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File: 18 KB, 334x330, Vitamin_B_Complex_30ct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1573972 No.1573972 [Reply] [Original]

How strong is the scientific case for taking supplements?

ie: Say if someone has a balanced diet all ready, is there actually any benefit to taking extra Vitamen pills or fish oils, etc?

>> No.1573991

Fish oils have strong scientific backup. The odds are you don't consume enough per day.

As far as I know, B vitamins are also quite useful.

Multivitamins? Inconclusive, I've not seen much positive or negative reception.

>> No.1573999


>Fish Oil

Isn't that natural medicine?
I've heard that it does it's job really well though.

>> No.1574004

If your body has all the vitamins it can process and use, you'll just piss the extra out.
So, to get a real effect you would want to only take the vitamins you're most likely to be lacking.
I don't eat sea creatures regularly, so a fish oil pill might not be too bad.

>> No.1574013
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Wow, I almost responded.

>> No.1574014

There is very little evidence for vitamin supplements in healthy people. Even a crappy diet will have plenty of vitamins and minerals, and nutrients from food are always better than from supplement pills. Some vitamins (A, E, C) are even associated with higher caner rates.

>> No.1574016

Don't take too many B vitamins, they are non-polar meaning that they stay in your body for a month. If you take tons, bad shit will happen. Only take small amounts.

As for vitamins like vitamin C, it's polar, so you can take bottles of that shit and it would be out of your system in a few hours.

>> No.1574019

Fish oil makes your cum thicker and whiter. Fact.

>> No.1574021


No, really.
Do you consider that natural medicine?

>> No.1574027

Fish oil is one of the only supplements with substantial evidence to support it. And even then, it only seems to work in people with Norther European backgrounds.

>> No.1574031

It's epidemiological.

You'll get all the nutrients you need from eating a balanced diet. Nutrional studies all show that.

Still, many people don't eat a balanced diet. Epidemiological studies show that time and time again. Too much junk food.

So you've got a good reason to take supplements, if you can't kick the junk food habit.

>> No.1574035


It is merely a supplement that has various healthy benefits.

Medicine implies it attempts to treat or cure a medical problem. I have never seen any research done on such a claim.

>> No.1574039
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About this much.

>> No.1574040

I used to take a lot of vitamins including B.I still have some old t-shirts that smell like B Complex pills. Then I started reading up on what works and what doesn't. All I take now is D+Calcium, Fish Oil, and Creatine.

>> No.1574044


I suppose it would be a natural supplement then...
Excuse me, I am new to this board.

>> No.1574046

Well it doesn't certainly hurt to take them, so why not? I take a multivitamin supplement every morning, has some kind of placebo effect that makes me feel more energetic

>> No.1574048

Guise. If you want to know all about the nutrients you need, based on scientific peer-reviewed literature, not any media hype, no woo woo pseudoscience, not word of mouth, go here-


Evidence based nutrition

>> No.1574051
File: 201 KB, 620x480, doitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your shrinking testicles.

>> No.1574053

It does hurt. It costs time and money, makes your pee look funny, and some supplements have some bad side effects.

>> No.1574054
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>> No.1574055

You're thinking of Andro.

>> No.1574061

I suffer from eczema from time to time, recently I started to take cod liver oil during a flare up and my skin is crystal clear now.

>> No.1574068


Shrinking testicles? Source?

From what I've read on various forums it seems that creatine is a borderline nootropic. I've never seen empirical evidence of intelligence increases, but I saw a study that showed it increased student performance.

>> No.1574073


Marketing what, exactly?

>> No.1574077


I heard that oil from the liver isn't good, and that the preferred source of the oil should be from the fish's body.

>> No.1574079



As much as I hate wikipedia.

>> No.1574086

Cod liver oil is basically the same thing but with much higher levels of vitamin A and D, so you're at more risk of hypervitaminosis.

>> No.1574092

I take extra magnesium w/ calcium, vitamin D & C, lecithin, and other assorted shit. I am pretty healthy and immune system seems to work better than others.

>> No.1574102
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You're also from Delaware.

>> No.1574103
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels-good-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't really cost time taking one pill along with breakfast. Not very expensive either. Also i haven't noticed anything wrong in my piss, I take this into my body every morning:

A-vitamin 300 μg
B1 = tiamin 1,4 mg
B2 = riboflavin 1,6 mg
B3 = niacin 15 mg
B5 = pantothenic acid 4 mg
B6 = pyridoxine 2,2 mg
B12 = cobalamin 3 μg
Folic acid 400 μg
Biotin 30 μg
C-vitamin 75 mg
D3-vitamin 10 μg
E-vitamin 10 mg
Magnesium 120 mg
Zinc 15 mg
Iodine 150 μg
Manganese 2,5 mg
Chromium 30 μg
Selenium 50 μg

>> No.1574106
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>> No.1574127

If vitamins don't make your pee neon-yellow its because you're so dehydrated it's too dark for the vitamins to show up.

>> No.1574135

>>1574086 hypervitaminosis
Admit it, you made that word up.

>> No.1574140


Why would I be?

>> No.1574145

>>1574140 Why would I be?
Because you don't drink enough water. It's not a goddamn riddle.

>> No.1574151
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And how do you know that

>> No.1574157

Fish oil, and vitamin D is mandatory.
i take 5000 IU of vitamin D everyday. and it makes you happier and i never et sick.

>> No.1574172

Because you piss is so dark you don't notice anything funny when you take vitamins.

>> No.1574182

>an abnormal condition resulting from taking vitamins excessively; can be serious for vitamins A or D or K