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15716576 No.15716576 [Reply] [Original]

Why does gay sex feel pleasurable if the anus didn’t evolve to have anything inserted into it?

>> No.15716584

a parasitic infection could alter the behavior of human males to do so perhaps.
but that would be too antisemitic for everyone apparently.

>> No.15716587

>gays are parasite riddled jews
This is your mind on /sci/zo

>> No.15716588
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Because you've psychologically conditioned yourself into enjoying sodomy, as history has shown people can even get off from someone chopping their genitals off and eating them, that doesn't mean it's normal and should be accepted in society

>> No.15716591

>chopping their genitals off and eating them
How is this comparable or analogous to buttsex in any way

>> No.15716596

Because just like faggotry it is a fetishistic desire born from psychological conditioning

>> No.15716597

Your mom must be pretty good at mental gymnastics then

>> No.15716598

Regardless of whether or not this is true what objective reasons are there not to engage in anal sex.

>> No.15716600

The prostate being stimulated causes orgasm. It's a physiological response, not a psychological one. Christards are so dumb
>erm I didn't say I was a Christard, thoughbeit I am
Only Christards call gay sex "sodomy" the root word is the fictional biblical (redundant I know) town of Sodom.

>> No.15716602

>putting words were there are none
I'd say 92% of all gay men, are gay because they are infected by parasites that are altering their behavior.
in military I had seen a gay man straight up after the chef gave him a mixture of anthelmintics and dewormed him.
also jews get really uncomfortable when you talk about deworming and get really angry at you.

>> No.15716604
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It is not normal just like letting someone chop off your flesh and eat it
>The prostate being stimulated causes orgasm. It's a physiological response, not a psychological one
That would mean dudes would be cumming just from taking a shit, you retarded faggot

>> No.15716611

The prostate has to be somewhere, it just happened to be close enough to the rectum.

>> No.15716612

this is a fake question because everyone feels better after taking a giant shit, OP is probably a groomer

>> No.15716614

>That would mean dudes would be cumming just from taking a shit, you retarded faggot
Do you think orgasm from vaginal sex is psychological because otherwise you'd cum from your dick touching your underwear, or holding it while peeing?

>> No.15716616
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the worst part about christards?
they are following an carefully altered bible.
they are not even real christians.
if they want the real deal, they should learn ethiopian and seek the real bible there.
which talks about radically different things, these healings and blessings were nothing more than deworming.

>> No.15716618

prostate orgasm isnt real, its the same concept as squirting

>> No.15716622
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The penis is a sex organ, your asshole is not, heterosexual relations are biologically ingrained from birth due to it being necessary for reproduction and the survival of our species, anything else is mental illness

>> No.15716626

Do you cum every time your dick gets rubbed a little in your pants? Oh wait, it probably does lol.

>> No.15716629
File: 73 KB, 290x216, Skärmavbild 2023-09-03 kl. 19.49.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because if you get past all the shit and bacteria, you can tickle the prostate through the rectal wall. If you're a normal human being, you would just use this nerve however, which is a direct extension of the prostate. You don't have to go through shit and bacteria.

>> No.15716630

>heterosexual relations are biologically ingrained from birth
The possible accuracy of this statement has no bearing on the fact that when continuously stimulated, males reach orgasm via the prostate. It's literally experimentally verified.

>> No.15716633

My asshole is God.

Checkmate, I...

>> No.15716636

>The possible accuracy of this statement has no bearing on the fact that when continuously stimulated, males reach orgasm via the prostate. It's literally experimentally verified.
This does not happen unless you've psychologically conditioned yourself to enjoy sticking things up your ass, normal people do not get enjoyment out of this

>> No.15716641

>psychologically conditioned yourself to enjoy sticking things up your ass
What would this even entail? Are you claiming nobody has ever orgasmed the first time they used an anal vibrator because they lacked the psychological conditioning?

>> No.15716642

let me give you something to think, what if jesus was a doctor and a man of science besides being a carpenter? how else would he heal people from their ailments.
and that's why I believe they hated him, he actually dewormed people through whatever he studied or discovered and made a bible to save his brethren.
beyond that if jesus was in the modern world he would instantly figure out what causes homosexuality and attack the root.
some gays may be genetically predisposed but the majority? there's no doubt they are infected by parasites that are altering their very behavior and indulge in degeneracy.
try it.
buy ivermectin and make a gay man eat it, there's a 80% chance he'll immediately go to the bathroom and deworm, then say he ain't gay no more.

>> No.15716644

What causes a human being to get to this point? Or is this the natural state of a human, and careful education is required to break someone out of this gullibility?

>> No.15716645

>”Ooh anon call me a bad girl”
>”No. You have only been psychologically conditioned to find that arousing, and therefore It is wrong. I will now engage with missionary sex with you for 3 minutes. Prepare.”

>> No.15716658

You are so low iq you make everyone who holds your position look bad.

Does every dude cum when their dick rubs against their underwear? No. There are a few edge cases where they are hypersensitive, but in general no. Excess repetitive stimulation. There's a definite psychological component however to ignore a basic biological fact that there is a definite physiological response makes you a retard. Intentionally retarded. Im not even the other person. The idea that you thought this reply was a gotcha is the most insane thing to me.

You can make an argument that homosexuality can have negative consequences on society, personal health, or personal well-being . But all of those are context dependent (just like everything in all of existence and the situations where there a general rule stands out are cases where there is an underlying contextual similarity) All of those rely on how an individual conducts themselves and how this specific behavior increases the risks of negative outcomes. Even so it doesn't even prove the behavior is the fundamental source of the negative outcomes. You could at least make that kind of argument, but just mindlessly reacting to every thing that would give a more nuanced understanding makes you completely incapable of holding any credible belief.

You are honestly a bigger fag for how much you jerk off in your own echo chamber of beliefs. If you are going to be an idiot about something at least have some spirit to actually figure out a proper understanding instead of pretending you have any idea you know what you talk about. This applies to everything not just your retarded anti fag argument.

>> No.15716661

learn how a mental illness is defined. Not even saying homosexuality isn't a mental illness (not saying it is either). But you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Would be safe to say you are probably the one with some kind of mental disorder.

>> No.15716663
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I could show you.
but then again, just to save yourself the shame of being wrong you'll simply rage quit.
besides the proof of my statement comes from other people sharing their experience on other boards.
here's a pdf with the information collected so far.
a protocol to keep your body safe from unwanted parasites and fungus.
so far, most gays are gay because they are infected by a parasite making them behave in such a way.
the small minority of gays are predisposed via genetics to be that way.

>> No.15716671
File: 125 KB, 609x607, 1458235045490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Why would one shove a vibrator up their ass unless they wanted it in the first place?
>comparing playful namecalling with shoving things up your ass
TL;DR, you're a mentally ill faggot

>> No.15716678
File: 777 KB, 702x932, fotor_2023-3-29_0_54_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try it but it is highly unlikely that you'll follow through.
besides it's natural to be skeptical, I look like a crazy man trying to sell snake oil or something.
but so far I had seen results being conclusive.

>> No.15716679

Even if this isn't some crackpot idea and there is some actual merit to the case presented in your screenshot. It doesn't mean it would actually apply to the general population. Like at least this argument could hold some biological basis on how a worm could have disruptive effects on hormone levels and in turn modulating the "normal" sexually function and behavior.

Still no evidence or data on how many people this theory would apply to. And not being honest about that fact just makes it look like you want to force a belief ie bad science

>> No.15716680

>You said thing! Thing shocks my narrow worldview!
This will never be anything but cope. People are gonna do things that gross you out. Only babies throw tantrums over it.

>> No.15716682

only person here radiating mental illness and making retarded comparisons is you

>> No.15716685
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>People are gonna do things that gross you out.
And those people must be eradicated
>when your brain is so rotted from aids you can't do anything but project

>> No.15716686

>Yes? Why would one shove a vibrator up their ass unless they wanted it in the first place?
Because they're experimenting? Ever heard of college?
I dont even know why I'm arguing with you though. The fact continued stimulation of the prostate achieves orgasm is as definitive and uncontroversial a sex fact as they come. You are a zealot living in lala land incapable of understanding that other people can have a different base experience of life than you. And that itself is far worse a fate and punishment for you than anything I could dream up.

>> No.15716697
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>Because they're experimenting? Ever heard of college?
I haven't heard of a single dude here shoving things up their ass because they're "experimenting", you don't "experiment" unless you're already a faggot to some degree and have an interest in shoving things up your ass, fun fact - if you stop watching porn, shoving things up your ass and thinking about gay shit you will revert back to heterosexuality, almost like that's the way you're meant to be or something, but go on, keep deluding yourself into thinking that you are anything but a disgusting fetishist indulging in hedonism, you are not normal and you will never be accepted outside of your own delusional community of sodomites

>> No.15716698

I would be weary of some of these people in these screenshots. Especially that YouTube one. Delusional parasitosis is a thing.

You have said nothing substantial. Just mindlessly reacting. It is your choice to pretend you are actually saying something but it only makes you a less capable person.

>> No.15716699
File: 710 KB, 702x873, fotor_2023-3-29_0_53_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still no evidence or data on how many people this theory would apply to. And not being honest about that fact just makes it look like you want to force a belief ie bad science
and that's the thing.
I also think it is bad science or at best, a early discovery of something more.
so far, I became a test subject and it worked wonders.
the bad thing here is that even if it worked, it's still a literal experiment.
but I choose to believe in it and I will accept it if someone can't or won't, it's part of the process of science after all.
you can expect a rage and insults when you propose something preposterous.
in conclusion, part of me believes and know this is true but also the other agrees with you totally.
take it or leave it.

>> No.15716700

You know, you can just say “I hate fags”, right? It’s 4chan, you don’t have to pretend to have some kind of rationale, then act like the fact you had none all along makes you an epic winner. I hope this thread is in your thoughts and you find some acceptance for yourself next time you whack off to picrel

>> No.15716703

Totally fair and reasonable. You are much better off than that other poster

Have a lovely day <3

>> No.15716707
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>Delusional parasitosis is a thing.
that's also a thing.
which is why I am 50/50 with this stuff.
but also...take this into consideration https://archive.is/oO9aO#selection-819.0-830.0
you see the trap but you have no idea what I'll do or what will happen if you spring it.
it is annoying and it is why I am carefully studying this stuff.

>> No.15716728

/russian general/

>> No.15716729

>you don't "experiment" unless you're already a faggot to some degree and have an interest in shoving things up your ass, fun fact - if you stop watching porn, shoving things up your ass and thinking about gay shit you will revert back to heterosexuality
I'm sure you're speaking from personal experience. What psychologically conditioned you to be gay, may I ask?

>> No.15716741

I believe his dad or uncle was first time.
in the exact same way he was taught to ride a bike.
from behind.

>> No.15717315
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>mfw this whole thread

>> No.15717347
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