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File: 150 KB, 405x334, btfoed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15731678 No.15731678 [Reply] [Original]

thunderfoot btfoed another skizo

>> No.15731733

qrd on thunderfoot? Looking at his old videos he was just angry at feminists, why does he talk about science now?

>> No.15731750

shut up zoomer

>> No.15731766

This is good, he should take down more poser science influencers like he did to "undecided with matthew ferrel". Thunderfoot taking down the grifer poser IFLS channels is a great development for his channel. Much better than repetitive EDS videos.

>> No.15731795


>> No.15731812

I wish he'd have gone after Matt Ferrell more. That guy is insufferable.

>> No.15731818

thunderfoot himself is a whore for views, so if these videos find traction I expect he'll start spamming them out.

>> No.15731884

I am so glad he is back. He had 10 videos back to back about musk.
Musk is a con, but too much is too much.

>> No.15731885

>oh no you can’t criticize holy femenists
Fuck off brained

>> No.15732821
File: 70 KB, 2012x864, pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are not angry at feminists is because you are a rapist and you should be hanged you piece of shit.

>> No.15732833

I live for thunderf00t. He's been one of the few youtubers to not waiver in over a decade. Over ten years ago, he was BTFOing fags and still is going strong. Love 'em.

>> No.15732837

What's the scientific explanation for not being able to stand the fag voice?

>> No.15732845

Being old enough to use this site, nigger.

>> No.15732861

His voice is pretty good compare to the other dude he is criticizing
Also the weird femenine hand gesture of “train dude” is very femenine

>> No.15732879

I like his work for three reason
1- he doesn’t sugar coat this shit and pretend that “tech” going to bypass thermodynamic
2- he always include the economy in his work. (As in: this thing is not viable economically for anyone to do) while commie minded pop sci people (like the ASAP) think that you can forcefully push companies to do something, which going to ruin the economy (and thus will kill billions thanks to hunger globally)
Like asap guy had issues with oil companies getting more oil out of ground. Like what? You need oil to fuel your engines, your trucks your infrastructure. If they stop pumping oil out, we will be all dead.
This is until we have a viable alternative.
3- he is pro nuclear and fight agaisnt all of anti nuclear crap thet currently destroying our chance of beating out oil dependency.
His solution is probably involved switching to nuclear while lowering our quality of living worldwide (which is, the only solution)

>> No.15732901

still watching the video, here's what I've seen so far
first of all, he discusses the idea of putting CO2 capture on solar-powered trains. Yeah, that's definitely stupid, since the solar panels alone are insufficient to make the train move, let alone pull CO2 out of the air.
But then he talks about how it takes more energy to pull CO2 out of the air than it does to make the CO2. Correct, but then he goes on to imply this is a free energy scheme. Bullshit, obviously you use renewable energy to pull CO2 out of the air, and you do this because the excess CO2 isn't going to go away just because you switched to renewables. CO2 scrubbers act as load balancers; you build an excess number of solar panels + wind turbines + nuclear reactors, enough to cover demand during peak loads, and then when the loads are lower, you turn on the CO2 scrubbers. No expectation of free lunch here.

>> No.15732913

Then why put it on a train? Like he said, put it next to a solar farm, put a big fan next to it.
Why put energy into moving the damn thing with 30t extra equipment when it could be just stationary?
Also if you use renewable to pull the co2 out of the air, what is going to run the train? More renewable right?
It’s a green scam, because their selling point is “it’s a mobile co2 scrubber” when a stationary one makes more sense.
Nuclear reactors are bad now btw

>> No.15732916

despite my disagreements with thunderfoot over the merits of carbon capture, I'm thinking this ASAPScience guy's stairs don't go all the way up
>we're gonna put regenerative braking on the train!
>also we're gonna use that energy to capture carbon, instead of reaccelerating the train
lmao wtf, this guy definitely deserves to get a youtube swirlie by Thunderfoot
>Yeah, that's definitely stupid, since the solar panels alone are insufficient to make the train move, let alone pull CO2 out of the air.

>> No.15732918

I said “renwable” not solar panel alone. I was talking about your solution or using combination of nuclear turbines and solar to get the carbon out.
This train is also endorsed by Joule, Princeton and MIT.
Imagine the retardness

>> No.15732925

Pretty sure that's not what he meant you turbo tard.

>> No.15732928

He literally said that.
>looking at his older video he was just angry at femenists, he is doing science now?
Indicating that the former is an indication of being a retard and “wrong” and that all his former science video means nothing , because he DARED to criticize femenists (who at one point tried to fire her from his job, with accusation of racist, Nazi, and islamophobia (gasp!)

>> No.15732937

That doesn't automatically mean that he's defending feminists. I'm guessing its shitting on Thunderfoot himself.
>"This idiot was wasting his time on retarded feminists and now makes scientific videos? Why should I trust him?"

>> No.15732954

In an era that even Steven Colbert (who used to make fun of everyone and everything, including occupy Wall Street) bent over back ward to defend femenists and so was every personality and most YouTubers, he criticized them. He criticized them not because of the pay gap and stuff like that. He critized them because they ruined atheism and scientific community with baseless accusations and witch hunting. He criticized retarded sjws in instances were they called science “colonialism” and wanted to decolonize it, or when they made a human Chain infront of a university and didn’t allow the white student to enter in (symbolizing how it’s apparently easier for whites to go to school)
I think he gave up criticizing, because it doesn’t have any use anymore. Anyone with an ounce of brain can see the issue and he is FAR more worried about global warming than any cultural stuff. Beside he is much older and don’t want sjws, trannies and femenists to come after his job in Europe too.

>> No.15732956

Good for him I suppose.

>> No.15732957

he lost me when he came in defense of that woke drug addict who shot his girlfriend. really? i can't say the most vile and disgusting thing i can think of against 2 pieces of shit who want to deplatform their perceived "enemies" and worse? it is le bad??
cant care less about some of his political views, still come for his science videos though

>> No.15732960

If someone is right about a topic. Their opinion should be held independent of their other views or actions. You know this fact to be true.

>> No.15732965

He wasn’t. I think he just used it as an excuse to get away from the rest of right wing community because he was probably tired of accusation, threats etc
Besides, I mean the deed was done, the femenist retard killed his gf. What’s the point of dancing on his grave?

>> No.15733015

feminist didnt give him any attention so he had to find some simp worship in retard-smarties like him, failures that never amounted to anything but just recited what they've been taught in school

>> No.15733024

>femenists didn’t give him the attention
Ye, short of trying to fire him By accusing him of being a racist, Nazi, women hater in the middle of “white bad” 2010 era.
>bunch of retard smarties
He been doing that way before starting his beef with femenists and those “retards” had massive fundings from top-notch university for their pseudo-scientific bullshit and ALWAYS featured all over the known media for their “revolutionary” inventions
So no, they weren’t small fries
He showed everyone how retarded general public and media is way before “journalism retardism” became apparent to everyone else.