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File: 215 KB, 600x450, 8c2f4387d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15741613 No.15741613 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on age reversal?

>> No.15741614
File: 37 KB, 750x471, 1639761441543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In primitive societies life is a succession of stages. The needs and purposes of one stage having been fulfilled, there is no particular reluctance about passing on to the next stage. A young man goes through the power process by becoming a hunter, hunting not for sport or for fulfillment but to get meat that is necessary for food. (In young women the process is more complex, with greater emphasis on social power; we won’t discuss that here.) This phase having been successfully passed through, the young man has no reluctance about settling down to the responsibilities of raising a family. (In contrast, some modern people indefinitely postpone having children because they are too busy seeking some kind of “fulfillment.” We suggest that the fulfillment they need is adequate experience of the power process—with real goals instead of the artificial goals of surrogate activities.) Again, having successfully raised his children, going through the power process by providing them with the physical necessities, the primitive man feels that his work is done and he is prepared to accept old age (if he survives that long) and death. Many modern people, on the other hand, are disturbed by the prospect of physical deterioration and death, as is shown by the amount of effort they expend trying to maintain their physical condition, appearance and health. We argue that this is due to unfulfillment resulting from the fact that they have never put their physical powers to any practical use.

>> No.15741619

We suggest that modern man’s obsession with longevity, and with maintaining physical vigor and sexual attractiveness to an advanced age, is a symptom of unfulfillment resulting from deprivation with respect to the power process.

>> No.15741644


>> No.15741653

The simple truth sure makes you seethe.

>> No.15741664

So true. You men in the midst of a mid-life crisis desperately grasping at conspicuous consumption, fashion, and new sexual prospects. They did not achieve enough in youth and have not acquired enough wisdom. They look backwards as the future is bleak.

>> No.15741665

*You see men

>> No.15741673 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 850x775, IMG_0435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn’t, and will never exist.


>> No.15741676

That's ok. We cured cancer in mice.

>> No.15741681
File: 41 KB, 720x731, 1688718980207163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was inevitable. Resurrecting the corpses will be the next frontier. And then religions will claim that they always knew that Son Of Man was collective term for Human Specie.

>> No.15741687
File: 52 KB, 600x800, 53242342423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was inevitable
If you cope hard enough with death, you develop genuine schizophrenia. This guy, for instance, thinks his magical youth serum already exists.

>> No.15741843

Could it have something to do with the fact that all "higher organism" fears death trys to avoid it at any cost?
It just evolution at work since a organism that want to prevent death has a greater chance of survival and reproducing.

I mean, you guys are obessed with buaty, strenght and intelligence. You want to go back to this virtueas.
But the aging process kills everything from it.

>They did not achieve enough in youth and have not acquired enough wisdom. They look backwards as the future is bleak.

"Wisdome" is just cope with the inabilty.

And yeah, there is nothing good about slowly get weaker and finally die.

>> No.15741917

It's the sort of thing that sounds cool, but in reality the field is so full of quackery it's hard to figure out if any real progress is being made.

Also most people end up giving up on older people so unless you are rich and loaded enough for people to say "hell yes lets try this", you're fighting a losing battle.

>> No.15741925

I suspect that in 200 or 400 years (we'll all be dead so hold your horses) they might figure out "true" reversal in the sense of actually living seamlessly forever (if only by transferring your brain to an artificial or VR body).

But that would probably also collapse society itself, because it would be extremely easy to make everyone systemically lazy (think late-stage Wall-E) and without pain there's no gain.

>> No.15741929 [DELETED] 

PS theoretically it might be bad, because may be naturally still work for the future of civilization even with an artificial or VR body, but there's something inherently unstable about it:
a) you can live forever so why care that much as long as you're "plugged in"
b) why care about other people if you can try again to be "proper" 100 years later?
c) why not freeze yourself and wake up 1000 years later and then who will maintain the freezers/databases etc.?

>> No.15741935 [DELETED] 

>>15741925 (You)
PS theoretically it might not be bad, because people may be naturally still work for the future of civilization even with an artificial or VR body, but there's something inherently unstable about it:
a) you can live forever so why care that much as long as you're "plugged in"?
b) why care about other people if you can try again to be "proper" later?
c) why not freeze yourself and wake up 1000 years later?

>> No.15741936

PS theoretically it might not be bad, because people may be naturally still work for the future of civilization even with an artificial or VR body, but there's something inherently unstable about it:
a) you can live forever so why care that much as long as you're "plugged in"?
b) why care about other people if you can try again to be "proper" later?
c) why not freeze yourself and wake up 1000 years later?

>> No.15741942

>why not freeze yourself and wake up 1000 years later?
based three-body enjoyer

>> No.15741991

Would be cool

>> No.15741992

>Could it have something to do with the fact that all "higher organism" fears death trys to avoid it at any cost?
Every organism is afraid of dying, but not every human is philosophically terrified of death and not every human who is philosophically terrified of death spends his days obsessing over the fountain of youth. Anti-aging copers are a pretty specific category. You can't chalk it down to biology.

>> No.15742573
File: 715 KB, 2939x4096, xERg4KkMiV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it exists, I know it exists. Because I educated myself in the field specifically to watch their progress. But you nigger stay ignorant all you want for all I care. It is not about death. I'm not affraid of death. I expect to die a violent death, so cellular rejuvenation by genetic therapies is only a satisfying element of this magnificient world.

>> No.15742792

lol I could tell instantly who this was, no wonder his brother recognized the writing style

>> No.15742802
File: 151 KB, 640x799, 4635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think it exists, I know it exists
Jesus clownfucking Christ... these people are serious. lol

>> No.15742806

We maintain that your power process has been disrupted, modern man. Shitposting is a surrogate activity.

>> No.15742861

Why are you even on this board, you clueless kikeloving sojakposting retard?

>> No.15742865

You have never, in your entire life, formed a thought of your own. Nevermind forming thoughts of your own... you can't even regurgitate other people's thoughts in your own words. Nevermind regurgitating other people's thoughts in your own words. You can't even choose good-sounding or sophisticated rhetoric to regurgitate, so you regurgitate midwit YouTubers.

>> No.15742884

Nice projection, nigger, but I even create scientific theories of my own. No hug your head and cry.

>> No.15742888

>I even create scientific theories of my own
The schizophrenic fantasy about immortality in two more weeks is neither scientific, nor your own.

>> No.15742900

It's not one of my theories, it is a scientific fact you're not aware about. Now show me those youtubers who as you said speak about it.

>> No.15743023
File: 189 KB, 1220x1600, American-actress-director-screenwriter-Greta-Gerwig-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your name is scum

>> No.15743031

> scum artists are the only ones I heard speaking about it
The retard is you. Nobody worth listening to dared to say what I said to you, because they don't want to be ridiculed, but I don't care.
Here's the closest to what you can get on youtube speaking about the future that is here already, and he is much less bold in his predictions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFZr2LTTNS8
but you will probably be sceptical about what he said as well, but not because you're smart, but because you like to seem smart (if you were smart you would ask me what exactly were I talking about, but now do not bother)

>> No.15743034

he's right, your name is scum

>> No.15743064

its fine, genetic engineering will help

>> No.15743104
File: 67 KB, 640x427, average deathcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age reversal is the most plausible "cure" for aging. Breakdown is inevitable, so suck it up and fix whatever's breaking.
pictured: (you)

>> No.15743148

My thoughts are you'll never be a woman tranny faggot and you'll grow into an old man obvious as hell and die.

>> No.15743477

>studies showed that having more sex makes you happier.
I think it's the other way around, where you have more sex when you happier.
you describe human behavior in the confines of reality so far. humand didn't have a choice for anything else, that behavior is optimized for life to go on.
there's many ways to exist, out of which we know of only one, which is the only one that has been possible for us, to allow us to get to the point of contemplating immortality, like for real, achievable in this lifetime, as opposed to any other time so far.
indeed, at least at first it would be kind of challenging because our biology has optimized to follow (or more to conduct) the behavior you presented.
purpose of life is to exist in some form. reproducing makes sense vs early achieved immortality because it would outcompete it. and maybe it did. immortality, ealy on, would have implied stagnation, and a lot of unnecessary stored info, in any individual. shit that doesn't matter, from 1000 years ago.
new fresh organisms would have an advantage in adapting to new conditions and would eventually outcompete immortal organisms.
now we kinda took over many aspects, so if we were to become immortal, at least some of us, then my best bet is that those immortal beings would at present outcompete classical ones. this will most likely be the case, as you'll always have the zealots who'll want to preserve some retarded "ideal" shape that some god or other gave to us. they will eventually be driven out, in today's and near future's conditions.
just because you personally don't like it, think things about this idea, does not mean shit for what will happen, and how things are going to work out. I guess you can whine about it on 4chan

>> No.15743479

>I think it's the other way around, where you have more sex when you happier.
This. Depression kills the mood, and so do SSRIs.

>> No.15743581

>implying anti-aging copers are not mentally ill
Explain this:

>> No.15743591

pro-aging copers are mentally ill with some ultimate form of stockholm syndrome

>> No.15743595

No one is "pro-aging". You're just mentally ill so you hallucinate boogeyman opponents.

>> No.15743599

> nobody is saying "aging is natural and thus it is good"
> nobody is saying "if people start dying of old age all sorts of trouble will fall upon our heads"
> nobody is saying "you are fucking schizos for even dreaming about rejuvenation"
nah, I heard those retards myself, some of them are even in this thread

>> No.15743601

>start dying of old age
"stop dying of old age" was what I was about to say, but love for truth made me say otherwise

>> No.15743606

>i heard voices in my head
Sorry to hear that. Here's are some things people actually might've said:
>aging is natural and you should get over it
>if people stop dying of old age all sorts of trouble will fall upon our heads
>you are fucking schizo for thinking you will be rejuvenated
None of which are "pro-aging".

>> No.15743609

>>if people stop dying of old age all sorts of trouble will fall upon our heads
Aha, that typo was a blessing in disguise. The retard is you. My iq is over 150, yours is ..maybe around 120, since you think so highly of yourself.

>> No.15743614

You sound like you're having a total mental breakdown, but my point still stands. You hallucinate things no one is saying and you hallucinate enemies that don't exist. You need help.

>> No.15743616

Nigger, you literally said that "people actually might've said that if people stop dying of old age all sorts of trouble will fall upon our heads"
(yes, we'll have to deal with your retarded crap for much longer is one of those troubles, but I think I can handle it)

>> No.15743622

That's not a "pro-aging" statement, either, mouth breather. It's just a statement against your insane ideology.

>> No.15743633
File: 405 KB, 3840x2160, 4745699-Peter-H-Diamandis-Quote-The-day-before-something-is-a-breakthrough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my "insane" ideology is antiaging. Thus your whole stance is pro-aging.

>> No.15743636

anyone opposing anything that can extend our lives, or even make us immortal, is literally insane, and the absolute implication of you having an issue with extension or immortality is that you HAVE to die, for whatever reason you oppose immortality. you cannot go around this. you cannot oppose extension/immortality and come out sane, no mater your mental gymnastics. you are literally a suicide advocating faggot.

>> No.15743642

It's no more "pro-aging" than "first do no harm" is "pro-disease". You're a mentally ill and low IQ individual. No two ways about it.

>> No.15743645

This kind of insane screeching only proves that you're mentally ill. Keep it up.

>> No.15743653

that's not an argument, that's a framing at most

>> No.15743657

That's fucking nonsense.

>> No.15743660

Your insanely angry, completely incoherent schizobabble is a sign of mental illness. Case closed.

>> No.15743663

Then you should be able to demonstrate one thing wrong with it. Protip: you will seethe and deflect instead.

>> No.15743664

You are factually wrong about the second sentence, so less credit to the first one perfectly demonstrating your low level of cognition. You're not a doctor, you're just a retard crying about doctors trying to poison him.

>> No.15743665

I'm sorry, I don't see any argument in your mentally ill babble. Is "first, do no harm" a pro-disease principle?

>> No.15743671

Cars do some harm, you know? Surgeons leave you with some scar tissue. You're just a luddite, whose disease are born from combination of uselessness and pride.

>> No.15743676

It seems like your mental illness precluded you from actually answering the question. Try again. Produce an actual yes/no answer.

>> No.15743690

yeah but that's exactly what you would say when you'd have no other argument, if you were a suiciding advocating faggot you'd say something like that instead of making a solid fucking point, having SOME argument.

>> No.15743691

I said it's nonsense, not that it's wrong. You can't prove nonsense wrong.
Anyway, primitive societies tend to be extremely dysfunctional, which is why they stay primitive. It's also false that obtaining basic necessities takes extensive effort isln such a society, in fact they can only survive living that way because it takes basically no effort at all.

>> No.15743693

The argument has been presented in the form of the fact that you keep hallucinating imaginary "pro-agers". You've already conceded that argument when I've shown that dismissing your ideology is no more "pro-aging" than the Hippocratic oath is pro-disease. Interestingly, that was the exacty point when you stopped replying to me directly and decided to churn out a blob of irrelevant psychotic rambling. :^)

>> No.15743695

>i didn't say that it's wrong
Then its validity stands undisputed and your butthurt is just an emotional reaction.

>> No.15743698

>The argument has been presented in the form of the fact that you keep hallucinating imaginary "pro-agers".
nuh-uh. you cannot create the shit-bucket of anyone pro life extension/immortality without sounding suicidal. that's not logically possible, you must be suicidal if you have any issue with any form of extension.
you cannot form this shit-bucket that you can easily attack later on, you can only do it from a position of suicidal faggot, there's no literal other choice, you either don't get it, you either are fishing for ANYTHING that can be used against plebs wanting extension/immortality.

>> No.15743700

Literally just psychotic rambling.

>> No.15743701

Anti/reverse aging might happen before all of us die, it's a slim hope but it's a hope none the less

>> No.15743702

Not only are you going to die, but your life expentancy is lower than that of your parents and your chances of getting horrid chronic illnesses are significantly higher.

>> No.15743703

you're fucking sad

>> No.15743704

"first do no harm" is not a pro-disease principle, and now as a pigeon you may declare your victory.
Only that analogy doesn't prove anything. Neglegence is a harm.

>> No.15743709

>"first do no harm" is not a pro-disease principle
So you acknowledge that the judgment that a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix is not a pro-problem stance?

>> No.15743710

aging is a disease.

>> No.15743715

a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix
how exactly can be worse? worse in what way? be specific.
well sure, the fabric of spacetime can rip and fuck us up any moment, nobody is doing shit for that. maybe we stop everything since that CAN happen?

>> No.15743716

>worse in what way? be specific.
There is no need. You either acknowledge what I said or you don't. Do you?

>> No.15743722

It's worse than wrong. Read the whole reply.

>> No.15743724

what do you mean there is no need? there's great need. maybe all the horrible ways it can go wrong have like an insanely minuscule chance, and they are kind of irrelevant, just like a bunch of other shit is possible but we ignore it, today. and we're just fine.
it really does matter, do say what you are thinking of. clearly it's something insane and retarded, else you would have led with it wouldn't you you weak faggot.

>> No.15743725

>It's worse than wrong
Is it wrong or not?

> Read the whole reply.
I did read your whole reply. I just didn't find anything in it worth discussing.

>> No.15743727

Your god is wrong.

>> No.15743728

>what do you mean there is no need?
I mean it's a general proposition, so there is no need to indulge in the petty details your obsessions. Do you acknowledge that the judgment that a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix is not a pro-problem stance?

>> No.15743729

What god? Notice how you and your buddies are all overly psychotic and constantly screeching against imaginary characters.

>> No.15743731

I know where it's from.

>> No.15743732

I wonder if flash freezing heads will get good enough that we can just freeze and actually get restored

>> No.15743735

but your argument doesn't matter does it? it has no relevance here. you need to give an example for fucks sake, you cannot not give an example of what the fuck are you saying.
whatever you are thinking about better have some fucking weigth as compared to fucking immortality, it really needs to justify considering your line of thinking.

>> No.15743746
File: 674 KB, 4030x2743, f76x4iq83kjb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next 10 years there's no chance of anti aging
Next 20, maybe something to slow it down (way more 100 year olds) or extend physical primes
Next 30? 50/50 on it either plateauing some sort of early breakthrough.

I really hope I don't get stabbed/shot and cucked out of longevity/'immortality'

>> No.15743747

don't tell me the source of that shit, it's shit

>> No.15743754

Feels hopeful that we're the first generation to potentially beat aging. Fucking x billion years of life, and like 50000 years of humanity, and we're the first ones to actually have a shot of not dying of aging

If we reverse aging or even stop it, the fuck happens with our brain? Like a brain has a finite amount of storage right?

>> No.15743757

the general consensus is that if you reach extension you basically eventually reach immortality.

>> No.15743760

600lbs life

>> No.15743762

Ok. What god, though? You sound extremely deranged.

>> No.15743764

>your argument doesn't matter does it?
It matters enough that you keep running in circles trying desperately to avoid answering as imple yes/no question. I'd say it's crucial to you, judging by the sheer level of fear and rage it induces. You may have to amit that you have serious mental issues if you simply answer the question without deflecting. :^)

>> No.15743765

>Like a brain has a finite amount of storage right?
most likely. has it been proven that a 70yo has ALL the info he has ever processed, inside his brain? do we know if some older unimportant memories don't get replaced during a normal lifespan? maybe we just forget the least important shit. I don't think the brain has a fixed roll of tape and it just runs out at some point.
the concept may be a problem but maybe on longer timespans, like few hundreds of years of experience.
but that's a future immortal me problem to solve.

>> No.15743766

I cannot give you an answer without understanding what the fuck you are talking about. it's like someone asking you to sign a blank check. fuck outta here faggot, speak your mind or shut the fuck up you weakling. stop talking like a bitch. only women conduct themselves like you do

>> No.15743773

I mean we lose more and more of a memory as time goes on right? Like an hour later we might remember a whole conversation, a day later most of it, a week later thr gist of it, and a year later maybe a bit. Maybe it'd just "compress" it and we'd fill in the blanks with misremembered versions.
I'm genuinely curious as to how fucked people with photographic memory would be with perfect recall.

>> No.15743774

>I cannot give you an answer without understanding what the fuck you are talking about.
Here's the question you supposedly just can't grasp:
>Do you acknowledge that the judgment that a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix is not a pro-problem stance?
Which part of it is too complex for your small mind to process?

>> No.15743777

>Like a brain has a finite amount of storage right?
We have external capacities since we invented writing. We have neuroplasticity since forever. We'll probably have external memory we'll be able to access by thought directly.

>> No.15743779

we seem to more easily recall impactful memories. but I don't know if they have priority for long term storage, vs less important stuff.
I don't know if the impact of the experience affects how easy it is to recollect or storage priority if brain discards shit. maybe some other anon can clarify this.

>> No.15743780

It would be funny if there was a serial killer that specifically targeted anti-aging gigacopers.

>> No.15743784

>Here's the question you supposedly just can't grasp:
but why mention it in this thread? why are you dancing around it? whatever the fuck does your argument have to do with this thread, and immortality/life extension, speak your fucking mind anon. why should I answer your question, on this thread, how the fuck are they related?

>> No.15743786
File: 112 KB, 660x660, FELtJzeVcAYZcic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Do you acknowledge that the judgment that a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix is not a pro-problem stance?
He answered positively to it posts ago, now go and celebrate.

>> No.15743791

I believe the elites have it

>> No.15743794

They can't even resurrect brain dead people who are otherwise alive. They just write them off.

>> No.15743796

>brothers pretty rich with high level tech/health industry connections
>will probably get in on first wave of longevity/antiaging if it comes out in my lifetime
shit, i'll fucking take a slim hope over no hope

>> No.15743797


>> No.15743798

Not him but it all depends on the type of brain dead. Can't do shit for people with half the brain basically disintegrated obviously but I wonder how far we could go with it.

>> No.15743800

My guess is they will build its model and reconstruct it cell by cell according to that model, so at least he'll have capacity to use, not sure what education processes will it take to teach him use that hemisphere, maybe he'll figure it out.

>> No.15743801

you may be able to "save" part of it (brain/person). which might still be desirable up to some point. depends on how fast your brain goes to shit, and how soon after "death" you can whatever...scan it. fuck knows what tech. scanning seems intuitive.

>> No.15743803

Let's just start with heart attacks with perfectly intact brain that was cut off from oxygen for 10 minutes.
This is basically magic. It's impossible.

>> No.15743804

>He answered positively to it posts ago
He didn't, but as soon as he does it, he acknowledges that dismissing your insane anti-aging ideology for being ultimately harmful in the bigger picture is not a "pro-aging" position and that his (and probably your) boogeymen are imaginary.

>> No.15743809

you cannot build that moron, you have no standing without arguing for any fucking example. what is the problem, what is the fix, and how can the fix be worse when talking about age extension or immortality?
I plainly asked you quite a few times already, and you keep acting like a weak bitch.

>> No.15743813

>what do you mean? i DID have breakfast

>> No.15743819

why did you call it breakfast? why don't you present it, why make an alias for it? don't you realize how retarded that makes you?
I fucking challenged you to give an example and you are bitching around creating fucking aliases for it, you are THAT afraid of mentioning it by name.
I've never seen such weakness

>> No.15743821

At this point I'm literally just laughing at the fact that you're a literal nigger with no capacity for abstract thought.

>> No.15743825

>if you don't guess what I'm talking about you are retarded.
say it by name faggot, I fucking tripe-dare you to fucking mention it by fucking name you weak faggot, say it.

>> No.15743831

>not a "pro-aging" position
I think I understood you. Your position is pro-death. Here's a story for you:
> Teacher Sri Yaputra once said while walking through the market: Life is beautiful! But then a butcher came up to him and said: What makes you think so, Teacher? I personally have little money, I have an ugly wife and stupid children! After thinking, Yaputra replied: You are right, your life is shit! The butcher became enlightened and gave the Teacher a kilogram of carbonade for nothing.

>> No.15743832

Say what by name? You're legit mental. You are unironically that nigger from the meme.
>What do you mean?!?!? I DID eat breakfast.

>> No.15743834

Do you acknowledge that the judgment that a "solution" can be worse than the problem it purports to fix is not a pro-problem stance?

>> No.15743835

Ted was wrong. Happy? How is it deranged to not accept the "wosdom" of unabomber. Maybe he was intelligent, but he was also mad.

>> No.15743836

The way you apply it is definitely a pro-problem stance (just as if you stopped doctor from applying medicine because of inevitable side-effects)

>> No.15743838

>Ted was wrong.
But you already admitted that you can't prove him wrong on that particular argument.

>> No.15743839

what is worse than death? what is worse than death that it would warrant a second thought before going immortal?
you need to give an example of this, so I can then judge your question. if you can't give an example for this, you have no standing for asking the question in the first place.

>> No.15743840

>The way you apply it is definitely a pro-problem stance
You determine that based on what? Your own subhuman judgment that the solution is better than the problem? Even if you were right and they were wrong, it wouldn't make their position any more pro-problem.

>> No.15743846

>you need to give an example of this
No, I don't. You're already demonstrably wrong as a general principle. Bickering about the details of your obsession is irrelevant. I know you are mentally ill and you NEED to scratch that itch but I just won't let you. Sorry. We're not talking about your ideological shart.

>> No.15743849

>You determine that based on what?
On your inability to specify the side-effect which should stop us from trying to rejuvenate humans. You just tell us to stop because you're scared of something you cannot even name.

>> No.15743850

I'm honestly not sure what the minimum it'd take is. Individual nanobots rebooting individual brain cells? Artifical brain cells replacing fucked up ones?
Not him but maybe if like 90% brain capacity is gone and they're reduced to non verbal autistic tier retarded?

>> No.15743853

I'm not ideological, you're trying to shove your bullshit into anything related to life extension/immortality.
if you cannot argue for a single fucking example, you have no standing of asking the question you dipshit.
>I don't know of any example but it could be
doesn't work like that.

>> No.15743854

>your inability to specify the side-effect
You are wrong independently of my ability to specify the side-effects, because even if I were to specify some side-effect and I happened to be wrong about it, it still wouldn't make it a "pro-death" position. It would simply be an incorrect anti-anti-aging position.

>> No.15743856

>if you cannot argue for a single fucking example,
I don't need any examples. Not only is this not needed, but my refusing to give you examples just makes you more emotionally distressed, so I win double. :^)

>> No.15743860

you have no place to ask the question on this thread, without being able to give a fucking example. you need to explain how your question is related to the topic of discussion

>> No.15743862

>I DID!!!!
Ok, calm down. You did eat breakfast. Please don't hurt yourself. :^)

>> No.15743863

> It would simply be an incorrect anti-anti-aging position.
It is. And you probably feel it, so you wiggle your ass avoiding the specific troubles we may face. But I saw retards like you before, so let me give you a couple most popular ones:
1) overpopulation (it is noticed that rate of procreation is declining as life-expectancey is growing. Either way aging doesn't stop scum from spawning dozens of offsprings, it's actual humans who refuse to procreate)
2. tyrants will not die (they die violent deaths)
3. it will be boring (you will be entertained, either way, don't mistake biologic immortality with absolute one: absolute immortality is not on the table, you will always be free to off yourself)

>> No.15743864

hypothetical what? you should kill yourself because what hypothetical? give an example

>> No.15743867

Prove that peas don't eat unicorn meat.

The idea of white man corrupting the noble savage is false. They were never much less fucked up, "savage" is a negative word for a reason. They have always been fucked up, they only got more opportunities for self destruction.

>> No.15743874

>It is
Even if it was, which you wouldn't be able to prove, you'd still be wrong. No one thinks there's something intrinsically good about growing ugly, crippled and decrepit. No one is "pro-aging".

>> No.15743878

>The idea of white man corrupting the noble savage is false.
Notice how your raging mental illness compels you to argue about points no one made ITT.

>> No.15743880

>No one thinks there's something intrinsically good about growing ugly, crippled and decrepit.
Even if they think otherwise, it doesn't stop them from justifying "natural aging". And so do you, because "natural ageing" is the best alternative available to "artificial rejuvenation" (so if you oppose artificial rejuvenation, you whether approve of aging, or you have some even more insane position like heroing at 50 or something)

>> No.15743883

All the important shit is connections between the cells. Not the cells themself.
Best case is you just rez someone and they be a baby in adult body.
Worst case is just a regular vegatable like michael schumacher

>> No.15743884

>Even if they think otherwise, it doesn't stop them from justifying "natural aging"
Believing that your "solution" (or, really, just your insane obsession with a pie-in-the sky fantasy) is worse than the problem is not a pro-problem position, even if the justifications for such a belief are incorrect. No one is "pro-aging". You are mentally ill.

>> No.15743888

why the fuck are you posting about that here, whatever the fuck does it have to do with the subject at hand? are you fucking lost anon? why the fuck are you writing that on this thread? how are they related you schizo

>> No.15743893

>why the fuck are you posting about that here
To let you know that your imaginary boogeymen don't exist and that you need professional help. You are losing your mind. You keep seeing arguments that no one made and lashing out at people that don't exist.

>> No.15743894

I think they'll figure it out eventually but eventually is from now to the peak of technology (potentially hundreds of thousands of years from now)

>> No.15743898

Your solution is worse than the problem because I said so is not a scientific argument, and thus you don't belong here.

>> No.15743901

>not a scientific argumen
Even if that were you, it doesn't change the fact that you're mental. See >>15743893

>> No.15743902

Okay, you don't even exist. Now fuck off.

>> No.15743903

>Believing that your "solution" (or, really, just your insane obsession with a pie-in-the sky fantasy)
what do you mean by the pie-in-the sky fantasy? I don't understand what you are talking about, what do you mean bro?

>> No.15743904

>100k years
Oh ez you'd likely have some silicon brains by that point.

>> No.15743905

Not only are you going to die, but your life expentancy is lower than that of your parents and your chances of getting horrid chronic illnesses are significantly higher. :^)

>> No.15743907

>(shows nose)
you're a parasite and you will be exposed, so don't expect to enjoy being able to stop what you are too retarded to contribute to

>> No.15743911

>lashing out at people that don't exist.
anon you aparently don't exist, not sure I trust your logic

>> No.15743913

Get your 7th mRNA booster. I hear that's the one that comes with the immortality juice. :^)

>> No.15743914

there's that weak little bitch I was talking about

>> No.15743921

Your soience priests will make you immortal in two more weeks. The system needs you. :^)

>> No.15743923

I am not vaccinated. Unlike you I am not a believer either way.

>> No.15743926

>I am not vaccinated
Uh oh. Social credit score decreased. You're not getting your mRNA life sauce this month. Better luck next time!

>> No.15743927

fuck off back to /pol/ faggot.

>> No.15743931

Saying "faggot" is a hate crime. Social credit score decreased. Remember: only good goys get rewarded with eternal life. :^)

>> No.15743933

/pol/ is globohomo controlled opposition since wen?

>> No.15743936

Globo-what? Social credit score nullified. Definitely no life juice for you.

>> No.15743940

homo like you bro

>> No.15743941

Keep getting owned and stay very, very mad.

>> No.15743944

I unironically think that not getting cancer/heartattacked will be the major cutoff for longevity for everyone here...and maybe being rich for the first few waves

>> No.15743945

Good thing cancer and heart attack rates are plummeting and your economic future looks more promising than ever.

>> No.15743950

so let me get this straight, if you were on your deathbed, and you'd have the chance to take a pill/get scanned so you can live for how long you wish to, you wouldn't take it, and you'd choose death, you little rat? should we trust you that you'd choose death instead? are you fucking insane?

>> No.15743958

Started as a reply to this >>15741614
post. Not my fault that the the tread is getting shat up.

>> No.15743959

>if you were on your deathbed, and you'd have the chance to take a pill/get scanned so you can live for how long you wish to, you wouldn't take it, and you'd choose death
That would depend on the circumstances of my life, of my impending death and what the ToS for your fantasy life pill were. What bearing does it have on the fact that your lunacy would be a very bad idea even if it were practically feasible?

>> No.15743961

There is literally nothing in that post about "noble savages" or white "corrupting" them. It is now quite certain that you're mentally because you double down on your schizophrenic hallucination even now.

>> No.15743968

when you are 97 years old and know you only have two more days to live. at any point in those two days you can take the "treatment" and be on your way, or choose to expire.
what will you choose? knowing that at any point in the future if you want to stop living you can sign your exit and go away in some pod designed for painless exit. considering you always have this option, would you take it or are you sure in that moment you will clearly choose to die.

>> No.15743971

I already answered your inherently irrelevant question. You still haven't explained how my hypothetical decision in that scenario would be relevant to my current position.

>> No.15743972

It portrays primitive life as some kind if "gold standard" but in reality it was anything but.

>> No.15743975

>It portrays primitive life as some kind if "gold standard"
No, it doesn't. You're hallucinating again. Notice the pattern ITT? How come you and your buddies are all demonstrably ill?

>> No.15743978

You are stupid, leave me alone.

>> No.15743979

Show me anything in that post about primitive life being a "gold standard", whatever the fuck that even means.

>> No.15743980

>You still haven't explained how my hypothetical decision in that scenario would be relevant to my current position.
well say you realize most people will fucking take not dying, and you have a sincere honest moment with yourself, that directly implies that you might want to even do something about it, about really getting the chance to fucking choose. hell, even if you are sure now that you'd prefer to die then, doesn't it seem like a good idea to have the option of not dying, on the table, then, you know...just in case the extra experience and context from 50 years from now aren't somewhat different than you predicted they will be, 50 years ago as it will be at that point?
imagine getting fucked by a retarded decision of 18 year old you, when you are 50 years old. imagine how retarded you must feel in such a situation. just because you were and edgy fuck

>> No.15743981

>that directly implies that you might want to even do something about it
No, it doesn't. It only implies that if your lunacy had already come to pass in any case, then MAYBE I would consider taking advantage of the positive side of it, assuming there was a positive side to it at all and it didn't come with various strings attached. It doesn't help your case in any way.

>> No.15743986

> thinks that the state will be offering that "juice"
Is it because the state gave you your computer, you glowie chink?

>> No.15743989

it's one of those things where the more you realize how possible it is, like in the next few tens of years, the more it makes sense to basically focus on that instead of quite a few other things. you can always decide whatever the fuck your were going to do instead, after having the option to do whatever the fuck you want for how longer the fuck you want.
you can try and play it differently, but it wouldn't make much sense, ultimately.

>> No.15743994

>the more you realize how possible it is, like in the next few tens of years, the more it makes sense to basically focus on that
If I believed it were plausible at all, I'd probably focus more on turning normies against it and shitting all over you.

>> No.15744002

well consider this. imagine if you will, last human that was just born, now, lives for say 100 years.
do you think this human will certainly reach life extension 100 years from now? if so, that means they may very well become immortal, as I suppose they get at least 20-40 extra years, say on top of those 100, seeing where we are today 140 years can totally be enough for full immortality.
that would imply that for the first time in human history, future immortals my already walk amongst us, at this very moment.
whenever you find yourself kinda right before it happens, for a thing of such magnitude as implications, that's the best moment when you start fucking swimming anon, as fast as any human ever could, because the prize is pretty fucking big, and you happen to find yourself in this scenario.

>> No.15744006

Are the future immortals in the room with us?
> that's the best moment when you start fucking swimming anon, as fast as any human ever could, because the prize is pretty fucking big
I think someone who talks like this is severely mentally ill. Psychiatric-treatment-levels of mentally ill.

>> No.15744008

And not just mentally ill. You're a danger to others. You are a golem who will do just about anything for a false promise by your priests.

>> No.15744011

reflex dogmatic response detected

>> No.15744012

>You are a golem
what the fuck is even that? holy shit you are insane

>> No.15744018

Perfectly rational response. Psychotics like you see themselves as potential immortals and therefore they have an imaginary gun pointed at their head, by the people who promise them immortality. An imaginary gun that can rob them of not just one but an infinite number of lifetimes.

>> No.15744022

>what the fuck is even that?
That's you. Sorry about your severe mental illness. You better start "fucking swimming", "as fast as any human ever could", and doing all sorts of other tricks for your soience priests and those who fund them. :^)

>> No.15744023

bro what the fuck are you talking about? take your fucking meds you unhinged lunatic. you literally got triggered go kys

>> No.15744026

Oh my, the simple truth is really riling you up. Please don't hurt yourself. :^)

>> No.15744028

>and those who fund them. :^)
you are fucking insane. aren't you aware of how deranged your replies are?

>> No.15744031
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You lost. Keep getting owned and stay very, very mad.

>> No.15744032

meds. now

>> No.15744033

We might get lucky and get in on it. We could get the cure to aging in twenty years or in two hundred years. There's no concrete timeline.
It's basically down to whether or not some miraculous breakthrough happens.

>> No.15744034


>> No.15744035

what did I lose moron? I lost my time arguing with a religious fanatic. you are fucking insane holy shit

>> No.15744038

>what did I lose moron?
Literally your mind.

>arguing with a religious fanatic
Arguing with imaginary characters again, I see. A persistent pattern of your overt mental illness.

>> No.15744040

it's MASSIVELY down to how many people get involved in it. it's not up to the fucking stars, it's not up to fucking dark matter, it's a function of FUCKING WORK.
that directly implies that the more people get on it, and also clearly more resources, the faster it happens.
if we're in the "well you know, might be 20 years, my be 120 years" then fuck it, kinda makes sense to push the pedal, that seems like a simple choice.

>> No.15744044

Well that too, more bodies trying every single avenue is the critical thing. Exhaust every single fucking option because if you can solve motherfucking AGING, then you can take your time to solve literally every other problem.

>> No.15744047
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>it's MASSIVELY down to how many people get involved in it. it's not up to the fucking stars, it's not up to fucking dark matter, it's a function of FUCKING WORK.

>start fucking swimming anon, as fast as any human ever could, because the prize is pretty fucking big

Holy shit lol

>> No.15744060

kek. you can tell these people are absolutely horrified of certain inevitabilities

>> No.15744067

>I'm a chad because I'll kill myself you weak faggot
you are fucking insane, your mind is fucking broken. that is how mind on religion breaks like

>> No.15744071

not that anon but this is basically the first real opportunity mankind has to beat aging. everyone's got their hopes up that they can actually get in on it

way less insufferable than /r/atheism tier rick and morty nihilism

>> No.15744078
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Can an intelligent person explain to me why should we fight aging if we will not be aware of death when we die and thus we should not care about something that will happen in our lifetime?

>> No.15744080

you're obviously very scared. scared people aren't very rational is all i'm saying

>> No.15744085
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> reddirt spacing
> redtart-tier memes

>> No.15744088

You're reddit posting about how everyone's scared of dying while everyone here seems to understand that we will inevitably beat aging but it might take longer than any of our lives.
Like grow up holy shit lmao

>> No.15744089

if you're not scared, what causes you to write stuff like this: >>15744047

>> No.15744092

That isn't me, it's one of the other 19 posters

>> No.15744096

Eternity is best spent under a general anesthetic. I don't want to live forever if it means risking being in a maxmum amount of pain for as long as possible.

>> No.15744104

so you'd basically kill yourself to avoid having to endure pain? are you for real?
when do you choose to die? at 40? 60? 98? is like the last days your body can sustain you a good time to just die? why that particular time? why not later or earlier? whatever compels you to consider ~90-100 yo is a good age to die instead of say 30 or 60?

>> No.15744108

you do realize that if you ever had a mri brain scan and some future AI would be able to reconstruct you from that you are already fucked.

>> No.15744110

You're attached to the circumstances of "your life" as much as the butcher, smoothbrain. Way to go completely misunderstanding the Zen meme you posted.

>> No.15744121
File: 2.49 MB, 4000x2250, z9Vd2xybjoM9jMbbkVd8Xh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're. I am satisfied with my conditions and my challenges do not prevent me from seeing the beauty of this world.
Look how much better it is all getting as we speak (picrelated are actual qr-codes, and if somebody knows where I can make such for myself I'd appreciate it (where those qr's lead they don't allow qr-codes for other urls))

>> No.15744126

So let's say longevity happens in (you)r lifetime - do you become a full on mega shutin because the risk of mortality goes from losing a few decades to losing eternity?

>> No.15744130

>I am satisfied with my conditions
Says the retard while posting vigorously in an anti-aging cope thread.

>> No.15744134

single body not aging is not immortality. you get immortal having backups, not not aging body. if you only get non-aging body and you can stupidly and randomly die at any point, your behavior is going to radically change into something horrible. worst paranoia today is nothing compared to what you'd experience in such a setup. most likely would drive you insane. 1/7 would not recommend.

>> No.15744138

It basically buys time until the "DEATH IS MY BITCH" shit happens.

Assuming your brain doesn't get super cancer from your body going from 80 years old to 25 lmao

>> No.15744139
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Because I am smart and thus I approve the prevention of dire condition people suffer in later years. You on the other hand is emotional and driven by irrational fear.

>> No.15744308

>prevention of dire condition
See >>15744110

>> No.15744311

>The needs and purposes of one stage having been fulfilled, there is no particular reluctance about passing on to the next stage
Which is why the quest for immortality is exclusively a modern phenomenon, after the concept of the Philosopher's Stone was invented in the 90s by JK Rowling.

>> No.15744313

Notice how you never approach making a point, because as soon as you make your implications explicit you fall flat on your face.

>> No.15744318

you mean like the argument I quoted where we have actually plenty of counterexamples of ancient people seeking immortality, like the Philosopher's Stone?

>> No.15744319

>we have actually plenty of counterexamples of ancient people seeking immortality
How ancient are the people you have in mind relative to 200,000 years of human existence? How would characterize them?

>> No.15744321

I'm not in age reversal but I am in oncology and there's a lot of talk about how much money is going into this now. It's considered a very high priority area of research because both the west and Asia have a huge aged population which they won't be able to support unless they come up with a solution, so the result is a lot of money coming into longevity research in recent years.
Not all of this is age reversal as such though, but you could argue that since age is just accumulated damage we're all generally aiming in that direction anyway.
Also what are mods for if not cleaning up threads like this, half the posts are terrible off topic spam.

>> No.15744327

if your argument is that none of the people who openly lusted after immortality for thousands of years of recorded history aren't old enough then you basically have to resort to pre-recorded history where things weren't written down, at which point any hypotheses about them wanting or not wanting something or how they felt about your pet cause are all pure speculation and therefore worthless.

>> No.15744334

Notice how you couldn't answer my questions?

>> No.15744342

I sure hope it happens. Getting old and ageing has never been something I've been able to come to terms with and it genuinely horrifies me.

Pretty much the largest thing I'm hoping for in the future is that, even if my lifespan can't be extended beyond the average, I at least don't want to be actively decaying mentally and physically for the last years of my life.

>> No.15744354

I gave you an answer, you continue to post nothing of substance. Your arguments are bad and you can't defend them against even basic criticism.

>> No.15744364

>I gave you an answer
You conceded that they're not that "ancient". Were they members of primitive societies? What about the other question? How would you characterize all these people you have in mind? Were they some random sample of the general population?

>> No.15744367

>you have to die because humans always died
anyway the only ones who benefit from having an issue with plebs getting immortal is literally "the elites".
>this is dangerous, people shouldn't do it. well you know, apart from me. and my family. and some of my friends. but no more, we promise we won't do stupid shit with it, but too dangerous for you, you should die instead.
you cannot be against it while at the same time posing as trying to take care of humanity. the only ones having an issue with this is people wanting it for themselves BUT NOT for others which they deem unworthy. nothing good will ever come out of them having that position.

>> No.15744371

Positive, I'm a narrow armcel twink even in my late 20s, so I will go back to prebuberty and will transition to a cute tomboy.

>> No.15744373

>>you have to die because humans always died
Are the voices back again? I don't see that written anywhere in any of my posts.

>> No.15744374

>Were they members of primitive societies?
You got an answer: You have absolutely no records of primitive societies and how they felt about immortality because they weren't recording things in durable ways, so your ideas about them are nothing but your own projections and not worth addressing. All societies which have left records have left plenty of evidence that humans have always sought longer life or immortality, and there is nothing left to address.

>> No.15744375

Were they members of primitive societies? What about the other question? How would you characterize all these people you have in mind? Were they some random sample of the general population? Notice how you can't give straight answers to these questions.

>> No.15744383

>Were they some random sample of the general population?
Again, we don't have written records from random samples of the general population, so your initial position of even bringing them up to support your point is based on nothing.
Can you post a single piece of evidence of a primitive person saying they don't want to live forever? No. So you never had a point and your argument doesn't even stand up to your own questions.

>> No.15744387

So you were vaguely alluding to were neither members of primitive societies, nor a representative sample of their relatively advanced civilizations. Why did you even bother bringing them up, then?

>> No.15744390

The woman gets raped. No need to make it difficult for this board. And then meets the boy again in another life.

>> No.15744398

Your posts are spam-tier.
As said: ALL RECORDS of humans from ancient societies include a quest for immortality. There is not a single example of any human society ever supporting the claims made in >>15741614. There is absolutely no basis for any of these claims of how these people felt since they were mostly illiterate until later, so this argument is just thin air and has no basis in reality.
You post rapid responses to this whole thread and intentionally misquote or just post absolute dogshit takes to make the thread hit bump limit, this board is basically unusable nowadays due to retards like you.

>> No.15744406

So the people you were vaguely alluding to were neither members of primitive societies, nor a representative sample of their relatively advanced civilizations. We can discuss anthropology and the ethos of primitive people once you admit you started off with a stupid mistake.

>> No.15744449

OP is always retarded. He’s still working on the notion your cells multiply and then just stop. Look at the air. Put a telescope there and arrest somebody

>> No.15744455

>Can you post a single piece of evidence of a primitive person saying they don't want to live forever?

>> No.15744459

If you want to have a discussion, you should first own up to your mistake. It's not my fault that your active "refutation" attempt was DOA.

>> No.15744461

>Can you post a single piece of evidence of a primitive person saying they don't want to live forever?
A no will suffice.

>> No.15744462 [DELETED] 
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>tranny thread

>> No.15744465

>Again, having successfully raised his children, going through the power process by providing them with the physical necessities, the primitive man feels that his work is done and he is prepared to accept old age
I am once again asking for a single piece of evidence for this because we have absolutely no writing from primitive people at all, and all societies which developed writing leave us with stories of humans seeking immortality.
You can pretend you don't understand this gaping hole in your argument all you like.

>> No.15744466

If you want to have a discussion, own up to your mistake

>> No.15744469

If you want to have a discussion, own up to your mistake

>> No.15744470

Still no evidence posted.

>> No.15744471

stem cell research is plateauing. The cause is a mixture of intelligence (and other useful traits) dropping due to dysgenics, government regulations, and market saturation i.e the number of scientists that could be working on the subject already are. It's over.

>> No.15744478

>need this subject shutdown so I'll post a screenshot saying anyone talking about it is something that's perceived as bad.

>> No.15744483
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based tedposter

>> No.15744482

Do you actually work in this field or have any serious knowledge of it?

>> No.15744485

you never ever in your life had a discussion. this is top you can muster at any point in time.
you have no standing so your mental gymnastics need to be stretched outside our galaxy to even try to make some sort of pseudo-point, but nothing concrete becase you'll have your ass handed to you.
you're a fucking /pol/ idiot trying to sound smart.

>> No.15744490

glow harder faggot

>> No.15744495

I don't know why you're so upset. I'm just asking you (or your buddy? You act like a hivemind) to acknowledge your mistake first if you want to continue with an actual discussion.

>> No.15744500

it's been stated about 5 times, you have no evidence for hunter-gatherers ever not wanting immortality since they didn't write anything down, and everyone who did develop writing also wrote about wanting immortality
everyone can see you're just spamming to try to get a thread to hit bump limit and you should just be banned

>> No.15744510

I don't have a set age to die at. I would just rather die than be tortured for eternity, which is a very real possiblitiy if immortality is acheived. There are countless terrorists that would do it. I'm all for extending human health span and would take something to slow down aging if it worked.
There is nowhere close to cellular resolution for non-invaisve scans. They can't do shit. And if they do it won't be me, but a clone.

>> No.15744513

>you have no evidence for hunter-gatherers ever not wanting immortality
First of all, I see that your mentality is too crude and primitive to acknowledge your errors, so we can move on. What do you make of the fact that none of the closest examples we have of primitive societies are known to pursue immortality or even put any particular emphasis or longevity? Not the Yanomami, not the Maasai, not the San people, not the Inuit, not the Penan, not the Highland Tribes of Papua New Guinea... none of them are known by anthropologists to pursue immortality or longevity. Many of them are known for their acceptance of what they perceive as the cycles of nature and all of them are known to hold their elders in high regard.

>> No.15744514
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Number of papers/year isn't accelerating anymore, worse still this was the case pre-lockdowns.

I just hope the reason isn't the dysgenic decline that we are experiencing, and that it is instead just government regulations.

Personally I expect the next civilizational cycle to crack free market genetic engineering eugenics, not this one as we are too late.

>> No.15744521

>What do you make of the fact that none of the closest examples we have of primitive societies are known to pursue immortality or even put any particular emphasis or longevity
obviously because they're primitive and have absolutely no means of doing so except for mythology

>> No.15744522

>I don't have a set age to die at
I don't follow you. You don't have a set date but you know you will die. do you want it to be a surprise? do you really need to have to die? are you dying to avoid some fear of pain that you imagine you might be subjected to? why wouldn't that happen after "you die"? how can you make sure you're not reassembled somewhere, and tortured forever, even if you "die of old age, randomly".
you make no sense. and how would terrorists torture you forever? and also why? and why would you choose death out of fear of these terrorists terrorising you forever?
also how would you know they are terrorising you forever? your body is still mortal, inflict too much pain and you die. if you die you won't remember the "terror", so you'd be unaware you were being tortured, whenever "they brought you back to torture you".
do you not understand how insane that sounds? that you'd rather randomly die than risking (and how would you estimate this risk?) of being tortured "forever". why would anyone spend that energy on you?
and how can you use this justification for why others shouldn't do it? don't you realize how fucking insane you sound?

>> No.15744529

>>15744522 me
>if you don't kill yourself you end up in literal hell
>if you kill yourself you end up in literal hell

>> No.15744533

> have absolutely no means of doing so
Neither did Qin Shi Huang or the Hermetics etc.

>except for mythology
Immortality and eternal youth don't figure into the mythologies of any of the peoples mentioned in my previous post.

>> No.15744572

>and all of them are known to hold their elders in high regard.
in what regard are you holding your elders? are you recommending them they should just randomly die instead of like not? fuck your regards anon

>> No.15744575

reminder that you stand nothing to gain nothing from BTFO'ing retards. he'll just chimp out some more and move the goal post

>> No.15744578

>Neither did Qin Shi Huang or the Hermetics etc.
Except they clearly believed they did, hence his paying people to go figure it out.
The primitive people are just not even sophisticated enough to get that far.
>Immortality and eternal youth don't figure into the mythologies of any of the peoples mentioned in my previous post.
So? They're completely irrelevant. There are primitive societies which can't do basic arithmetic, believe spirits appear in the jungle and give them new names, and refuse to help each other when sick or injured. When civilised people went to live with them they realised it was because they were so severely sleep deprived they were all brain damaged. The tribes in PNG are probably not that much smarter for what it's worth.
The fact is that it takes a certain amount of brainpower to get beyond that level. They haven't done that in thousands of years of history, and thinking about their perspectives is probably completely worthless for any kind of argument because we're fundamentally different kinds of people.
As for
>Many of them are known for their acceptance of what they perceive as the cycles of nature and all of them are known to hold their elders in high regard.
This also applies to China and Japan and similar Asian and to some extent European cultures too. Yet they also desired immortality. So we're back to square one with that point.

>> No.15744587

>Immortality and eternal youth don't figure into the mythologies
this is an extremely weak basis for concluding "therefore none of them wish to not be old and decrepit because Ted the armchair psychologist guessed so"

>> No.15744598

So here's where we stand: most (if not all) examples you can give of "ancient" people pursuing immortality come from the scholars and aristocrats of relatively advanced civilizations. On the other hand, we have multiple examples of relatively primitive societies that exist today, yet there's no evidence of any of them being concerned with immortality or youth prolongation; to the contrary, all the evidence suggests that such pursuits would seem alien to them, unnatural, entirely out of place in the context of their cultural ethos. So far you've failed twice. Anything else you want to try?

>> No.15744599

See >>15744598

>> No.15744613

you mixed up the people you are replying to and you made no fucking sense.
what are you trying to say anon? can you form a single coherent sentence with your thoughts on the subject of the thread, without any mental gymnastics?

>> No.15744614

Not an argument.

>> No.15744620

argument for what anon? you don't get to come here and ask for arguments other than the subject of discussion.
what argument you want me to give you? I can give you arguments for immortality and life extension, not sure what the fuck you babbling about there.

>> No.15744621

If you have no arguments, maybe curb your primitive nigger impulse and stop replying to my posts.

>> No.15744627
File: 41 KB, 667x1000, 51T8zttT5EL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already answered you, o retarded e-psychiatrist. You're a butcher, I am a teacher in that proverb. Now where is my carbonade?

>> No.15744629

I'm sorry about those "dire conditions" you suffer from. Your life is, indeed, shit.

>> No.15744630

arguments for what faggot? I don't understand what you are talking about, arguments for what? you came in here having knee-jerk dogmatic replies, acting like a weak little faggot, moving the goalpost and trying to make some far stretched connections without ever risking saying anything concrete. you just babble nonsensically trying to sound smart without making a fucking argument about the subject at hand

>> No.15744651

It took you less than a minute to answer. Are you some bot or are you what? is it an incredible coincidence that you reacted before taking any time to ponder on what was told to you? Don't be mad with your "NO U", unlike you I prevent my life from turning into shit. So in the end I at least will be able to say that at least I tried. You on the other hand went mindlessly and obediently to the slaughter.

>> No.15744653

>arguments for what faggot?
For how I'm wrong, since you keep replying to my posts with these negroidic chimpouts.

>> No.15744657

Sorry, I don't understand. Do you feel threatened by some "dire conditions"? If not, why are you talking about "dire conditions" and posting in an anti-aging cope thread?

>> No.15744666

I do not know where you stand, what is your position anon? can you repeat it because it is not clear where you stand and why. you talked a lot and said nothing really, I have no clue where you stand, and why.

>> No.15744670

>anti-aging cope thread
why do you have an issue with anti-aging or immortality? are you crazy anon?

>> No.15744677

If you don't know, why do you keep replying to my posts? I don't know why this is so funny. How come all you chimps behave identically?

>> No.15744678

I'm a relatively young guy. My conditions are not that dire yet, but I can predict them to become, so as any reasonable person I work on preventing the inconvenience of that sorry state whether by building my place being comfortable to a semicorpse, and if I'm lucky enough to rejuvenate my cells by measures of genetic therapy I find to be the tool to get biologic immortality, which is the eternal youth, even today. And people who invented planes were not just coping with not being able to fly, they actually did something about it, in spite what every other retard was saying.

>> No.15744682

you have an issue with this subject and you are too weak to state your position, because you understand how fucking crazy you'd sound, yet you feel the need to convince plebs they should off themselves because it's somehow "the correct thing to do".
you are fucking insane anon, mush brain

>> No.15744683

>My conditions are not that dire yet, but I can predict them to become
Then put your present self in your future self's shoes and reflect on the words of your Sri Yaputra, smoothbrain.

>> No.15744687

My position was stated very clearly. If you don't understand it, why do you reply to my posts with mountains of seethe? Unironically get your IQ tested. It will change your life.

>> No.15744689

>My position was stated very clearly.
no it wasn't. you never made any point of where you stand, you only hinted to it because you are too fucking weak. have some backbone you rat

>> No.15744693

> nigger likes the fable
> nigger uses it not as intended
Is it really that hard for you to understand the word "would"?
- Would you like it if somebody hit you?
- Why do you keep sayin it? Nobody hits me.
So would it be nice if you could stay young as long as you want? Don't give me your retarded nigger "you cannot", not a news to anybody, not that anybody in this thread asked.

>> No.15744695

Bark for me some more, you tar-black gorilla nigger. Bark until you drop dead (that'll only take about 40 years).

>> No.15744705

>fails to understand what i mean when i ask him to put himself in the shoes of his future self
>tries to direct the breakfast meme at me
This thread is surreal.

>> No.15744720

immortality does break a lot of minds, and for some reason most of them also happen to hold religious beliefs.

>> No.15744725

You're a petty troll or a really shitty communicator. Expecting people to read your mind is not very smart, but you probably never thought about it, but now you know. I have put myself in the shoes of the future myself when I told you that I will be able to say "at least I tried" and what you "meant" is not that interesting, because you are only annoying and not intelligent, so as I said, a nigger.

>> No.15744729

>I have put myself in the shoes of the future myself
Good. Do this now and ask yourself what Sri Yaputra would say. :^)

>> No.15744733

Sri Yaputra would say that you're a faggot. I know him well, there's a whole series of his adventures in my language.

>> No.15744744

You are a low IQ individual with very little impulse control. This is not an insult, just a statement of fact. If rejuvenation ever becomes a thing, it's unlikely that those who control it would be interested in keeping you around, so you better figure out what Sri Yaputra meant.

>> No.15744864

>man just wants to fight and fuck
>hes so unfulfilled.
Who started this retarded shit?

>> No.15744872

>If rejuvenation ever becomes a thing, it's unlikely that those who control it would be interested in keeping you around
You were clueless about the possibility of such technology, and now you are imposing your very important opinion. What a nerve!
> Teacher Chhishvabrashvan once asked his disciple Yaputra: “What does clapping with one palm sound like?” Yaputra, without hesitation, slapped the Teacher in the face.
> - Not entirely true, Yaputra, but you did it without thinking, without using your mind, which means you have comprehended Zen. Go in peace, get the fuck out of here!
> Thus Sri Yaputra became a Teacher.

>> No.15744873

>Who started this retarded shit?
You mean your braindamaged way of life? Slave owners shortly after the Neolithic Revolution.

>> No.15744878

Vanya, life expectancy for you isn't exactly on the rise.

>> No.15744884

No I mean the aghast condemnation of a fulfilled life pure in its simplicity. Who the fuck are you, cunt, to bring this moral indignation?

>> No.15744887

>No I mean the aghast condemnation of a fulfilled life pure in its simplicity
I just told you who. You need it broken down? Do you need me to talk slow for you?

>> No.15744890

Scientifically speaking, why does the prospect of having longer, healthier lives send chimpoids into thread-derailing fits of ideologically-driven rage?

>> No.15744892

You're a current year slave owner? Are you retarded? Maybe I do need it as slow as possible.

>> No.15744895

>Maybe I do need it as slow as possible.
You sure do but I don't think any one can talk that slow.

>> No.15744898

So you are retarded. Holy fuck, that confused the ever living shit out of me. Good job.

>> No.15744899

>no u
Peak intellect.

>> No.15744900
File: 606 KB, 1050x1400, 1687647426475817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I care? I do not really care. Chances are I am going to die sooner than I expect, but it shouldn't stop me from pushing the world to the direction I want it to move.

>> No.15744905

I asked you who the fuck are you to give moral indignation about fucking and fighting to which you responded with I am an ancient slave owner. Touche, epic gottem. I can't fuck with immortals I don't know how to do that shit.

>> No.15744907

>Do I care?
Way too much.

>it shouldn't stop me from pushing the world to the direction I want it to move.
I don't know why it's so much funnier when some slavshit says this.

>> No.15744910

>who the fuck are you to give moral indignation about fucking and fighting to which you responded with I am an ancient slave owner.
You're unironically hallucinating.

>> No.15744915

>Who the fuck are you, cunt, to bring this moral indignation?
>I just told you who(>>15744873)
> Slave owners
I mean...

>> No.15744917

Just stop replying and get your IQ tested.

>> No.15744921

No thanks.

>> No.15744933

Too bad. Maybe you could move on with your life if you finally realized you were stupid.

>> No.15744938

Right, stupid people are known for deep analysis ruining a perfect carefree life. Good one.

>> No.15744942

Not as shitty as you, n-word.
And the funny thing is you oppose the technology which may finally make you smart on genetic level (and some other technology may help you to actually become smart, but you will also try to ridicule it)

>> No.15744944

>stupid people are known for deep analysis ruining a perfect carefree life.
Absolutely. But now you're just adding extra layers to your already established stupidity.

>> No.15744947

Shouldn't you be dying in some Ukrainian ditch, draft dodger?

>> No.15744953

I am a pro-ukrainian anarchist. But you go find yourself a ditch to die in.

>> No.15744961

>I am a pro-ukrainian
LOL. Figures you'd turn out to be utter scum even by uhh... Russian Standard.

>> No.15744964

Really? A lot of 90 IQ Socrates in your local philosophy department?
> But now you're just adding extra layers to your already established stupidity.
Right, we both understand I am under no obligation to participate in your larp so nothing of the sort has been established. In fact , I am having an opposite experience of an anon getting caught up saying dumb shit and then pivoting the conversation. So I guess I'll see you in court and we'll establish a reality.

>> No.15744968
File: 370 KB, 640x832, DreamShaper_v7_several_young_slim_natural_redhead_shameless_w_0(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with niggers? Why are they pro-soviet? Ah, I almost forgot, they're retarded. You're retarded, nigger, leave the board.

>> No.15744971

I'll let you in on a secret, Vanya: there's no nation on this planet where anyone wants or respects literal traitors. lol

>> No.15744977

All those words and all you manage is to cement the idea that you're a moron.

>> No.15744983

>people have biases look at me display mine.
Wow, you are some sort of a discoverer or something. So humbling being in the presence of such an esteemed intellect.

>> No.15744985

You still I give a fuck? You're born slave. And were that way even before the kikes came to your continent.

>> No.15744988

You'll give a fuck if you ever achieve your migration dream only to discover that you're despised wherever it is you thought people would welcome you for screeching Slava Ukraini.

>> No.15744996

If I wanted to migrate I would. Unlike your animal self I recognize my duty to make the place I was born into a better place.

>> No.15745001

>If I wanted to migrate I would
You're dying to, but you're a lowlife so it's not happening. Anyway, have fun being a pro-statist, pro-megacorporate "anarchist" alcoholic. Your life really is shit At least your suffering won't be extended. . :^)

>> No.15745007
File: 2.99 MB, 406x720, nose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my condolences

>> No.15745021

>i'm a heckin' Russian anarchist
>that means i support the american puppet state with its kike president gloating about the awesome deal he cut with Blackrock
Truly surreal thread. Anti-age coping really does attract the most deformed, intellectually crippled lowlives worldwide.

>> No.15745039

The enemy of my enemy is my natural ally. I am sorry for ukies, because I suspect that they are being punished for daring to revolt against the puppet which were placed upon them, thus setting an example for Canada and France. But then there's some hope that it is a way of this play to dissolve moscovite hegemony with as little risk of distabilization of the region as possible. That it is an example for every fucking tyrant that technologically superior nation wins, and that suppressing your own population is not going to serve you well.
Here, get educated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrWiP23Tlwk

>> No.15745055

>a semi-fascist puppet state for the globohomo empire with a kike president that sold his country to Blackrock?
>sounds like my natural ally
>i'm an anarchist btw
I guess in Russia "anarchist" is a euphemism for "yid".

>> No.15745060

lol. now imagine a world where scum like that gets to pollute this world for centuries

>> No.15745093

To my surprise, you made me think. It is definitely complicated. Am I ready to sacrifice russian bullshit for jewish bullshit? At least thus we'll join the rest of white nations, to solve the common problems and not to be isolated when maybe our rudeness is what other white nations lack to tell their leaders to fuck off already, but then our servility should be modified (maybe even genetically modified) or mediated by some future work of culture
Even scum like you will be allowed to pollute this world for centuries as you pollute this board with your very important point of view of an npc (I wanted to say, before you made me think)

>> No.15745146

>At least thus we'll join the rest of white nations
Join them in what? Getting depopulated and replaced by shitskins? Don't bother, retard. You can probably have all that under Putin.

>> No.15745147

Join them in developing new and fascinating technologies for common benefit. Shitskin problem will solve itself as pendulum of history goes back and forth.

>> No.15745153

>are you dying to avoid some fear of pain that you imagine you might be subjected to?
Exactly. It is irrelevant in this case if its a surprise or at what age, its just used as a gaurentee I won't be tortured forever
>why wouldn't that happen after "you die"? how can you make sure you're not reassembled somewhere, and tortured forever
How would I be reassembled? If I die soon, the information on my connectome would very likely be lost forever. Neuroscience tools currently available can't trace out a connectome, especially not once the brain has decayed. Even if I was reassembled or whatever, it would be a clone of me and not me.
>how would terrorists torture you forever? and also why?
Once the technology is developed they could put my CNS in a jar that keeps it alive and stimulate the nociceptors as much as physically possible while keeping me as aware as possible of it.
People everywhere torture others all the time to get something they want or to make an example out of them. I could commit a crime and be made an example out of. Have you ever seen those cartel torture videos? I don't recommend but it shows people will do the worst thing they can to another person.
>also how would you know they are terrorising you forever? your body is still mortal, inflict too much pain and you die.
There is no physical law to support this. Its physically possible to torture someone without even damaging their tissues. They just have to stimulate the right nerves and keep you alive.

>> No.15745156

Well, then start working on inventing new levels of personal safety, I guess. And create a network of friends not enemies.

>> No.15745164

Look, you're truly hopeless. If you needed my "help" to realize something as blatantly obvious as the absurdity of your support for the Ukrokike Blackrock regime, there is no hope making you think critically about the consequences of "new and fascinating technologies" being weilded by the internationalist cabal of psychopaths (who are currently exterminating both ukies and your own countrymen in droves). I suggest you keep an eye on Blackrock's Nu-kraine and how your "fascinating technologies" will be used to engineer the behavior of the softened-up, demoralized, thoroughly traumatized remnants of the Ukrainian population.

>> No.15745181

Planes are surely used to bomb cities, but hardly was it a reason not to invent them. Kikes are on both sides, so I have to choose between commie kikes and capitalist kikes. And you know what? I choose to deal with capitalist kikes, at least those are supposed to be significantly less retarded.

>> No.15745194

"Choose" whoevever, you braindamaged slav, it will make no difference whatsoever. The point is forever lost on you.

>> No.15745322

This has nothing to do with the fact that it’s almost certain that any old person would prefer not to have ruined knees and bad eyesight etc. you are not even arguing a consistent point.
Also it’s incredible how much spam is in this thread now, look at the fucking state of this board

>> No.15745415


>> No.15745933
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it turns out that vaxxies for some weird coinquidink and deep regrets are just not compatible with the life extension juice.

>> No.15745950

>This has nothing to do with the fact that it’s almost certain that any old person would prefer not to have ruined knees and bad eyesight etc.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with the truth of >>15741614, >>15741644. Get your IQ checked. It will change your life.

>> No.15745960

>if you'd be fulfilled you wouldn't want to live forever, you'd be ok with dying, as all of your ancestors did, it's the right thing to do anon.
you are out of your fucking mind if you even dream that shit is going to stick kek

>> No.15745967

>if you'd be fulfilled you wouldn't want to live forever, you'd be ok with dying, as all of your ancestors did
If you were fulfilled you wouldn't have this insane obsession with trying to preserve your youth. The reason you're so obsessed is that you are getting nothing out of your youth now and you live under the perpetual delusion that fulfillment will come later if only you double down hard enough on a system that makes your life worthless to begin with. :^)

>> No.15745973

you see, that's your zealotism that results in that in your brain, you have no choice but to go with it.
think about how much that would perfectly fit your inner narrative, which was meticulously crafted to cater to all of your insecurities. it perfectly shelters you, and at times, it requires sacrifices from you. you must intellectually prostitute yourself, and you will always do it, because the reward is perfect inner harmony. this is how I know there is nothing, no piece of data, no information that will ever change your position. your position is very particular, it must be that way or your inner world goes to shit, and you will fight for that, as hard as you can.
if you'd be able to just know all of the reasons people might have for wanting more time, even as much as the universe is going to support it, you'd piss yourself because you'd understand how limited your worldview is. you little perfectly comfortable box, always maintaining it, so if feels good inside.

>> No.15745974

That is some blatantly insane rambling. Not even going to read beyond the second sentence. My point still stands.

>> No.15745980

>My point still stands.
it only stands for other weirdos like yourself, sure.

>> No.15745984

>Not even going to read beyond the second sentence
>which was meticulously crafted to cater to all of your insecurities.
oh I see why

>> No.15746004

I don't know what your meltdown is all about. I don't care about personal reddit drama. All I did was to draw a logical conclusion based on empirical observations about what kind of people and societies have this particular obsession.

>> No.15746074

that is not a parallel you can make you midwit. they didn't actually have any real chance of getting it. when it's actually possible you cannot draw parallels between the two situations. god damn it you're a chimp. and you're one of those chimps who thinks he's smart, and knows shit. at least dimwits know their fucking place, you don't seem to

>> No.15746130

>they didn't actually have any real chance of getting it
Neither did your likes 100 years ago. Neither did your likes two thousand years ago. Neither did your likes today. :^)

>> No.15746142

you are only telling us how much you need for that to be true. how can you not see it?
it takes to be a special kind of scum to get hard thinking about hopeful fools losing what they hoped for, because that's specifically how you modelled it, didn't you? in your shitty little mind.

>> No.15746218

>you need for that to be true
I don't "need" for that to be true. It is true that your likes have been obsessed with this idea for millenia despite there being zero chance of success, which refutes your braindead argument. It's almost as if anti-aging copers are driven by the irrationality of overwhelming fears. Try agian.

>> No.15746354
File: 27 KB, 480x539, 7fe30d1dc3380b276f5859a4a86a2ad0--jack-nicholson-morgan-freeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is true
lol, what the fuck a nigger knows about the truth

>> No.15746356

Are you denying that your likes have been obsessed with this for millenia?

>> No.15746391
File: 174 KB, 389x291, Lord-Kelvin-forecast_airplane-1A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what do you nigger care? My "likes" were obsessed with flying for millenia as well.

>> No.15746430

>My "likes" were obsessed
They sure were, and I'm glad you finally concede that your obsession has nothing to do with the plausibility of accomplishing your goals. It's driven by irrational, animalistic fears.

>> No.15746475

>It's driven by irrational, animalistic fears.
how cute, you're trying to deal with yours this way

>> No.15746493

I don't know what your meltdown is all about. I don't care about personal reddit drama. All I did was to draw a logical conclusion based on empirical observations about what kind of people and societies have this particular obsession. Your attempt to dispute this has just failed and you're back at square 1.

>> No.15746507

>reddit drama
this is a fucking bot kek

>> No.15746513

same as this bot >>15745683

>> No.15746545

The main different between winners and losers is winners try to raise people around them to their level, losers try to bring everybody around them down. And what a karmic irony that thus they have even less chances of doing something spectacular. I dare you to reconsider your ways.
> you finally concede that your obsession has nothing to do with the plausibility of accomplishing your goals
People finally learnt to fly, have we not?