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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15739177 No.15739177 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15739363

u need 2000 years of incest + deny jesus christ, because of your pride.
then you unlock high intelligence, but in return you go to hell.

>> No.15739453
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>> No.15739822 [DELETED] 

>jewish shills shilling jews

>> No.15740918

is it worth it bros?

>> No.15740992

be born in cold and grey-skied st petersburg, think everything is gloomy and only math is purity, love pelmeni, simple as

>> No.15740994

Is this the russian equivalent of tendies?

>> No.15741064
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Most experimental compounds such as Dihexa, are oncogenes which can drastically proliferate the chances of cancer cells mutating as well as causing metastatic cancer in those who already have cancer. It does increase your IQ though. Theoretically, if you combined Dihexa (Extremely high levels of synaptogenesis) with microdosing a psychedelic compound such as magic mushrooms (increases dendrite size and length), you would have a good chance at increasing your intelligence, albeit at the risk of contracting cancer. However, it is to my understanding that most 4chinners on this board, are vonneumannfags and would therefore risk their life over making some contributions to a field of science because most of you are faggots

The most efficient route of administration for Dihexa, would be via the Intranasal route (snorting the powder). 500mg of Dihexa, will last you 3 weeks if you snort 25mg a day and combine it with 500mg of magic mushrooms.

>> No.15741228


hard work is all that matters. Kobe, Floyd Mayweather, Ramanujan, Michael Jackson... all these people that were at the top of their craft grinded obsessively and from a young age. You could argue that having that compulsion is what separated them from others, but there's nothing but a lack of discipline or lack of remaining time (healthy) on earth from having this realization that is stopping anyone else from doing what they did.

>> No.15741363
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Hell Yeah!

>> No.15741394

you stupid communist piece of shit fuck off and read morphological books bastard

>> No.15742788


> but there's nothing but a lack of discipline

Wrong, discipline is needed when you need to force yourself to do something, and it only works for a while before the burn out comes.
You need to be obsessed with something, with obsession you don't need discipline, you just do stuff and you do them quick.

>> No.15742803

>because of your pride
But it is not pride, it is declaring the Truth. I could beat him up, easy.

>> No.15742808

>grinded obsessively and from a young age
Those are called gifted people. I used to spend all evening in detention in the library, I read books on theoretical physics and genetics before I went home and got stone and skip school for a whole week because detention class sucks and its fucking long. Like, up to 3.5 hours long.

>> No.15742841

And then you became a raging homosexual and dedicated the rest of your life to fellating big gay dicks. The end.
Schizo namefags need to leave.

>> No.15742851
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What were you reading at age 13?

[smack-smack lips]
...school is for stupid people. Detention is were greatness is made. Mf part time solitary clnfinement. I did hard time, young blood, you dont know bout dis sheeeeit.

>> No.15742855

>I WAS an ordinary person.
>implying he's no longer ordinary
Very humble indeed.

>> No.15742879

Thermodynamics by Fermi
Sit down, chud. You have absolutely no idea who you're dealing with.

>> No.15742889
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>You have absolutely no idea who you're dealing with.
no u
>And then you became a raging homosexual and dedicated the rest of your life to fellating big gay dicks.

Old, dirty, amd will flip your table right here, right now, boy.

>> No.15742892

Interesting, but why do these posts always come from pol and not sci? and its one year since, i'm sure he is larping because a significant amount of the iq retards that come here are from pol so they wouldn't be getting redirected if this retard was regularly posting about his progress on pol.

>> No.15743084

He's probably dead

>> No.15744261

I suspect this guy is a socialist seeing as to how he loves living on welfare in an otherwise terrible country.

>> No.15744445

>Literal vatnigger mathematician
>Unironically looks like an alcoholic subhuman orc

Checks out.

>> No.15746106

He is jewish

>> No.15746109

Also I don't think he is an alcoholic because his mom doesn't let him drink

>> No.15746111

Have a question to the world. Smoke weed. Think about that question.

>> No.15746116
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>> No.15746759
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>unironically being this retarded

Like this anon said >>15746106 Perelmann is literally Jewish. Assuming he is some sort of Putin supporter or that he opposes Western values and Western civilization is completely retarded. Jews and homosexuals and other minorities have been heavily persecuted by the Russian regime for years. People like Perelman are victims of Russia's government, not accomplices to their crimes.

>> No.15746766

>Jews and homosexuals and other minorities have been heavily persecuted by the Russian regime for years.
You can look at what's left of Ukraine to see what happens when a nation fails to do that. lol

>> No.15746882 [DELETED] 

You're the real retard if that's what you understood from >>15744261's reply.

>> No.15746977

pol brain

>> No.15746997

My point is not politics-related. The other posters are definitely arguing politics, however.

>> No.15747007

"what is water" said the fish

>> No.15747028

"What is water" said the unshowered negroidal creature talking to me.

>> No.15747045

That doesn't mean anything, plenty of russian jews left to be successful in the us. He also had plenty of opportunity 20 yrs ago. The idea of being paid and parroted around like some intellectual icon in the us obviously disgusts him enough to live the way he does in an otherwise seemingly oppressive regime

>> No.15747062

pol brain

>> No.15747072

I don't post on /pol/ or discussing politics. Take your actual, clinically prescribed meds.

>> No.15747079

And i didn't say he was a putin supporter, putin doesn't even like communism. This guy seems like he just hates capitalism or western democracy enough to tolerate russian totalitarianism.

>> No.15747090

They don't discuss politics on /pol/ it's just where edgy children go to yell nigger at each other

>> No.15747096

I wouldn't know. Maybe they'd stop calling you a nigger if you showered... nigger.

>> No.15747102
File: 130 KB, 1080x1020, OOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not pol-brained y-you n-n you NIGGER!

>> No.15747105

You can keep hallucinating /pol/ boogeymen all you want. I'm just informing you, factually, that I don't use /pol/, nigger.

>> No.15747153

we can see you shitting this place now but you should go back there my esl clown

>> No.15747155

See >>15747105

>> No.15747176

idk man idk shit about math i mean i do but

so in geometry we actually did proofs. I never had issues with answering questions but I fucking loooved doing proofs. I'd say start with some geometric proofs. And idk math is a buttfuck like everyone has there own opinion of it and there are all the different fields. Well, I don't even fucking know what the fuck mathematicians do with their time. But, I know that proving things is one thing they do so like learn some math subjects and then learn more about the proofs of them. Not every subject has or has had proofs of things. Supposedly some college kids just proved pythagorean despite it being supposedly unprovable because they idk decided it wasn't bound to some unprovable other thing

>> No.15747177

>This guy seems like he just hates capitalism or western democracy enough to tolerate russian totalitarianism.

As George W. Bush once said, you're either with us or you're with the terrorists.

>> No.15747182

>This guy seems like he just hates capitalism or western democracy enough to tolerate russian totalitarianism.
Seems like a perfectly rational position. Russian "totalitarianism" is ironically more permissive than Western "democracy".

>> No.15747192

idk I think ramanujan is something else kinda, there's a quote from one other 20th century guy math guy who said I've worked with people who can do some amazing things, that's basically all he said but his point was some people can calculate, but other people have ideas idk. When I was like four and barely knew math my life was boring so I'd sit and think and I would wonder if you added one and subtracted one for forever what would happen and I didn't know shit and just learned about infinite series a couple years ago but I just imagined idk Einstein solving the problem. You might get the dude what if but I think you need a "dude what if" attitude to start with and then you need a lot of education.

>> No.15747198

i completely believe this just bc I think genetically I could be retarded and yet I'm not. Something happened to me maybe just no fluorine when my mom was gestating

>> No.15747578

It's small dumplings, basically. Not really associated with neet food specifically.

>> No.15747588


He didn't leave Russia, so he is at least not a Putin hater.

>> No.15747590


He could easily have gotten a professorship at an American University if he wanted, but He still choose to live in Russia.

>> No.15747594

But he's not.

An ordinary man can choose to separate himself from the common herd, and that is the best possible thing he can do.