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15702064 No.15702064 [Reply] [Original]

If its impossible to say how many glaciers there were in 1950, how is it possible to say there are fewer now?

>> No.15702066

If I poke a hole in a bucket and watch the water drain out I don't need to have a data set to say the water inside the bucket decreased over time.

>> No.15702206

>make up something not even close to what happened and then pretend it is similar to what happened

>> No.15702225

Source: homework.study.com
>iphone Screenshot
8/10 if you're trolling m8. The actual content is weak, that's like "it's impossible to know your exact weight down to the attogram", but the form is superb.

>> No.15702231

Couldn't glacial recession cause more glaciers?

>> No.15702250

Honestly? In number of glaciers? Probably. I recently saw the remnants of a once-mighty glacier in Switzerland. It was basically a rough valley with a bunch of patches of ice in some corners that don't get much sun and/or warm air. There were probably a dozen small bits of ice. So one glacier turned into twelve by losing most of its volume.
Also, everyone claiming that the glaciers aren't disappearing is a fucking pajeet who has never left his cloud of smog. I'm 32 and you can see the loss of glaciers just in pictures of me as a kid, youth and adult.

>> No.15702264

>my anecdotal observations are proof!

>> No.15702319

How long does it take for glaciers that formed during the little ice age to melt away?

>> No.15702345
File: 36 KB, 1000x750, 1950-_Glacier_annual_mass_change_-_World_Glacier_Monitoring_Service.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you'll have a problem with non-anecdotal observations, too.

>> No.15702351

I'm not the one who claimed 30 years of vacation pictures are definitive proof of anthropomorphic climate change.

>> No.15702354

>In number of glaciers?
Exactly. Volume of the pieces being independent from volume of the whole. None of this makes any sense lol

>> No.15702360

Hi, I'm new here, and I'd just like to say I think you're human fucking garbage, absolute trash, a real scumbag piece of shit.
Please KYS

>> No.15702460

Not him but how is he worse than any politician or other celebrity who abuses climate science while abusing the climate. I'd say whoever has the biggest audience is the worst.

>> No.15702474

if we don't get everyone to believe in a climate change disaster, there will be a climate change disaster!

>> No.15702853

Calm down, Cletus.

>> No.15702945

>if someone punched you, how would that make you feel
>no one punched me
>yes but imagine, what if someone punched you?
>but no one did punch me
Literal low IQ behavior

>> No.15702959

But the example is not the same as what happened.
You can't just make up a scenario that is halfway similar to something and then pretend it's the same scenario.

The above scenario would have to admit that he he never knew the starting point of how much water.
Do you think the scientists actually went out and watched glaciers melt?
You trust the science so much you are imagining a scientist in a boat watching a glacier melt?

>> No.15703069

about 500 years

>> No.15703428

So any currently melting glaciers are just the continuation of a natural process which started when the little ice age ended.
Was sea level lower during the little ice age?

>> No.15704503


>> No.15704611

brown teenagers are going to drown if you don't pay the carbon tax
just pay the fucking tax

>> No.15704632


>> No.15705544

so the mass of glaciers that formed during the little ice age started to shrink once the little ice age ended, how does that prove anything?

>> No.15705554

And if they drown, we won't be able to use your tax money to bomb them.
Pay the fucking tax

>> No.15706777

>Was sea level lower during the little ice age?

>> No.15706846
File: 23 KB, 406x395, check the date.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're assuming there is a hole in the bucket and then using that as evidence that the water inside the bucket decreased over time.
The problem is every single claim made by global warming advocates has been made a hundred times before in prior decades, and "NO ICE BY X DATE" is always proven wrong. It is a pseudoscience. The definition of a pseudoscience. Are your predictions wrong? You never made those predictions. Nobody ever believed that. Here are my new identical predictions.

>> No.15706869

>If its impossible to say how many glaciers there were in 1950
We've got well dated photographs of glaciers on mountains, which are clearly smaller now.

>> No.15706872

It proves that earth is warmer than it was during the little ice age.
>okay but so what

>> No.15706986

That is the sorry state of this board thanks to climate cultists.

>> No.15707860

the little ice age lasted 600 years and it ended in the late 1800s, during those 600 years ice accumulated the whole time and 600 years will be how long it takes for that ice to melt away

>> No.15707867

Global warming is just about as likely to lead to a rapid expansion in glaciers as it is to them retreating. Warmer oceans near the poles = significant increase in snowfall. Most glacial ice is near the poles where precipitation - the engine for glacial processes - is limited b/c of cold air masses. These regions are well below freezing on average, you could warm them up by 10 degrees C and they'd still be below freezing, just with a lot more snow. Not saying this is the case, but it is a whole lot less obvious than you think

>> No.15708241

>Warmer oceans near the poles = significant increase in snowfall
Temperature rise from +2 to +3? Please, a little bit more respect for the audience. This is too dumb, even for science frauds.

>> No.15708269

>doesn't even consider the argument, just spouts off with insults.

Humanity doesn't even seem interested in the truth anymore. 99% of people have picked their side and anything that sounds even remotely contradictory to their side's dogma is ridiculed and ignored.

>> No.15708273

>99% of people have picked their side and anything that sounds even remotely contradictory to their side's dogma is ridiculed and ignored.
Literally nothing wrong with this. It is not their business to worry about what's true with regard to your climate memes.

>> No.15709497
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its just is!
stfu and stop asking questions

>> No.15709506

If its impossible to say how many non-avian dinosaurs there were in 67 million BCE, how is it possible to say there are fewer now?

>> No.15710407

>muh reductio ad absurdum

>> No.15711790

>oy vey the world is coming to an end, better give all your money to the government to prevent it

>> No.15712859
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>> No.15713482



>> No.15713567

That’s the worst analogy I’ve ever heard
The Earth is not a bucket.
Most of the ice on Earth is not in inhabited areas either

>> No.15714514

>That’s the worst analogy I’ve ever heard
par for the course, people who think global warming is real are low iq

>> No.15715589

How long has the global warming scam been going on? I thought it only started in the 1980s

>> No.15716927 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 1088x1105, speilmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats when the UN officially started shilling it. Doomsday prophets have been around since the old testament days, always shilling the same lies which have never and will never come true, but theres always enough low IQ people to fall for the lies, so the doomsday prophets will continue working their scam until the end of time

>> No.15717938

if thats the case then why have (((the scientists))) been screeching about glaciers disappearing constantly for the past three decades?

>> No.15719445

Soientists will screech about anything if its a potential means of demanding more welfarebux soience gibes. They don't know how to earn money, so screeching and demanding welfarebux gibes is their only means of survival

>> No.15720591 [DELETED] 

they're like ghetto dwellers except they cost about 200x more per capita

>> No.15721933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15721969

Global Warming is just an updated version of Malthusianism, which is the idea that technological progress cannot keep up with population growth and eventually everyone will starve. Remember Onions Green? Yeah. That was on the tail end of it, and after that they refocused to global warming because it became increasingly clear that population growth wasn't causing major societal upheaval.

>> No.15723052

>brown teenagers are going to drown if you don't pay the carbon tax
if only it were true

>> No.15723086

He never said the bucket was inhabited, faggot

>> No.15724238 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 602x498, burpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the most disappointing thing about global warming, because its fake that means the promise of drowning coasties and starving third worlders is all big lie too

>> No.15725507 [DELETED] 
