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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15719027 No.15719027 [Reply] [Original]


"The Quantum Energy Research Institute is expected to make a statement regarding LK-99 soon. An official from the Quantum Energy Research Institute said, "We are continuing discussions with Kim Hyun-tak of William & Mary University in the United States about the superconductivity of LK-99," and "we plan to announce our position soon."

>> No.15719060

Why did you post such a soul-suckingly repugnant picture? Are you trying to imply that free energy is bad?

>> No.15719253

Here's a friendly tip! Kill yourself.

>> No.15719255

Are you a fan of disgusting, soulless corporate meme architecture?

>> No.15719263

>le 2070 flying cars and hyperreal tech utopian cityscapes meme!!
bruh are you for real

>> No.15719276

>Here's how LK99 can still win

>> No.15719382

Here is the statement
>Our research is still underway and wasn't ready yet
>We will continue our research
>Please have faith
>Thank you

>> No.15719407

Is it going to be a public apology for the scam?

>> No.15719415

There are sealed test reports that confirm LK99 superconductivity. Just wait, this is all according to plan. When Lee and Kim unsealed them and show the proof to the world everyone will be shocked. This is 4d chess to expose the scam and bias within academia.

>> No.15719449
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>> No.15720038

>The Quantum Energy Research Institute
did they get an original sample to measure?

>> No.15720051

They are the authors.

>> No.15720059

It could also be
>we got KOREAED, just like the human-cloning guy KOREAED US
>we will no longer publish bullshit from Korea, which is everything that comes out of Korea
>K-Pop sucks too

>> No.15720072

The Quantum Energy Research Institute are the LK99 inventors?

>> No.15720081

Yes, it's the private lab behind LK-99.

>> No.15720089

ah, well haters gonna say that doesn't count.
still, hope they'll release way more precise information.

>> No.15720489

LK99sisters, i'm thinking we're back

>> No.15720574

>it’s heckin soulless because…because it just is ok?!?

>> No.15720608

Sorry guys, no LK-99 this week. The dog ate the sample. We are trying to get it off the ceiling.

>> No.15720620

what's the problem? find the one who ate the dog and gut him like a pig.

>> No.15720897

>quantum globohomo bullshit
quantum mechanics meme


>> No.15720956

Ok? If its soon, where is the date you stupid gook niggers? Stop posting about this scam already.

>> No.15721036
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So basically they weren't done confirming if LK-99 was even a real superconductor? Fucking hell, dude...

>> No.15721044


>> No.15721075

They have multiple measurements of zero resistance and meissner effect, and their samples light up with LFMA. Assuming that it's not all fraud, it's superconductivity. They've gone to multiple experts trying to explain the data other than superconductivity for the past two years. What they publish in some rushed paper is not the full extent of their data. Also, no, you are retarded.

>> No.15721185

Fuck off, retard.
Look, I can draft up a paper with all the zero resistance measurements I want too. You can call me a liar if you want, I'll just call you a jealous faggot and since you can't prove me wrong, I'm right by default.

This is literally what you are defending.

>> No.15721206

>This is literally what you are defending.
Why are you seething, reddit spacing? The retard said they didn't confirm superconductivity, and I point out that the patent and the korean journal paper has multiple measurements for zero resistance and anti-magnetism confirming meissner.
You are the retards "defending" the implication that there's a zero percent chance for superconductivity in some weird media circlejerk with pre-prints that have uneven doping of copper and imply that their samples must be made up of 70% Cu2S to explain the diamagnetism. That's bad science. Good science will prevail. Seethe more.

>> No.15721270

One of the worst videos I've ever seen. Midwits should not be allowed to discuss QM

>> No.15722084


>> No.15722116
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>> No.15722501

Are we back?

>> No.15722550

No, they're continuing the scam by leading people on with "soon" with no date for their so-called rebuttal that will include no sample, more data with "dude trust me" as the source, and no updated instructions on how to reliably synthesize this stuff.

>> No.15722569

>, and no updated instructions on how to reliably synthesize this stuff.
why should they give away their trade secret?

>> No.15722578

Because if they want to prove their claim they should let people actually be able to make the thing so they can verify it? Are you retarded?

>> No.15722585

no faggot, you will have the option of BUYING the product from them, and run all your tests on it.
this shit is irrelevant at this point. if it's real, they'll sell, irrespective of whatever nature article or youtuber says.
how the fuck are you so fucking clueless about how reality works?

>> No.15722598

verification is just a matter of getting their nobel prize

>> No.15722759

what a retard you are

>> No.15722760

They're going to apologize.

>> No.15722797

There's nothing to suggest this is real.

>> No.15722806

you must be insane, or retarded, or both.

>> No.15723485

>late addition to the european society for applied superconductivity event
Oh it's getting spicy

>> No.15723502

no new info, they will rehash failed replications and btfo scam99

>> No.15723511

why do you care so much?

>> No.15723512

Unfortunately for you, the people involved are a little more knowledgeable on the subject than you or the popsci outlets you base your worldview on.

>> No.15723624

It's going to be Thunderf00t giving an irl debunking.

>> No.15723628

>coming into contact with the scientific community

>> No.15723866

Thought this was over.

>> No.15723940


>> No.15724079

time for gook grilling

>> No.15724121

>applied shit everyone already knows about
>"peer review" that hand waves away the amount of Cu2s to produce the diamagnetism in that graph
>"Peer review" that may produce superconductivity but it's also a ferromagnet
>reasoned theorist that says the superconductivity is not replicated but perhaps
>dumb bitch that complains she doesn't understand the proposed mechanism because it's not BCS despite the fact that no one can explain YBCO with their current models

>> No.15724139

>arXiv may be dangerous because THE PUBLIC

>> No.15724800

Reminder we're coming back

>> No.15724818

It was nothing.


It's over. Or rather, it never even began...

>> No.15724828

it's going to be fucking hilarious when it turns out that there is superconductivity within the matrix and the only version of it that works usefully is TVD into thin film

>> No.15724832


>> No.15725312

apparently phosphene could be why lk99 might be superconducting
seems plausible enough. phosphene is kind of like graphene.
there's a paper where graphene can be a superconductor if you do some stuff to it.
phosphene (and graphene) are 2D materials that can conductor electricity and are very strong materials.
since there is high internal stress inside lk99, then phosphene causes superconductivity inside lk99 because it can handle the high stresses without needing external large pressures and external low temperatures needed for superconductivity.

>In this paper, the principle similar to Rupert's tears is generated from the internal lattice pressure leading to superintroduction of the hand, from the high deformation resistance of the two-dimensional structure of purple phosphorene, and the internal shrinkage force caused by the replacement of heavy lead atoms. High internal stress is maintained on the lattice, so that the lattice stops thermal vibration, resulting in superconductivity. The reasons for the failure of copying LK-99 at home and abroad were analyzed, and rationalization suggestions were put forward.

>> No.15726006


>> No.15726010

basically western science is rejecting the material because they don't understand the phenomenon so they can speculate it themselves with their version of the rtsc based on this phenomenon.
meanwhile china is most likely just bruteforcing their own version as we speak.
the real issue might be with the theory behind it, that might have more implications and matter more in the grand scheme of things, than LK99 itself. just speculating

>> No.15726024

(not real)^2

>> No.15726048

>LK-99 announcement soon

Let me guess... 2 more weeks

>> No.15726116

it dont work

>> No.15726124

That's it, I'm filtering every form of "2 weeks".

>> No.15726126

sensitive bitch

>> No.15726130

There has never been made a useful post containing a variation of the words "just two more weeks".
You /pol/niggers should unironically hang yourselves.

>> No.15727021

Reminder: it's joever

>> No.15727113

It’s bullshit. We already have super conductors that can work in that sort of temp. Read their paper.

>> No.15727125

There’s already room temperature and ambient pressure superconductors that exist? And it’s in their paper? Wow you sure are smart.

>> No.15727144

No their paper is more of a hype about HOW GOOD their product is
But ye, they exist

>> No.15727272

>No their paper
You just said they were in their paper.
>But ye, they exist
Can you give me an example?

>> No.15727288

Basically all high temperature super conductices

>> No.15727309

The highest Tc for REBCOs is 93 Kelvin. The Tc for LK-99 is about 378 Kelvin. So you're kinda retarded.

>> No.15727324

The only reason low temp super conductives are expensive is usage of HE.
High temp ones use N.
Almost the same price of making them without N, since it’s so cheap.
So EVEN if it’s true, a ceramic super conductive at 378 k is almost as expensive as a REBCO and also as useless
But dream on
It’s just going to break your heart like the other “I made human clones” Korean

>> No.15727344

What would be biggest societal consequence of discovering room temperature superconductors?

>> No.15727345

Literally nothing. A ceramic superconductive around .15 $ cheaper than the type of super conductive we had for the past 20 years

>> No.15727354

>are expensive is usage of HE.
And the engineering and practical costs of having to cool it ultra low.
>is almost as expensive as a REBCO and also as useless. But dream on
So you moved on from "they exist" to "okay they don't exist but it's useless" lmao.
And you're so dumb that you ignore the substantial engineering costs required for even liquid nitrogen cooling?
Sounds like you are upset you got called out for being retarded, retard.

>> No.15727372

As far as LK-99 being what it is:
Computing gets better, semiconductor process/lithography/traces
Sensors get better
MRIs become practially portable
As far as if a traditional room temp superconductor existed, probably a technology path that makes sci-fi anime real

>> No.15727374

Also most likely substantially better energy storage/batteries in the context of LK-99

>> No.15727377

Lol it’s literally nothing burger but you keep banging on
Look at this guy watches a YouTube video by a mystery meat dude and he just repeats it here

>> No.15727383

Higher energy storage density of lower leakage or both?

>> No.15727416

>>Lol it’s literally nothing burger but you keep banging on
>Hey retard, their Tc is 100K vs 300K in this case

>> No.15727444

Can you tell me what can be made with a ceramic superconductor?
This Korean gonna break your heart like your K-pop singers

>> No.15727465

Since they've demonstrated thin film deposition: lithography/semiconductor process at the minimum, for traces, as I said. New computing mechanisms, from the very high switching that will be possible. Potentially applicable to Magnetic Memory and Storage as well.

>> No.15727467

We will see

>> No.15727948

Retard, light and photonics is the future of computing.

>> No.15727950


>> No.15727969
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>slower, bulkier, power-hungrier computers are the future of computing
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15728044
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>"photon is slower than electron" says the retard
>retard thinks eliminating resistive and capacitive losses (photonics) is power hungrier than superconductor chips which only eliminates resistive losses
>being this retarded

>> No.15728045

>when light is slower than electrons according to this dude

>> No.15728054


>> No.15728085

your beliefs are powered by your ignorance of optics
can you estimate for yourself what wavelengths of light would be needed to produce light based circuitry which could outperform conventional microchips or do you need to have that information fed to you because of your glaring ignorance?

>> No.15728133

Photons emit electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves don't affect photons. Photons being in close proximity with each other won't push them off course.

The wavelength of light doesn't matter in optical circuitry. The main hurdle to optical computers comes from making components. As photons don't act like electrons, all the electrical components you see in your computer will have to be re-invented.

>> No.15728139

>As photons don't act like electrons, all the electrical components you see in your computer will have to be re-invented.
Ah shit, I just realised I was wrong. The real drawback is that the photons still have to be converted to and from electrons, which requires the photons to have a really high energy and a really short wavelength.

>> No.15728155

When they say that?

>> No.15728183

The paper was literally leaked by a seething dude who got fired from the team

No the research was not complete at the time

>> No.15728184

Not all proposed designs have to do that.

>> No.15728191

Uh oh reddit sisters, we got too cocky
"Peer reviewed" DFT
*they had to put putative to satisfy the cargo cult SOIENCE

>> No.15728302

>it's a scam
>it's a fraud
>they're koreans
>their arxiv paper was incomplete and not peer reviewed
>samples are not reproducible
>chinese labs are not trustable
>the peer reviewed papers are not reliable <--- SKEPTICS ARE HERE
>extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
>their apl materials paper have a lot of engrish typos
>lk99 is not scalable
>their properties are not applicable for major uses
>i don't see products made from RTAP superconductors yet
>b-b-but i'm a skeptic so that must make me smarter than you all

getting real tired of this

>> No.15728323

>every electronic device now full of lead
humanity is so fucked now.

>> No.15728390

>he doesn't know

>> No.15728412

Some potent hopium in this thread, tried it myself. Use responsibly.

>> No.15728421

Humans are lead-deficient.
Enhancing exposure to lead would counteract for a time the genetic lowering of IQ.

>> No.15728430

that might be spintronics.

>> No.15728440

It's a very simple question in my opinion. Did the gooks fake every single measurement, including more than several 4-point measurements? There's screen caps (and a photo of the capture) of not just one zero-resistance measurement, but one or two in the patent as well.
It's either fraud or superconductivity. There's no in between. What annoys me are the firm conviction from the media and Redditors and such that there is no possibility of superconductivity here. These people are like a fucking LLM. Just say "I don't know, let the wheels of science turn."
Cu2S doesn't even explain the transition temperature graph, let alone (even if it did) how much Cu2S would have to be in it.

>> No.15728708


>> No.15728806

wait so let me get this straight, does anyone know FOR SURE how tf do superconductors work? all of them? is there like a solid theory behind them or just "well it may work like this" thing?

>> No.15728828

We have some theories, but we aren't exactly sure why certain materials are superconductive, while others aren't.

>> No.15728872

doesn't that somehow imply that there's no real authority on the subject? that makes it even dumber to dismiss what LK99 inventors are saying about the material and their proposed theory behind it.
if it was going against some settled science then maybe all the fuss would have been warranted. but since nobody seems to really know what the fuck is happening the whole agitation seems retarded to me.

>> No.15728929

Will the koreans release the technology for manufacturing it?

>> No.15728950

We wirr lerese the technorogy in due time.

>> No.15729011

yes, there is no complete and universally accepted theory that fully explains REBCO HTS
they just work

>> No.15729081

>doesn't that somehow imply that there's no real authority on the subject?
Not entirely, in my opinion. People who are doing or have done research on the subject have more authority than those who haven't.
The articles you've probably seen denouncing LK-99 as non-superconductive are nothing more than pop-sci outlets, interviewing random backwater "scientists" (people who have no real connection to the field of study) which the journalist has personal ties with and calling it a day.
It's even more insulting towards the international community because most of the scientists working on superconductivity aren't of Western origin.
All you have here are amateurs (as in, people with a lab located in their garage) replicating a very possibly faulty recipe.

>> No.15729259


>> No.15729833
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maybe learn how optical copeputers actually work instead of reading pop-soi articles, lmao

>> No.15729952


>> No.15730001


>> No.15730096

>>every electronic device
that NEEDS rtsc. why put it in hardware which does not need it?
(if real) it will be in every NEW electronic device, which needs it, which would most likely do something fucking amazing anyway. as long as you don't go scraping the protective layers and start licking the lead you should be fine.

>> No.15730138

it can be replaced with say bismuth as long as it has a big atomic radius. only one way to find out. that lead is needed for bullets.

>> No.15730212

save de erf. make cables not bullets

>> No.15730232

Hey samefag, learn to fucking read. He said slower computer, not that photons are slower than electrons.

>> No.15730234

Any news? Does it actually work or it's a schizo containment thread?

>> No.15730313

Korean's APL paper is going through final revisions. That will take a bit and then the publication date is up to the editor, review and thesis evaluation committee.

>> No.15730340

Nice rebuttal faggot.
Just kidding, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.15730354


>> No.15730392

Back to square one of superconductors that is lol

>> No.15730407

if that also means humans get rtsc well tough luck. I guess scientists will have to come up with an explanation

>> No.15730457


>> No.15730524
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>announcement soon
>4 days later
Two more weeks amirite?

>> No.15730536

Supposedly it takes them a week to bake one sample: 4 days and then they send it off for testing in one process, and if it doesn't bake right in the ez-bake oven they have to start over again.

>> No.15730740

You literally think optical computers work by smashing photons into each other because you read so in a pop soience article posted on xeddit. You're a textbook example of why /sci/ needs an IQ test captcha.

>> No.15731228

Go back to your sensory overload videos, zoomer.

>> No.15731274
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Are we the same?

>> No.15731288

It's just me. There is a better world. No reason for me to hurt you. I consumed your art and am now the greatest mind alive.

>> No.15731384

No, it's soulless because bland, sterile and simple shape architecture like that is developed only for the benefit of large industrial manufacturing complexes to be optimally mass produced on scale.
You don't intuitively see that because you are a terminal bug-man who can't and has never aspired to create anything of your own, so instead you allow yourself to become fully dependent on everything that is handed down by a system that can create. That is why for bugs like you the LK-99 meme is a question of existential crisis.

So no u kys, bug-man

>> No.15731415
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> it just is ok?!?
Yes. The depth of your nonsentient golemhood is demonstrated even just by the fact that you think I need some kind of """argument""" to justify my judgment.

>> No.15731545

Firstly, stop gagging on your own dick, secondly, this should be an existential crisis for everyone, unless you plan on making a similar technology yourself?

>> No.15731546

>this should be an existential crisis for everyone
Not everyone is a soulless golem like you. lol

>> No.15731550

I am le big meanie head? Do you need a diaper change?

>> No.15731555

You seem to be losing your mind with rage. You're not a big meanie. You're a little golem.

>> No.15731565
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backbros… we are going to the stars

>> No.15731569

they have had time for like 10 complete development cycles

>> No.15732141
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>this should be an existential crisis for everyone
>unless you plan on making a similar technology yourself?
lol, nope
have fun learning to grow your own food

>> No.15732170

>Kim walks in
It's so over

>> No.15732708

> this should be an existential crisis for everyone
No really, please explain why room-temperature superconductors are an existential crisis at all.
Only jews deserve that title.

>> No.15732719

yeah wouldn't rtsc solve issues? I don't get it

>> No.15732761

It's been 5 days. How many more days until the announcement?

>> No.15732774

They didn't give a date despite saying soon, thats how you know the whole thing is bullshit.

>> No.15732936
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Remember to get ready to apologize, /sci/

>> No.15732977

He is gonna break your heart anon

>> No.15733003

In about 2 more weeks, they will give an announcement of their next announcement

>> No.15733006

LK-99 presentation date 24 september has been confirmed

>> No.15733008
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lk-99 is safe and effective

>> No.15733039

As long as it took to flatten the curve.

>> No.15733105


>> No.15733107
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He would never

>> No.15733122

Man he is gonna break your heart like a kpop breaks teen girls heart when he comes out as gay

>> No.15734106

guys i think the chinks are getting close to figuring out lk-99
meanwhile the west just doesn't care about it anymore
what gives? what the fuck happened to research?

>> No.15734116

Do you think lead is volatile? Do you bite your electronics?

>> No.15734149

>At the lecture right now.

>As I've expected, Prof. Kwon is actually giving the lecture, not talking about superconductors. Ah well, might as well as still take it, I haven't done chemistry in a while so might as well as take a refresher anyways.

>EDIT: He ended the lecture 15 min early. Covered what Reaction speed and Order is, before explaining at length about his various opinions on the financial sector for about 40 minutes

It's fucking over

>> No.15735133

>lecturer does his job like he's supposed to

>> No.15735655

Cool it with the misogynistic antisemitism, racist.

>> No.15735673

You guys are so fucking retarded, any scientifically literate person would've discarded what would've been just another regular arXiv crank paper, if it werent for ppl such as yous blowing this shit up on social media.

>> No.15735745


>> No.15735808

14 days more ?

>> No.15736328


We're back

>> No.15736342

>brian wrong
thta dumb chinaman never gets anything right

>> No.15736367

Calling it now:
It was a fraud.
Lee Sukbae is the new Hwang Woo-suk.
It's almost as if you shouldn't trust gooks with 'suk' in their name.

>> No.15736574

He's right about Canada Superpower by 2040

>> No.15737626


>> No.15737672
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at this point I dont care if it's over or if we are back in, I'm 30+ and I don't see Sorayama's tier fembots on the horizon, I'm fucking out, fuck science it has failed us all!
(Fuck the lying chicks too)

>> No.15737721

More like superpooper 2040 with all the Indians.