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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15737527 No.15737527 [Reply] [Original]

what's it like working as a researcher or stem academic?
I doncare what field, pure math, chemistry, ai (fake scientist but whatever), anything. How bad is your depression? What does your schedule look like? How lonely are you? Does your work fulfill you or are you stuck in a sunk cost fallacy

>> No.15738301

dude its so depressing i had to kill myself 3 times already just to cope dude

>> No.15738420

Used to work in academia. The work itself isn't bad, but academia has been taken over by narcissistic midwits who overestimate their own intelligence. This makes day to day life in the academic workplace absolutely insufferable.

>> No.15738440


>> No.15738503

you spend half your time making up scifi stories to beg for money from people who only serve to make society worse in every way

>> No.15740458

>what's it like working as a researcher or stem academic?
At the top level? It sucks.
You're expected to be an obsessive-compulsive workaholic. Quantity is prized over quality, and you are either an autist who can shit out results day-in, day-out, or you get burned out and quit.
Some of the most intelligent and creative researchers I've known walked away because the mere process of getting their PhDs soured them on the prospect of a career. They wanted to work to live, not live to work.

>> No.15741136

>do well in my job
>get promoted
>dragged out of the lab
>forced to teach
>forced to do admin bullshit
>endless pointless meetings about nothing
>endless marking and performance metrics
I hate it here, the job stability isn't worth it. I should have stayed in research institutes.

>> No.15741205
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Depression among academic will no longer exist once people are genetically engineered to be physically incapable of feeling depression.


>> No.15741241

>taking the ramblings of a drugged out california midwit seriously.
The retardation of /sci/ never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.15741311

The reality is that all avenues, including academia, business, politics, even sports, become extremely cringe at the top level if you are not into power games and politics. If you gain expertise, influence and popularity in any of those fields, you will be exploited or at least pressured to use it for something. Meaning, once you reach the tippy top in academia for example and you become the top researcher in a field, you seize to become a researcher and are now basically a tool for faculties and projects to get funding because capital owners trust you. That's not a bad thing per se, it's quite natural, but you are just expected to go to network dinners, to give speeches to retarded kids, basically be the face of your field and compete for attention and money against other faces from other fields. If you're into that it's cool but personally I hate that shit, I worked in finance and academia and all higher positions were always tied to social pressures like that. Just an example, in most big companies I noticed that choosing a CEO is literally, formally, as in written processes, multiple dinners... But maybe that makes sense, because as a CEO you are basically just a mascot and go to dinners to keep business connections alive, but yeah the same shit happens in academia

>> No.15741323

Why do you keep posting this mouth breather? He clearly hasn't even read the manifesto. He's basing his opinions on third-hand impressions and batantly lying about it.