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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15736036 No.15736036 [Reply] [Original]

So it's been years at this point, have we seen that either side is definitively correct in the efficacy and safety (or lack thereof) of the vaccines?

Did it really curb deaths and save people, or did those who got it end up taking something that will eventually destroy them

What the fuck is going on

>> No.15736053
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ayy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spike proteins were designed to trigger a prion disease that will disable most of the human population by 2030. That will guarantee the depopulation plan aka "decarbonization" will go on as planned.

>> No.15736090


>> No.15736388

They are definitively incredibly unsafe. We finally got a prospective study on the Moderna vaccines to check for heart damage and it was occurring at a rate of one in 35. Moderna was a bigger dose than pfizer and typically had higher rates of adverse events, but it wasn't by a huge margin so based on comparative rates measured in other monitoring systems it would perhaps be around 1/50 for pfizer. 'Heart damage' in this instance was typically mild and resolved without major concern in the foreseeable future, but if my understanding is correct this will leave scar tissue which will mean an elevated risk of cardiac issues later in life. Seems there is a high likelihood that it will lead to early death in a good number of these people.

Actual deaths are very difficult to measure due to an apparent unwillingness to attribute obvious vaccine deaths to the vaccine. For example in my country there was a 12 year old who died of cardiac issues the day after his pfizer vaccine. It was determined there is no evidence the vaccine caused his death. People (I say 'people' but this was mostly r*ddit and facebook comments) were tripping over themselves to say this was just a coincidence, and it is actually much more common than you think. OK, how common then? A perfectly healthy 12 year old dropping dead for no discernible reason? I looked for myself, in an average year there would be 3-4 deaths of under 18s from cardiac issues in the entire country. Very unlikely these are perfectly healthy kids either, at my school there was a girl with a spazzy heart who allegedly could die any day, I'd assume the very few deaths are people like her.

>> No.15736409
File: 100 KB, 978x1020, MortalityEurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way to know exactly how many cases like this there were, but every monitoring system in every country went off the fucking charts with deaths, multiple times more than had ever been recorded before for all other vaccines combined in every case. It made no difference if self-reporting was allowed, only doctors reports, whatever the case the trend was the same. We were told these systems were in place to detect signals like this, so if the vaccines were unsafe we would know. Then we were told that when the most egregious harms imaginable were detected, deaths by the tens of thousands, that these systems are unreliable and to ignore them. So how were we tracking if they were safe if we are supposed to completely ignore the safety monitoring systems because they are hopelessly unreliable? Unconscionable.

Another point of evidence is excess mortality stats. In older people this is obscured by the effects of covid, however since covid was of almost no concern to younger people there might be a clear trend if there was some kind of vaxpocalypse. Here is pooled excess mortality data for most European countries. Looking at 15-44 year olds you can see that excess mortality in 2020 was just a little higher than 2018, a relatively normal year. However it was much higher in 2021, and in the weekly chart at the bottom you can see that it started a noticeable rise around the time of the vaccine rollout when covid deaths were minimal around Europe, finally peaking at the end of the year when there was still widespread vaccination and covid had made a seasonal return.

>> No.15736416

my favorite chart to track is excess spending on cancer treatments. anyway I didn't vaxx so I can casually watch what happens hth

>> No.15736434
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Regarding efficacy, I won't go into detail about reducing transmission because it should be self-evident, but it did absolutely nothing to stop the spread. Tracking systems around the world were reporting significantly higher case rates in the vaccinated. It simply did not work for that and was likely counter-productive.

As for reducing the severity of covid, there was a clear trend that covid deaths and hospitalizations were reported at lower rates in the vaccinated when age-adjusted. The effect this had on overall mortality was noticeable in 2021, although it still had fairly high excess deaths at the end of the year a good proportion of this was in January when vaccination was not yet widely available. However as you can see, 2022 ended up with around the same amount of excess deaths as 2020 pre-vaccine. What are these people dying of? Covid is not even remotely close to what it was in 2020, basically everyone that age is vaccinated in most of these countries, and after a couple of years of unusually high excess like that you would expect that the weakest and most frail have already been eliminated, typically this leads to a year or two of unusually low excess if all other things are even.

Very strange that we shut down the entire world for years for this level of excess deaths earlier, and yet now it is considered a conspiracy theory to even mention that it is occurring. No idea how much is related to the vaccine, but I am pretty confident in saying that it did indeed cause a statistically significant number of excess deaths.

>> No.15736458

>'Heart damage' in this instance was typically mild and resolved without major concern in the foreseeable future
I should also point out that they weren't all mild, some of them were serious and required ongoing care, and although no one in this study died there have been thousands of deaths around the world confirmed to have been caused by the vaccines by coroners and pathologists.

I could go on for fucking days, I literally am THE global expert on this data just by being a fucking chud on the internet. I was tracking data on covid and vax stuff pretty much daily for over a year from every official source I could find, I had a folder of hundreds of charts and figures that were relevant but I deleted it because I decided it was time to move on from covid. Although I was always skeptical about the vaccine and was particularly interested in the criminal activities of pharmaceutical companies before covid, I did my best to remain as objective as possible. I do (or at least did) believe the vaccine was of benefit to the elderly and those at elevated risk, I somewhat question that now as excess mortality has remained very high. But it was a literal crime to ever even allow young and healthy people to take it, it was all risk and no benefit. And it was a literal crime against humanity punishable by death according to the Nuremberg code to coerce people to take it against their will, in many cases killing them outright. There is no other word for that then murder.

Never fucking forget what they did. Never live this down if you went along with it.

Over and out.

>> No.15736604
File: 69 KB, 565x680, covid_vaxCumul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm i wonder

>> No.15736636

Isn't New Zealand turbovaxxed? Isn't Serbia pretty antivaxx? Thinking of Djokovic here.

>> No.15736642
File: 29 KB, 680x314, covid_vaxSwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes.. countries with highest vax compliance had unsurprisingly lowest excess mortality

>> No.15737030

Nice copypasta but your stats have been btfo for months

>> No.15737371

Not pasta, everything I said was accurate.

>> No.15737659

New Zealand closed the entire country for more than two years. No one was allowed in, so there was no covid here until just before omicron, which is literally a cold. Also NZ is quite uniquely rural and sparsely populated and also antisocial generally, so it was never going to spread the same as in big cities.

>> No.15737714

No. No it wasn’t. Plus some of your charts are meaningless. I’ll bet you post this crap on /b/

>> No.15737732

>OK, how common then? A perfectly healthy 12 year old dropping dead for no discernible reason?
Guess he wasn't that healthy then huh

>> No.15737796

Why not explain what wasn't accurate?

Because you can't, you'll just lie or seethe about irrelevant shit. Disprove any of it, every word is correct.

>> No.15737799

Not since he took the vax at least.

>> No.15737800

>some of your charts are meaningless
You have to be able to do data interpretation at a basic level to understand it, might be too much for you.

>> No.15738093

There are highlight reels of hundreds of healthy athletes dropping dead in an instant on the field in camera.

You be the judge (retard)

>> No.15738094

I love you motherfucker.

>> No.15738382
File: 341 KB, 1732x2714, charts-z-scores-by-country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not to do with the vaccine in the case of Sweden, it's because they carried on pretty much normally so they built up strong herd immunity in the general population. It also meant that more of their old and frail died in 2020, rather than 2021 as was the case in countries where people were kept locked in their homes.

What you are suggesting there is dishonest, here is excess mortality for all ages in the 8 most vaccinated countries in Europe. Sweden is 6th out of 8 for vaccines given.

>> No.15738390

You can see that Sweden is the big outlier there as they were the only ones who took a big hit early then pretty much coasted through 2021.

This is 15-44yo age range, the only thing of any real statistical note here is that Italy had large excess after the vaccine and not before in this age range, and Germany absolutely massive cumulatively, consistently for the entire time since vaccination began. I could show only this data to prove how the vaccines are definitely killing everyone, but it isn't repeated in every country so that would be disingenuous. You have to look at broader trends with all countries added together.

>> No.15738398
File: 406 KB, 1732x2714, charts-z-scores-by-country(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry meant to post this with it, 15-44yo excess mortality. Also note that Sweden has just now recorded the highest death rate in this age group in recent history. So that fellow's image may have been a little premature, as well as being blatantly cherry picked and misleading.

>> No.15739139

Imagine wanting proper sources and documentation on /sci/

Vaccines are good for the whole and at the moment we have no good data to suggest otherwise

>> No.15739145

Almost every human alive today will be dead in approximately 100 years

>> No.15739207

>heart damage occurring at a rate of one in 35.
This study is brought up a million times per day on /sci/, /pol/ and probably all over the internet, but dr. Susan Oliver said that the study uses a different definition of myocarditis and threshholds that are lower than normal thus exaggerating the occurence.
Why is this criticism never discussed around here? I suspect because do-your-own-research = confirmation bias. Last time I mentioned this criticism I was called a shill. It's okay to hold on to an anti-establishment viewpoint, but don't pretend to be scientific about it.

>> No.15739229
File: 131 KB, 448x603, doit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you got boosted today?
Do it right now, protect those corporate profits.

>> No.15739232

It will be ok.

>> No.15739250

I'm unjabbed, but I'm tired of these braindead posts. Why bother discussing anything anymore?

>> No.15739255

>So it's been years at this point
It's been about a year and 9 months. It feels like decades at this point though.

>> No.15739552

Your information is fake.

Ask yourself this: do you WANT to believe in "COVID scary"?

You probably do, which is why you accept bogus data. Also, even if it was deadly... Guess what? The world survived the black plague. We WILL make it. You demanding everyone follow you because you claim to care about other's lives (you'd couldn't possibly) is nonsense. What does it matter to you if millions sprinkled throughout the world die? You don't care about that no matter what you say.

Just because people are alive doesn't mean they deserve to exist. And they sure as hell ain't required to live the best life possible.

>> No.15739599

Post lockdowns ive been told that covid is over, chud, and that I shouldnt be discussing it anymore. Regardless, I don't trust anything, only time will tell what the result of this will be.

>> No.15739608

Its not for the tards, it's for the 99% of lurkers who might get swayed by their bs if it goes unchallenged. You're doing God's work.

>> No.15739692

The difference between that and other studies is that others have relied on hospitalizations, whereas this one actually tested everyone and hence got sub-clinical cases. This is the first accurate one other than the small Thailand study only focusing on young boys.

>> No.15739695

All this information comes from official government data. I don't think covid is that bad.

>> No.15739731
File: 92 KB, 1738x886, 1694539812201519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please debunk this, PLEASE

>> No.15739895

One "side" wanted to force everyone to get the injections, while the other side wanted everyone to have the choice of whether or not to get the injections. Only one side was right.

>> No.15740289

>All this information comes from official government data.

And what do you think this entails? It sure as hell doesn't mean it's accurate.

The state sponsored media in USA has been straight up egregiously lying to the public for almost a decade now

>> No.15740355

>Why is this criticism never discussed around here?
Because it's completely invalid. Other studies used conditions far too strict which were guaranteed to only represent a tiny fraction of the true cases, including missing many which would lead to serious permanent health issues since they didn't seek medical treatment soon enough, or if the doctor didn't perform certain tests, etc.

This is the type of study we have been asking for and waiting for, it's the only one which could be even close to accurate.

Besides, how completely insane do you have to be to think that is OK under any conditions? Very strange cope.

>> No.15740378

Dumbest shit I ever read
This isn't /x/ yet half the posters act like it is

>> No.15740381

inb4 2 more years.

>> No.15740593

It would be nice if we could mark threads as on topic or clinical etc so the shitposters can't fuck it up

But then neither could the antivax crown using incorrect retarded bad data

>> No.15740634

If you're dumb enough to still be using the term 'antivax' then you have no business shit talking anyone else's posts no matter how retarded they are.

>> No.15740683

>I don't smoke cannabis myself but I think it should be legal
not "anti-cannabis"
>I would never get an abortion myself but I believe in a woman's right to choose
not "anti-abortion"
>take a two-litre bolus of the shite for all I care -- just keep it away from me

It's like calling you "anti-marijuana" if you don't get your regular bong hit boosters.

>> No.15740893

You should not be allowed to be this stupid, not on here or in real life

>> No.15742906

Yes, and especially considering that most people who were 'antivax' took other vaccines, many of them even took the covid vaccine before realizing it was shit, and some of them had devoted much of their life to developing and promoting vaccines.

Really strange thing to do for someone who blindly hates the technology of vaccines for no reason.

>> No.15742953

Again with this gay chart. If I wasn't overloaded with crap I shit out a graph with Euro data blowing this gay ass chart off.

>Sweden higher than Norway and Denmark is already a retarded showcase unless you're cherry picking data

>> No.15742966

Dr. fucking who? She is not even a cardiologist, what authority that does that ching chong even have to "disprove" any study related to myocarditis samples?

>> No.15742973

You need to stratify that by age group you dumb ass nigger.

>> No.15743093
File: 118 KB, 1739x881, c32b68ce-ba31-4f65-9689-b7f8c21a40b0_1739x881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15743151

Pure blood here
Lol @ vaxfaggots

>> No.15743179

Plus the fact that they KNEW it wasnt safe and still continue with this crap with children who had 99.99% survival rate
Make your conclusions man...

>> No.15743312

Lets see those vaccinations you got as a kid, retard

Keeping the viral load down is good for literally everyone you stupid nigger, your selfishness and stupidity are disgusting and archaic

>> No.15743425

Knowingly endangering children so boomers can boom their boom-boom a few more years collectively is proof of how sick our culture has become. Seriously, you're arguing that children should be forced to get injections that don't benefit them but can be harmful to them so that the elderly can roam around playing more golf. Truly vile.

>> No.15743494

Oh.. shit

>> No.15744241

What i I only got the initial dose and the booster

>> No.15744324

You're considered unvaccinated. Welcome to Chud Country, you bigot!

>> No.15744429

I'm glad you made the horizon 2030 and not something like 2024 or December. Most people make the mistake of making "the big event" happen close enough to where people will remember the screenshot and make a huge flood of dumbass threads about it. This pile of shit site probably won't be around in 2030 and if it is, nobody will care about this post.

>> No.15744440
File: 437 KB, 1740x880, e3a4b886-63c8-43dc-8cae-d0a11effa1b4_1740x880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22.4% of the population and 21.2% percent of deaths; you're not as safe as unvaccinated people but you're in better shape than the gigavaxxed

>> No.15744963

Any deboonkers here to fact-check this really quickly? Thanks!

>> No.15745104

I'm vaxxed and still have athlete's bradycardia. All you schizos are really scared of nothing. The vax was way too weak, ironically. But CIA glowies make people think they gave you heart disease to wipe out possible political dissidents from the right with soon-to-be common diseases.

>> No.15745162

that graph, or rather, the conclusion from it, is shit. anyone with a health problem got vaxed.
vaxed = people who believe they need protection from corona
unvaxed = people who believe they don't
with that, assuming vax is completely neutral, you should see higher mortality in vaxed pop.
at the same time, the fact uk chose literally the worst, most unethical and evil companies for vax (pfizer & moderna) without any other alternatives,... keep posting it.

>> No.15745166
File: 680 KB, 768x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weve seen anti-vaxxers die from covid
I haven't seen a single credible case of a death from the vaccine despite billions of people getting it

>> No.15745363

b-but they are just covering up the vaccine deaths as something else!

>> No.15745374

Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of 18-39 with a lot of health issues.

>> No.15745378


And there is so much fucking more than just that including things like autoimmune issues or genetic fuckups, you can't be so fucking stupid and dumb. Stop just regurgitating shit you hear on fox

>> No.15745402

Something is killing millions, no matter how much mocking you diw, they're still read of... something. Even the most loose and expansive definition of a covid death accounts for more than a third of the excess deaths.

>> No.15745460

American thing. We're not overweight like you. Also, in case you haven't realized, most likely because on top of being american you're also dumb as shit, excess mortality for 18-39 has also increased. Commorbidities also rose during the pandemic because of winter vagina, climate change and whatever other goyslops you can fit in your narrative?

>> No.15745461

>most likely because on top of being american you're also dumb as shit, excess mortality for 18-39 has also increased
maybe because we're in a global pandemic?

>> No.15745463

Excess mortality is not from covid deaths. Hell, no one but old people are dying of covid. It's vaxxies most likely. But they are either too proud to admit they were wrong or too stupid to see it being rubbed in their faces.

>> No.15745464

Yes, yes total global deathly pandemic starting 2022. Just light yourself on fire

>> No.15745465

Covid does cause long-term health problems you know

>> No.15745472

Yeah lots of them. Especially 1/3 of kids of imagined that shit when they did some trials. I know more people that had issues after vaccination than I know that had whatever pseudo psychosomatic shit you cooked up. And I run a pharmacy. Just accept you're too stupid and/or guillble.

>> No.15745634

Are you retarded? There have been literally thousands confirmed by coroners around the world. You haven't even looked at all, and in fact have actively ignored it when you've seen it.

So why even comment?

>> No.15745707

Let's see paul allens data

>> No.15746089

>makes money selling drugs to sick people
>encouraging everybody to not get vaccinated