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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 819 KB, 1920x1200, 1279646663886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1572564 No.1572564 [Reply] [Original]

Carl Sagan is a faggot. He has never actually done anything for science. He goes around talking about it, when he never did shit for it. He is just a pop science guy.
He is a glorified Michio Kaku.
That's right /sci/, your idol is nothing more than Michio Kaku.
Pic related; the gayest, shittiest, least prepared speech in the world.

>> No.1572573

inb4 200+ replies

>> No.1572588

fuck you asshole you havent done shit for science he motivated an entire generation to become scientists you fat fuck

>> No.1572593
File: 544 KB, 900x1290, Carl Segan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your right he never actually discovered anything but you know what Mr. Segan did that changed the world?

He spoke truth. He didn't try to turn people over to the ideas of logic through telling them they were stupid or making them see how science was the very destiny of Humanity. He showed people the truth, he took a picture of a pale blue dot in the middle of the infinity of space and showed us how blinded we all were of thinking that we were somehow special within the Cosmos.

I only recently watched Segans videos and got to know the man but after watching what I have I can honestly say the man was gifted and he changed my perspective of the Universe for the better.

>> No.1572597

Sagan was also gay. No, srsly.
Read up on the Wikipedia page. He was a faggot.

>> No.1572600
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In during butthurt and trolling

>> No.1572612

Let the butthurt flow through you...

>> No.1572643
File: 30 KB, 400x427, simplicity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally a few more people that understand that sagan is just a bloated faggot.

>> No.1572647

Nice to find someone who knows the TRUTH!

>> No.1572655

He was definitely an influential person, as evidenced by the daily fanboy orgy/convention in /sci/. But I kind of find him to think a little too highly of himself. "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know." Shut the cock up.

>> No.1572656

ITT: OP samefaggin , no one would get trolled by this

>> No.1572659

>I can't make friends, so I'll lash out on the internet. Making people mad is all I have to validate my existence.

>> No.1572662

yeah, sagan needs to shut the fuck off

>> No.1572669

So much butthurt... so much...

>> No.1572675

How so? I just calls em like I sees em

>> No.1572680

Because, if you weren't butthurt, you would have just ignored the thread, not saged. Saging always gets a response

>> No.1572693

>Ph.D. in trolling
>Any insult about Carl Sagan I want
>20 replies starting

>> No.1572696

I'm still not following you on the "butthurt" thing. I reply to many /sci/ threads. There isn't anything special involved with creating one. I sage because I don't really consider it a topic worth discussing.

>> No.1572702


>> No.1572706


>> No.1572709

then why are you discussing it with me? Your saging only gets this thread bumped, because I reply to your sages. Therefore, you are not helping, you are hindering

>> No.1572710

Sagan ROX! I think people of his type are the most important to physics because they actually get the general public interested in that shit. Sagan and Kaku are both really smart physicist, but theyre primarily spokesmen and entertainers.

> He goes around talking about it, when he never did shit for it.

Going around talking about it is doing "shit for it." If you wanna live in a world where the only science related shit is high level peer reviewed papers, then dont watch any sagan or kaku, frankly I love all the shit they create. Its people like them that create the next generation physicists. No kid is going to read some high level paper and decide, OH! I WANNA BE A PHYSICIST, what they do is watch/read sagan or kaku or many others likes them and goes OH SHIT! I WANTS BE PHYSICIST.

Dont know what else to say. Just watch Cosmos.

>> No.1572721

actually, when i was 10, i found my fathers physics textbook. i never listened to sagans or kakus bullshiy

>> No.1572724



>> No.1572731

well at least i didnt get 0/10

>> No.1572752

Sagan was among the first to hypothesize that Saturn's moon Titan might possess oceans of liquid compounds on its surface and that Jupiter's moon Europa might possess subsurface oceans of water. This would make Europa potentially habitable for life.[9] Europa's subsurface ocean of water was later indirectly confirmed by the spacecraft Galileo. Sagan also helped solve the mystery of the reddish haze seen on Titan, revealing that it is composed of complex organic molecules constantly raining down onto the moon's surface.

He further contributed insights regarding the atmospheres of Venus and Jupiter as well as seasonal changes on Mars. Sagan established that the atmosphere of Venus is extremely hot and dense with pressures increasing steadily all the way down to the surface. He also perceived global warming as a growing, man-made danger and likened it to the natural development of Venus into a hot, life-hostile planet through a kind of runaway greenhouse effect. Sagan and his Cornell colleague Edwin Ernest Salpeter speculated about life in Jupiter's clouds, given the planet's dense atmospheric composition rich in organic molecules. He studied the observed color variations on Mars’ surface and concluded that they were not seasonal or vegetational changes as most believed but shifts in surface dust caused by windstorms.

Sagan is best known, however, for his research on the possibilities of extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals by radiation.[10]

He is also the 1994 recipient of the Public Welfare Medal, the highest award of the National Academy of Sciences for "distinguished contributions in the application of science to the public welfare."[11]

>> No.1572759

Sagan was chief technology officer of the professional planetary research journal Icarus for twelve years. He co-founded the Planetary Society, the largest space-interest group in the world, with over 100,000 members in more than 149 countries, and was a member of the SETI Institute Board of Trustees. Sagan served as Chairman of the Division for Planetary Science of the American Astronomical Society, as President of the Planetology Section of the American Geophysical Union, and as Chairman of the Astronomy Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

At the height of the Cold War, Sagan became involved in public awareness efforts for the effects of nuclear war when a mathematical climate model suggested that a substantial nuclear exchange could upset the delicate balance of life on Earth. He was one of five authors—the "S" of the "TTAPS" report as the research paper came to be known. He eventually co-authored the scientific paper hypothesizing a global nuclear winter following nuclear war.[12] He also co-authored the book A Path Where No Man Thought: Nuclear Winter and the End of the Arms Race, a comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of nuclear winter.

>> No.1572782

only 2/10 because so many tards have been trolled hard

>> No.1572797
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>> No.1572810

Well, considering I once got a 10/10, that makes me kind of sad. However, I posted this after sitting here for an hour, and on an impulse. So, for an obvious troll, 2 is pretty good

>> No.1572825
File: 50 KB, 265x313, feynman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about these fags but my idol is Richard Feynman.

Oh, Feynman...

>> No.1572838


>> No.1572848


But Richard Geynman never did anything for scihance, all he did was sit and talk about quantums all day.

>> No.1572855


(at this point I would expend all of my energy in a misguided attempt to convince you that you are completely wrong)

>> No.1572866
File: 43 KB, 470x428, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



(at this point i would monitor this thread closely for maximum trolling)

>> No.1572870

lolwot, why is he typing on his laptop on his head, that is so silly

>metatery psychological

>> No.1572888
File: 66 KB, 769x489, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but michio kaku is god

>> No.1572902
File: 190 KB, 752x752, saganpinup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Carl hadn't discovered anything, had he not piqued many people's interest in science and helped many find their way to the stars and physics?

>> No.1572907
File: 26 KB, 405x414, kakutalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be invisible people in the very thread, right now!

>> No.1572921

Michio Kaku is the president of space

>> No.1572925


I puke-ded

>> No.1572940
File: 13 KB, 250x310, kakuface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact, i INVENTED space in my garage in high school!

>> No.1572961


he so chinese he engrish alien.

>> No.1572971

Not going to lie Kaku was a cool guy before he starting hosting television programs.

>> No.1572975
File: 175 KB, 499x484, almost laughing face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1573060


except that quote isn't about that fucking photo, bad wallpaper is bad

>> No.1573087

>Implying that one's emotional response is the same as "truth".

Sagan made some contributions to the space program. He theorized about the planets and had influence over which planets we ended up investigating. So he was involved in the scientific discoveries made by NASA on those planets. But principally he was a populizer more than a scientist.

Kaku, on the other hand, performed much of the seminal early work in String Theory. If String Theory turns out to be false, then he's contributed little, but if true, he's contributed a lot more than Sagan.

>> No.1573096

We could use a man like Richard Feynman again. He was the last true scientific genius. And the last true revolutionizer in science.

...patiently waiting for the next one to come alone.