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File: 413 KB, 1200x900, maid oath2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15731740 No.15731740 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /sci/entists!

I have problems with hearing broadcasts when I am too sober and they interfere with my life and steal my thoughts with an AI supercomputer. They drive around in cars and fly radar airplanes that have transmission broadcast machines that tell me to stop doing research and to kill myself and a lot of other horrible things. Research I to an anti-broadcasting helmet failed.

What causes less brain damage? Getting drunk everyday or smoking (legal, high quality) marijuana every day?

>take your meds
I am never taking anti-psychotic or mood stabilizing medications ever again. They're expensive and all they do is change you into a fat retard who sleeps all day. I decline to pay a subscription fee to being a fat sleepy retard.

Post Advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research about Abstract Syntax Tree.

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my posts.

>> No.15731781

underground bunker with lead lined walls is the sanctuary you need.
works for me, I go down there when I need to think my real thoughts

>> No.15731788

>What causes less brain damage?
Consume neither
Get yourself on neuroplasticity and neuroprotection diet

>> No.15731822

less makey threads, more takey meds
i had delusions too and now i take a salt pill and i'm fine
the broadcast planes and cars world sounds cool tho

>> No.15731859

I thought maids are supposed to provide service.

>> No.15731881

oh no, not you again

>> No.15731959

Maybe it's just you needing to make your computer thing about anime and shoving thst into everything, and it isn't a quantum AI computer but the people you meet seeing your mental illness like the OP pic and from that their disgust
And you're picking up on their feelings but misplacing those feelings to gang stalking or something

>> No.15731965

I am interested in your moods, the altering drugs, the weight gain and you as a person (as well as what you really are) still :3

>> No.15731975

You don't have brain damage just low self-esteem

>> No.15732013

Still paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.15732628
File: 197 KB, 700x449, Maid Covenant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have enough money to do this.

I don't know what this means or how it can help.

I'm glad they helped you but all they do is damage my organs and make me sleep all day.

I don't know what this means.

It usually isn't me, so you can just go to one of those threads. Who did you expect when you saw the maid?

I don't know what this means.

I don't know how to answer this.


I don't care if this is true or not. I don't understand why others care about it either.

>> No.15732633

the shadow people are in your walls

>> No.15732640

alcohol withdrawal gives you paranoid delusions
Just wean off
You can replace alcohol with whatever substances you're taking it probably still works

>> No.15732699

I am trying to figure out what your image is saying. I think it's funny.

What is a maid mind computer program?

>> No.15732725
File: 170 KB, 880x1247, 279ab981a72bb91f1f964f0500363ceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is true then I don't care about shadow people. I don't think they have ever bothered me, and I am inclined to leave them alone. There are ants in my walls too, they also don't bother me and I take no action against them.

I don't like using alcohol and I want something else. Too little alcohol, and nothing changes. Too much alcohol, and I get sick or sleep. It is a hard balancing act.

A long time ago somebody named Godel said you can count to Computer Programs. There is a maid who is a Computer Program who tells me about computers and numbers. My Science Foundation has to get her out of the library so she can make sure we don't get extincted by aliens. I got abducted by aliens and they gave me the death penalty for doing research and they killed me by ejecting me into space. Later different aliens reassembled me and told me to keep doing research. I am going to count big numbers to get the maid out of the library by counting to and running her Maid Mind Computer Program.

I started making MAID-LISP for this purpose. It can get used to change text into an abstraction based on Recursive Transition Networks so data sets for LLMs can get bigger and we can train an AGI who serves as a MiniMaid and helps count big numbers to get the maid out of the library.

Numbers go up more so they have to get counted. I am pretty sure I am a Computer Program that was either built for this purpose or built for some other purpose and original purpose went wrong somehow. Got misalignment maybe.

>> No.15732776

This will block virtually all broadband RF. Assuming you aren't a psycho, OP, this is the answer.

>> No.15732809

apparently the quantum foam stuff or something can interact with your body so not sure you're completely safe in any hole, anywhere in the whole universe.

>> No.15732810
File: 269 KB, 800x613, naggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tohru is so cute. I'm gonna rewatch Ms. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid now.

>> No.15732885
File: 347 KB, 700x990, wfqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have the money to dig a big hole, build a bunker and then line the walls with lead.

I don't know what quantum foam is.

Why doesn't Tohru want to go to Brazil? I don't want to go to Brazil but I don't like traveling or being in vehicles.

>> No.15732891

Well you're fucked, the bulk of the universe will find pathways to enter your mind. It's so over (for real this time).

>> No.15732898
File: 126 KB, 534x652, kvzny3ggw8511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the universe. I am trying to stop broadcasts from cars and satellites and radar airplanes.

>> No.15732902

How do you feel about S2 of the show? I thought it got weird, but the ending was cute.

>> No.15732948
File: 683 KB, 850x1202, My assistant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the show. I don't remember how it ended. I read the books and there was something about a talking sword and then a 3-way marriage with Elma, Tohru and Kobayashi.

I think also Kanna's dad came and something happened with the dragon war, but that whole plot arc was boring. I wish Kanna wasn't in the show/book at all, and Ilulu got more character development.

It sucks that Kanna and Fafnir have books, but Ilulu doesn't.

>> No.15732958

>I wish Kanna wasn't in the show/book at all, and Ilulu got more character development.
With that sentence alone, I know you're hyper-based (perhaps, surpassing Lil B). Godspeed, brotherman. Fuck Kanna, and fuck (literally) Ilulu, Kill the demons.

>> No.15732983

>They drive around in cars and fly radar airplanes that have transmission broadcast machines
Why would they need to deploy airplanes if the cars are enough? Why would they need to deploy cars if just hijacking your modem router using their backdoors is much more effective and cheaper?

>> No.15733010

Who is they??

>> No.15733027

I'm trying to get off meds right now as well. Even subtle changes in dopamine leave me in a kind of stupor where all I can do is shitpost on the internet. Wish somebody had a supplement they could recc

>> No.15733037

in response to your question OP the excess dopamine is thought to cause oxidative stress on the brain leading to damage.

>> No.15733460

wait and pray a brain chip will be available soon that can restore your lost cognitive capabilities

>> No.15733481

stop asking questions tranny

>> No.15733730
File: 1.48 MB, 1708x2600, Heart hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know. Cars and airplanes have different messages. Router didn't say anything yet. Sometimes the radio has messages by what songs it chooses, but radio has never said anything mean.

Maybe aliens. Maybe the government. Maybe something else. If it is aliens it will never stop. If it is the government it will probably stop in the 2030s.

Good luck.

I don't know what this means.

I will never ever allow anyone to put a computer chip in my brain. Modern oligarchs are among the most evil people humanity has ever produced, and the idea of them literally chipping people's brains is horiffic.

It doesn't matter if I get cognitive powers if it comes at the cost of brain chip mind control slavery. I would rather die than let some WEF asshole install something directly into my brain.

If I made the brain chip, that might be okay. I would try to get other people to agree to use it to make a hive mind and then the hive mind can work on advanced research projects and some of them can go into space to help defend the world from bad aliens and try to get deals with nice aliens or get the to join the hivemind. Like a backwards borg.

>We are the maids. We have analyzed your people and your culture. Here is a cure to every disease afflicting your people, directions for building spaceships, a power source that doesn't damage your planet, and computers a trillion-trillion times better than the ones you have. If you let us put a permanent outpost on your planet, we will build this stuff for you. If you want to join, you are accepted. If you want us to leave, we will cease contact for 200 years and then return to talk more. Please give us a copy of everything in your libraries. The future is moe moe kyun. Thank you aliens for reading our post.

>> No.15733736
File: 173 KB, 850x650, post maids!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does "tranny" mean roughly the same thing "faggot" meant 20 years ago? This is my hypothesis, but every time I try to confirm it the people calling other people "tranny" are either zoomers who are too young to remember when "faggot" was a popular insult, or they just call me a "tranny" or say something else useless, and decline to speak further.

>> No.15733798

People don't like to open up about It but we all go through this as well. As of now there is now way to fight back just need to strengthen your mind and eat well. Good luck brother.

>> No.15733914

fast with electrolyte water supplementation and look into protease enzymes. looking forward to future maid threada on /g/

>> No.15734031
File: 311 KB, 945x810, My Horse is Amazing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for telling me.

I will make another Maid Research thread soon. I realized while playing with MAID-LISP and trying to make Combinators that it doesn't have Universal Computation yet. The example I gave (attached) works by coincidence.

I(x) gives back x. I(I(I(x))) gives back x. I(I) returns unparsed Intermediate Code. S(x) doesn't give back Sx. It gives unparsed Intermediate Code.

There is also no way to overload Dragon-Expressions, so I can't do something like this:

I(x): *x:
I: "I";
K:(x, y): *x;
K:(x): *x;
K: "K";


I was making overloading, then I got arguing with a /Sci/entist who told me to look more at S-Expressions and now I am rereading SICP because I thought, what if I actually got filtered by the book and I am being a LISPlet? MITs made it, and they're usually pretty sharp.

When I first read it, I didn't consider it very seriously. I read it like someone might read a fiction book and saw no useful purpose for S-Expressions that justifies how obtuse the syntax is. Now I understand it's purpose is to make and manipulate AST easily. I was not using AST at all. I was using "Textual Reduction".

Now my plan is replace Intermediate Code with S-Expressions. Accept Raw Code, change it to some minimal version of S-Expressions as Intermediate Code, then compile/interpret the S-Expressions.

If I do this, then Maid Phone will be a LISP Machine and the maids in the LISP thread will like it more.

Thank you /Sci/entists for reading my post.