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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15736142 No.15736142 [Reply] [Original]

Could you recommend something similar to 'Essence of Linear Algebra' and 'The Essence of Calculus' by 3Blue1Brown? (Simple explanations, pleasing animations) I am interested in classical mechanics and mathematics.

>> No.15736147
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Just read a book ffs.
Zoomers are all fucking dyslexic.

>> No.15736526

Okay boomer,
Give me one book to understand classical mechanics. Ideally not focus on problem solving.

>> No.15736532

>Ideally not focus on problem solving.
Lmao, this is what popsci edutainment does to u.

>> No.15736552

Not really. I solved enough at uni and school. Now i want to understand theory behind it. Any suggestions or u just trolling?

>> No.15736565

Solving problems is the only way to understand theory. The theory is the mathematics.

>> No.15736581

How math can explain why apples fall of the tree?

>> No.15736585

It can't. It can explain how they fall though.
If it's why you want, you certainly won't get that from classical mechanics. It's just "force or something? idk :/"
GR was the first real stab at why, with the "time points slightly towards the centre of the planet" thing

>> No.15736592

He's trying to initiate you into his religion, "scientific instrumentalism".

>> No.15736595

Zach Star and Dr. Trefor Bazett both have "Simple explanations, pleasing animations"(depending on the video/topic)

The Organic Chemistry Tutor and Khan Academy are good for working on practice problems and further explanations to put your understanding to the test in a more school like environment. Khan Academy sometimes has interactive math tools which helps further grasp concepts.

Math and physics are both "doing subjects" the more you grind for EXP by doing problems, the more skilled you become which makes you ore intuitive with more abstract concepts later on.

Also how good is your algebra and trig? I find the more comfortable you are with them, the easier calculus and physics become.

>> No.15736601

I am fine to start with this simple level of understanding and then go deeper

>> No.15736617

Thank you very much, anon.
Dr. Trefor videos is what i am looking for.
Zach is fine, but his videos are a bit too random. I want more systemised approuch (like playlists focused on one topic).
As for algebra and trigonometry I was pretty good at school. Physics however was always my weakness.

>> No.15736630 [DELETED] 

Math does explain why apples fall off trees. To my understanding gravity is just the result of the curvature of a 4-manifold, (a manifold can be though as a geometric object that works very nicely with the rules of calculus, specifically differentiation, 4-manidolds are 4 dimensional manifolds ).


>> No.15737674


can a physicist explain me how momentum differs from the 2nd law ? "An object reaches an equilibrium if both forces and momentum vanish" but aren't momentums "included" in the sum of external forces when we apply the 2nd principle ?

I thought that momentums were a more convenient way to reformulate the 2nd law in case of problems with a rotational axis, but it seems I was wrong : this is a new information,

>> No.15737691

most books are trash, 3b1b does better than almost every LA book ive read but its still not perfect even then.

>> No.15738361

no explanations, interactive animations

>> No.15738369

to be slightly more helpful than
>lol popsci

you're confusing problem solving with exercise solving - textbooks call the latter the former because they want parents and educators to think easily gradable exercises are actually teaching you the critical thinking skill of problem solving when all they're really teaching you is rote memorization.

looking at the problem the theory intends to solve and seeing how it solves it is how you truly understand both - and then you can get to the fun bit of looking at what other theories might solve the problem, what problems might be introduced by theories, and the really fun bit of finding problems and making your own theories to solve them.

well, fun if actual intellectual stimulation is fun for you. it isn't for some, i get that. but holy hell is "exercise solving" not intellectually stimulating - don't write off problem solving just because the well's been filled to the brim with poison.

>> No.15738370
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I recommend reading a calculus book and then a linear algebra book and doing the problems. Then you will be ready for classical mechanics.

>> No.15738409


>> No.15738571

Yo why are y'all grandpas so obsessed with books? We live in the age of the internet bitch

>> No.15738585

Do an online course then. As long as it involves solving problems it's OK

>> No.15738611

Landau Lifshitz Volume 1

>> No.15738616

>Yo why are y'all grandpas so obsessed with books? We live in the age of the internet bitch
Change the medium doesn't change that solving problems is an obey ritual and has nothing to do with understanding. Further most of math is overloaded with vanity, overcomplicated and idiotic named concepts just for the sake of academic idiots usually death for centuries. The whole "faculty" is the typical outcome when you let entitled academic scammers do what they always do.

>> No.15738624

I can think of 5 books off the top of my head which explain linear algebra better than your shitty eceleb

>> No.15738748

Do it

>> No.15739213

The absolute state