process bloat and destroy every organization they touch

proposing more education, even non-liberal 'fixed' education, is essentially allowing more people that are fundamentally incapable, to be able to ape basic skills and crowd out the skilled workers

it is fundamentally a talent filtering problem. you will realize this, as there are fields that essentially don't have ANY education whatsoever, and this problem is absent.

>> No.15754840

>it doesnt just push it off into the future. it makes new technology IMPOSSIBLE by crowding them out.
Kali Yuga bites hard in the West. One can still hope for a new dawn elsewhere. It is scary how deep the rot goes and how far the corruption reaches. I see this in my work but the vast majority believes the press that all is well. It is not.

>> No.15754919

>Why arctic colonization is important, if we cant live up there, how can we live on mars?
We can.
Argentinians even tried to claimed it, but international community told them to piss off and declared that Antarctica is off limits for colonization because environment and shit.
You can live there, like a thousand people live there in permanent settlements. But you cannot colonize it.
That means if you were a pregnant woman, you are simply forbidden from going there and If you were to get pregnant on one of the research stations, you are literally not allowed to deliver on the continent. They will call a plane and escort you away.
>that's dumb
Yes, it is.

>> No.15754920
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So you would let the field of work be the education arena, fair enough I guess.
That could also work for my thesis.

But require one thing, how would it stop the current plague of copy-paste style learning/education?

>> No.15754933

the prevalence of copy paste education is because of low iq people, or barely sentient high iq people, and the illusion that sentience of iq can be created

if you start with the prior that people can be 'made' smarter, you will try to use measurements to determine which thing makes them smarter. of course, can sentience be measured? good luck. a flaw as old as time. it's called 'goodheart's law' when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. why? one, because people game the system. if they don't they lie. even if they do neither, the purity of the data is corrupted. this is the reason for double blinds even in the absence of corruption. knowledge of effect a or b inherently changes behavior. goodharts law is undisputed, by the way.

fundamentally, humans have a genetic problem. we must become a better species

>> No.15755002

>Goodarts law
Usually a “law” is just a more pretentious version of an opinion, but presented as an observation.
But I’ll humor you and agree that it’s inevitable that people will seek to game systems.
Still, entropy alone is not an excuse to give up on seeking solutions.

>fundamentally, humans have a genetic problem. we must become a better species
I agree, humans should come up with a system to do that.

>> No.15755007

there is no system that will make a nigger a human

there is no system that will make whites better than currently

we need eugenics.

>> No.15755008

>we need eugenics.
Yes, but focusing solely on looks, to make sure your likes stop getting produced.

>> No.15755013
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>we need eugenics.
That would be a system.

>> No.15755017

ah right. eugenics to remove 'bad' people, but not niggers or murderers. smart mvoe. fucking nigger

>> No.15755018
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>We need... le SYSTEM
Why do certain individuals love deepthroating the boot so much?

>> No.15755019

I don't see the word 'bad' anywhere in that post. Are you ok? Anyway, eugenics should be purely looks-based and eugenics policies should be voted on solely by women.

>> No.15755023
File: 238 KB, 680x723, Allaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Systems are LE BAD and will never work because humanity is low IQ and will always game the system.
>We need a system to kill low IQ people.
Why do certain individuals love being so enormously retarded on this board?

>> No.15755025

>i am refuting against imaginary characters in my head

>> No.15755044

I think you're confused. What you want your system to do is to produce individuals too low-IQ to game it. If you produce high-IQ individuals, they will only game it more.

>> No.15755627

>90% of programmers are Ctrl+v monkeys these days
Doesn't the blame actually lie with professors who are too lazy to create original learning material that doesn't have simple copy/paste solutions?

>> No.15755638

>The only thing we could use the moon for is landing on it can collecting dust for fun

Retards like you are what is killing society

>> No.15755639

name calling is not an argument

>> No.15755778

>community that is either completely full of crap or utterly incompetent, possibly both?
Not part of that community. They degraded themself to nonhuman cattle. But as in any species there are nice and lovely individuals and all can claim animal rights (until slaughter). And yes (YOU) glownigger too.

>> No.15756389

They like to fantasize about what they would do if they were king of the planet, that kind of world building fantasy play is common amongst people with severe personality disorders
>Ernest Jones, in 1913, was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.15756915
File: 211 KB, 891x980, the atheist power fantasy meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15758441

>Either way it is a shameful community to be part of and contributing to don't you think?

>> No.15758862

Never happened, obviously. The distance between the moon and earth is 400 000 kilometers. You can fit every other planet in the solar system between the earth and moon. It's completely unrealistic for some gay little 60s rocket to make the trip back and forth successfully.

>> No.15758905

>the following 50 years with the same shitty jet planes STILL being the best we got for traveling around the world
And we still use the same Otto engine. Inb4 electric motors, they were around in the 1800s as well. Is it really hard to believe that an invention is actually good? Combs look like in the Roman times. Sometimes something is simply invented and then progress stalls because there's no more progress. Deal with it faggot.

>> No.15758906

>the people who run the world don't want progress, they want things to stay exactly as they are, with themselves in charge and at the top.
Yeah, fuck conservatives. Progressives should line them up against the wall.

>> No.15759049

>But require one thing, how would it stop the current plague of copy-paste style learning/education?

Honestly not really. Software Development education should mostly work via apprenticeships where they work on actual open ended projects supplemented by core Computer Science classes. But because that's a less prestigious and more messy model, people try to shove software engineering into a formulaic mold, meaning you spend a lot of time on tasks with standard solutions.

>> No.15759647

Hands on learning is always better than book learning, thats why collegecucks always graduate with pretty much no skills whatsoever

>> No.15759801

>We are never going to Moon again.
Why do you want to go on Moon anon? You can if you have enough money

But was the point? Then point was bitch slapping USSR. USSR is no more. Today there can be some recreation of dick waving space race when China enters the game , but political competition with China is not that heated up so race would be weaker.

>> No.15759806

Stop been poorfag.
You are literally comparing $500 today ticket to $4000 ticket of the 60s.

>> No.15759808
File: 472 KB, 1304x1956, tr-peteranderl-rocinha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the real photo of the most Christian country in world.

>> No.15759840

Which one would you pick?
a) Sell a thousand units for $500 each, with $25 manufacturing cost.
b) Sell a million for $100 each, with $20 manufacturing cost
c) Sell a hundred million for $20 each, with $18 manufacturing cost?