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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15693581 No.15693581 [Reply] [Original]

how do they measure the effectiveness of the covid vaccine without even knowing how many people died from covid

>> No.15693649

can somebody see this thread or you just don't have an answer?
the last one was removed a few minutes after it was generated so im just verify that you can see this

>> No.15693722

Yes we can see the thread.

They measure the effectiveness by running clinical trials. The first trial prevented 29 cases of severe covid in the 3 months of monitoring - showing great efficacy. But sadly in the first month 112 severe adverse events were caused - showing poor safety and an overall negative outcome for the vaccine recipients.

>> No.15693737

I haven't heard a single person in real life talk about covid or the vaccine since the mandates and restrictions were permanently lifted in 2021. Why do news sites and other people online keep obsessing over it to this day? Biden's retarded requirements for federal contractors were overturned, no one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine, no one is dying of covid. It's literally over and has been for years but you keep talking about it, why?

>> No.15693772

>Why do news sites and other people online keep obsessing over it to this day?
15% of the population are still terrified of covid
15% of the population are awaiting an apology(or retribution)

>> No.15694267

say, you rock is cold this time of the year?
sorry for ugly link, im range banned from posting pics

>> No.15694317
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EZ AF: just look at the huge profits to know how effective it was.

>> No.15694326
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I will never forget or forgive, vaxxers need to be punished and suffer.

>> No.15694779
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they just lie

>> No.15694950

there is no covid faggot

>> No.15695103

>vaccines are poison and cause a myriad health issues
>deny all that and continue to push vaccines
>literally run paid marketing campaigns to normalize children being physically and cognitively disabled or dying
This is a new low.

>> No.15696004

>But sadly in the first month 112 severe adverse events were caused
what are the parameters for emergency approval?
it seems to be more dangerous than covid for most people

>> No.15696024

>how do they measure the effectiveness of the covid vaccine
Number of new neurological, oncological, cardiovascular and autoimmune diagnoses. And excess mortality. As long as the numbers keep rising the vaxx is effective.

>> No.15697219 [DELETED] 

They only care about it's effectiveness in terms of profits, the vax transferred trillions of dollars of wealth out of middle class savings an into the pockets of jewish pharma billionaires

>> No.15698217

They don't, they just publish whatever is politically expedient at the moment

>> No.15698443

>great injustice happens
>noone is held accountable
>"why do you guys keep talking about this, just be glad it's over, haha"
this is the attitude that lets these things happen

>> No.15698633

uhh thats the idea...

>> No.15698664
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well you cassnt, the math didnt add up you need to long. you can only evaluate its statistic efficiency.

>> No.15698668

or the ircumference of the earth take the meter walk around and tell me.

>> No.15698831

>I haven't heard a single person in real life talk about covid
so you never asked people why they all walk with a worthless paper masks?
>no one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine
if i can't keep my job or get a job this is an ultimatum to get the vaccine and a coercion

>> No.15698837 [DELETED] 
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>the mandates and restrictions were permanently lifted
How did they manage to produce a population of cattle THIS fucking stupid? Is there something in the water that makes people like this?

>> No.15698838

Where do you live where everybody wears masks? I live in a liberal area and even here 99% of people are maskless.

>> No.15698844
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>I live in a liberal area
Which one of these brown spots are you?

>> No.15698866
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when you type "haven't" did you refer to the current weeks or a few months ago?
anyway don't worry they are going to bring back the same restrictions soon enough

>> No.15698966

>so you never asked people why they all walk with a worthless paper masks?
They haven't done that in more than 2 years here.

>if i can't keep my job or get a job this is an ultimatum to get the vaccine and a coercion
The vaccine requirements were struck down like 6 months after they were put in place.

>How did they manage to produce a population of cattle THIS fucking stupid? Is there something in the water that makes people like this?
Are you saying the mandates haven't been permanently lifted? How do you know what's happening where I live?

>> No.15698978
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>> No.15699004

>giving a shit what "experts" say
lol, lmao

>> No.15699044

Trust the science. Stop asking questions. The vaccine is safe and effective.

>> No.15699049
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its hilarious to see them screeching about /pol/ being right while they are unable to stop the process

>> No.15699677


>> No.15699682
File: 25 KB, 473x557, 1640132122633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you saying the mandates haven't been permanently lifted?
Yes, you retard. Now that you and your likes have created this precedent, the most you'll ever get is "temporarily lifted" until they deem it "necessary" again.

>> No.15699691

Never masked, never vaxed, how am I to blame?

>> No.15699699

Did you oppose the mandates?

>> No.15699703

I didn't wear a mask and I didn't get the vax, not sure what else you mean. Writing my representatives? Going to protests? No, I didn't do those things, did you?

>> No.15699707

Did you at least condemn them when the subject came up? Do you at least condemn them now?

>> No.15699708

The vaccine was free dumb ass

>> No.15699713

Yes. The mandates were unconstitutional and immoral and I said as much when people asked why I didn't mask.

>> No.15699718

Then I stand corrected and retract my accusation. You're still a fucking retard for thinking that shit "permanently lifted" when at least have of the population has shown its willingness to comply with breaches of their rights in the name of security from a flu.

>> No.15699721

so how they pay for production?

>> No.15699727
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>I didn't pay for it, so that means no one paid for it!

>> No.15699732

It's money from the public purse, the public purse contains taxes(your money), states paid from the public purse for these vaccines

>> No.15699744

I don't care I'm not employed idiot

>> No.15699766

I assume you suffer from some sort of disability and receive welfare
so you get less benefits and allowance because your country paid for vaccines

>> No.15699770

I get the same NEETbux as always. I assume they just tax you extra. Wagies go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.15699785

>He is proud of it
Besides the fact that it's pathetic your economy is going to collapse and you have 0 survival skills to live in the woods.
enjoy your NEET bubble while it last jerking off to tranime on discord or whatever you stupid fat fuck

>> No.15699788

>your economy is going to collapse
I'll keep getting my NEETbux basically no matter what, even if they have to turn you into a slave to afford it. lol

>> No.15699795

You are a useless eater they will cut you first

>> No.15699806

>You are a useless eater
So are you. Just ask your masters. They'll work you to death and feed me with the fruits of your labor until it's time to kill us both. At least I'm having fun with what time we have while you work for me. :^)

>> No.15699819

go back

>> No.15699822

>i have no argument
I accept your sweet concession.

>> No.15700192

The government printed lots of money to buy the vaccines and keep the country locked down. We are paying for it via inflation right now and will continue to do so for some years.

>> No.15700215

The shutdown/mask mandate is being implemented again

The communists wants you to kow tow 3 times

>> No.15700886

If the government takes 40% of your money via taxes and then it takes half of what you've got left over by printing money for itself and devaluing your savings, how much of a portion of your money is the government taking?

>> No.15700921
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>> No.15702447

>how much of a portion of your money is the government taking?
are you asking about before or after you pay sales tax, gas tax, alcohol excise tax, cigarette tax, fireworks tax, state income tax, municipal income tax and property tax or after

>> No.15702631 [DELETED] 

if the jewish media says were overcounting then were actually undercounting.

>> No.15703431


>> No.15703460

>its over because i feel like its over, fuck the news and governments saying its not
whos the conspiracy theorist now

>> No.15703925

It's always been me.

>> No.15704706

>Why do news sites and other people online keep obsessing over it to this day?
CIA tells them to

>> No.15705374

How can they say that taking 20 vaccine before 1 year of age is safe when they have never tested it?

>> No.15706671
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>> No.15706773


>> No.15706815

There's no covid, there's no virus, there's no pandemic. No one has died from this imaginary virus, and no one has died for the imaginary vaccine.

>> No.15707895

Its easy to say that its not safe because Amish kids don't get the same medical problems vaxcattle babies do

>> No.15708468

Millions of stupid Anti Vaxxers have Died in agony

>> No.15709521
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>> No.15710175

RFK Jr is still a democrat and will still ruin the country. The antivax thing is a smokescreen being used by the media because antivax is hot right now and it distracts from the fact that he's just as bad a pick as any other democrat for all the same reasons.

>> No.15710429

how do i know you're dichotomous bootlicker cuntwise homo?

>> No.15711229

We need a libertarian president.

>> No.15711864
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>> No.15712819
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>> No.15714329

What kind of retarded question is that?
They just look at the hospitals covid patients vaccinated vs unvaccinated you stupid antivax /pol/schizos are retarded

>> No.15714617
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>> No.15715573

>They just look at the hospitals covid patients vaccinated vs unvaccinated

>> No.15716963 [DELETED] 

They use s o y e n c e

>> No.15718085

>until they deem it "necessary" again.
every four years, in order to justify mail in ballots

>> No.15718923
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>> No.15718942

The guy representing WHO in my contry held a press conference with the ministry of health in which he explained that they will give us certain number of vaccines and placebo but we wont know which is which but they will according the the serial number on the package.
Since this was medicine not approved for use in my county everyone participating signed agreement that they will be participating in this study just like any other experiment involving people.
The health system takes over after that and tracks how may are hospitalized for the flu even after taking the medicine thus measure effectiveness.

>> No.15718963

which country?
also does this study specify age groups and background diseases among the subjects?

>> No.15718969

third world
They didnt say just informed us of what they will be doing

>> No.15718985

>NO sweeping new government mandates
>NO permanent lockdowns
>NO permanent vaccine passports
Literally ONLY because people actively FOUGHT AGAINST THEM and made it politically impossible to actually implement those things. If everyone just freely went along with all of it then all of those things would have happened.

>> No.15719466
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People were able to know what was coming because people like Alex Jones were there to warn them

>> No.15719481

It is sad to admit that it is not only more reliable than news outlets but also from large areas of the scientific community

>> No.15719494

Yeah, it's like if someone eats well and exercises all their life and lives to be 100 and then on their death bed they lament that they shouldn't have eaten well or exercised because they lived to 100 so they must not have needed it, just completely oblivious to those things causing their long life in the first place.

>> No.15719960


>> No.15720699 [DELETED] 

>you will own plenty and you will be happy
>t. alex jones

>> No.15722078 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15722942

Its all made up numbers to justify a lockdown, so that they can train the population into obeying what their masters tell them to. Cattles dont care about what is truth.

>> No.15723831

>no mass side effects
"mass" is the keyword right?, did you see the pfizer document?
>no research proving issues
myocarditis and other heart complications maybe?
>no widespread panic
on each new variant
>mass birth defects
i'll give you that for now
>no sweeping new government mandates
see the news its coming
>no permanent lockdowns
see the news its coming
>no permanent vaccine passports
see the news its coming

>mRNA tech has proven itself a valid concept
answer OP question

>> No.15724385 [DELETED] 

no u

>> No.15725554 [DELETED] 
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>>mass birth defects
>i'll give you that for now
stillbirth is the worst of all birth defects

>> No.15726336

Is This thread Still Exist?!
WHy mode doesn't doing his Freaking Job?!

>> No.15726370

Because they're hiding the truth. The covid vaccine caused millions of deaths that they created.

Artificial virus they created in lab
Artificial vax they created in lab
Designed to kill people
Designed to make money
Designed to force people into becoming cattles

>> No.15726391
